(2008/04) April 2008

congrates angel and dana!!

voted for simp princess and vyn_leen =D

Sherin pls sms me your acc no.. to make payment for the ec book 98385906.. thanks

<font color="0077aa">good morning mummies!!

Gonna bring my boy to SBCC to c PD, gonna walk in.. no choice.. his cough still bad. . somemore last nite in the middle of the nite he got difficulty in breathing.. c liaoz so heart pain..
strawberries, hope your boy gets much better soon! maybe go early when there's fewer people so dun have to wait too long?
good morning...

brought my gal for the jab yesterday evening...she got fever last night and she keep waking up and cry...then now i v sleepy(panda eyes)
lynn85, the blank flashcards are for mummies who might want to DIY flashcards or for mummies already using flashcards to add their own words that they want to show their babies
Good morning Mummies!

Re: New Baby Incentives
PM said that WKS (Minister for Home Affairs) will be holding a Press Conference this week to announce details so let's be patient and keep an eye out
hi mummies, anyone using part-time cleaning ladies? with any particular agency or freelance? cannot be afraid of dogs cos i have 2..

i need recommendations, my sty needs some upkeeping. it's really messy now with baby and i have no energy on weekends to do housework. think i'd rather spend the time and energy with baby

anyone used A-Team Amahs before? feedback?
good morning ladies

Vivo gathering
my place here still raining leh, if it continues then probably wont be going for the gathering.

i'm using a cleaning co. hv engaged them for the bi-monthly services. so far so good. but its abit more ex if u compare those $10/hr. they hv 2 cleaners to do the job in half the time. u can check out their website www.homecleanz.com
last night brought my girl to the PD for a review of her rashes. and found that only after 3 days of intensive dieting, my girl lost weight!

very very upset leh, but really can't get her to drink more cos she's in one of her fussy-and-refuse-to-drink-milk kind of mood again!

she was fussy for about one and a half weeks and only took half her usual intake. then last week suddenly increased her intake to more than usual. i thought the worst was over but since saturady again back to her fussy pattern. her record yesterday was 30ml in 3 hours, and worse still dun wan to nap. grrrr...

her weight loss is really bothering me
stretch, if my girl finishes 90ml for her morning feed i'll be happy already. every feeding time is war like that, and i always lose! she's not even waking up for her morning feed yet (last fed at 6am), hiaz why like that? seems many babies are fussy drinkers?? but my girl not teething yet, no whites at her gums so no good reason for her to be fussy right?
just bring my boy visit doc again. Got fever after injection. 38deg. :-( My side here also raining. If afternoon still raining, then may have to cancel the gathering.

I can imagine the frustration! At times, I hope my girl is a glutton.. ha ha! When she was 3 months old, I had weeks of milk war with her as well. She can even go to the extreme of not taking any milk. This week, her pattern is back again. During her last night feed, she doesn't even want to drink at all. Death of me...She will be going for her vaccination tomorrow, will ask her PD what are the signs of teething.

How much milk does your bb take everyday?
stretch, my girl only drinks about 700ml on her usual days if she dun 'pattern pattern' with me. yesterday i think only half
Morning mummies

Lynn85: Got your payment. THanks. Will be mailing out today or tomoro.

Anyone have the link to Alien BP ? Thanks..

Veronica: Just to check with you. The signs of teething does it includes rubbing of gums. I dunno how to explain rubbing.. But saw my boy recently just loved to bite on his lower lips as if rubbing the lower gums. any babies having this sign ?

Simp &amp; Vyn_leen: voted for your darlings !!
Hi mummies(JTS)

My baby doesn't like to drink too.
It was better after i changed from teat no. 3 to no. 4 (Avent).
But she is only 4+ months old. Means she is too lazy to suck.
your can try changing bigger teats.
anyway it won't be wasteful if baby can't cope with the milk flow
since we need to change accordingly.
hi mummies
RE: fussy baby
me too baby will cry/scream for nothing, need to sing/pat/talk to him to calm him down. if is his milk time , he will refuse to drink milk but cry for it. Initial we tot its bcos of the teats too hard cos we change to new one, so I use back all the old teats but punch bigger hole but still he will not want to drink from it, and then I realise he dun want to drink from Avents teat but want to drink from his Pigeon teat( juice bottle) that I used for him to drink water , those s size one..my godness I had buy similar teat and milk bottle for him at all my Avents bottle now cast aside.
wow...so many mummies facing milk war.... aiya, me also.... dunno wat bb gal wants also, scared she is hungry, then give her milk she will refuse by using her hand to push the treat to her side of mouth n chew/bite...or use her hands to push the bottle away, sometimes she push so hard till the bottle drop.. then take out the treat, she will scream, like i bully her like tat, but the fact is tat she is bullying me...sigh... so worried man....
<font size="+2">Jgal ' Spree Summaries. Please check if the amts are correct. I will update the paid status later. </font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Clothes@BBCtr(SGD)</TD><TD>Toys@BBCtr &amp; M. Cube (SGD)</TD><TD>Cereal (SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel</TD><TD>120.886</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>verre</TD><TD>32.26</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verre </TD><TD>7.72</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jolene</TD><TD>31.986</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Superbaby's mum</TD><TD>24</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaspire</TD><TD>86.68</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maddysmum </TD><TD>27.452</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>36.766</TD><TD>27.944</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>raynsky </TD><TD>61.14</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babyliss </TD><TD>53.046</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lefthander77</TD><TD>160.35</TD><TD>27.944</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qcx_amy </TD><TD>87.706</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashimaro08 </TD><TD>27.772</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>scubababe</TD><TD>93.814</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PetrinaGoh</TD><TD>51.05</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ynby80</TD><TD>61.84</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sputnik</TD><TD>24.272</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eilin</TD><TD>122.75</TD><TD>62.986</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>littleprincesses</TD><TD>46.84</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasmine </TD><TD>15.44</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Javier's_mum(hoon) 42.55</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>gervynne </TD><TD>24.7</TD><TD>49.308</TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cutiebb </TD><TD>16.28</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherin</TD><TD>126.346</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dolly23 </TD><TD>7.72</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>dolly23 </TD><TD>31.72</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mushloom</TD><TD>92.986</TD><TD>134.218</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poupinette</TD><TD>Unknown</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jellyfish</TD><TD></TD><TD>117.908</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherin l</TD><TD></TD><TD>27.93</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD></TD><TD>27.944</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>goodbb</TD><TD></TD><TD>27.944</TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mini_apple</TD><TD></TD><TD>27.944</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ivy</TD><TD></TD><TD>27.944</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calarmari</TD><TD></TD><TD>15.414</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma Rae</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD> Veronica</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>17 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn85</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>tsukushi</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ABCmum</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheesycake</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Dear Jgal, good morning. I've transferred <font color="0000ff">S$120.90</font> for my orders from Baby Center but due to OOS for 2 items and drop of 1 sleeper due to no size, my order cost should be only <font color="ff0000">S$83.30</font>.

The balance of <font color="0000ff">S$37.60</font>, please refund to me at <font color="0000ff">POSB Savings 115-20216-2</font> since you're organising multiple sprees and difficult to keep track who to pay what. Thanks very much.
<font color="119911">Geryl
she took her 2nd jab? is she giving out those yang-o cry like those whinning cry huh. hear liao really want to sayang her more hor.. my boy wasnt tt bad after his 2nd 6in1 jab.. juz lucky then. poor mummy deprived fr slp again but tonight will b btr.. cheerios!

wish bb Gideon speedy recovery
he's young, he's strong, with the special care he will say bye bye to the bad bugs ya :D

gOngXi Angel, heXi Dana! bring glory to apr babies *@-@* hw bb Dana.. btr?

Yes, ABCmum meetup 2pm at Vivo Starbuck
cya there

Thanks for ya warm hosting, Mama Chewy &amp; Chewy Elliot :D njoy the companion of bb Nicodemus, Asher, Ian, Xavier, Madeline, Dana and Valerie and mamas talks

oh bb no cheese for Mama Chewy.. so tt's the culprit hmmp

veronica bring the dvds n spoon for me ya
will pay ya the remaining cya</font>
hi angel

i just transfer back $15.68+1 to your acct because i didnt order the sleeper. As for the other 2 OOS items i will transfer to you when i pack the goods.. Cos' quite alot of items oos after ordering, I still receiving oos notices from babycentre this morning. Currently, I have not try to track the refund required due to OOS yet. I may chose to issue cheque and pack into the clothes when ppl come and collect cos' setting up ib transfer for > 10 ppl is quite luan.
Thanks Jgal for the update. I really 'Pei Fu' you for being able to juggle bb, work and organising these sprees! Got enuf sleep a not?

bbliss, Dana's better but still sneezes esp weather y'day and today very cold! This Thursday and Friday, I'll be attending 2 full-days seminar at Bishan Library so can't join the CCK gathering at your house leh
Next week have a not? Can help me collect BB Einstein DVDs from Veronica this Sat cos I can't join the playGym too. Wah, missing out so many gatherings leh...

Prawnie, Dana also have been biting/rubbing/ chewing her gums more intensively this week and drooling buckets! I suspect gums itchy due to teething soon. Maybe when they reach 5mths, can see 1st teeth?
<font color="0000ff">REMINDER

<u>Mini PlayGym Playdate</u>

Date: <font color="ff0000">Sat, 23rd Aug</font>
Time: <font color="ff0000">2pm</font>
Venue: <font color="ff0000">The Mayfair, Jurong East</font> (near Chi Gdn MRT)

1. Sherin n bb
2. Simp n bb n hb
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Stefylim n bb n hb
5. JuniorRain n bb
6. Geryl n bb
7. Jaspire n bb
8. Koori n bb
9. Jgal n bb
10. Veronica n bb
11. Chewy n bb n HB
12. yo n bb
13. Babybliss n bb
14. ABCmum n bb
15. scubababe n bb
16. tsukushi n bb n hb
17. Rantingbaby n bb
18. Puffish n bb
19. Maddysmum n bb n hb
20. Lynn85 n BB n HB n Wayne(elder son)

Things to bring: mat, towel

CDs i/c: Sherin
Food i/c: ??
CD player i/c: babyliss
Drinks i/c: calamari

This will be the last playgym for August. Next playgym likely on 27 Sep as some of us have the trial gym for The Little Gym @ Forum on 13 Sep and 20 Sep.

Anyone want to volunteer light finger food? Mummies will contribute to the food fund.
Hi mummies,

Ethan and I will have to join you for the next playgym as we'll be overseas till next month.

Please keep us in the loop about that one when the time comes!

Have a great time to all mummies and their bubs!

I also can't join this Fri coz I have external course in town

I'm FTWM... I do enjoy CCK gathering tho. Perhaps next Fri since I'll be off to clear my maternity leave...


Mini PlayGym Playdate

Date: Sat, 23rd Aug
Time: 2pm
Venue: The Mayfair, Jurong East (near Chi Gdn MRT) (http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_5574/travel_site_111666/)

1. Sherin n bb
2. Simp n bb n hb
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Stefylim n bb n hb
5. JuniorRain n bb
6. Geryl n bb
7. Jaspire n bb
8. Koori n bb
9. Jgal n bb
10. Veronica n bb
11. Chewy n bb n HB
12. yo n bb
13. Babybliss n bb
14. ABCmum n bb
15. scubababe n bb
16. tsukushi n bb n hb
17. Rantingbaby n bb
18. Puffish n bb
19. Maddysmum n bb n hb

Things to bring: mat, towel

CDs i/c: Sherin
Food i/c: ??
CD player i/c: babyliss
Drinks i/c: calamari

This will be the last playgym for August. Next playgym likely on 27 Sep as some of us have the trial gym for The Little Gym @ Forum on 13 Sep and 20 Sep.

Anyone want to volunteer light finger food? Mummies will contribute to the food fund.

I will join in nxt play gym. Wait for my playmat to arrive 1st. Got no mat for my bb.Mummies n their bb,Enjoy yourselves.
<font color="aa00aa">mushloom, lynn85,Emmarae </font> :

Do you want me to bring in the Evenflo Exersaucers Triple Fun. Estimate shipping is ard $120. I dun think it will hit $308 per unit as offer by Reena.. I see her sell so expensive.

the normal evenflo exersaucer delux shipping only 110. So assume this one is slightly more expensive like 140 also wont hit $308 per unit. But you need to remember not local warranty hor.
Re: Milkwar
Hmm, my gal also give me this prob when i m at home with her over the weekend. Dunno is it she's a big gal now so drink faster or what weekends she latch on for a short while nia then dun 1 already coz when i offer her the other breast she dun 1 and when i feel the breast that she latched on still quite lumpy. So that means she did not drink alot right? Her weight gain is slowing down liao. The check up at 2mths plus 3mths she was in the 50th percentile now only 25th percentile. But PD say she was small to begin with. I also checked with PD if she is teething and her milk strike... PD say some babies at this stage are weaning themselves off night feeds so if they dun 1 their milk in the night its ok. PD say her gums a bit swollen but should not be teething yet.

Maybe you try give her 2oz through out the day like instead of 3hrly, give 2hrly? like have a btl of milk standby and give it to her the way as if it is plain water?

i have transferred $83.97 for the clothings (US59.99) and $47.48 for the toys (US33.91) the price u have reflected in the above includes the shipping cost is it?
the clothings is inclusive of shipping.. while the toys still pending the shipping charges.
only cost is reflected for the toys.
anyone knows if nuk teat can fit medela bottles? i tried it seems to fit but not a 'tight tight' fit like avent teats to their bottles.
Think i will permanently be mia for a while. When i am back and can join, will drop calamari an sms


Mini PlayGym Playdate

Date: Sat, 23rd Aug
Time: 2pm
Venue: The Mayfair, Jurong East (near Chi Gdn MRT) (http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel/travel/travel_id_5574/travel_site_111666/)

1. Sherin n bb
2. <strike>Simp n bb n hb</strike>
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Stefylim n bb n hb
5. JuniorRain n bb
6. Geryl n bb
7. Jaspire n bb
8. Koori n bb
9. Jgal n bb
10. Veronica n bb
11. Chewy n bb n HB
12. yo n bb
13. Babybliss n bb
14. ABCmum n bb
15. scubababe n bb
16. tsukushi n bb n hb
17. Rantingbaby n bb
18. Puffish n bb
19. Maddysmum n bb n hb

Things to bring: mat, towel

CDs i/c: Sherin
Food i/c: ??
CD player i/c: babyliss
Drinks i/c: calamari

This will be the last playgym for August. Next playgym likely on 27 Sep as some of us have the trial gym for The Little Gym @ Forum on 13 Sep and 20 Sep.

Anyone want to volunteer light finger food? Mummies will contribute to the food fund.
amy, i'm afarid if i do that then she'll go back to feeding 2 hourly if i do that. but of cos dun think she'll even finish 3oz in 2 hours (her last time amount).

last night i tried giving her after 2 hours cos she drank only 50ml the last feed. end up she drank only 30ml.
Hi Jgal,

I might be interested in the Triple Fun Exersaucer, what will the item cost?

Hi Lynn,

Yes NUK teats can fit Medela bottles, I've used that combination myself
My ger does that often and now when she bites my boobs, i will either pinch her arms or tell her no.

Hope ur boi is ok after he fever. *hugz* My ger got fever everytime too.

Hope ur bb is ok soon. *hugz*

LG vs Parklon vs Mini Toons Playmat
I have all 3 of them and wanna sell away the mini toon. The diff is that parklon' surface is smoother, softer but the crease will always remain. LG' mat surface is not as smooth, but the crease will smoothen out by itself once u leave the mat on the floor all the time. Mini toons mat' surface is the most basic one, cannt be compared to parklon or lg. My parklon in mil' place and my lg now in kl. Think i like both

Price for parklon is between $110 and $200+, LG is between $170 n $300+, Mini toons is between $70 and $100+ ba i think.
Any mummies know whether NUK wide bottle teat can fit which BPA free Bottle?

Jgal, Hw much does it cost including shipment? Can give a estimation? Thanks.

Hi Lynn,

Do you mean fit through the bottle neck/ring?

Yes it fits snugly, I've never felt that it doesn't fit securely. I even use Pigeon teats with Medela bottles without any trouble or leaks.

Have you tried using the combination yet? If it doesn't leak, then no problem
