(2008/04) April 2008


Based on some mummies comment on the playmat, yes its value for money. And I think Alien (the seller) has already explained that this is not the same as the Mini Toons one.

For playmat, I didn't go to the first playgym, but yoga playmat should be ok lar...

For food, snackies are good since it is already pass lunch time.

I think the mummies also plan to chip in for food for every play gym too (correct me if I am wrong)

4mths maternity leave is just cfmed
we missed it.....but we benefit fm the 7days additional leave for bb less than 2yrs old and 6 days of childcare leave shared between parents.
ur ger is jie jie, older by 7+hrs. my boy is borned at 3+pm. hehehe

Ok i will reserved the Mamil Gold 4 u.

Ya so good the ML is 4mths and childcare leave is 6days......... good. I hope we still can benefit the 4th mth ML cos it say can take anytime within 1yr of birth.
Thank you angel n jasmine for ur replies.. I order the mat from alien liao.. bt tis sat i gt no mat to bring, can take wat to subsitute? Or dun nd to bring oso can? Bring mat for wat purpose?
Hi,maddy mum, thanks. I saw the reply frm alien liao.. Coz uz nw gt one mum ask tis qns bt he didnt reply so i ask mummies here..
the mat, i think is for ur bb 2 lei, then mummies will get bbs 2 do some exercises, if i m nt wrong cos I hv nt been to the playgym yet.

ya really hope we still can benefit for it, must really pray hard manz, really lugi if cannot, haiz................bb bonus oso lugi

feel quite unfair to us though born in same year,the aug 1s get all the goodies...heard the 4 th mth applies to those born after 1st of aug

oh...so we can additional childcare leave? now we are having 2days mah..... so add 4days more??? and wads the addtional 7days leave cutiebb toking abt??? paiseh, i nv watch news...haha
oh....haiz..y the ML so slow then appear....hahaha...*faint*tink nxt time those unfriendly company c married woman, no kid yet, don dare to hire liao...
can any mummies here advise me?

My BB kept crying for milk but when I gave him the bottle, he struggles and refused to drink.. and then kept crying again...
how how? Anyone experienced this before?

Thinking of bringing him to PD tomorrow cos already so late now... and he was alright this morning and afternoon..
how come 7 days? my understanding of childcare leave before announcement was 2 days. after today's rally it has increased to total 6 days per year. this childcare leave is applicable for children below 7 yrs, if i'm not wrong.
anyway my hubby's co. HR has inform him that he's not entitled for any childcare leave if salary is more than $2K. only working mothers are entitled.
haizzzzzz lugi lugi lugi. so unfair how can they oni wan 2 encourage woman nt yet give birth 2 birth, then we mummies juz give birth no nd 2 take care meh
juniorrain, woah lugi so much ah....

jaime, ya the 7days is the no pay leave. Seems quite useless hor. Y above 2K cannot benefit? Like tt many ppl cannot liao lor...anyway now the 6days are shared between parents. In fact, is 3 for each so is 1 day more for each parent.
no leh.. not sleepy,,

i very helpless..
just realised my sister was having a sore throat .. not sure if BB caught it from her this morning
Any mummies know your baby's foot size is how many inches? Trying to buy a slip-on shoe dunno if the chart they give me is accurate for the age...
Porkie - how many hours since last feed? My boy has ever gone 6 hours w/o drinking b4... just refused to drink, cried when I tried to feed...but think he just wasn't hungry coz he seemed ok...
Thanks mummies for being so supportive to vote for shevon. Din know so many of u use many accounts to vote. Interesting kekek

New bb bonus
I think sahm lugi most, i mean just quitted my job a yr ago and now miss so many incentives. Wow, it is really gd to encourage more women to give birth. On the othe rnote, i am sure the office stuff and some mgt dun like the idea but no choice kekek think national svc is more impt to procreate for our country kekeke. Hmm think dun know whether it is a bad choice for me to be a sahm mum than ftwm w such gd benefits. Hurray to spore govt!
ANGEL & DANA: CONGRATS! Oh angel, thks for the tasty cupcakes!

Veronca_chew: shall pickup the spoon tml at VIvo & pay u tml.

Prawnie: thks for the concern, he's better but cranky whole day. Slp less than 30mins & wanna be carried all the time to see thgs.... C u tml!

RE: mats fot minigym
It's to place bb on mats for exercising. We can't be placing them on the floor rite?
