(2008/04) April 2008

<font color="0077aa">hi mummies,

wow the thread is super fast.. can't catch up ehehee

Angel, re:maid problem

hmm.. im oso facing too.. haiz.. have been hearing from my sil &amp; mil that certain things maid does, makes them fume.. haiz.. this maid ever followed my sil previously from previous employment.. so this time round is not thru any agency plus re-engage her back cuz due to her good service .. but my sil saes tat her standard drop liaoz.. .. </font>
<font color="0077aa">calling for Jasmine,

ehz.. we usually miss out each other on MSN nowadaes hor.. hehehe.. btw i have emailed u
Mushloom, - how much of the ebm did u use to mix with the cereals?

Mummies - I am one confused mum on starting semi-solids. Actually my gal is only 5 and half months old but her Pd said can start liao. So I don't know if I should wait till 6 months old? Anyways, these days, i just pour out 20 ml of ebm and mix with a scoop of the rice cereal for her. So for that particular feed, she will eat that and drinks only 100ml of ebm. Should I add the cereal to the ebm and see if she can finish the entire bottle or just spoon feed her with the 20ml of ebm + rice cereals?

And how many times do you feed your babies with the rice cereals in day?

So sorry for all the questions...
What i did is i will warm the EBM as per normal but will spoon out what i need to mix with the cereal. After i finish feeding the cereal. i will continue to feed her the remaining EBM.

Currently, my baby gets cereal once a day
i will also do what amy did. anyway my boy now takes abt 4 tbsp of cereal in the morning daily. that is consider 1 feed, the next feed will be 4hrs later.
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 18 cans only) @$9.60
1. Cutie x 3
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
hi.. i will get all the 30s from the bp.. since it's cheap.. and no risk :p So you pay me and pick up from me.. $17.55 each

Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 18 cans only) @$9.60
1. Cutie x 3
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (pls advise on payment &amp; collection. Thanks)
mummies, how many teaspoons/tablespoons of cereal would make a meal?

this week i increased her cereal meal to 3 teaspoons, but then just now i measure teaspoon vs tablespoons, it's not like 2 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon leh.. i try scooping, sometimes i teaspoon also fill the tablespoon.. what spoons do you mummies use? measuring spoons? i'm just using my regular spoons..

I oso missed church... today not only me is down, hubby and maddy as well. She got fever but now better after paracetamol. I hope all of us will be well soon....
can i check with you mummies here, do you let your babies sleep on pillows?

my girl is sleeping on the babysafe newborn pillow (with round depression) but her head still flat flat. now wonder if should let her use the infant pilow (flat rectangular one) or just go without pillow..
Lynn, my bb started with the babysafe newborn pillow (with round depression) but I find she's outgrown it. So 2 weeks ago, we bought the babysafe flat rectangular bb pillow and she's now using it everynight. I think it's time you change too.

Mummies, need your advice. Since 2 days ago, found a small pimple like spot on one side of bb D's labia (external side of vulva). Thought it's just a pimple (due to heatiness) and just clean as per normal and ignore it. This evening, after bath, saw that it's become slightly swollen
dunno if it'll cause UTI. Any comments? If tomorrow doesn't improve, will bring her to PD after work.

Actually, we just seen PD on Sat morning to seek treatment for rashes around the neck. Doc says it's mild eczema and suspect bb D might be allergic to cow's milk! Bill for a 3-min consult + cream = $65!!

Maddy's Mum, praying for bb Maddy's + whole family's recovery...How's her temp now?
hi.. i will get all the 30s from the bp.. since it's cheap.. and no risk :p So you pay me and pick up from me.. $17.55 each

Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. Serene123 x1
hi Jgal,
please include my order, thanks.

hi.. i will get all the 30s from the bp.. since it's cheap.. and no risk :p So you pay me and pick up from me.. $17.55 each

Calendula cream open order again. because vitaglo reject our order. i will keep this until it hits 30 cans.
California Baby Calendula Cream 2oz
(recomm by babyliss as diaper cream/moisturizer as well as for cradle cap for sensitive skin)
1. jgal X 3
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. dolly23

when do i need to transfer the $$ to you, please let me know, thanks.

Ethan doesn't sleep on a pillow. Besides, he sleeps on his front so a pillow is impossible to use in this instance.

He lays on a pillow when lying in his crib listening to the mobile or doing other 'awake' activities.
He tends to slide off the pillow anyway which defeats the purpose of one at the moment

Many believe that going without a pillow is best when babies are still young, sometimes even placing nothing in the crib and removing anything that might prove dangerous.
lynn, my boy sleeps on a pillow made by my mother. it is very low. my boy also has flat head. tink becos during confinement, we never turn his head so till now still flat. have checked with my pd. she mentioned tat when he spend more time sitting up or on his tummy, his head would round back. not sure whether it will happen cos some of my relatives insisted tat once flat forever flat.

as for cereal, i used the normal tablespoon. my boy took 1 tablespoon yesterday and 1 1/2 today. so will just prepare about 2 tablespoons for him tomorrow. at the moment he is only taking 1 feed of cereal.
This is my ger in her highchair, she sat in it for almost 2hrs today. heheee. She sat there sucking her teether while we watching F1.

<font color="0077aa">koori, m going to start my boy wif cereal soonz.. will feed him by spoon.. hehhee..

hopefully would be able to purchase the healthy time cereals in my area soonz </font>
Strawberries - healthytimes in stock @ supermkts from oct onwards....they told me $80 and above got free delivery to ur hse. hehe.
koori, me feeding with spoon. not sure how to do it via bottle. bb need to learn how to eat from spoon anyway and it's really not that messy.

for me, cos my girl hates milk and refiused to be fed when she's awake, feeding her the cereals is actually much easier and more enjoyable then feeding her milk!
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 18 cans only) @$9.60
1. Cutie x 3
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (pls advise on payment &amp; collection. Thanks)
8. choc tge25 x 2
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 18 cans only) @$9.60
1. Cutie x 3
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (pls advise on payment &amp; collection. Thanks)
8. choc tge25 x 2
9. ynby80 x 1 (pls pm me for pyt. Thanks)
re: Feeding Cereal
I have been giving my boy cereal for about 1 week plus already and he's enjoying it very much. I fed through spoon. I'm using the measuring spoon, so for mine is 3 tsp = 1 tbsp. He's eating 8 tsp cereal every noon. =)

Lynn, i've quite a few packs of dumex nutrakids. Sms me if u want? i can pass it to u.. =D
Kaylen looks lovely and alert

I'm feeding Ethan cereal from a spoon now and plan to add cereal to his bottle soon too.

Depending on how much cereal you give your son and how full he is, you may need to give him more milk to ensure that he's satisfied.
He may drink milk immediately after the cereal or awhile later, so follow your son's cues.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning..

Monday again, so lazy to come to work..

Anyway, try to feed my boy frisocream yday, he does not like, haiz
he spits out and gives me those 'yucky' looks..
Think he is not ready, the mummy is anxious.. hehee.. look like have to wait a little longer to try again..
Morning! Maro.. i also wanted to buy frisocream leh...
hmmm... i tink got to try a few times leh...
coz i read that first few tries they may reject..coz new stuff mah
Morning Maro

Is your son on Friso formula? Is that why you're giving him Frisocream?

I finally saw the blue mag mag and it's so ugly!! Good thing Isetan didn't have it cuz I probably would've fainted upon receiving it.. haha
I saw Combi and it looks nice and light, will go check it out here
I'm also looking for Born Free and the Foogo thermos.

I'll also go to Borders/Kinokuniya to check out the EC books and order as soon as we've decided which titles we want.
Thanks for organising the spree!
good morning all...

wow sherin ur summer is really super gal leh...can stand on her own liow...so good
her development is really fast...

Koori...kaylen so kuai can sit in highchair for so long....thk mine will fuss after 10mins ha ha ha...i feed Luann cereal via the boon spoon that we bought previously n she love it...+ we can control the flow better...
gonna let her try frisocrem tis week....

xuanxuan...the isabooties veli ex leh...not sure if it'll be worth it anot incl shipping coz they might pack in boxes n shipping might be veli ex...

if u all interested i can help to purchase but collection onli at outram or tanjong pagar mrt...let me know via email at [email protected]

this tread move to fast so cannot track..hee hee heee....
maddy'mum - sorry didn't read yr email until now. Busy weekend for me. Do text me for immediate reply

Summer's mama - we hv the same play station for the girls! bought last thurs at isetan. Val loves it
yeah now ntuc got promo so just get a can to try.. will try again next week. :p

no, he is on Similac, does it matter?
But the combi one shd be in orange right, dont u mind? hehe..
okie, will wait for your order then.. u back to SIN?
stefylim: i think the supplier shd have Hungry Caterpillar cos I got it from them this title as well..Although this title is the classic one, i prefer the Very Lonely Firefly and the Very Quiet Cricket hehe

Sherin: forgot to pass u the frisocreme yesterday :p
Jgal, have u receive my order for the coach spree? I've pm u last nite coz cant post un ta thread.

Luann mummy, if u do organise the isabooties, pls pm me.. thank you
Anyone tried Earth's Best brown rice cereal? Now I have HT, HappyBellies and Earth's Best...dunno which one to start Kayla on first, in 2 weeks' time. So exciting hehe...
Re: Boon Squirt Spoon

Would like to give my squirt spoon away, not sure if anyone is keen. Wash and used once.
Not suitable for lil' summer.
She eats more than what the spoon can hold.

Koori, Kaylen so guai le!
Last night went for F1 finals. Left Lil' Summer with my ILs. She was sleeping when we dropped her off. Think she woke up cant find us and started crying for more than 1 hour! Heartpain.

Littleprincesses... yeah! She likes e sterring in e middle.
btw, did ur girl get in rgps? have been wanting to ask u. kpo.
they shd stil have the very hungry caterpillar, me got tis book from previous spree, was $16.10. not sure the price now cos consolidating the order and hope to get as good price as the previous spree.. :p
