(2008/04) April 2008

nana - does the california baby mozzies repellent work?

stefylim,cath - will consider calling pest control. But like cath said, fumigation only helps temp, a few days later, the mozzies are back again. My gal has mosquito net around her cot, but somehow the mozzies still manage to bite her while she sleeping. Will try the lavender gel...thanks!!

Anyone else who have any other suggestions pls share with me....i'm desperate!!

Hi sputnik

have to check her cot before putting your gal in.Sometimes the mozzies will hide in there. then must tug the mosquito net tight so that mozzies will not fly in.
hope all mummies and babies enjoyed the long weekend
hugs to all babies feeling under the weather, bring Adel for her pneumococcal vaccination next week, really worried she'll get a fever and all, she's already cranky as it is with her teething. sigh.. still no sight of her frst tooth!

Adel finally took her first steps today, but very very tiny steps, hope she'll gain more confidence and start walking soon, my secret wish is for her to walk before my sis's wedding dinner in 2 weeks' time hahaha.. nowadays bring her shopping or anywhere even to the supermarket she'll wan to come down and 'walk', meaning either me or hubby has to be her walking stick, bending over her and lending her our hand to hold on to, damn tiring!
sputnik, do u have california baby's calendula cream? i use that for Adel's bites and they seem to heal faster. me living on 16th foor also have mozzie flying around

so far i've tried the mosquito patch (the bear print one from BP) and the california baby bug spray, both seemed to keep the mozzies at bay. but me and hubby always kena. either the 2 items really work or the mozzies just prefer adults?
Lynn, enjoy the early stage of them trying to walk... i prefer them wanting us to hold their hands... but now jayden wants to roam on his own and shake our hands off when we want to hold his hands...
I used this white cream that my hubby's family gotten from their malaysia's GP... no brand but very effective... I used it for Jayden and then mozzie bites goes off in about 3 days still ( the serious ones). Jayden has bites on his face too. Geez... terrible mozzies. so worried that they left marks. luckily it will go off.

Hmmm... cos no brand, so dare not to recommend. If you wanna try, can get it fr me.
Winter, jayden has brown hair fr me. But both myself and hubby are not mix... oops... Oh no... where did the child come from...? :p
tried giving Adel ABC pasta with homemade pasta sauce - tamatos, garlic, onions, mushroom and pork with a bit of sea salt for seasoning. she likes the novelty of it I think, but didn't manage to eat a full meal portion.. but after that evening time she happily eat her porridge already. was starting to fuss again with her morning cereal feed and porridge so i tot let her try something else, maybe she's bored with the taste and texture already.

mummies what do u give for breakfast? not enough time to cook porridge for her 8am feed plus i dun like the idea of the pot of porridge standing out in our warm weather for the entire day till dinnertime.. running out of cereals and dunno if wanna buy somemore cos she doesn't seem to like cereals anymore..
if u r a SAHM...try to bring her out to eat...
or add more flavours to the porridge...

my mil will bring my ger out when she goes marketing and she eat..."slice fish meat mian xian"...
sometimes porridge outside, bao, fried carrot cake etc...

afternoon will be either noddles soup(home cooked) or porridge/rice...
Hi Sputnik,

I stay at Serangoon Garden and this place has many mozzies coz of very old houses. In the past, my place had many mozzies and my son was bitten many times as well.
What i do is i call NEA to come and check my house and the surrounding houses for mozzies but make sure your in law's house does not have mozzies if not will get fine :p If there are many mozzies around, usually there is a breeding ground nearby and NEA will look for it and ask the owner to clear it. I also ask my maid to spray baygon morning and night around the inside house (when baby is not nearby) almost daily but must air the room after awhile. I also use mozzie net for both the playpen and the cot and lastly i apply California Baby bug repellant cream on my son's exposed body area everyday :p
It seems to work and do make a point to call NEA often whenever the mozzies start to appear more again and nowadays there are less mozzies at my place and the most i get bitten once in every few days. I myself used to have 6-7 bites on some evenings :p

Also like what Cath mentioned, Lavender scent will keep the mozzies away as well which is better than spraying too much pesticide. Can try lavender essential oil on an electric burner for a stronger effect. For bites near the hands or eyes, i just leave it alone and don't apply cream as they may rub that area and the cream may go into their eyes or put their hands/fingers into their mouth..
Hi Mummies,

Is there ways to reduce phlegm?

Kiefer was running a fever of 39degree celsius on Labour Day!!! My hubby and I had to send him to Mount A 24hrs clinic that day...

Doctor diagnosed him with throat infection..
Luckily, his fever subsided on Saturday but now he has lots of phlegm in his throat... he cried whenever he saw the syringe filled with medicine.. so heartpain!
hihi everyone, hope all babies who are sick are on their way to recovery...

my camera ran out of batt on saturday..so who would be so kind as to email me the original res pics...pls help!! =(

hope everyone had a good time! we enjoyed it, tho sean only warmed up at the very end..such a whiny boy! haha...


I still have 2 goodie bags with me, I suspect is Claire's and Gideon. Let me know how I can pass you or how you want to collect from me ya! =) PM me.

I used california bugs repellent & bugslock on my last trip back to Indo and it seems to work. Alaric doesnt get mozzie bites while both me and hubby kena bites. So, I would think the products work.

mummies...any idea whether the phelgm swallowed by babies will pass out thru their stools? my son has been coughing for weeks and since then, he has watery/ mucus stools.

I still have 2 goodie bags with me, I suspect is Claire's and Gideon's. Let me know how I can pass you or how you want to collect from me ya! =) PM me.

Did anyone collect for Hoon/Javier?

I only have 2 bags left n it seems 3 babies have not gotten...=(

First come first serve okie...I duno how come we may be missing 1...


watery stools is it due to the medication? have you checked with the PD?
na_na , sputnik : I am also using the the california bugs repellent spray... So far very effective and it smell nice
and it's organic..

Also thanks to a wonderful apr mum, she given me a repellent card which can be place near the baby e.g. on the stroller or the diaper bag.

Hope Dana , Elijah , Gideon , Maddy get well soon.
any mummies here given bottled birdnest/self cooked bird nest to their little ones direct?

me taking birdnest for this preg...
so thinking of giving a few mouthful to my #1...
Cath, your Jayden is very cute lah! Hee...

Adele, too bad Gideon is sick...was looking forward to catching up with you wor!

Thanks so much to Maomi, Winter, Angel and Maro for organising the birthday bash. Hee... think i enjoyed myself alot too... very tired after the whole event in fact. LOL!
Hi Be@ns,

My doc mentioned before that babies do not know how to cough out the phlegm like we do but they would swallow it and pass it out in their motion. However if the problem persists, I think it's better to consult the PD. For my child, I normally consult PDs who are specialized in coughs, asthmas etc
For persistent coughing, I have seen a few mummies recommending Hou Ning from Eu Yan Seng.
Hope this helps.
Hi mummies..

Yeah, me too enjoy the saturday work out..
same as maomi, my camera battery also run out, pls pm me the group photo is possible, appreciate it.. Cheers

My boy also added into the bb sick list
start coughing and flu yday, night fever lucky today ok.. but see doc, lung not clear so on antibiotics now.. hope all babies are well fast fast :p

my son down with fever for 1 week le, doc prescribe antiiotics, but adised that only give when the fever din subside..i gave him the antibiotics yest, fever seems like going down, but very worried coz he has been sick for 1 week. and the worse part is we already book tivket to HK this fri.somemore got the swine flu..the agency not allow us to make any changes leh..so i called my PD, ask for his advise, c whether my bb can travel or not
really sway...
how worrying! i'd be cautious about bringing baby with low immunity to a risky location, but the loss of ticket value is painful on wallet ya.
Re: April Bash
A big thanks for the organiser. =D My Kayden turn to little monster playing around. Enjoy meeting up all the mummies there and their little ones.
Hi mummies,

Any suggestion for good childcare? I am going to start looking for 1, to place Kayla in when she turns 18mths or when she turns 2. Depending on situation. But I am completely lost in how i should start and what to look out and if there are any good reviews of childcare. I hope to get a childcare near towner/bendemeer or potong pasir. Any recommendation?

jaspire, i am aso looking for CC/playgrp. Looking at bukit panjang now, boon keng also in consideration. bukit panjang CCs i have seen 2...both not to my liking...=(
As for boon keng, not too familiar..so would welcome recommendations too!
any mums shower their babies without tub anymore...as in use the shower head..i am doing this now but end up getting wet too..is there a proper way to do this so we don't get wet?
Hi Maomi,
I am also staying at Bt Panjang area. I am considering putting my girl at Learning Ladder opposite ten mile junction/ Montesorri at ten mile junction or apage at cashew heights condo.

But I haven go and look at them yet...
Hihi Shelyn!

I called Learning Ladder b4, it seems they only take in kids coming to 3 yrs, so our babies are out, unless the lady told me wrongly.

Apage @cashew heights, that I didn't consider...let me know how it is ya!

I went to Kinderland and Seedling Patch, both small, old and not so clean, I feel. So I am not comfortable.
Hi mummies, i have 2 samples pack of formula to give away. Its Progress Gold (From Wyeth), for age 1 to 3 yrs old. Each pack is 700grams with expiry date on 07/10/2010. Anyone interested can email me at [email protected]... Collection place will be at either Punggol, Yishun or Harbour Front Mrt Stn. Thanks & take care!
farah, I also just use the shower head. I feel it's easier this way. My gal will stand and both hands support on the wall but she tends to move around so got to always pull her back.
won't leh, i tried to keep a distance. Normally I stand when showering her. Did you use sponge or hankie? I didn't... i just directly soap her and use water to wash away.
Hi Esther, can your gal walk already? cos my gal still cant walk steadily, i wonder if i use shower head will cause her to slip?
My gal can walk quite ok le. But I think showering is ok once she can stand steadily but just scare she will want to move ard. Also abit headache if she decide to sit on the floor during/after bathing... my gal always do that. Dun know delibrate or not.. ;p
haha.. ok.. maybe i'll give it a try tis weekend when her daddy is not working.. i find tat showering might save more water than using the bath tub. ^^
