(2008/04) April 2008

HT spree update:

Below is the email from HT to me..

For our Brown Rice Cereal,
we have confirmation that the new shipment would be arriving on 30 Sept (next Tue). Deliveries to the supermarkets and organic outlets would be arranged in the 1st week of October.

As for the China milk scare, please be assured of our products as they are diary free to begin with.

Any mummies saw Dumex Nutrakids http://www.fairprice.com.sg/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=0000010183322 rice cereal in stores? my PD gave me a sample, and my girl definitely likes it more than frisocream (she hates nestle). she seemed ok with HT though but dumex is more fine and seems easier for her at the moment..

but can't find it in supermarkets and i called dumex, only to receive news it's discontinued!! so now scrambling to find any remaining stocks anywhere..
Yr bb's passport photo so well-taken! Took mine at SIR, not so nice lor. 1st take, my bb din look straight so i requested to take twice but haiz still not so nice. Shd have gone to outside studio.

I thought of going to some retail outlet to try ERGO b4 i place order cos dunno how it feel like. I tried Combi carrier but me n my bb dun really like it lor so hope can try ERGO 1st b4 i pl order. When r u closing yr spree?
angel - dana is always so happy n ready to give a smile
such a joy to see her.

maid - don't be disheartened, i believe she is appreaciative of yr kindness n generosity towards her. she may not feel it now, perhaps when she hears sad stories of other maids n employers, she will be thankful to hv your family as her employer.
you can always get part time help for now
<font size="+2">just watch the latest taiwanese news.. they found melamine in cheese powder pkt given by pizza hut.</font>
of course not.. sending out email soon :p

just back from the F1 race, super loud and noisy. my advice for those who going, bring a good ear plug. Dont get from there, quality not so good..

saw a product sold at HK, the koala biscuits for children also contain melamine, think the name is 'Le Tian'.
angel: argh, i empathise with you re your maid problem. You met my maid the other day right? Face already so black, now even blacker. We just scream at her today for the 1st time as her attitude is getting worse by the day. If she still does not improve, will have to send her home too. Made me so angry u know grrrrrrrrrr.... That's the problem with Filipinas. They are too full of themselves. But I wont be able to tahan Indons as I had 1 before. Too dirty. Cleanliness is my priority.
Hi mummies,

Erm.. sorry, need some advice here on how to start the cereal feeding. If my gal particular feed is 180ml, do i feed her 90ml milk and use the other 90ml and add cereal?
Hi Jgal,

I'm keen to take 2 sets of Exploration stations. Any builders available too ?

In summary,

2 sets of exploration station ($75 X 2) = $150
1 BR cereal - How much har ?

Can confirm my orders please ?

You mentioned that Bellamy is selling at $4+ at NTUC? I didn't see it. Which branch did u go to?

To start on cereal feeding, mix about 1 tsp cereal to 3 or 4 tsp of water/milk. The consistency should be runny and drip out of spoon when you tilt your spoon. Try a little bit of cereal for the first time. Then slowly increase the amt when you bb gets used to it. This method is recommended in the super baby food book.

I think some mummies here mix cereal into milk and feed through a bottle. Not sure how this method works, but I prefer to start teaching my son to feed through a spoon. I have also started using a sprout cup to train him to drink from a cup instead of a bottle.
today tried to feed my girl cereal with thicker consistency, ended up she gaged on one mouthful and threw up all her cereal, guess she's not ready yet

so prepared another portion of it being her usual runny consistency and she gulped it down. or perhaps she sulped it down cos it's not frisocream which she apparently hates.. hiaz think my girl really hates milk, she also gave me a face when i tried adding ebm to plain white rice cereal..

steph, thanks for the offer but i'm looking at a more permament solution. any recommendations of plain white rice/brown rice cereal? my girl hates nestle white rice cereal. any feedback for heinz? or any other brands available?
cyl_16 : I have 6 extra builders. @28.20 each.

happybellies brown rice is $9.60 per can.. I have extra oatmeal and multigrain. Do you want ?
makino - I didn't manage to get the cereal that day as my girl was down with fever from her jab. I saw it on the newspaper advert. Thanks for the advice on the cereal.

Jgal - I just bought a packet of heinz bb biscuits. Better throw it away.
Hi Jgal

Will let my gal tries brown rice first when she turns 6 mths in 3 weeks'time so wont be taking the oatmeal and multigrain.

I shall take the following

2 sets of Exploration Station - $150
2 Builders - $56.40
1 can Happybellies Brown rice - $9.60

Total : $216 correct ?

Will remit $216 once you confirm by tmr morning and if possible, will collect tmr afternoon your plc too, ok ?

Maybe you can hold on to the biscuits first and check with AVA. Not sure if you can get a refund from NTUC if you bought from them.
hi jgal,

I won't be able to collect my 2 br cereal today.

this wkend @ redhill Road 12noon Saturday
1. Simp (collect everything from Jgal' place, i need to pay u $$$, collect BR, oatmeal, multigrain, no mess mat, brightling builders, gap.navy clothes)
2. Cutiebb (Fully paid, collect from redhill this saturday around 12pm)
3. maro (1xBR cereal , 1xOAT cereal, 1xno mess mat (Fully paid, TRF 001-1-053838 : I-BANK S$19.20, TRF 001-1-053838 : I-BANK S$14.80 )
can i collect from your house instead together with the jumperoo when it arrived?? cheers
4. Araid22 (2xBR cereal) Fully paid, Transaction Reference 1900715242 (will collect when e california baby is here.)
5. goodbbb(maro will collect on behalf)1 no mess mat tt via atm on 2nd of sept,ref no 6129
6. winter (1 BR cereal?)

Collection of All no mess mat and cereals
This wkend @Chu choa kang MRT 12noon Sunday
1. Sherin (no mess mat. Refund )
2. Calamari (Brown rice x 2, no mess mat. Please transfer )
3. Koori (no mess mat + Brown rice x 1)
Others :
Bean : collect by friend
crystal : Postage.. difficult please get someone to collect on your behalf.
Hoon : collect babycentre's clothes and no mess-mat at your house this Friday evening from your house
araid22 : to collect at a later date.
Diva and Stretch,

Oh currently my mil and I will prepare 5 - 5.5 scoops of milk powder + 2 scoops of rice cereal to 150-165 ml of water, after mixing will be like 200ml of milk + cereal. But sometimes she will only drink 120ml per feed, hehe. For one day, is 5 feeds,5-6 hrs interval.

The scoop for both milk n rice cereal, I am using the milk powder spoon inside the milk powder tin.
simp : i got pamper.. you dun know only.. i just spend $550 and get myself 10 sessions of home massages .

lynn: first come first serve. :p

cyl_16: yes. you call me before you come. i pm you my no.
Today baby fell from sofa to her bumper mat
This is the second time she fell. We rushed her to the PD luckily nothing wrong just need to observe her. So we cancelled all our plans and stay in today... Was telling hubby, between the two of us we deserve the most careless parents award
huh HK Heniz being recalled........ shit i m feeding my boy with Heniz cereal lei... how can i continue 2 feed him? Seem like more &amp; more products gt involved.
dun say that me &amp; hubby oso very careless.......my boy even worst fell from bed on to hard floor, eye swollen &amp; gt baluku somemore........ nw his eye gt or ba ka oredi.

But lucky he nv vomit.
I think as a precautionary measure just dun feed the cereal to your baby first. If the SG supply is contaminated also, am sure NEA will do a product recall then the cereal we bought could be refunded. In the meanwhile, feed another brand to your babies. If Heniz is cleared then go back and finish what you have bought.

seriously, now i don feel lyk feeding bb anything buy jus milk and home made porridge... even for milk, i am worry...don seem to trust anything now...
my boy has just turn 6 mths old. he has the go ahead from the pd to start on semi solid. i went to the ntuc branch at bukit timah and got him Bellamy rice cereals. at first i mixed with water and after 1 spoon, he doesnt want it anymore. then i mixed it with ebm and fed him. he seems to like it better and finish the cereal.

tainted cereals
i heard from my pd tat she read from somewhere tat nestle rice cereal oso tainted.
Spree closed.. items all ordered! :) last order from princess-j

Bug repellent lotion
3. starling
4. cyl_16

4.littleprincesses x 2

2.Jule' mum
5. Lynn_
6. XiaoZhu
7. Javier's_mum

1.Lynn_ x 4
2.cass_078 x2

1. Lynn_

1. calamari x 2
2. lynn85 x 2
3. bebe11
4. mifi x 3
5.littleprincesses x 1
6. Javier's_mum

1. lynn85
2. littleprincesses x 1
3. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j

Total : 22 cans / 30 cans
