(2008/04) April 2008

puffish, got ur mail! Thks!

piggy_mummy, dun worry babe, we r all learning from one another, mostly first time mums here. YBCR = robert titzer's DVD/CD/pullout cards: YOUR BABY CAN READ
<font color="aa00aa">
Baby massage classes at NUH
Cost: $55++
Bring baby along. If baby, not willing to do massage, there are toy baby for "practice".

Clinic tel: 6772 2255,6772 2277
Person-in-charge : Patricia Dimney ( Nurse Clinician)

highly recomm.

i feel very stressful to bcom SAHM leh,my hb ask me to take care of bb at least 6 month then try for second one, but i don think i can give my bb the best. i don know anything, like GUG classes, YBCR,....only know that fr this thread..


izzit really better to stay at home than working? sometime wana buy bb stuf, but have to think twice coz now HB working only

me interested in the YBCR VCD too, can send me at [email protected]

i feel very stressful to bcom SAHM leh,my hb ask me to take care of bb at least 6 month then try for second one, but i don think i can give my bb the best. i don know anything, like GUG classes, YBCR,....only know that fr this thread..


izzit really better to stay at home than working? sometime wana buy bb stuf, but have to think twice coz now HB working only:-(

me interested in the YBCR VCD too, can send me at [email protected]

hi piggy mummy: dun get too stress
the most impt ingredient in growing a healthy baby is loving family.
Others are just elective.

As we all know, the most impt thing one has to learn is to be happy and confidence.
Not the kid with most toys will be the most successful person.

How i wish i can be a sahm, i want to teach my gal the way of life. Beside growing her academically, appreciation of the simple things and morals etc.
Wanted to get flashcards, i also scare i dun have time. I want to spend time with my gal playing, not just flashing cards.

currently, my plans are 1) latch on my gal and 2) massage for her every evening b/f she go to bed 3)set a routine for her to read everyday 4) play with her at least 1/2hr a day.

With these 4 activities, already taken up all of my time with her.
piggy_mummy: Don't stress k? We are all learning too. Some of us are just too anxious (me included!). Because I am not a SAHM, I feel that I don't have enough time to spend with my baby, so tend to want to make it up to her on weekends, and in ways like playschools and flashcards. With all these ECA/CCA for the baby, must also make sure you can cope. I am perhaps lucky as my mom will probably do the ferrying of my baby when she goes to playgroups if in the weekdays, and she does the flashcards with my baby. OOtherwise, you have already given your baby the best by being a SAHM!
I got some info for Gymboree classes at Harbourfront Centre. I am not really interested in Gymboree lah, but will post the details here for those who are.

Level 1 (Birth - 6 mths) Thoughtful Observer
- Becoming calm
- Attentive &amp; interested in the world

Duration: 45 min/session
No. of classes: 12
Cost: $399
Annual Membership Fee: $50 (includes Gymboree t-shirt + 1 FOC class/trial class)

Otherwise, trial classes are $40 each.

Min of 3 to form a trial class.
hi all...
I was recommended by a friend to read this book.
Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Children Really Learn--and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less [BARGAIN PRICE] (Paperback)


Authors and child psychologists Hirsh-Pasek, Golinkoff and Eyer join together to prove that training preschoolers with flash cards and attempting to hurry intellectual development doesn't pay off. In fact, the authors claim, kids who are pressured early on to join the academic rat race don't fair any better than children who are allowed to take their time. Alarmed by the current trend toward creating baby Einsteins, Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff urge parents to step back and practice the "Three R's: Reflect, Resist, and Recenter." ....
jgal, stefy,
at least i know i m not alone. hopefully tomorro when she goes back to auntie's house she dun pattern...

I also wish i can stay at home n be a SAHM but no choice, no work no $$$. I console myself that at this point of time i can still afford to work abit more. When she is older n needs more attention i will maybe opt for part time or quit to stay at home oh well, take a step at a time dun think so far think too far too stressful...
Now i m only concern that my milk supply dun dip when i go back to work and hopefully can come back on time each day and spend quality time with my baby before she goes to bed.
<font color="0077aa">sorry the thread is running super fast.. cant catch up..

thanx puffish fer ur guidiance :D, now know how to do IB liaoz..

Sherin, i have transferred u the amt S$33.54 to ur account 673-852729-001. Transaction Ref: 1776068738, pls kindly confirm when u recieve

veronica, thanx fer the advise, i noe wat to do liaoz</font>
<font color="0077aa">piggy_mummy, i oso wish i can be a SAHM, but i do agree wif amy_quek tat no work no $. I hope i be able to be home on time to juz to spend quality time wif my boy.. but being working in shift work is not going to make it easy fer me..

dun feel stress, u have everyone support here
Zishumo, Veronica
Tks for ur kind input. Zishumo, my boi weighs 3.4kg at birth and now he is ard 6plus kg. I guess our bbies are gg thru a milk reduction stage to prepare for weaning? Read this in a site but dunno hw reliable tt's. Btw, ur bb on TBM right?
Xiang: I got some more orders from ON. This is my final order.

URL: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?cid=26195&amp;pid=579797
Colour: Felt Blue
Qty: 1
Size: XL
Price: US$20

URL: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?cid=5382&amp;pid=567992&amp;scid=567992042
Colour: Berry Chutney
Qty: 1
Size: XL
Price: US$24.50

URL: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?cid=26808&amp;pid=566844&amp;scid=566844002&amp;actFltr=true
Qty: 1
Colour: Dark Denim
Size: 6 - 12m
Price: US$4.99

URL: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?cid=26808&amp;pid=574702&amp;scid=574702002&amp;actFltr=true
Qty: 1
Colour: Aqua Splash
Size: 6 - 12m
Price: US$4

URL: http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?cid=26808&amp;pid=574702&amp;scid=574702002&amp;actFltr=true
Qty: 1
Colour: Bright White
Size: 6 - 12m
Price: US$6

Total: US$59.49 x 1.45 = S$86.30

Kindly confirm my order and will tfr to u tom. Thanks!
Any of your babies went for pneumoccocous jab already? Any fever? My girl going for her jab next week. Previously, her 6-in-1 jab no fever but worried this pneumoccocous jab will have.
Re : period
Mine came twice, abt the same dates for both months so i guess period came back.
Stefy - i also bf but period came, guess its indl body.
Hi Puffish

care to share with me the softcopy of "How to multiply your baby's intelligence" from GD? My email: [email protected]

I'm also interested in the Growing up Gifted (GUG) program. Keep me in the loop for the trial. Preferrably is in december
wow... can't catch up with the thread...

piggy_mummy - congras! U are among those who are willing to scarifice career for bb. Don't be stress! I am also a 1st time mum, jus surf web to get info and keep harassing friends who r more exp. :)

For the YBCR and flash cards, I guess it is my way to compensate bb for not being able to teach/play with him for most of the weekdays. By the time I am home, bb only ask for feed and then sleep. How to play with him or flash a card?

There are pros and cons of being SAHM and FTWM, we jus have to make the best of our time :)

Rotavirus jab is esp gd if ur bb is in a infant care environment. It helps bb to reduce the chance of getting infected, eg; flu,cough &amp; etc bug

i got my gal jab Rotavirus last time when she's a baby coz i used to put her at an Infant Care or 5mths. if i'm not wrong 2jabs for this.

Yes... i agreed w wat Veronica said. Treasure every moment w ur bb whenever u can if u work.
Staying hm w ur kid is gd coz u DEFINITELY hv a strong bonding w ur bb. I chose to stay hm w my gal and till now even when she's cheeky and i scold her, after a while she will still snuggle up to me and always asking for mummy...

But, never feel bad if u r a working mum. It's tough to hv to work and ur heart is thinking of ur bb. I've been thru that for 5mths till i called it a quit when my gal was 9 mths old. Esp for bfg mum... got to go extra mile to exp BM, store and tpt it hm.

All mummies are GREAT... regardless u r a SAHM or FTWM

r we having a meet up at ur pl? ***signz** really wanna meet up w e mummies here. always last minute cannot meet. **Ooopps**

sahm meet up? anyone game for a morning meetup for breakfast together w our bb? Timing ard 930am - 1pm? Location we'll arrange, anyone???
Yo - I am not a sahm but I am off every Thursday. Can meet u gals for breakfast :) Meet somewhere near MRT can? So I can push a pram...

Agree, all mummies are great!
RE: Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Children Really Learn--and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less [BARGAIN PRICE] (Paperback)

Interesting content LOL Food for thought indeed.

Btw I've emailed you asking for instructions regarding payment and mailing of Leapfrog LS. Let me know how much to top up. Thanks!
hi mummies, today 1st day at work..

I realised that my new office is open concept, there is no room for me to express milk.. so stress now.. all the rooms are glass door.. i think i have to give up bf le.
I wish I could be a SAHM, with the help of a housekeeper :p

Reality is, I'm a FTWM who is supposed to work full day today, and my MIL (baby's weekday caregiver) has just asked me to bring the baby to the PD later for a checkup, worried that he is increasingly fussing during feeds and his "hands and feet cold" ... ah well, looks like another busy day of running around.

Sherin, I O$P$ you for gymboree books in batch 2, please give me a day or two to make the IB transfer. Thanks v much.
charis mom
this sounds gross but as long as your office toilet is decently clean, you can try to pump in the toilet. many mums have done it in toilet cubicles, it is very unappealing, but that's reality for you. i think it is a waste to give up BF if you still have supply. hope things work out for you!
Hi all mummies,

Can I join this thread?
My bb gal is born in April as well.

Recently, she dun seem to be emptying her bottle as usual and I am getting worried. Thought of bringing her to the doc.

Any mummy facing this prob too?
hi stretch
welcome to april babies thread :D

funnily enough, starting about 2 weeks back, my boy also has been fussing at the bottle. he'd drink a little, cry a little, then drink... repeat about 3-4 times. sometimes he stops at half bottle and refuses to drink anymore. luckily, other times he does finish his feed. i'm bringing him to the PD later to ask for an opinion, MIL suspects wind. as he grows older he refuses to sit still to be burped, thus wind is a possibility.
my boy nowadays v distracted...when feeding milk, must be quiet.....if someone is walking ard him, he will stop.... oso his milk intake oso decrease.....only when middle of nite aft he slp long hrs, he will finish 180ml..if not thru out the day, every 2-3hrly, he drink only 110-130 which decrease from 150ml...heard bb at some age, tends to decrease, is it?
hi joelle,

me also an Apr mummy. bb born on 1st apr (Apr's Fools Day)

My boy also behaves like ur bb. Been fussing at the bottle for abt 1 week plus liao. Is it wind??

but now saw wat charis mom wrote, a bit scared. If his throat is inflamed or wat leh??...
brought my girl for her 6-in-1 jab. the doc advised to take rotavirus vaccine 2 weeks later, but i tot can take together with the jab? anyway she was crying her lungs out after the jab it prob won't do any good to try to force the oral vaccine down her throat heehee..

finally my girl passed the 5kg mark. she's now 5.1kg, 2 months old and her birth weight was 2.8kg. seems to be on track for the weight gain.. but dunno how to increase her milk intake, now she's drinking 90-100ml, still every 2 hours or so in the daytime. nightime she takes the same amount but can stretch longer, maybe abt 4 hours.

anyway the doc said try to give ebm that's as fresh as possible, cos the antibodies will die very quickly. made me so sad leh, think i'll practise last in first out even for chilled ebm..
my gal took her rotavirus with her 6-in-1, the doc gave her the rotavirus first then the jab, so she was ok. Cried for a while after the jab but not as bad as i thot it would be. But she only 4.4kg at 2 mths leh, dunno if underweight. Doc did not say anything...
Hi mummies
I am new at this thread too.

mine also April baby.
hi stretch and joelle
my baby same same as you both, now I had difficulties to empty his milk bottle ,I tot he is still not hungry enough so I let him rest for awhile but he dose off and wake up more then an hour later, no choice had to waste the milk .
May I know what shall be the proper guideline for babies at this stage consumtion level? my baby is still drink 90ml since 1st mth...introduce 30 ml more but he can't finish at all. I afraid that he is under feed.
joelle...my ger is also the same leh...do let us know wat ur PD says ok...

me also getting worried...on sat she onli drank 100ml from the bottle and sun 260ml, just refuse no matter how hungry she is and when i finally let her latch on she refuses to let go for 1hr....ha ha ha...

wonder wat's wrong wif out bbs....
sherin, i cannot do internet transfer thru OCBC website. Am going PD later will find an ATM to transfer to u ya.

Feed: Byron's intake is also very erratic. In the day he can be full with ard 80 - 90ml, but at night i give him 150ml he also can finish! Better ask PD. He is also very distracted like Kea...... keep wanting to talk back to us when drinking his milk.

FTWM: I am going back to work tomorrow, gosh its so fast that our ML is over. I think its going to be hard to continue BF but i will preserve!!!!!
Re : Amt of feed
I gave my boy 150ml of feed, and if he stops, that's his required intake. I won't force him to drink. Now at 11 weeks, he's drinking 120ml. I use this method only if he keep crying after the feed.
Alternative, can try to increase the feed 10ml at a time, and c if bb is satisfied with the feed.

Hope it helps :)

my family doctor ask me not to give my baby 5-in 1 or 6-in 1 jab, said its not recommended by him as its will cause alot of complications like high fever , fits etc.he want me just to give him the so call normal 3 jabs. any mummies ever had experience on this?
