(2008/04) April 2008

jules' mum,
I can understand how you feel
coz my one huh... now only 7.3kg. 3rd percentile... Bring her to the playground downstairs, the di di mei mei there all taller than her and bigger than her... I already give up liao... console myself that for a gal small size is good... haiz... And its not like she is not eating... she is eating quite alright lor, takes 3 meals a day the amt of porridge she is eating is between 1/2 to 3/4 the rice bowl that adults use and taking 5 milk feeds a day between 150ml to 180ml each feed plus all the lup lup sup sup we feed her when we eat... dunno where did it all go??? On a side note... she has 16 teeth now... hehe...

amy : at last I found at e low percentile! haha. I always tot ju e only one. like wat u mentioned, ju eats normally too. not a very big eater I think average but dunno why still so skinny. gal small size cute le. petite. boys when grow up, small size not nice. example taiwan host jiao jiao. Hehe. but my hb not very big la. so maybe he's like daddy.

16 teeth is alot! I wish julian teeth come out quick. haha.
Any babies started eating steamed rice instead of porridge?Just started Kayla on it and she loves it. Can finish one chinese bowl now.

And she is like crazy now. Drinks 250ml of milk per feed for 4 feeds a day now. Perhaps another spurt.
Lynn: that day I saw Adel, she looks heavier n taller than Kayla leh. Maybe she's lighter-boned.

Amy: am sure yan will catch up soon.
Calamari, no leh, think Kayla definitely taller. Adel is only 8kg and 69cm now leh. Like not growing except head size hahaha..

Adel now doesn't like porridge with meat/veg inside. Now I steam her the rice/porridge alone then gotta cook her one dish like stirfry then she'll eat. Very mafan cos meat she can;t chew yet, so after stirfry gotta mince the meat with grinder. Adding minimal seasoning but think the stirfry gives the meat and veg more flavour as opposed to just boiling it in the pot of porridge.
Lynn: haha I know what u mean, my girl also like only head size grow keke. Any signs of teeth yet? My girl's got 7 teeth since 9 months but stagnant until last week when her 8th one finally sprouted. What about fruits? Does she eat softer fruits like papaya, Peckham pear, plums, bananas?
he takes after his papa..big boned

He was a small bb when he was born.
dun worry too much..If Adel is eating well and normal then is ok
I m ok as long as my boy finish up his food everyday..
Ya lor... she got nothing but teeth... I think the tooth fairy can stop visiting her for a while liao...

Jules' mum,
My gal face round round one lor... bluff ppl one... looking at her pics always think she chubby but actually she is not lor...

Haiz, I give up liao... as long as she is eating properly, sleeping properly, the rest doesn't really matter to me...
hi mummies,

has ur boi sleep tru d night?my boi still waking up at mid nite, not only 1 time, infact, many time. He can wake up at 10pm, 12, 2am, 3.30, 4 plus, then 5 plus, and wake up at 7am..me cant tahan liao.
piggy mine oso wakes up at intervals at nite for comfort feed. i lazy to handle him so juz let him latch. he would sleep once he is done.

my boy would sleep on my bed first. after he is sound asleep, i would move him to his cot where he would sleep until he wan a dose of comfort feed. afterwhich if i put him back in cot he would wake up very often, stand at his cot, make noise n attempt to climb over his cot.

watch tv
my boy also will watch tv at close distance. he would bang the screen as if those characters will produce music like his toys.

feeding wise.... ivan is getting picky. having a hard time feeding him dinner. can anyone advise if i am feeding too much? his meal is as follows
8am: cereal
10: about 180ml milk
1pm: bowl of porridge
3pm: abt 180 milk
6pm: bowl of porridge
8.30pm: either 200ml milk or bowl of cereal depending on whether he finishes his porridge ornot

i have a feeling tat he is too full to eat. but not sure leh....
I have gave Eshin rice instead of porridge oredi since last week. Ya he love rice 2. I cook rice then cook fish with brocoli soup then pour into the rice & feed him. He like it alot.
mushloom: my boy also feeding the same as yours.. i'm also wondering whether it's too much or too little.. coz he's also getting picky... fave thing to say now is "I DOWAN!" and push the food away.. only thing is i don't give porridge.. i give vege, fish, chicken, pork or beef.. sometimes brown rice or pasta..
piggy_mummy: are you still latching? so pei fu all you mommies who are still latching!! i gave up liao... totally no supply left.. haha!

what do you do when your boy wakes up? are you co-sleeping? or he's in his own room? i realised that the sounds that my hubby and i make at night can disturb baby sleeping, so he wakes up..
wow this thread moves soo fast i can't keep up!

my boy is now 77cm & weighs 8.45 kg but my in laws think he's not fat enough & INSIST on FORCE FEEDING my poor boy. cry. luckily they are indonesians & aren't here the whole time!

my PD says 1-2 is difficult time when feeding. have you gals heard of Baby led weaning? i started out that way but my ILs think leo's playing wif his food & not eating properly. they wanna measure how much he eats & drinks but very hard cos i direct BF all the time.

my PD says no juice for my boy, only milk/pediasure & water. so he'll gain weight. she says for him to eat more avocado & chick peas.

my boy "gostan" man! last time eat almost everything but not must be porridge or he won't eat. rice he dun like, just like me. heheh. i like everything else except for rice, noodles, pasta, bread & potato all i prefer over rice.

sorry i start out wif such a long post
calamari, when i visted my PD in Jan she said teeth coming out liao. then last week we went again i told her still no teeth. then my PD looked and say definitely looks like coming out leh. then she ask my girl how come her teeth dun wanna come out heehee..

piggy_mummy, my other PD advised us not to tend to baby immediately if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Cos most of the times they can actually fall back asleep on their own, if we always rush to comfort them then they will wake up even more often.

i find it true, cos after that we let her cry a while and found that she really fall back to sleep on her own and reduced the number of times she wakes up. maybe u wait a while and sees if he can fall back to sleep? but of cos the kind cry loudly ones and continuously one still gotta pacify.
Hi Mummies,

My boy was behaving so cranky yesterday! Surprisingly, he doesnt want Mummy yesterday when I return from work...instead he cry for his Grandma. Haahaaa..

Jokingly, we said Grandma is pregnant with baby instead!
Koori, I'm like super tired lo. But im glad i sent my black-face maid back la. You know she can be quite attitude one, it just gets on my nerves. Now though im quite busy but at least i dont have to see her black face.

Angel, THanks. I was actually hoping for a girl. But i checked the chinese gender calender, it predicted a boy. So, we shall see.

Maro, yes,yes, summer loves the wheel on the bus too. Is it the same one? The one with Mango and Papaya? In fact she is learning alot of actions from the dvd.
my boy also super cranky the past 2 days already.. refuse to take his naps.. and rejecting all food and milk... making my mom crazy looking after him.. haha! dunno what's wrong.. maybe molars coming out??
<font color="119911">Congrats all Apr mummy bloomers.. I guess it's much more experienced for you now

Like Chewy, Im still njoying the 'break'.. sigh Owen still latches like a leech hahaha!</font>
hi mummies....

luann is the same, she luv to stand in front of the TV n watch watever's on...ha ha ha...i guess its the same for all....

she also just got stomach flu over the wkend n man its tough feeding her....she rejects everything...so difficult to make her eat...she will onli eat when she is starving...haiz...

she is 77cm tall n weights 8.5kg now...not much increase in her weight since the 9th mth but height she has grown....

summer's mama...wow u nw SAHM ah......take care n remember to haf plenty of rest...
speaking of watching tv, my brainy baby and baby einstein dvds are under-utilised, cos too lazy to play them and just let her watch whatever nonsense that's on on Baby's First chanel, somtimes she enjoys but sometimes so boring she won't watch. Think gotta be more dilligent and start playing the dvds instead.
Luann mummy, yes yes, although pretty enjoyable, it's super tiring !!! Some days she is good, some days she is clingy.
Before i started my days at home, she used to nap like at least 4 to 5 hours straight in the afternoons. Now ... she naps only like 1.5 hours max. That's just sufficient time for me to cook and eat my own lunch.
I feel sleep deprived!!! =)
how many mums are there here?
how to keep track of who's who?
i hardly have time to shower let alone surf the net.

i'm ann &amp; my son leo was born on 22 april last yr
Hi all mummies,

I super long time never log in le.....oni once in a blue moon...
Wow congrates summer_mum on yr 2nd one.....

Kind of miss the feeling of bb kicking in tummy too.... lol
HI Koori

Jayden also loves to walk very near to TV and supper engrosed in the show/ adverts. eSP KFC's ad, he will reach out his hand to point at the food and go"mum" "mum".
Hi Sapphire77...

Hi Hi vyn_leen...

Cath, my gal also likes the TV advertisement.. Especially the Cadburry Chocolate with the moo moo cow one.. She'll simply shake her butt and keep smiling
my bb doesn't like cartoons at all.. instead he loves to watch NBA and soccer.. **faint** He clapped his hands when he saw the goalkeeper kicking the ball far
haha! so cute! we're trying to teach my boy to watch sports also.. but i have to give running commentary.. else he will be bored.. 'look look look! where's the ball! oh torres kicked the ball!' say until mouth tired.. haha..

looks like the ribena ad really appeals to kids! maybe it's the dancing music!
Hey Violet, my gal same as yours, like the Cadburry Chocolate.. previously liked the starhub ad which a man was trying ways to make the baby in his wife's tummy to move.
Kaylen also loves the ribena &amp; KFC advert, she always smile whenever these 2 are showing. There's once she was dozing off, then she heard the ribena advert and she jump up from her sleep....i pat her to sleep again keke.
ya ya forgotten abt d ribena ad, its jay's fave too. you can call him or distract him but he won't move his sight away fr tt. real funny.

and, jay does not enjoy cartoons too. he love wheel of fortune. will see him clap when d wheel is turned. v funny.
Ha.. So funny, my boy also likes the ribena and cadbury ad, previously the ad on radio advertisement too. Guess he likes ad with music ones.
your hubby must be supper happy now, cos man u just won the league club.. Hee..
Summer's mama,
he likes the other series on the wheel on the bus, the nursery rhymes one. Hv not shown him the mango and papaya yet
my hubby is the liverpool fan.. i'm man u.. we have 3 different liverpool jerseys for our boy though.. ;) did you get any from kitbag.com? it's quite cheap.. we got the green jersey set for about 9 pounds only!

if i say glory glory man utd.. i sure kena han-tum from my hubby!! he's still sore from the 1-1 draw on saturday.. haha!!

i think our kids like ads with music and singing yah? i'm finding it quite difficult to teach him new stuff.. short attention span.. and he'll only follow instructions when he deigns fit.. :p
its absolutely difficult to get my son to look through any books , if i try to teach him something say, colours, he will just flip flip the pages then throw the book away pick up the remote control and press press press ..or go up his car and scoot away..haha
farah : my son is e same. we tried to tell him bedtime stories. gave up already. haha. crawl away, flip to another page.

I watch scv channels most of e times so my son is deprived of those commercials mentioned.
I realised he likes credit rollers. he loves dibo and wheels on e bus too. he'll sway and dance when watching.
