(2008/04) April 2008

Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na

Total : 22 cans / 30 cans
Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3

Total : 26 cans / 30 cans
Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire

Total : 27 cans / 30 cans
Calendula cream is only 2 oz.. very little bottle and drugstore like to ship in big box. So more worth it to pay for gst than extra shipping. My drugstore toothpaste only take up 1/3 of the big big box..

It is sold at $26~ 30 in singapore..
Est. for this spree is $22 each btl. (pdt is USD$11 + SGD3.50 shipping + GST = $21)

very lucky to buy a tin of happybellies brown rice cereal from a mummy. tried it and it dissolves much better than HT leh. dunno why my HT seems to be soft flakes suspension in water instead of mixing and becoming cream-like? anyone having the same experience as me?

happybellies more ex and lesser in vol, but it has probiotics and DHA. makes me feel better spending on it.. anyway my girl does not object to it (she hates nestle and does not fancy frisocream as well).. so either HT or happybellies are expensive choices.. hiaz..
Yes.. i understand but the BP oos on this cream also. I suspect they got it from vitaglo also. That's why start this spree.

<font size="+1">Happybellies cereals OOS at amazon </font> I trying to get from other website.
jgal, the BP that was OOS i also joined kekeke.. but Nabmum's is direct from california baby at wholesale price, so no OOS..
Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3

Total : 30 cans / 30 cans
have spree from drugstore b4 few times, they always packed in big boxes and there was a time, they packed only one moisturer in A SINGLE BOX, argh.
Thanks Cath for sharing! Didn't know about this website. I bought AK's book last month but no time to browse yet!


Have you started puree-ing for your baby? So far, I think only Sherin (Summer's Mama) did...We can all learn from her
Angel, oh my.. i think i have read this news before. the nanny still argue with the mummy to tell her why mummy want to sue her cos she loves the baby a lot. Nanny's son also go and scold the mummy. OMG. This nanny is terrible.
angel, i have only started on cooking porridge and a little mashed sweet potatoes in the porridge. My bb Jay loves it big time. Grabbed my spoon. I am thinking of doing the avocado milk puree. sound easy and nutritious.
Hey, I also thought of doing avocado puree but each time I am at NTUC, dunno how to choose the avocadoes leh...
I've not fed bb any porridge, just 1 meal of Frisocream daily. Waiting for her to turn 6 months which is just a week away, oh dear, mummy's not ready!
Bought for $27.29 (Kinokuniya). I also bought this book together (more local context) : Feed Your Child Right - The Complete Nutrition Guide for Asian Parents ($37.45)
hee hee angel don't worry. BB jay is already 6months as of yesterday! And, mummy cath is not ready at all... haha..

I asked one of the fruit stall auntie how to chose avocado, they said.. look for the not so soft ones. A little soft will do. Too soft too ripe. Guess we just have to trial and error. But hor, i think babies these days very "hor miah" (good life).. avocado not cheap wo. But very tasty, esp with milk.
Re: Avocado
It's $1.70 from NTUC and $1.95 from Coldstorage.
WIth it's huge seed, it's just left with rather little flesh. For Avocado, must choose brown soft ones. The green ones are not ripe. But when u buy v brown ones, u run the risk of choosing bad ones. not easy to get good avocados. Summer loves avocados and it's quite a healthy fruit. I give blend and give it to her without milk. She takes about one avocado at each feed.

Re: Isetan got alot of toys at 20% !!!
Including FP.
I bought a FP table for Summer. She loves it!
Mommies who are interested, the original price is $119. Now there's 20% discount. So quite worth it.
Sherin - so cute Summer! She CAN STAND liao, super ger! hehe. Eh u never tell me u interested in the table, that day i go got 20% + 10%. hahaaa

I guess I am not the only one feeling under the weather lately. I just took clarinase and only realized that it's not suitable for Bfeeding mummies later. Any advise on what I shld to with my EBM, how long will it takes before I should throw away my next EBM?

From what I understand the BM is usually only affected 4 hours later.

Thanks for the advices
Maddy - for flu only can take the yellow tablet tats the only one is safe for Bf mothers.
Hmm try to have 4hrs interval in between after u took ur medicine.
sherin, calarmarie, angel, prawnie, tukushi,

nice meeting you all today.

sherin and calarmari,
haha i don think i will be joining the gymboree class on a regular basis. discussed with hubby and think that there is not enough time spent on the individual stations.... :p


dana is so cute....


summer is so cute...


kayla is unmistakeable, hehehe her hair is so enviable... i wish my boy has hair like that too. :p hahah so that i can shave his hair, then i wont feel money down the drain each time i bring him for his hair cut. :p

the tab can be bought at any pharmacy and is called priton (think its spelt this way). if there is a cough can take duro-tuss. these are safe for breastfeeding mummies
Thanks Jasmine and Koori,

It's quite painful to dump 600ml EBM
but its for Maddy's safety.

For all mommies attending the talk today, too bad we could not meet with you all... I'm not well and it made me rather upset that I hastily took clarinase without reading much..
hi.. i will get all the 30s from the bp.. since it's cheap.. and no risk :p So you pay me and pick up from me.. $17.55 each

Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 18 cans only) @$9.60
1. Cutie x 3
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
jasmine: nice seeing u there too..IMO The Little Gym is so much better than Gymboree. One of the major drawbacks is that we don't understand the instructor! Very obvious Fili slang! Reminds me of my maid haha. And she is not as natural as TLG's instructor. Guess I will be signing up with TLG then
Oh, Elijah is so active hehe
Maddy, hope you'll recover soon. I'm also taken ill - having a cold with runny nose
Looks like can't make it to church today.

Jasmine, nice meeting you, bb and hb ytd too
need advices here:-

i stupidlly thought my boy should change to Friso2 at 6mths..then aft i let him drink 2scoopes of 2 and 3 scoopes of 1 , i found out that the container stage 7mths onwards.... how ah? can i still continue to give him? any of u all taking friso and started stage2 in 6mth?

thanks for the compliments for elijah. yaps he is very active.
its hectic but fun.


haiz me too missing church. having a sudden bout of cough. don know from where? haiz recovered a week ago but now down again....

can we feed purees now or have to wait till 6 months and older?

was reading the AK website and the part about starting on meat purees early.. seriously sounds gross to puree meat
