(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Poupintte,
I mean fit to the bottle ring. Does NUK wide neck teats fit to medela ring without leaking? *I dun mean NUK standard bottle teats. Coz my bb dun like standard teats. Thanks

Hi Simp,

How have you been coping?
Ethan is officially 4 months old today
And he's turned his cranking up to celebrate, I think! Haha

Any luck on the maid front?

Like Stretch, I'm keen to get either a Parklon or LG mat but can't decide. Help!
And what thickness do you think is best?

please email me [email protected] if you want to get the <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">evenflo exersaucers </font></font>. I will let you know the cost and term and condition.
My estimation is cost :
Pdt cost : USD$100 = SGD145 (based on 1.45)
Shipping : SGD 120 ( est. 25 kg. this is abit kua chang .. but just in case lah )
Total : SGD265
Hi, Can my son and I pop by for a little while as I will be nearby?


Mini PlayGym Playdate

Date: Sat, 23rd Aug
Time: 2pm
Venue: The Mayfair, Jurong East (near Chi Gdn MRT) (http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_5574/travel_site_111666/)

1. Sherin n bb
2. Simp n bb n hb
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Stefylim n bb n hb
5. JuniorRain n bb
6. Geryl n bb
7. Jaspire n bb
8. Koori n bb
9. Jgal n bb
10. Veronica n bb
11. Chewy n bb n HB
12. yo n bb
13. Babybliss n bb
14. ABCmum n bb
15. scubababe n bb
16. tsukushi n bb n hb
17. Rantingbaby n bb
18. Puffish n bb
19. Maddysmum n bb n hb

Things to bring: mat, towel

CDs i/c: Sherin
Food i/c: ??
CD player i/c: babyliss
Drinks i/c: calamari

Mini PlayGym Playdate

Date: Sat, 23rd Aug
Time: 2pm
Venue: The Mayfair, Jurong East (near Chi Gdn MRT) (http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_5574/travel_site_111666/)

1. Sherin n bb
2. Simp n bb n hb
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Stefylim n bb n hb
5. JuniorRain n bb
6. Geryl n bb
7. Jaspire n bb
8. Koori n bb
9. Jgal n bb
10. Veronica n bb
11. Chewy n bb n HB
12. yo n bb
13. Babybliss n bb
14. ABCmum n bb
15. scubababe n bb
16. tsukushi n bb n hb
17. Rantingbaby n bb
18. Puffish n bb
19. Maddysmum n bb n hb

Things to bring: mat, towel

CDs i/c: Sherin
Food i/c: scubababe
CD player i/c: babyliss
Drinks i/c: calamari

This will be the last playgym for August. Next playgym likely on 27 Sep as some of us have the trial gym for The Little Gym @ Forum on 13 Sep and 20 Sep.

Anyone want to volunteer light finger food? Mummies will contribute to the food fund.
i will bring finger food like bao etc. Will improvise on that day

angel i ordered the babylegs already! happy happy hee.

veronica: I will do the tt of $4.15 to you later today via ATM okies. WIll collect it at the playgym this sat.

sherin: no news on the other orders of the book ya? If mine is here by this week I like to collect it after our playgym since we are near your place already
Hi Lynn,

I thought you were referring to standard neck teats!
Aren't NUK wide neck teats a little too big to fit into standard neck rings?
I suppose you could pull it through since teats are pliable anyway.

But then I definitely wouldn't expect you to have a problem with it not fitting securely.. it should fit very very snugly

Do I make sense?
Poupinette, Ya,tat's y i keep tinking n tinking can fit meh? Haha. So I put * n double confirm.
So u know whether gt any BPA free bottles which can fit to NUK Wide neck Teats?? I dare not anyhw buy scared later waste $$..
err jgal me abit lost. how come my toys oni US 33.91b can incur S$134.18?. tink got some calculation error there. will top up $9.02 for the shipping of the clothes

YES! pls bring in the triple fun for me. if not too troublesome, can i oso long bang the 6 switch a roos? i oso find reena very x. can let me know if you confirm bringing in the triple fun?
avent has bpa- free bottles already. but its only on sale in the us. the bottle colour is honey brown. heheh saw it on baby center

think nuk can fit bah.
<font color="aa00aa">mushloom</font> : thanks for highliting. I lump your purchase with Jasmines'. sorry sorry.
I will count again and upload later with the payment status. :|

<font color="aa00aa">Emma Rae </font>: i order your exersaucer. Here's the shipment information.
Order Date: August 18, 2008
Order #: 104-1140398-9745853
Recipient: Teng Teng Teo
Items not yet shipped:
Delivery estimate: August 21, 2008
* 1 of: Evenflo ExerSaucer 3-in-1 Pond
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC
Parklon vs LG Mat
Stretch and Poupin,
Think u need to know what u want and the space like where u wish to put most of the time, room or living room. Thickness i think the thicker the better, i had both 12mm parklon and 15mm LG. Thicker means more cushion. The smaller mat i put in the room in mil' pl, the thicker and bigger mat i put in the living room where i let bb has her tummy time, i fold clothes, eat there etc. U can do many things on the mat kekeke.

I guess both parklon and Lg have v nice designs and felt. Guess it is the $$$ except that if u want a near creaseless mat, then LG can offer u that, the mat seems to auto pop up from the crease and give u a seamless mat like a carpet. So if u think u want that then go get LG else if u dun mind the crease then get parklon. Parklon is smoother though not to say theat LG is not but comparatively parklon is the smoother. In terms of compactability, LG is more compact though both still fold to look bulky and put into the bag not never as bulky as mini toon and carpets. Hahaha hopefully u can what u want. INitially i nvr wanted any of these mat then i went get mini toon. Then i saw from a mumy' place on parklon mat, i went to buy then i tgt can use for many purposes went to buy LG kekeke so i think i will put 1 in my ger' room, 1 in living room when i moved back to spore. Should i have another kid, i will buy another piece to put inside the other room. Think can used as picnic mat to botanic gardens too.

Think if i were to buy a 3rd mat, LG for me and i think i will get mickey mouse LG!. It is never more expensive than stroller and cot hahahah if u look in tis way. Initially i tgt mat only mah, y must pay so much now i am sold into mats kekeke

U wont go wong w either parklon or lg, it is the basic investment u shd get for ur bb just like stroller, cot etc. In fact it last longer than any of must have items. I mean when they r like toddler or when friends come and no place to sit, this mat is the perfect place to play and sit and chit chat
Yvonne -

Evenflo ExerSaucer® SmartSteps - ABC
Portability! Folds significantly smaller than non-folding models in the marketplace
Age-appropriate toys help babies achieve 10 important developmental milestones
Variety of songs
Rock, spin and bounce!
Landscaped tray surrounds child
3-position height adjustment
3 flip-down feet for statioinary position
Seat locks in multiple positions
Removable, machine washable seat pad
Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included)
For infants 4 months to walking age (30" maximum height)
Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun
Playmat, ExerSaucer and Activity Table in one unit
Folds significantly smaller than non-folding models for easy portability
Helps baby achieve 10 developmental milestones
11 Age-appropriate toys
Variety of songs, sounds and phrases
Landscaped tray surrounds child
3-position height adjustment
3 flip-down feet for statioinary position
Seat locks in multiple positions
Removable, machine washable seat pad
For newborns to 24 mos.
Hahaha maid, i think i will put that on hold 1st. Now the place looks and feel much cleaner from the day i stepped in last monday. I have completely changed, washed and tidied whatever i need to do. Now i just need to maintain. But mind u, my place is really cramped and looked crowded. Kinda overwhelming i feel. I was like a mad woman from outer planet and really tired myself out from all these cleaning. I mean i dun usually behave like that in the past. I think for my bb's health, to have a clean and neat place for her to rest, sleep and play, i have to do it no matter how tired i am. Guess it is really maternal instinct. Thank goodness i am now more sane and can come in more often to chat w u all.

thank u for the info. it seem like the pond has music n e other dun have.

so walking age shld be less than 24 mths rite? tat mean the pond one can use longer?

correct me if i am wrong.
Hi Lynn,

I'm sorry but I'm not too sure which BPA free bottles are NUK wide neck teat compatible.

Looks like there are other mummies answering your questions now though!
Avent rings are pretty wide so there probably won't be a problem there.

Sorry I can't be of more help
Wow Simp...

Alien must really thank you for promoting. But actually I also encourage ppl to buy even tho I haven't got mine yet- can't wait. It's for our baby's safety.
Hi Maddy'sMum,

They sure change a lot, don't they?

The hubby and I were observing that Ethan's face has changed so much.. his eyes are more defined, his hair has got the slightest curl to it (like daddy)..

Sigh.. I can hardly wait till he turns 5 months!

Is Maddy your first? Ethan's mine which is why the gushing is pretty much endless! Haha
Lifespan should be longer for triple fun coz can turn into activity centre when kid does not want to be confined inside the ExerSaucer.
think i will get the pond for my gal.

hi jgal

can help me get the Evenflo ExerSaucer 3-in-1 Pond? how is the pyt process going to be like? It going to be around $260 right?
Re: LG/Parklon mats

personally i think it's well worth the 'investment'. I've a LG 15mm one and am ordering a cheaper Parklon 12mm one to put at either the babysitter's or my mum's place (depending on who i eventually end up with lah)..

cos cannot imagine wif bb is learning to sit/crawl and they get tired and flop at least can cushion their heads. what if baby's head knock against the floor?

and i agree with simp, i fold clothes, eat and lie there with my girl. her tummy time and playrime also on the mat. my advise is to get one that's as big as possible. i thought the LG 15mm one was too big and think so after repeated measurements. but then i really like the yellow bear design so still got it even though i thought it was too big. now i think it fits just nice and maybe even getting 'too small' lol!

as for thickness, mine's 15mm and raynsky's 12mm Parklon's still as good. both i think will give sufficient cushioning. but of cos the smaller and thinner it is the lighter it will be and will be easier to carry out if you intend to.

simp, Parklon's creases still there even if you lie it flat for very long ah? my LG's settled liao and no more creases but then cos i never fold it back after i opened and used it..
Simp and Lynn - Thanks so much for sharing all the information with us! I am going to buy one from Alien now.. ha ha!Can't wait for the mat to be delivered to me!
ya parklon crease will be there as i saw from the mumy' place n she has it like a yr alreadi but LG, no crease. That' the magic, of course alien wont say as she is the seller mah kekeke
Hi mummies

like to find out when yr baby start to flip his body to the side, is there any issue with baby not able to turn back and the head is facin down on nattress struggling especially during sleep.How to ensure baby won't suffocate? Any advise?
Simp and Lynn,

if only I knew in advance I would have paid the extra $100+ to buy LG! My Parklon Yellow Bear creases never seem to go away from Day 1 leh! very ugly
angel, how long did you have your mat already? you lay it flat all the time and never fold it yet the creases still there ah? aiyo now wondering if i should go ahead with my 2nd mat, a Parklon one..
Lynn, I received the mat in end of July, so 1mth plus already, got creases all over as it came rolled up in the long box mah. Until now, like what Simp said, creases still never fade but can live with it lah...Should have invested in a LG one

Lynn, did you check with PD why bb refuse the milk? Maybe stomach got gas or discomfort?

i'm really losing my patience with my girl leh. every feed is a stuggle and she drinks so little i'm so worried but she won't take any more. really very upset leh why is she like that? hiaz..

she'll suck once or twice and then turn her head away and start crying like very disgusted by the BM like that. really tempted to give her FM liao, maybe she'll like the taste better?
