(2008/04) April 2008

most pple are encouraging of my TBF. however my mom is the one who keeps telling me to introduce some FM quickly, so that baby can sleep through the night longer. thank goodness boy managed to stretch the nighttime sleep to a decent hour by himself !

RE: My MIL's tips for feeding more and longer

1. Break up feeding sessions. e.g. 3 oz now, if fuss - rest 10-15 min, then continue with 2 oz = total 5oz feeding

2. Pacificer trick - if baby only wants pacifier but reject bottle, then let him suck on pacifier for awhile till he's settled & happy, then quickly switch to bottle milk.
piggy mummy's boy- 9+ weeks
Daytime feeding: 90-100ml, 2.5-3hrs interval
Nighttime feeding:last feeding 100-110,if last feeding at 12, wake up at 4am, 7am..

aiyo, my boy now don want bottle leh, i am SAHM, but i prefer he more flexible, can take bottle n latch, 2day wasted 2 bottle of 100 ml milk leh, heart pain
Will stress affect milk ss? Having some problems with my work arrangement after my maternity leave, no thanks to my mean boss.... sigh..may become a SAHM for a while but not by choice...milk ss seems to have dropped after i heard the bad news...
<u><font color="ff0000">Old Navy / Gap / Victoria Secret / WetSeal Spree Update</font></u>

Hi, ladies

Thanks for the overwhelming support.

The total purchase amount for Old Navy and Gap had exceeded. I will be splitting it into 2 batches so that GST can be avoided.

Any orders for Old Navy and GAP from now onwards will go into the 2nd batch.

Meanwhile, if you feel that you can hold your purchases, please let me know.

<font color="ff0000">Old Navy / GAP / Victoria Secrets / WetSeal Spree Updates</font>

Exchange Rate: 1.45 (to be adjusted if necessary)

Please transfer to my DBS Savings Account (010-2-018266) when you have confirmed your orders.
Please pm / email ([email protected]) your transfer details when completed.

<u>Collection Method</u>
1. Postage (Normal / Registered )
2. Self-Collection @ Redhill MRT or Somerset MRT (Date and Time to be Confirmed later)

NB: Additional charge of $0.30 will be chargeable for Postage.

<font color="0000ff">Keep your orders coming in!! Will Close when US$200 is reached for VS / WetSeal and US$200 for Old Navy and Gap. Hope to close it soon!!! Thanks for your support!!</font>

Old Navy / GAP = US$344.41
Victoria Secret (VS) = US$162.95
WetSeal = US$7.99

Order Details
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Shop</TD><TD># of Items</TD><TD>Total US$</TD><TD>Total S$ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Prawnie</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$19.50</TD><TD>$28.28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo (princess_j)</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$19.50</TD><TD>$28.28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calamari</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$59.49</TD><TD>$86.26 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Simp</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>$34.50</TD><TD>$50.03 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rei (Kea)</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$9.75</TD><TD>$14.14 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jellyfield</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$21.75</TD><TD>$31.54 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD>Victoria Secret</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$19.99</TD><TD>$28.99 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$9.75</TD><TD>$14.14 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>Gap</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>$39.93</TD><TD>$57.90 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>Victoria Secret</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$34.99</TD><TD>$50.74 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>Wet Seal</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$7.99</TD><TD>$11.59 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scubababe</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>$39.49</TD><TD>$57.26 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scubababe</TD><TD>Victoria Secret</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>$39.97</TD><TD>$57.96 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamie (barnzilla)</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$35.00</TD><TD>$50.75 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tratties</TD><TD>Victoria Secret</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$30.00</TD><TD>$43.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vonvon (von_teh_su_su)</TD><TD>Old Navy</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>$55.75</TD><TD>$80.84 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Payment Details
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Total US$</TD><TD>Amt Payable S$</TD><TD>Fund Received S$ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calamari</TD><TD>$59.49</TD><TD>$86.26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>$92.66</TD><TD>$134.36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamie (barnzilla)</TD><TD>$35.00</TD><TD>$50.75</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jellyfield</TD><TD>$21.75</TD><TD>$31.54</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo (princess_j)</TD><TD>$19.50</TD><TD>$28.28</TD><TD>$19.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD>$19.99</TD><TD>$28.99</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Prawnie</TD><TD>$19.50</TD><TD>$28.28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rei (Kea)</TD><TD>$9.75</TD><TD>$14.14</TD><TD>$14.10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scubababe</TD><TD>$79.46</TD><TD>$115.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Simp</TD><TD>$34.50</TD><TD>$50.03</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tratties</TD><TD>$30.00</TD><TD>$43.50</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>vonvon (von_teh_su_su)</TD><TD>$55.75</TD><TD>$80.84</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff0000">Kea:</font> Have received your funds of $14.10.

<font color="0000ff">Jo:</font> Have received your funds of $19.50. The order amount is US$19.50, not S$19.50.
Jaspire, Joelle,
Maybe coz your babies r chubby bah... Maybe my baby is considered small ba... But hubby n me r small size ppl lei... haiz... TOday went to have my hair trimed. Got one auntie there her grandchild also 2mths plus 6kg over... so she was advising me good to TBF but must give a bit of formula so that my baby can fatten up be 'kiet kiet' Then my hairstylist was telling me why bother coz when go back to work have to pump so inconvinent eventually also have to give FM >.<
xiang: Have transferred $86.26 to your account. Txn Ref: 1778231377. As with the last time, I will collect from you at the roundabout ;)
Xiang...when must we pay u for the 1st teeth toothpaste?

Prawnie....u got lots of extra Desitin rite...can I get 6tubes from you? thanx
welcome. Ha... u r finally here.

Re: jab
recommend u to go for either 5in1 or 6in1.
every kid is diff. some will hv fever and fall sick, some will b as per norm. so far, my gal#1 has never fall sick after a jab. the funniest thing is she's not even scare o being jab. Since birth, everytime after jab she never cries.... there was a pt in time tt we were so worried tt she's insensitive to pain.


gd tt u r insisting on tbf. it's norm when bb latches on and then pulls out and cries coz bb is tired and sleepy and hungry at the same time. try to pacify bb then continue. if not see if u can pat bb to take a little nap then continue.

it's ok to stretch the feeding time a little in this situation cz bb wants his slp more than anything else.

Dun give up... BM is the BEST.

juz tell those ppl, BM is the best. No formulae can replace and u get to bond w ur bb. Ignore those ppl. *jia you in BFg ur bb*

PLease confirm whether i am in the list for the
gymboree books... think i am in the second batch..i will transfer once confirm..

thank you
Scubababe - so coincidence met at marina square! hehe...saw u at JL also but din wan disturb u. I noticed JL Orchard &amp; JL marina got diff discount for items, eg. Combi 20% at Orchard but NETT at JL marina.
Re: Help bb to slp thru the night
There's a trick to it. try to keep bb awake and engage ur bb w things. eg: music, talking or playing w bb. esp effective during e evening time.

here's my boy's schedule:
-every am, i'll latch him ard 630-730am this timing for abt 10 mins
-nurse him again 2hrs later at ard 830-930am (10mins)
-next timing will be ard 3 hrs later ard 1130-1230pm (10mins)
-will give him a quick latch ard 115pm b4 i set off to pick my gal (5mins latch by him)
-next nursing time will stretch to 3-330pm and he latches for abt 15mins
- then at 530pm, he'll latch on 10mins
-7pm, he starts to be cranky coz fr 5plus he's up. after latching he doesnt nap anymore coz he wants to b played w either me or his sister.
-latch him again ard 7-730pm (10mins)-consider last feed
He'll wake up again ard 1230-1am for a feed till next morning 6-630am

so... maybe those of u whose bb r still not slpg thru, try to engage ur bb more... so u get to rest and hv some couple time w ur hubby when ur bb slps.

my hhd routine is by 830pm both #1&amp;2 must be in bed.
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

calamari's kayla - 11 weeks
Daytime feeding: 90-120ml, 2 - 3hrs interval
Nighttime feeding: 10pm 120ml, 6am breastfeed 15 - 20 mins


my # 1 was much earlier. she was in a routine when she was a bb at 4wks old 3 yrs ago
Re : Bb feeding

Kaylen bb @ 13 weeks
Daytime feeding: 90-120ml, 2 - 3hrs interval
Nightime feeding: 10pm 120ml, 8-9am - 150ml
re babies not finishing milk
My pd says that as long as bb is growing well, it's ok. For my case, it's expected that he will start to reduce his milk intake cos his growth may start to slow down towards 12mth old. He's well over the 50th percentile so his growth may be expected to start slowing down. Stools may become more infrequent but it's not a cause for worry.

If it's wind, baby may be a bit cranky or even vomit milk. If you're still worried, just go and see a doc!

My bb has his first 5in1 jab today and his temp went higher and higher in the evening, so we just gave him the fever med and the temp went downhill. phew!

Let me get the bill from hb then I'll share with you. :p I think polyclinic doesn't include consultation. Btw today I waited 1.5-2hrs for the jabs.
which friend of mine is your friend's bf? kekeke.. seems like those friends who are attached have very young gfs leh...
Re : Bb feeding

Poshies bb @ 15 weeks
Daytime feeding: 120ml, 2.5 - 3hrs interval
Nightime feeding: 10pm 120ml, 2am - 120ml
<font color="0000ff">morning...
so far my gal is still on TBF, i got no problem with her feed... she can on sleep for 5 hr withou need of milk.... but it is mummy that need to wake up to pump.... haha... so i rather she wake up and clear mummy milk...</font>
Yo, Koori,
Thanks for the encouragement

Recently my baby's milk intake has increased to 110ml per feed via EBM. Latch on she also seem to take more coz used to be feeding only on one side per feed now she needs to be fed on both side and after that when i pump out the excess i have less so she must be taking more right?
But the down side is lately she has been 'vomiting' milk. Not merlion type but more like will leak alot after feed when we move her. DUnno why like that is it coz she sucking for comfort coz whole day not with me??
seeking opinion..

headache now, i am SAHM, all along i give bb EBM even i alone with him, i feed him, then at noght hb feed him. no prob for him drinking fr bottle, but recently he refuses bottle n wana latch..i prefer he take bottle coz if latch, he only latch on 1 breast n cry cry cry when swith to another breast..hw? let bb latch? or continue with ebm?
Lost tt link alr.
Actually quite sad tt my boi is gg thru milk reduction. Do u know if this is permanent or just a passing stage? Next 2 wk my boy is gg 2 take vaccination so i m gonna chk with doc then update u gals.
Blessedmummie's boy - 12 weeks (TBM)
Daytime feeding: 100ml, 2.5 - 3hrs interval
Nighttime feeding: 5 - 7 hours interval at 100 ml

Used 2 b 150ml per feed. Dunno y drop to 100 these 2 wks.
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

hoon's boy: 11 weeks 5 days
feeding amt: 70 to 100ml (FM)
Interval: 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs (day time)
last feed :10-11pm (light off)
next feed 4am and 7am
my boy sometime cry for milk but when fed him he drink abit and sleep again..headache...then will sleep another 30min to 1 hr I will wake him up and finish the milk, so I always think the interval time for milk is very SHORT. see the clock and said: milk time agin...haha
hi Yo
yes finally I am here...don't worry you will see me more here cos I am going back to work this Thur...so sad....

My HB insist the 3-in-1..cos he agree with his doctor who so-call very good at kids.
I am going next weekend for his 1st jab.
hi mummies
different babies really different style
I know a auntie who's grand-daughter birth at same day same hospital and same gynae with my boy who is drinking 180 ml FM now and the interval time is about 3hrs too..
Hi Sherin
RE: Gymboree books payment
Payment made, details as follows:

01 Jul 2008 10:29 AM
852729001 sherin smh
Amount S$33.54
Transaction Reference 1779191822

I would like books to be sent to me by registered mail (or speedpost, whichever is cheaper), so let me know when time comes how much $ to top up and will provide you with my address. Thanks for organizing this.
I also find my ger a bit hot hot and temp like 37.1 degree but she can drink and slp but fuss a bit in her sleep. How do u know when to give medication. Should i give when her temp is like 37.5? I dun dare to eat heaty food now fearing that my b, wd be too heaty for her. Now she plays a bit and i think i wd defer bathing her to tmw and not today.

My ger also onli drink 1 side per time and i let her and she usually latch less than 10 min. I dun know her qty of intake but i guess it shd be between 100 and 150ml as the last time i pump, weeks ago, it was ard that vol for 1 side with 5 to 6 hours of rest interval.

Now i am scared that if i take my ger to kl, she may get asthma. My HB saw doc there twice, once last yr when i was preggy and got it from him and now. Both times, he has to see his faily doc in spore to get well. Doc says if it happens too frequently, it may be asthma
Hb says his friend' child never has asthma, but when she went to kl and stayed for a while, got asthmatic, then come bck spore ok, then go back to visit dad, got attack again.
I am now worried. Air not very good in big city i think.
hi Amy Quek
Yes me and husband are overweight :p so i would be surprised if my baby has a small appetite . don't be too affected by what other people say about feeding. i have no idea why people, even strangers, are so pushy with advice on childcare. i'm sure FM will have to be introduced some time in baby's life but i am waiting till around 4-5 months. if my supply is sufficient for baby now, why waste the milk by supplementing with FM. anyway our babies already approaching 3 months, it is a short 2-3 months wait before FM is introduced.

Babies on TBM are also kiet kiet, if they drink enough quantity. however if baby has small appetite (just like adults), is also ok, they're still healthy cos they do drink their fill.
Amt made:

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
01 Jul 2008 11:05 AM Singapore
To Account DBS Savings Plus
010-2-018266 Xiang
Amount S$50.03
Transaction Reference 1779277219

WIll do self-collection when hb is back in spore. Let me know ok

We have been monitoring bb's temp since we got home yesterday and it was on the uphill direction. So by the time it reached 37.3 deg, we just fed him one dose of the fever med. After feeding that dose, it went off and so far so good till now.

I gave bb a few sips of paosheng water before the jab, but still got a bit feverish in the end.

KL is that bad ah? we're going to bring bb there in another 2 months leh. Btw, any good hotels that you can recommend?
Hi mummies, the lady from moulinex has gotten back to me. Will be able to give about 12% discount on the blenders.

Any mummies interested?
We need to hit at least $500 to enjoy the discount.
Maybe got time can meet up if i m ther by then. Hotels in kl r so much cheaper than spore. Think u can saty in 5 star hotel btw 150 n 250. For shopping purposes, i wd recommend hilton / marriiott/ westin as they r all in shopping belt area. Must check out pavilion if u like boutique items. Got many makan restaurant also. Tony romans r cheap in kl so is fish n co.

I gave ger ling yang sun nite, yesterday morning n after she came back. i also drink like 2 oz for her kekeke. Pd suspect she may not hv fever becoz she is big n freshly but i think the vaccine is so strong, sure got some discomfort de. I also keep measuring her temp on n off to ensure temp dun go up to 37.5. If 37.5, sue give her medication. Now monitor her n my diet. Keep carrying her when she fuses. Think i realli dun like vaccine for bb, think too strong for their little bodies.
Any models of moulinex ok is it? Did she say the chopper my mum is using is gd for mincing meats, veg etc or the latest model u keen is better?
Simp, yes other choppers or blenders also got discount. Subject to availability.
This also can mince meat. But maybe not so powerful.
i can email u the other options
