(2008/04) April 2008

joelle, not the agency's fault, it's the maid herself. Immature and unrealistic expectations of what a domestic helper's life should be. In fact, we're quite happy with agency's service so far.
your maid really too much, and u treat her so well, my god, can use pc and somemore MSN.
anyway, good choice to send her back..

i've a maid too, indonesian. for me no choice my MIL's health not too well so at least a maid to keep her and my boy company. if given a choice, would like to enjoy private family time too.

me gonna make passport for my boy, may i know where u Dana's pic is taken? so well-taken, smile to camera some more.. isit immediate? cos thinking of applying next week. thanks
Maro, this is what you do. You carry your baby back facing you, hold him up against your chest level then 1 parent stand next to photographer to make bb smile. The photo studio will then do some PS (photoshop) to remove the background and change it to white. I had mine taken at Clementi. Quite far from your place leh...Not immediate. Need 1 day to process the photo before collection. Passport application takes 3-5 working days depending whether it's peak season. Next maid had wanted to try Indon but dunno why agent discourage us. Says Indons like to go out even more, not homely. Is it true?
be@ns - bb passport can be self taken against a white background at home, my frenz told me they are more lenient on the bb's photo requirement.
For mine, i just did it recently using self taken photo, they accepted it. hehee.
how old was ur maid?
sometimes agents sell unrealistic scenarios to the maids to entice them to come. but good that your agency has been reliable so far.

6 mths ago when i was getting my maid, my agent advised me to get phillipina rather than indonesian. she says it's like a cycle. phillipinas now are better cos they've suffered a bad rep back then, now the new arrivals have pulled up their socks. indos on the other hand, have already had a few generations of maids working here and are savvy enough to create trouble. so according to agent, the quality of maids by country is cyclical, and this is the situation now.
personally i think u can find good and bad ones regardless of country. for indons wld be good if u can speak some bahasa.
Diva; Thanks for help to get the cereals.

Maro: Can you help me to collect from Diva ? I will colect from you at Bedok Station
Thanks ya !!

Angel: Dana's sooo cute !! Hee.. very smiley !!
Which infant care did you enrolled her in ? I thought of looking for a nanny or a good infant care in the east. Any mummies have recommendations ?
baby D's pic v well taken, i like

my baby zay's pic not taken v nice cos is taken fr the SIR bldg by the aunty there, impatient and heck care.
Dana's pp photo so well taken, she is so cute & smiley

Btw that day i juz check with ICA, bb's pp oni last 5yrs but if make bb's pp nw will hv 2 make new pp again when bb is 1yr old. According 2 ICA they say bb's face will change when they r 1yr so hv 2 make new wan again. So the lady advise me if nt bring bb overseas dun make pp 1st if nt wasted $$
Hi Angel
What a nice photo of Dana.
I got a stupid question. Does baby get his own passport or is it tagged to mom's passport? Cos when i went online... its all for new passport applications.
Hi diva,

I like to tag on to buy the brown rice wor...

(Since HT Brown Rice will only be back in stock by the 2nd week of Oct, I will try to get it from KL)
1. calamari x 3
2. BBRoYcE&LeBelle x 2
3. superbunny x 2
4. cherishbebe x 2
5. na_na x 2
6. maro x 2
7. earth_baby x 2
8. angel x 2
9. jaspire x 2
so hard to follow the thread... i hardly got time to login nowadays!

Jgal, do you still have the No Mess Mat? I need 2 of it. Please let me know ok?

My maid with me also 5 mths. Recently told grandma die then say wanna go back for burial. Then i told to her again then she say she miss home. wanna go back. so ask her to extend til Feb09. if not, she still owe agency money but i had paid already. Recently lend her some $ for her grandma's burial too.

We also bring her to buffet, restaurant and so on. Also buy toy for her children. Never ask her to wash our cars cos we find it to tedious for her liao. birthday also bring her go makan. She wake up around 8am. sleep around 11pm.

me also bring my gal to do passport last week and collect just on monday.

so many coincidence. thought u posting for me. hee hee :)
Sure, no problem

my maid quite ok, she has worked in S'pore b4, so far so good. she ok, does not like to go out, only with us and no off day so hv to pay extra $20 monthly.

perhaps I do not hv the language barrier, me Indonesian chinese so can still speak a bit of bahasa :p me no complains, though my mil has tons which i feel are tolerable

photos taken at clementi, is it Clementi Bright? :p
my maid is burmese. had some teething problems in the beginning but luckily turned out all right. v patient with boy - more patient than me! :p
<font color="0000ff">Re: EC Books,
For those who have PM or post here, I have noted all. will send the book list with price by tomorrow. at work, no time to do it. cheers

Hi diva,

I like to tag on to buy the brown rice wor...

(Since HT Brown Rice will only be back in stock by the 2nd week of Oct, I will try to get it from KL)
1. calamari x 3
2. BBRoYcE&amp;LeBelle x 2
3. superbunny x 2
4. cherishbebe x 2
5. na_na x 2
6. maro x 2
7. earth_baby x 2
8. angel x 2
9. jaspire x 2
10. koori x 2
Hi Mummies,
Below is the e-mail from Abbott on their FM quality, so they are safe for bb 2 consume:

As a world leader in nutrition, Abbott Nutrition understands the trust that consumers and health care professionals put in nutritional products, especially those used by infants and children.

Abbott remains committed to ensuring product quality, safety and integrity of all our formulas.

All our suppliers undergo a rigorous qualification process before we purchase any ingredients from them. Each lot of ingredients is assessed to ensure that it complies with our specifications. Abbott performs ongoing oversight of our suppliers, and extensive quality checks on our formulas before they are released for sale.

Abbott formulas in Singapore are made in the United States, New Zealand, Canada and Europe.

Abbott is proud to have provided quality nutrition to hundreds of thousands of children and adults in Singapore since 1964, making us the trusted choice and our brands are Singapore's No. 1 in both paediatric and adult nutrition.

For more information, you may contact our Abbott Nutrition Careline: 6278 6220 or log on to abbott.com.sg/family.

If you're trying Abbott products for the first time, click here for a free sample.

* Based on volume &amp; value sales for full year of 2007, as reported by AC Nielsen
diva, pls drop my HT brown rice order as my MIL just reminded me i still got 2 boxes of Bellamy Brown rice cereal yet to open.

angel, my maid 6mths liao. Oso very gd life like yours, however she is indonesian. She oso like to go out wor and everytime she wash plates etc, she always look out of the window and kapo. So much so that at times the things she washed is not really washed thoroughly. She like her heart is out there loh. Hai... we dun let her take care of baby, just do hsework only wor as we wanted her to relive my mil's load and let my mil focus on the kiddies.
Summer's mama: thanks fo the info !! Haven been checking their sites lately. Been so indecisive on which one to get.. hee..

Maddy's mum &amp; princess J: if can, submit ur orders by sat evening can? if earlier better since got sale. Pls give alternatives in case OOS.
harlow everyone...

It has been a busy week for me so no time to post.. only came in a few times to have a look see. Baby is being "trained" to used the bottle so i have to pump, which i was not used to cos he was total latch previously.

anyways, on the subject of maids - must count myself fortunate to find a helper who is quite good. Got to know her some time back cos her sister works for my aunty. So far so good
keeping my fingers cross that it will stay that way.

Prawnie - ahaha.. want to send xavier to infantcare! Then my boy will lose his playmate!
oki... talked to DR:

Melanine will not be present in BM, and will be pass out of the body. It is only harmful if u consume a high amount.

And the signs of having kidney stones (fyi):
- distended bladder;
- difficulty urinating;
- painful when u touch groin area.....

Can't remember the rest.
Hope you haven't forgotten that I'm interested in the EC books too, so please email me the price list tomorrow as well


Your order is dropped.

Noted your HT order, will go get it later

** HT in KL is about S$6. Tsukushi mentioned that it costs $6+ at Carrefour SG after rebate, but I think most other supermarkets charge $7.60? Depending on where you buy it from I guess.
So unless you can find it for fairly cheap, the KL price is pretty darn good in my opinion

This is just to clarify in case mummies think that it costs the same as in SG.
MIL coming down from Korea next week so will be busy for a few days.. will let everyone know where and when the meeting point and time will be.
So I guess I'll meet your hubby before I meet you and Jayden

Thanks for the info

I'm in no hurry to start Ethan on L teats as Y still seems alright for him.

My helper was very careless with her washing and must have been too rough when washing with the teat brush, cuz the teats had been split open.

Ethan would cry and fuss so much during feeds and hubby and I never could understand why

Finally we examined the teats and saw the huge split! No wonder Ethan was crying, the flow was too fast for him!

I'll probably use L teats for feeding milk+cereal though.. Do you add cereal to your daughter's bottle? Can it flow through the L teat?
Maddy's Mum,
I got mine from Cold Storage, it was the last box and tucked in all the way at the back

This mama dug out all the Oatmeal and Barley to make sure there was none hiding, and true enough! Hehe
I bought mine for about $7+ i think.. I've forgotten the exact price.

Anyway I'm stocking up from here cuz with the way Ethan eats cereal, one box can hardly last us 2 weeks!
And a $1 discount/box does make a difference if you buy at least 10 boxes at a time like me

Oic.... lucky yr hubby n u went to examine the treats.Ya my mil have been adding the rice cereal to my gal milk bottle since she was 4 mths old till now.... ya it can flow through the L treat when she suck.

But normally now, my mil n I will add hot water then add the rice cereal, after which stir gently wt the help of a stick of chopstick. After which add water n milk powder n shake gently to mix both together.
Sure, just one request
Can you pls send the collection details via email to me? Coz I might miss it if you post it here since this thread really flies
Tks so much !
Collection of All no mess mat and cereals

This wkend @ redhill Road 12noon Saturday
1. Simp (collect everything from Jgal' place, i need to pay u $$$, collect BR, oatmeal, multigrain, no mess mat, brightling builders, gap.navy clothes)
2. Cutiebb (Fully paid, collect from redhill this saturday around 12pm)
3. maro (1xBR cereal , 1xOAT cereal, 1xno mess mat (Fully paid, TRF 001-1-053838 : I-BANK S$19.20, TRF 001-1-053838 : I-BANK S$14.80 )
can i collect from your house instead together with the jumperoo when it arrived?? cheers
4. Araid22 (2xBR cereal) Fully paid, Transaction Reference 1900715242
5. goodbbb(maro will collect on behalf)1 no mess mat tt via atm on 2nd of sept,ref no 6129
6. winter (1 BR cereal?)

Collection of All no mess mat and cereals
This wkend @Chu choa kang MRT 12noon Sunday
1. Sherin (no mess mat. Refund )
2. Calamari (Brown rice x 2, no mess mat. Please transfer )
3. Koori (no mess mat + Brown rice x 1)
Others :
Bean : collect by friend
crystal : Postage.. difficult please get someone to collect on your behalf.
Hoon : collect babycentre's clothes and no mess-mat at your house this Friday evening from your house
That's great to hear!

May I ask how much milk your daughter drinks per feed?
And how much cereal do you put in?

Sure no problem.. I'll send it to Yahoo
Supperbunny &amp; Winter: search for one first... half a year more he will be turning one. Better prepare resume first..
unless I can figure out how to work from home

Confirmed orders for Diva's KL HT Brown Rice spree:

1. Calamari x 3
2. BBroyce&amp;LeBelle x 2
3. Superbunny x 2
4. Na_na x 2
5. Maro x 2
6. Earth_baby x 2
7. Angel x 2
8. Prawnie x 2
9. Koori x 2

Any more takers?
