(2008/04) April 2008

Calamari - if its brown rice then its the same, doesnt matter which one u start first. But don mix, give one then try for 4-7days then try another type.
Calamari, it's ok la. This week meet at Little Gym?
I bought earth's best. Have not tried.
Yesterday she had Happybellies. Not too bad.
Now when i feed her, her daddy will give her another spoon to hold. She will put in her mouth.
koori: yah i know...just excited, dunno which one to choose mah hahaha...as its her 1st solid food she is eating! so I hope she likes it! Otherwise, now she is only licking apples, pomelos and mangoes ahhaha

sherin: ok ...we'll go sign up for TLG this sat
Beats Gymb**ee hands down man!
I guess it doesn't matter.. I was just wondering cuz since it contains Friso milk formula, I figured it's a perfect way to introduce cereal and at the same time, stick to Friso FM.
This is one of the reasons why I didn't let Ethan try Frisocream. He's been on Nan and I've no intention to change FM since he's happy and growing very well on it

The Combi training mug is green actually.. clear with green color
Thankfully not orange.. eeyuck! Haha

Yes we arrived back in SG last night, great to home!! I'll post details of HT collection shortly.

BTW, is the Isetan sale still on?
I want to go check out the toys and get some for Ethan today.

Now that we're back, we plan to go to Dempsey to check out the Korean restaurant and will visit the organic store while we're there.
How have your princesses been?

Yippee for Kayla!
Ethan's 2 upper teeth are showing through more and more everyday, soon he'll have 4 and will only want to eat cereal!
Haha if he had his way, he'd have no more milk feeds!
diva: HT is back ah? Yay! So fast...maybe I can ask my MIL collect from your place as she is nearby, is it ok?

Btw, can cereals and purees totally replace milk feeds?

Do I even need to ask if you've eaten there? Hehe if you haven't, looks like you plan to soon!

If she's collecting it from my home, she can even come by today. Do sms me to let me know what the plan is

I don't think cereal+puree can replace milk feeds completely. I don't advise it. There is imperative nutrition in milk that our babies still need.
Ethan loves loves LOVES to eat and he'd love to eat all his feeds but this mama is fighting to make sure that he still drinks milk.. heh

BTW, can anyone tell me if the Isetan sale is still on? I want to get toys for Ethan today.
littleprincesses, i guess as much, coz their intake is big. 300. vs mgs in e same area, only has 180 vacancies. So u dont have to worry for the other two younger girls now!!!

Think cereal n puree cannot replace milk.
Milk should still be their main source of diet. In fact children are encouraged to continue milk after they have been weaned.
koori: can, np!

diva: can u pm me your address pls? if MIL drops by anytime, will someone be home? Need to pass u the money as well. Let me know how much Koori and I owe you, k? Thanks a lot!
Diva, Summer loves to eat too.
When my mom feeds her, she gives as much as close to one ricce bowl of cereal. That's scary.
She still takes her milk as usual.
Meaning if she had milk at 10am, she will eat cereal at 12noon then milk again at 1pm. I think it's really alot. But PD says it's ok so long as she isnt gaining weight too rapidly. Her milk intake doesnt reduce somemore.
But of coz if i'm feeding her, i'll give her alot lesser! With much wailings to attend to after that.
do u think baby can sort of recognise ppl? like when u not around at night esp they'll look for u (sort off) or cry.. Think my boy same same, if we're late to pick from my mil, he'll start to cry..

No wonder.. green, good..

Think Isetan sale still on..
Jasmine, right? :p
Calendula cream 2 Oz.
<font size="+2">Please pays $17.55 per can to DBS Saving 001-1-053838</font>
1. jgal X 3 (self)
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. dolly23
18. Babybliss x3 (Transfered $75.00 - $25 for childlife colostrum )

-----------------Spree closed -------------------
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 24 cans only) @$9.60
<font size="+1">Please pays to 001-1-053838 DBS Savings.</font>
1. Cutie x 3 (paid. Transfer on 23 Sept. $280 )
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (redhill only)
8. choc tge25 x 2
9. Yo x1

transfer done for Calendula cream 2 Oz, please check.

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 Jgal
Amount S$17.55
Transaction Reference 1906002549

You missed my post. i posted on 29 Sep 08 at 1.02am.

HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 24 cans only) @$9.60
Please pays to 001-1-053838 DBS Savings.
1. Cutie x 3 (paid. Transfer on 23 Sept. $280 )
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (redhill only)
8. choc tge25 x 2
9. Yo x1
10. ynby80 x1
I also trf u the money for 2 can of brown rice lor

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 jgal
Amount S$19.20
Transaction Reference 1906202989

can advice when can collect?
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 24 cans only) @$9.60
Please pays to 001-1-053838 DBS Savings.
1. Cutie x 3 (paid. Transfer on 23 Sept. $280 )
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
4. princess-j x 1
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (redhill only)
8. choc tge25 x 2
9. Yo x1
10. ynby80 x1
11. Sherin x 2
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 24 cans only) @$9.60
Please pays to 001-1-053838 DBS Savings.
1. Cutie x 3 (paid. Transfer on 23 Sept. $280 )
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
<font color="119911">4. princess-j x 2</font>
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (redhill only)
8. choc tge25 x 2
9. Yo x1
10. ynby80 x1
11. Sherin x 2
<font size="+2">Jgal collection centre (Redhill mrt) </font>
Sat 11pm noon 4 Oct

<u>Items available for collection.</u>
- HB Oatmeal (for reserved list only)
- HB Multigrain (for reserved list only)
- HB Brown Rice (for batch 1 and 2)
- No mess mat (fore reserved list only)
- 1 units of Brightling Stations at $75 each
- 4 units of brightling builders at $28.20 each
Please email to [email protected] with your hp for communication.
HAPPYBELLIES brown rice (batch 3 - 24 cans only) @$9.60
Please pays to 001-1-053838 DBS Savings.
1. Cutie x 3 (paid. Transfer on 23 Sept. $280 )
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5
<font color="119911">4. princess-j x 2(ib ref: 1906245827 on 29 Sep 2008 12:43 PM)</font> collect at redhill
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (redhill only)
8. choc tge25 x 2
9. Yo x1
10. ynby80 x1
11. Sherin x 2
Summer's Mama,

I was at F1 too. My boy was looking for me and my husband as either one of us will make him sleep at night. My maid had problems getting him to sleep. so she thought a very cute method. She took 1 of of my husband's dirty clothes and put beside him. He slept within 5 mins. I think he was looking for familiar smell. Haha.
Calendula cream 2 Oz.
Please pays $17.55 per can to DBS Saving 001-1-053838
1. jgal X 3 (self)
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
<font color="aa00aa">11. princess-j, IB ref: 1906260355 @ 29 Sep 2008 12:50 PM</font> collect at redhill
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. dolly23
18. Babybliss x3 (Transfered $75.00 - $25 for childlife colostrum )
I've PMed you my address and directions

Depending on what time your MIL comes, I may or may not be home as I want to bring Ethan to buy toys today. Whatever it is, somebody will home.

You've got 3 boxes and Koori has 2 boxes. 1 box is $6 so your total is $18 and Koori's is $12.

Summer's Mama,
Summer is a hearty eater like my Ethan!
And I have to admit that he eats close to a rice bowl of cereal too, scary but it keeps him full and happy so I'm happy too.
He gets taller more than he gets wider and I much prefer that to him getting fat!
Upon seeing Ethan last night, my parents commented that he's shed his belly fat and just looks much taller.
His intake dropped for all of one day due to teething pain but now he's back and making up for it with one helluva appetite!
I'm glad that feeding problems is one thing we don't have

I just called Isetan to check, it's still on
Please note that your childlife Colostrum has arrived. Each unit is $25.00
goodbb (owe $5)
sputnik (owe $5)
babyliss (owe $5)
Araid22 (owe $5)
Calendula cream 2 Oz.
The following orders are <font size="+2">drop</font>. Please email me if you still want me to buy from Ima on your behalf at $17.55 each.
1. jamie x 15
2. lynn85
3.Lynn_ x 2
4. Jules' Mum x 12
5. Koori x 5
6. Qcx_amy x 3
7.Maro x 2
10.puffiet x 2

Attention all mummies who placed orders, the brown rice cereal is here!

$6 per box
1. Calamari - $18
2. BBroyce&amp;LeBelle - $12
3. Superbunny - $12
4. Na_na - $12
5. Maro - $12
6. Earth_baby - $12
7. Angel - $12
8. Koori - $12
9. Prawnie - $12

Collection are as follows:
- My home at Bukit Timah anytime
- Orchard (Tangs/Shaw area) tomorrow till Saturday, afternoon or early evening preferred

My MIL will be here from Korea for the next few days so the above collection points are the only ones I can commit to.
If you're unable to make any of them, contact me and I'll do my best to accommodate you.

Please PM or call me at 98415790 to discuss options and timing.

Hi Jagal,

just to clarify, batch 3 of brown rice not distributing on 4 Oct'08 @ redhill ya? When will be the collection day ? ;)

Btw, hav you check my payment had reached you..?
Taurus2008 :As long as I have stock, you can come and collect. I think the 3rd batch will arrive before this Sat from US.

Please get my name and nick right.. thanks :p I not not ja-gal :p

Diva: i sms-ed u a while back. Have decided to collect the HT myself as going to MIL house on Wed. Will text u again re timing and pass the $30 to your family member if you are not home ok?
