(2008/04) April 2008

Re: GUG trial class
prefer weekends as me am FTWM
both parents can join the classes or only 1 parent?

angel, me also stressed and guilty cos i'm not SAHM..

Lynn, only 1 parent. Personally, i also prefer weekend. Don't be stress and guilty, as long as we put in effort to guide bb, shld be no prob de. =) Just don't neglect our bb!
I'm interested in the Gymboree books set. Can I still order?

I would like to collect my LP Set via registered mail. Any info u need?
Ladies, experienced mummies out there,

I need some advice here... I started to let my baby go to the nanny's place for 1 wk liao and this is the first weekend since going to the nanny's place. Qn:Should we continue to give her EBM in a btl at home with us? as in stick to the routine at nanny's place? Yesterday and today we did not manage to give her EBM, today when hb tried to feed her via btl she rejected the btl dunno is it coz i m at home with her? Can i just let her latch on over the weekend? will she reject her btl when she goes back to the nanny's place on mon?
Puffish, I prefer Weekend afternoons. Please reserve a place for me and my baby ya? Thanks!

Mummies, I have one of thoes MIM slings but dunno how to use. So lousy mummy
simp, you received your pikkolo already right? I thought you can adjust the leg area for newborn so bb dun have to spread the legs too wide? do you find the carrier bulky? can it be kept compactly? i'm anxiously waiting for mine, baby needs to be carried more and more, and she's getting heavier and heavier.

going for 6-in-1 jab tomorrow, quite worried leh. my mum wants to try to feed my ger paosheng later, but i doubt she'll drink. she doesn't even want to drink water leh.
lynn - maybe u can try giving yr gal barley water? i gave my gal b4 she went for the 6 in 1, still kena slight fever, but went off very fast.

angel - i also dunno how to use the sling.. haha..
swirl : no need yet. i will advise you later when LS arrived.

re: reject bottle
amy , my gal also getting smarter. she refused the bottle when she "knows" that i am at home. So i always say bye bye to her when i set off for work. She will cry abit and make fuss during her first feed of the day, but subsequent she is okay. Somehow she knows that i am not ard so will guai guai drink frm the btl.

I think they are are smarter than we think. When their really hungry and no mummie ard, i believe they will drink lor
Thought mine arrived already? Cos' my nick was reflected in your list for collection at Redhill MRT. Sorry ah, abit confused here.
swirl : yes collection on 12 june during outing.
havent reach me yet. :p but it's already in singapore with singpost liao.
charis , sputnik , lynn,simp : barley water, ling yang ? abit too young right? my gal had her 6-in-1 last mth, she had abit of fever, i fed her with the panadol medicine that the doc gave and the fever went away 2 hrs later and didnt come back again.

my mum told me baby too young for barley water and everything else except water and milk. Not sure what is the effect on her little digestive system.

Our time, we get vaccinated later ..>6mth old, so i guess its was okay for us to have such things.
Thanks puffish. Sherin, I am having problem transferring money to you. did not have the chance to go to a posb atm to see if i can transfer to ocbc via posb atm. My place abit inaccessible to atm. will try to transfer the money to u next week. sorry for the delay.
Hi mummies wanna check out the rates for 5-in-1/6-in-1 packages u hv:

A) 5-in-1: $294
B) 6-in-1(+ consultation): $450
C) Rotavirus: $90(1 dose), $170(2 dose)
D) Pneumococcal:$27(1 dose), $48(2 dose)

KKH? THomson? Kidslink? ETC...
Sherin, i've transferred $33.54 to you via internet banking, transaction no. is 1775560529. It will take 3 working days as i using DBS to transfer. Thanks!!
Puffish - thanks for the file and the contact

Blessed - my boy used to drink 1 litre per day before 9 weeks, now he only drinks like 500 to 600ml. As long as he doesn't fuss and put on weight.
jus now my hubby tried out the baby bjorn air we jus bought, my gal seem quite happy in it, even feel asleep in it also after walking around for a while.
<font color="0077aa">puffish, ehz u are using internet banking to transfer to sherin? Great!! i need help here.. there's one portion bout the payee bank <font color="ff0000">branch</font> code, u noe wat is the code?? and how we noe the code?? is it the first 3 number of the account no?? sorry to ask cuz this is the first time im using i-banking.

burpy_baby, i tried to transfer using the atm but cant, think can onli transfer posb or dbs ..</font>
Thanks for the advice. I'm bringing bb for his jab tomorrow. Maybe will give a little paosheng water before we go.

How's your pikkolo? :p

I'm interested in the class. I'll prefer weekend cos I should be working by then.
strawberries, there's a "click to see the list of bank or branch" under the payee bank code. After that, there's a list of bank to choose, u scroll down and select OCBC, after that u will see a list of branch, and u select CCK. After all this, the codes for branch and bank will auto key in.
eh, so many posts, cant really keep track le.
Re: books. scuabababe, i think u shld be in the second batch. i've had e time to slowly consolidated. But i think u are e last person on e second batch. pls proceed with payment.

swirling, sorry. the second batch also full already. But do drop me a mail, so if any mummies, drop out frm e list, i'll sell it to u at the same price.

Oh yes mummies, my branch is CCK ocbc.

Those who have problems with IB or any transfer pls let me know via email. it's so difficult to track in such a fast moving thread.

Re: DIY pouches
I've got some samples. I'll be solely making SILK pouches. More durable, more comfy for both mummy n baby. Interested mummies pls PM me. Thanks
Puffish,thanx for the file,i'm also interested in the trial class. Would prefer weekend. Thanks for coordinating.

what is YBCR huh?i am SAHM, but i am very sua gu leh, don know how to give my son the best n teach him, feel depress..
Re: gymboree books payment

I'll updated tml lunch and acknowledge all e payments which i have received. If i did not indicate as paid. PLs inform me. I will take note. Because inter-bank transfers usually will take abt 3 working days.

Over this weekend, i had flu and passed it to my girl. It's the first time she got flu. Just some sneezes here and there. Will be bringing her to PD tml morning. Any idea what i can do NOW?

use a warm cloth to rub her nose...her muscous will flow out....then will not blocked when slping in the middle of nite..baby nose tend to be more sensitive in middle nite.
Re: Reject Bottle...

these 2 days my ger also pattern when drinking milk from bottle esp when i'm around, she will just refuse no matter how hungry....so worrying she going to infant care in 1 week...wonder how haiz...

Re: LingYang/PaoSheng
I gave my ger 2teaspoon of paosheng when she went for her 1st 6in1 jab but still got a bit of fever that nite...my dad told me b4 6mths better dun take lingyang coz bb not fully developed yet dun wan to strain the liver/kidney/digestive system

does you all the period come regular now? mine aft 1st period, now been overdue, still no sign of 2nd period...any idea how to regulate it? so ma fan if cant predict when is coming during work time
my mom say so young don give any ling yang etc....my boy tk jab on sat, have sign fever, aft tking the medication given by PD, fever gone aft a few hrs...

me no BF liao wor..arady had my 1st period..but aft that , till now , 2nd overdue...hmmm..my period use to be v exact before preggie..now like in a mess.....
