(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Puffish,

Am from Oct MTB thread and was browsing when I saw your post. Can email me the GD softcopy please? [email protected]

Also, please email/PM me the contact you have for YBCR.

Thanks so much!

Hi Sherin,

Have done the transfer via IB transaction reference is 1774444082. As it is an interbank transfer, may take a few days to reflect on your statement. Thanks for organising

i not buying anything from ON or VC tis time..a lot of the things i wan OOS....haiz...next time lah wait till i slim dwn my tummy first..ha ha ha...

finally did my pap smear today, gynea confirm that uterus back to original size liow can start to do sit up to slim dwn...ha ha ha...but she also warn tt even when we TBF also can get preggy 1 so must be careful n use contraception ha ha ha...
Chewwy, jo, Okiedockie, buffy, christine, jolene, cherish: have just emailed you all.

Chewy: i just resend you, if still havent receive, i send u thru' msn ok? =D

Did i left out anyone?
hi stefy
i also did my pap smear last sat, never get call fr KKH guess it's ok. How's yr baby's feeding now? manage to prolong the hours between each feed? I'm still working on it. think my baby has a bit reflux problem so can't feed much at one go, often gotto break once or twice b4 he finish a bottle of 120 ml. How old is yr baby now?
Growing up Gifted (GUG)

I've went to take a look at GUG classes and below is the info which i hope will be useful to any mummy here who want to know more:

Ages 8 - 18 months (1.5hr sessions)

1 yr = 6 terms
1 term = 8 weeks

There are 2 programmes - Gifted babes(Weekday) or Parent & Babe (Weekend):
Gifted babes (Weekday) - Either 2 or 3 days per week. Fees: $560 / $792 (per term)
Parent & Babe (Weekend) - Either Sat or Sun. Fees: $336 (per term)

Programme Details:
1. Social play: Table & Floor Activities
2. Sign & Phonic play (Elementary)
3. Zoo Phonics game
4. Action Rhyme & Story time
5. Confidence builder
6. Mandarin Play
7. Hands-on project
8. Music & movement or Drama

Differences btw Gifted babes(Weekday) or Parent & Babe (Weekend) classes: There's no Mandarin Play (program 6 listed above).

Trial class - Max 12 babies, $45. If any mummies interested, we can form a class on end of yr.
hi puffish, me am interested in the trial class as well. pls keep me in the loop!

luann mummy, the beco carrier there're some mummies selling on the WTS threads. I've done and search and posted abt it a couple of days ago i think.
Stefy - the carrier is Beco, very nice but very ex! WTS got pple selling, u can check it out since u haven got urself a carrier, i cant buy liao cos i have the bbjorn and i gg buy the combi one...jialatz me.
Seems like there are a few sahm mummies here, let do a poll. When i am back, can ask u all out also:
1. Jamie
2. Chewy
3. Simp
4. Koori (up till early sept only, avail jul/aug)
5. Puffish
6. Prawnie
7. tsukushi (till mid-sept)
8. yo

simp- u r rite, dr terence tan is popular,he is a v nice dr. he is at henry park n paragon clinic on certain days too.

wow juz missed checking the thread for 2 days, n so many transactions already...gymboree books, on,gap...hard to catch up!
Hi Sherin,

My order of little touch system in pink is in batch 1. Any idea how much is the postage for registered poost ?

Let me have your email so that I can send you my address. thx
hi mummies, my boy is currently 12 wks old liao.
Realized in these few wks, his dd for BM dropped fr 150ml t0 100ml per feed and he is only drink ard 550 - 600 ml per day. Does any1 face the same prob as me?
May I know how's the collection method if I order ON stuff through you? :p

The Beco is similar to a Pikkolo, but I think someone mentioned before that a Beco cannot do a front-facing position, or something like that. Both are soft-structured carriers with buckle straps. You may want to do some research before you decide. Their design is based on a meitai, which I have gotten myself. With a meitai, the difference is you have to tie the straps instead of using the buckles, but the price is much lower.
yes i always give my bb (both #1 & #2) lingyang before goin for jab. i wont say its necessary but its up to individual. i will let the medical hall staff know its for infant consumption.
I am planning to give ger ling ying today and tmw b4 she goes for jab, but think she still may have fever. So intend to give her a little medication from pd straight after her jab to prevent any fever forming.

I got my pikkolo carrrier yesterday. I must say it is cloth type and most bb with ok neck wd love to face out unless bb wants to sleep then face in. Gd for shopping center, think it wd still be hot de and bb' legs seems to stretch quite wide. If bb dun complain it is ok, my ger seems happy inside. Intend to put her in later when we go robinson for a short while.
Hi Puffish, good morning. I'm interested in the GD softcopy. Can you email me at angelinesim(at)yahoo(dot)com?

Hi Simp and Tsukushi, my baby Dana's having her 5-in-1 vaccination next Sat (5th July). Also planning to give her Pao-Shen water 1 to 2 days beforehand to prepare her, hopefully no fever...heard Ling Yang may be too 'cooling' for babies our age?

Thanks and have a good weekend with your family everyone
hi blessed: my boy is 10 weeks plus, he used to drink ard 600 - 700 ml towards end of 1st month but now reduced to 500- 600 ml, i'm also very puzzled. PD said as long as he is growing, it's should be fine. i'm still concern though...he weighs 5.6 kg now, weighed 3.4 kg at birth. how about yours?
puffish, have you received YBCR set from the mummy selling? i'm also buying, and her price is really good leh, wonder how come she can get them so cheaply. she also have other vcd/dvds that looks interesting, think might be spending quite a lot.. die ah..

i would prefer to read to my gal if i'm home, maybe when i go back to work can ask my caregiver to play vcds or dvds. any feedback about brainy baby series or baby genius series?
Puffish, I have startd reading the softcopies you sent. Says 1st 6 years of life are the most important, now very stressed as I'm not a SAHM

Can you send me the contact for the YBCR series too? And please include me in the GUG trial at end of the year. THanks!

Angel, have sent u the contact.

Burpy babe, emailed u the softcopy already.

GUG Trial class
I'll arrange the trial class at the end of the yr, maybe end nov or in dec. Mummies, u prefer weekend or weekday?
