(2008/04) April 2008

I sooooo understand how you are feeling... I was afraid that my emtions will show when i m back at work so i started my baby with nanny 2 wks earlier so that i can weed out any problems should it happen. Hmm, yes i believe its seperation anxiety. I think its impt to start early with the caregiver. I am like you, dun feel that anyone is as competent as me to take care of my baby untill i started with my nanny. When she solved my baby's day nap problem and other stuff then i started to really trust that she is competent. But given a choice i will still want to take care of her myself, my way. I also keep lots of baby's photos in my phone and view them while i express milk. It helps with achieving the letdowns and i feel less gulity coz for those times i m thinking about her nia not thinking of anything related to work...

<font color="0077aa">tsukushi, tis is wat the sbcc replies me. .sae they fully book... thus refer me to mount a instead..

lynn, fer my case i've lots of bb pics on my hp thus will look at him whenever i think of him or call home...</font>
Also, after starting with the care giver, you can sneak in some time alone for yourself like go for facial or shopping alone for new working clothes... Then maybe you won't feel so miserable... I only managed to go for facial n a bit of shopping coz i always want to rush back and pick up my baby early but its still good at least i have a bit of time to myself before i start work. Coz since starting work till now, i never left her alone with someone else coz only left 2 precious days in the week taht i can care for her liao dun want to miss out more
Esther - I gave my bb pneumoccocal &amp; rotavirus together with her 6in1...PD say its ok, tik i very HIONG hor, one shot let her take so many jabs.

Amy - my ger also cranky and fussy one day after her jab but on Mon she ok liao, hope Zhiyan is better today.
Lynn - I understand how you feel. When I first started work, I missed my girl so much that my milk supply dropped by 70% on the first day and I had fever for 2 days cos of bad engorgement (was unable to express my milk out). But as time passes, you will feel better when you start to trust on the caretaker.
Actually, I have already given dd the rotavirus together with her 2nd and 3rd 5in1 jabs. That's recommended by the nurse at polyclinic..(more like threatening i think, she said "Is either you you give your baby rotavirus within 24hrs after 5in1 or you can forget it!" Hmm... wonder why I din seek second opinion at that time. Intended to give dd the prenvar on her 7mth but now having second thought.. maybe give her after 1 yrs old.

Koori, think you just merely follow your PD's advice rite. Afterall, they are the professional mah...
koori - me too gave my girl all 3 at 1 go.. 5-in-1 + pnuemococcal + rotovirus as recommended by my PD.. my girl has just taken her 2nd shot of the 3 altogher on Sat, this time she cried when doc gave the 1st jab onto her thigh despite hb &amp; myself distracting her attention like what we always do for every vacinne visit.. so heartpain to see her cry, so painful.. poor little girl.. after the 2 jabs on both thighs then was given rotavirus which is a sweet liquid mixture according to the nurse whom was giving her.. she stopped crying when taking rotavirus though.. but was machiam complaining to all of us that its pain pain after we left the doc..
Re : BB Poo Poo
To mummies whose bbs are constipated (haven't been pooing for a few days) and are breastfeeding. Drink pear juice or eat pears. I tried, and bb poo-ed after that

me now taking care of my son myself, very stressful and tired but i may goin to find a job next year, very sad n miss my bb...my boy very bad temper, so now i cant leave him to a nanny, wait till he older..

me also nt fang xin to leave my boy to other ppl..don now hw the nanny treat him, if he doesnt want to drink milk, don think the nanny will so patient to feed him..coz sometime i use 2 hr to feed my son and he drink inside sarong..(Don know tro away how many bottle of milk)

understand ur feeling..
Re: Decrease of Milk Intake
According to my PD, that its normal to see BB have decrease appetite in their milk during this period of time as they are getting tired of the same menu and curious to try new food. Like us adult, if we keep consuming the same food continuously for months, we will also be sianz...But it will get better
Re: blank flashcards

jaspire &amp; babybliss and any other mummuies who might be interested..

the flashcards (350gsm, 4"x20") are $47.10 (weird number cos of GST lah) for 747 pieces. jaspire and babybliss pls indicate how many pieces you want then we work out how much to pay per person okie?

Blood in bb poo?
I was changing my gal's diaper yesterday after she poo-ed and saw some traces of blood.. as thou like menses type. But very very little. Is it normal? I am quite worried. And before she poo-ed, she was like using alot of strength to poo like that...
Any of your babies are like dat?
Congrats Angel and Dana!!!!

So whose baby pix is up this week and next? I seem to have lost track of which mummies is posting when liao...
it's constipation. maybe u can dilute the milk abit if on FM, otherwise give some diluted fruit juice. think Heinz carry those suitable for 4mths onwards.
jaspire: My baby Kayla is supposed to be participating in next week's contest. This week's Simp's baby. Dunno whether she got submit in leh...
Hi Jaspire,
is ok if not often..Mayb her stools is hard? Then their skin tear n will have abit of blood in it..If it's too much then u shld bring her to check..
Angel &amp; Dana

ya beginning when i went back 2 work, the few days I was like abit lost, keep thinking abt my boy, dun wat is he doing nw, is he drinking well, sleeping well, blah blah blah......... i think all FTWM will all feel the same. So actually b4 i went back to work i use my HP to take his pics &amp; video so when i in office, can see if i miss him........ i think it helps. Nw back to work for 2mths oredi, still miss and think of him but not so jia luck anymore. But I think getting a trusted caregiver will helps to reduce ur worries. Eg my mum nw looking after my boy i dun hv 2 worry he will b ill-treated or nt properly taken care of like if my boy fuss during feed, my mum hv the patience to feed him where else some nannies may nt hv the patience 2 spend hrs feeding bbs.
Congrats Dana and Mummy !!

Jaspire: you monitor her stools. That time I monitor Xavier's stools for three times before I sent him to KKH. If stools are soft, it's ok. Could be she used too much strength to force out. sometimes, it could be due to allergies.
Lynn : i take 100 cards.
let me know how much to transfer to you. when you getting the cards? you know where to laminate the cards?
Jaspire, hope bb Kayla's constipation will be eased soon. Please sayang her on my behalf.

Simp, voted for bb Shervon using all my emails le

Vyn, voted for your bb too!
Blank flashcards (350gsm, 4"x20") are $47.10 (weird number cos of GST lah) for 747 pieces. Cards will be ready 21 Aug, but will need to ask hubby when can go pick it up cos it's office hours only. See when he can sneak off a bit earlier..

1. Lynn_: 147 pieces
2. Jgal: 100 pieces
3. Jaspire: 200 pieces?
4. Babybliss: 200 pieces?
Why do you need the blank cards when you have the GD cards??

angel/dana: Congrats!! What's the prize for winning? :p
Tsukushi, I also dunno what prize. Called up to ask they say prizes just ran out, they're looking for sponsors!

Lynn, what are some common words you want to add? My bb seems to enjoy the Red wordings too!
thanks to all mummies who've given me advice on how to deal with my returning-to-work blues. i really hope i can get over this phase and not be too upset when at work.

think i really gotta firm up my childcare plans and start leaving her for a while and gradually the whole day there

now thinking abt convering to part-timne next yr so as to spend more time with my girl.. looking after her is tough, she constantly wants attention and entertainment, but her smile makes everything worthwhile. for someone who has put off having a baby for years it really surprises myself how much i'm attatched to my little one..
angel, you started on the words already? think my girl prefers words rather than the dots leh.. maybe she smiles and laugh cos dunno why her mummy is so enthusiastically flashing cards at her lol!

i have not opened vol2 of the GD kit. is there a bathtime category? and want to add in words like darling etc. so far i didn't see it in the kit. and i might not do all the cards, like some sports not so common and won't be using those words often anyway..
Lynn, today just started 'Daddy, Mummy and Baby, Love'
Dana also prefers words to dots and I lamented to hubby that bb is like us, not Mathematically inclined leh. When I flash the dots cards, she'll look away. How? hehe

Thanks Maddy's Mum. Today I rest at home cos Dana pass the flu bug to me!
hi Simp / Vyn_leen,

voted for both babies

What flash cards are you all talking about?

BP for playmat is on again for those who wants to get.
BTW any GD mummies can invite me to join the GD support group?

angel, how mant times are you doing each set of cards? i'm now doing twice, but when go back to work think can only do it once.. lawrence say if bb look away also nevermind right? we just try, can't force them to look at every card

seriously thinking abt getting a 2nd playmet and throwing away our sofa cos the dogs destroyed the sofa anyway.. big question is how to keep the dogs off the mat when no one's at home, and if we can really do wihout a sofa and sit on the mat instead.. hmmm..
