(2008/04) April 2008

This yr learning ladder actually has class for 18 months and above. When I called, the person also says they decided not to have it for the next 2 yrs.. maybe 18mths are too much of a headache for them haha

Agape at cashew is a new branch. I think shd be quite good. I called up to ask but din go and see yet. They say supposed to cater to those staying in the condo but since it's a mature estate, not many small babies so they open to public. Since it's for those staying in condo, I think muz be of some standard cos the parents and grandparents sure go and see the kids very often.

There's also a citikids at bt panjang ring rd I think look quite ok from the pamphlet. I haven go rackey at any of the centre yet. still not confirmed whether wan to put her in cos scared of her getting sick frequently

Hi Maomi and others, if you can't view the pics of group photo on fB and need the soft copies, pls let me know ur email address...

<font color="aa00aa">Morning Mummies..</font>

mushloom, cath,
added u on FB

pm u also to email me the group photos.. :p

Anyone has given cordyseps b4 to bb, heard can reduce phlegm.. any idea?

shelyn: citikids is where, do you have the website or contact details? I can call n find out hee hee...

as for agape...it's a lil far...but if good then gotta put in more effort...price is also in consideration!
the citikids pamphlet at home so i cant give u details yet. will provide more details when i get home.

I called agape before to ask about their childcare. full day charges is (850 - 300 subsidy) = 550. Half day is (750 - 150 subsidy) = 600. So half day actually cost more than full day haha....

I have been using the showerhead for my boy for the past few wks which he enjoyed immensely. My hubby let him sit on a small stool while showering him plus his rubber bath toys.

Hi Maro,

I have started giving my boy cordyceps when he was 11 mths old. My boy always has chesty coughs. I've seeked the chinese physician and eu yan seng's advice. Cordyceps is good for strengthening their lungs. I give him about once every 2-3 wks. However you cannot give your child cordyceps when he is not fully recovered.


anyone has feedback on schoolhouse by the bay @ mountbatten and shaw house @ katong?
Re: Coughing

Maro &amp; Be@ns: Can I ask if the babies are coughing the whole day? Xavier is coughing again. But strange enuf is during his sleep. When he is active, no cough. He will cough till he wakes up crying. Any solution? I gave him Hou ning previously, but dun work for him.
shelyn, I went for the agape open hse in Mar09. Was told that the fee is $800 - $300 subsidy = $500. No half day though. Maybe different branch charges differently.
Hi Caitlin,
I think schoolhouse by the bay is the same company as learning ladder. Very difficult to find feedback about their schools leh... I searched through internet several times still can't find much feedback about them.

But my mum says learning ladder is quite good.. and their fees according to her is around 1k but don't know it's per month or per term
Hi shelyn,

Schoolhse by the bay is the same company as learning ladder. I did not manage to find any feedback on them too. I have emailed them abt the fees structure. If u are interested, I can email to u. 1k is for full day..
shelyn, I din go for the one at cashew as cck is nearer to my place. Probably really different branch different rate. Think tiis is practised quite commonly among the childcare ctrs. I know MMI also like that.
Hi Caitlin,
Yup I'm interested can u email to me at [email protected] Thanks
I emailed learning ladder many months ago but no response from them.

Anyone has any feedback about montessori at ten mile junction? I think MMI is still quite popular issit?
Hi Esther,
So what do u think of the agape at cck?
I think standards wont be too far off from each other. I still have not seen the one at cashew.
i did enquire fr schoolhse by the bay for my elder girl last time but their program doesnt fit my requirements. moreover i hv feedbacks fr some mummies that there are some HFMD confirm cases there so its not on my list liao.

for shaws, i did shortlist but due to the surrounding construction sites, i decide to give it a miss. my elder girl now is in MMI katong.
personally i like the environment coz its clean. teachers are nice &amp; caring. your sil may like to try out the mother &amp; toddler class which is held on every sat morning (1hr) to let your nephew familiarise the environment &amp; teachers. this is what i did for my girl before putting her in the half day program. so far i can see my girl is learning well so i will put my boy there when the time comes.

but location is at katong shopping centre which some ppl may not like. as there are billard centres on the 1st &amp; 3rd flr so some may find it rowdy. the school is on the 4th flr.
Xav's mummy,
yeah, my boy same. day time ok, night cough a lot. chinese say 'leng sau' (or cold cough) so avoid fruits first and barley or ju hua which will trigger more cough or phlegm.

houning works previously for my boy. gonna get it today, hope it's okie.. heard from my colleague there is another one from EYS that is called 'Hou San', even better to treat cough and pleghm but also more ex. u may wan to check at EYS!


oops but this kan cheong mummy already give in the morning
think will give again when he fully recovered. Thanks.
Re: Coughing
My boy is now coughing less, in fact when he sleeps, none. But still having watery stools, so bringing him back tot the doc tomorrow. Sigh...has been > 2wks.
shelyn, personally I like the place. Thought the teachers looked very caring... but hor, that is the first and only childcare ctr I've been to so not sure what is the usual standard. For me, I'm quite keen to enrol my gal in that childcare ctr as it is just apposite my hse.

Btw, anyone know if full time property agent able to claim the full $300 childcare subsidy?

since its franchise, different branch programs varies. so i'm not sure if they hv the sat mother &amp; toddler class. but basically their main program &amp; teachings are the same.
Childlife items are here .. Can come and collect at my place. Please transfer to DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 accordingly.

Childlife colostrum powder @sgd$26 each. -fixed.
1-6. jaspire
7. sherin

Childlife Cod Liver Oil Strawberry Flavor @sgd$24 each.-fixed.
1. sherin
2. Choc
3. Choc
4. maomi
5. maomi
6. angel
7. Mummyfel
8. jules mum
9-12. jaspire
13. Maddy

Childlife Multi Vitamin &amp; Mineral Liquid @sgd$18 each-fixed.
1. jules mum
2. jules mum
Summer mama, congrats! Hahaha so happy for you :D

Prawnie, hope Xavier gets well soon. MIght be having "cold cough" at night, so can dress him up warmer. Not sure if this can help, maybe the milk feed at night try to give earlier.
mummies, good morning. I had to share this.

In the past few weeks, I was kinda sitting on the fence over the 'Aware' saga. To me, I dun understand why a bunch of women are so power crazy and free to fight over the exco positions. But this morning, a colleague forwarded me this link which made me rethink my stand. MOE has finally suspended Aware's sexuality programme today but the move might have come a tad too late. I am surprise how come the content of the programme wasn't vetted and approved before it's being taught in classrooms.

To know what the 12-year olds are learning about sex and sexuality, read on - http://tampinescourt.blogspot.com/2009/04/has-moe-lost-its-mind.html
Summer mama
Congrats! Do take care.

me oso thinking which CC to send my boy 2, mayb will send him 2 cherie hearts @ cashew, still considering
Summer mama - congras. Seems like the baby dust is spreading

Shelyn : I am looking for playgroup at BP area too. But the one (DazKids, I think) which my elder niece went to not so good already, (according to MIL) cause the good teachers all not there already. So now need to look for another one fast cause my younger niece is turning 18 mths in another 2 mths.
Re : Mozzies
I am a KS mum, I dap 'Chang Mao Oil' on the mosiquto net. Double protection. And when I go out, I use buglock. So far so good.
Hi Angel,

I read the blog...the content of the programme is totally insane and absurb! How could they teach the teenagers that... gosh!
angel...i read part of the blog too...alamak...
how come they teaching a 12 year old such things...

i tink during my time..onli teach us how to us pad... then the organs nia... no such "details"!!
regarding the AWARE saga over the sexuality education, the 'Basic Instructor Guide' is meant only as a reference for the instructor. The contents are never explictly 'taught' like in a classroom with right or wrong answers nor students told what is the 'definiton' of the various terms.

In sexuality education, the purpose is for awareness and the instructor do not impose moral judgements nor dictate what's right or wrong. That is the same even for MOE's own sexuality education courses. Like if a student approach a teacher (not instructor) and confides that he/she has homosexual tendancies we CANNOT tell the student if that is a right/wrong thing nor impose our value judgement on them. When it comes to sexuality education, we CANNOT teach nor preach moral values. That is MOE's stand. I think a lot of parents are concerned about the issue abt imposing the 'wrong' values on their child, but teachers cannot teach moral values. It has to be infused by their parents. A lot of parents do not understand the zillion boundaries that a teacher has been explictedly told not to overstep.

I do think the AWARE issue was blown out of proportion by parties who are more interested in diverging the attention away from the power struggle going on.
Adel took her first unassisted steps today! She just did it spontaneously after her shower to 'run away' from getting dressed

It's such a wonderful surprise even though she had been progressing over the past month from leaning heavily on support to lightly holding on to one hand and 'walking'. Although she walked like a zombie (both hands outstretched in front of her), she still looks so super cute!
Hi Chewy,
I didn't know there's so many mummies and babies in this thread staying at BP. Maybe next time our kids can be classmates hehe

the citikids details is as follows: Blk 450 Bt Panjang Ring Rd #01-595. Tel 67628330, email [email protected]
Chewy &amp; Luann_mummy: Thanks ! Xav is much better. I brought him to Eu Ren Sheng at Plaza Sing. After one dosage his cough is better. No more coughing last night. Think Chinese medicine works when the western med can't. Think I will bring him to chinese sin seh *touchwood* should he fall sick the next time.

Summer_mama: Congrats on the good news !!!
Lynn.. hmm..JMHO, homosexual actions are not right and shld not be encourage or be seen as "nothing is wrong". However, we not to judge the individual if they have chosen to be who they are, cos' that is not respecting individuals.

For example, is it right to abandon your parents just because they are old and maybe they didnt do their parts as parents when you were younger. We cannot encourage ppl to abandon their parents or be condone unfilial children as a society. A society has to be build on some kind of common moral ground. And homosexual actions is immoral in our society.

I know what you mean, but what I'm trying to say is that we teachers are not allowed to pass value judgements on whether such acts are right/wrong or morally correct or not. Just like we are not allowed to say if pre-martial sex is right/wrong, the most we can say is to wait till marriage but we can't tell studnets point blank that its wrong to engage in sexual acts outside of marriage. We just are NOT ALLOWED to teach students morals when it comes to sexuality education. If parents want teachers to teach what's right or wrong when it comes to sexual acts they have to question MOE why they do not allow us to do that.

But of cos the usual civics and moral education program weekly in schools still teaches students the right morals and values.
Lynn .. understand now. Will there be less restriction in Govt-Aided?
Anyway, just to share regarding to the AWARE saga.. One of my neighbour went down to the EGM told me that of those "new exco" are really rude. They actually shout across the room to ask ppl to "SHUT UP and LISTEN".
the foogo is popular, good for 1 meal outside, small capacity can feed direct fm container. heat retention i hear a few hours, cannot keep full day lah. now got BP cheepcheep. how's your girl doing?
Happy Mother's Day to all mummies!

May all babies eat well, sleep well and behave well to reward all mummies for their hard work for the past year

xav's mummy,
u know wat the medication EYS gave? I went to Bedok branch and bought the hou ning, hv not given my boy, planned tml. the staff there not very helpful, i ask lots of questions but nv entertain me
