(2008/04) April 2008

Re : BF while working

Scubababe - perserve! I have been working for the past month already. Very tiring to lug the breast pump to and fro office, but to see that bb benefit from the EBM make all the effort worthwhile :)

Re : Jab
There are actually some websites stating that 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 are not adviseable. I guess in the end, it is up to the parents. For myself, I go for the conventional 3 jabs by polyclinic cause it is free :p
thanks mummies
seem like yours babies are having more then mine, i ever want to let him drink more in middle of night after sleep for more then 3 hours but he can't finish...so I think i will stick to 90ml and see how after he reach 3 mths old.
argghhh.. my girl recently will wake up crying for no apparent reason leh. will refuse milk and pacifier. will only be quiet and fall back to sleep when i carry her and walk about. sit down/stand still and carry also cannot. must walk.. *faint*

this can happen at any time of the day and night, even in the wee hours of the night also like that. very jia-lat leh. my mum say i must have spoilt her
mommies - wat is the interval for feeding your babies? My gal takes 140ml every 3 hrs or so, except at nite when she can sleep for 6-8hrs after her last feed. Seems like quite a few babies are taking less than my gal, but i'm curious wat is the feeding interval and i guess also depends on baby how many weeks old...maybe we can share here in the following format so that it is easier to do a comparison :

Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval
sputnik's gal - 10 weeks/140ml/3hs+ (except as nite when she sleeps 6-8hrs after her last feed)
sputnik: my girl will not wake up for milk at night. she can sleep from 9.30pm - 5am then wake up for her milk. daytime she drink like 90-110ml per feed 3hrs interval. my girl is drinking lesser than ur bb.
re GD Softcopy / YBCR contact
If i left out any mummy, pm me ok? The thread is really going too fast, can't keep track. =D

Don't be too stressful! We all learn from each other here. I'm also got to know what is YBCR, baby einstein, various enrichment class, etc, through forum. I think w/o this forum, i would not know so many things and knew so many great mummies here. We just take 1 step at a time, don't be too stress that u nv give your bb the best. The best is to spend quality time with your precious bb, play with them and let them have a happy childhood.

Currently, i'm also a SAHM, but guess i might be going back to work soon due to some inflicts and arguments at home with MIL. That's why i'll buy YBCR set etc to play for my bb to watch if 1 day i were to go back to work. My mil has been making alot of prob for me and alawys wanting me to stop BF. and when my BB doesn't want to sleep in the noon, she will force him to sleep and even scold him when bb don't sleep. She simply doesn't want to play with him. It's so stressful living with her but do not have a choice.

Remember mummies, u must stay happy so that your baby will be happy too. Keep smiling to your bb!!
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

puffish's boy - 10 weeks
Daytime feeding: 90 - 130ml, 3-4hrs interval
Nighttime feeding: 140ml-180ml last feed ard 9-11pm+, only woke up for next feed at 5-7am+
Charis_mum & Mummies, today also my 1st day back to work
tore my heart when I had to pass my baby to my helper at the door and turned my back to walk away. Had to take a deep breath to fight back tears in my eyes

Re:Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

Angel's Baby Girl - Dana 13 weeks
Daytime feeding: 120ml (4 hourly interval, 10am, 2pm and 6pm)
Nighttime feeding: 150ml at 11pm; 120ml at 6am
piggy_mummy, I agree w u totally tt being a SAHM, we lose our spending power & hving a family to rely on single income is not easy. I wanna buy more for my son but there's always this reminder "Is it neccessary?" As a retired Shopping Queen, I hv to rely on library books & internet to think of more ideas to play w my son instead of getting toys. I also get to learn GUG,etc thru here which I appreciate all the stuff the mummies share here!
I may not b able to join all like GD group, etc, but the info is gd to know. BAbe, there's no definite best method to raise a kid but to do within our means. My HB & I r looking at me staying at hm for at least a yr. I only worry tt I might lose my touch in my field.

SAHM mummies, any of u doing freelance or any other plans? I do intend to further my studies if we plan for a second kid within these 2 years.

RE: conflicts w ILs
Puffish, I can understand abt the stopping of BF-ing.. my ILs also think BF-ing is not as gd as FM. They believe most foods we eat now r processed so BF-ing compared to last decade is less beneficial for our babies. It took my HB lots of patience (which has running low now.. hahahaha) to explain things to them. I normally leave such thgs to him as they tend to listen to him. HB is "well-known" to be v logical guy. I feel bad whenever I tell him thgs his parents do wrongly or "advise" me wat to do with our son. I ever tried to correct them but all turned to deaf ears. Somehow, they cannot hv the baby cry & when I dun attend to them or attempt to stop the crying immediately, my MIL will jump to do the job and claim I leave him to cry. It's very haertpain for them to see him cry!? SOunds like they think I dunno how to be a mother.... *faint*
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

Chewy boy - 11 weeks 6 days
Daytime feeding: 80 - 120ml, 3-4hrs interval
Nighttime feeding: 140ml-180ml last feed ard 9-11pm+, only woke up for next feed at 5-7am+
Hi all mummies,
I am new at this thread too but has been following this thread since I'm pregnant.

My boy is also an April baby, only 2mths old now.

Hi stretch and joelle,
My boy is same, now fussing over bottle, most of the time not finishing his milk (90 ml to 100ml), 3hrs interval day & night. Not sure if he is under feed!
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

Cherish bb: Charis - 13 weeks
Daytime feeding: EBM 120-140ml, 2.5-3hrs interval (sometimes 4hr)
Nightime feeding: FM 160ml last feed ard 9+, only woke up for next feed ard 6am+

Managed to pump during lunchtime when everyone is out. lucky got helpful colleague to help to look out while i pump in a corner..

seems like most babies are fussy over feeding time.. wonder why?
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

jo boy - 9 weeks
Daytime feeding: 110ml-140ml, 3-4hrs interval
Nighttime feeding:120ml last feed ad 9-10pm, wake up at 3am and 7am.
i am bring my son to baby and kids for first dose of 6-in-1 later. hopefully can have rotavirus at the same time. and i fed him with bit of pao sheng yday and just now. praying hard that he dun get a fever.
Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

Lynn's girl - 9 weeks
Daytime feeding: 90ml-100ml, 2-2.5hrs interval
Nighttime feeding:90ml-100ml last 11pm, wake up at 2am and 5/6am.

Seems like a lot of babies going on 3-4 hours interval in the day. Why my girl still 2 hourly? How to stretch the time interval? Cos she already sometimes dun finish her feed.. And if she's awake in between feedings the interval is even shorter, 1.5 hours will cry for milk already.
Tsukushi, mind sharing how much u paying at Dr Ong? I am intending to send my son there too but HB wanna compare the fees at govt plc, like polyclinic & govt hospitals.

A) 5-in-1:
B) 6-in-1(+ consultation):
C) Rotavirus: $ (1 dose), $ (2 dose)
D) Pneumococcal:$ (1 dose), $ (2 dose)

Got feedbk fr some mums, polyclinic is free for 3-in-1, izzit done by nurses or docs? Any consultation included?
after her jab this morning, my girl very unsettled, although no fever yet.

since morning, she'll fall asleep and then wake up crying very loudly if i'm not around to immediately reassure her i'm around and it's ok. need me to carry her and then she'll quickly fall back asleep. if i'm around with her i see her eyes open i quickly reassure her and she'll fall back asleep. my dad called to ask how is she after the jab i told him and he said she must be frightened. aiyo, my girl very siao-jie leh.
Hi maro & stretch! welcome!
Maro, stretch, joelle: My son was fussing last 2 weeks, & we thot by now he shld be drinking more.. but there's a dip in his intake. At wk 4-5, he was drinking up to 120ml, but now 80-120ml. Already using teat 2 since 3rd wk. His interval is 3-4hrs. I am worried if he's underfeed too. HOwever, he seems chubby still, stools action still every 2 days & after feed he's very smiley so think shld be fine. Be seeing PD 2wks later & we shall c how.
Lynn, my son was in shock when he took hepB. Took him 2 days to settle down & keep wanting us to carry him. Think it's natural as they as they feel insecure, esp when the were slping then suddenly hv were woken up by great pain. If it's us then we b shocked to be "attacked" during Zzzz... heehee
chewy, i didn't go polyclinic for the jab, but my sis brought my niece for the free MMR there last month. must call to make appointment and waiting time is quite short with appointment. that's according to my sister.

i called up the polyclinic to ask abt rotavvirus & pneumococcal, both are not available there! i'm vaccinating my girl at my GP cos more convenient and slightly cheaper. But her rotavirus and pneumococal charges not cheap, might go to my PD for these optional vaccinations since abt the same price.. or go to a cheaper GP. vaccinations also must headache over $$$... maybe save the money and buy her more books etc..
Kea - rotavirus basically to prevent diaherra. My ger took her 1st one on the 2nd mth with 6in1 jab, need 2 doses. No injection reqd but its taken orally.
Hi Chewy,
My boy never crosses the 100ml mark, hopefully he is gaining weight. Can only check next month when he is going for the 5-in1 jab at polyclinic.

Really envy those babies that can sleep through the night, my boy is up every 3 hrly! Have tried to feed him more at his last feed but he would never finish it.

Polyclinic Vaccination:
Yeah, the jab is done by nurses and they are very experienced. No consultation unless necessary. If first time at polyclinic then will assign to doctor else will be in the 6th mth or if baby is not well.
Hi mummies,

Am so glad to have mummies to share experience with. Am expressing my milk now at work, so secretly come into the forum and chat. ha ha!

My girl is born on 12 April. Her feeding pattern during daytime is 4 hrly. Used to be able to drink 120 - 150ml each time. Now at some feeds, she can drop to as low as 50ml! Her last feed is around 11.30 and she will wake up next morning about 6 - 6.30 am.

Thinking of bringing her to the doctor later this evening.
i'm a May mom and would like to join this thread hope you all dun mind...

i had a pair of identical twin gals and only me and my mil are taking care of them...

like puffish, i also had some culture conflicts with my mil... Eg, she also dun like me to latch on my babies cos she dun know how much they drink and are they drinking enough or not...

me abit stress cos i insisted on TBF and i'm really afraid she will blame me if they reject water or formulae in future...

my babies are also quite cranky these few days... always pull out then suck back the nipple repeatedly...like want to drink and dun want to drink... if dun give them then they cry...but i'm in great pain le...

can anyone advise me why is this happening? thanks
Okiedockie's girl - 10 weeks
Daytime feeding: 150ml, 4hrs interval, 1 Feeding on FM
Nighttime feeding:150ml wake up at 2am and 6am.

Juz to share, my girl also fussing over her feeding. She's on bottle-feeding for all her feeds. She will cry when I try to stuff the bottle into her when she's fully awake. Guess she's distracted by the surroundings. What I did was to give her pacifier and make her sleepy, while she's sucking happily I will switch and give her the bottle.. it works most of the time and she will finish her milk..
FTWM who have already went back to work, care to share how often in the day do you pump in the office and where do you pump?

RE: breastfeeding
Haiz, agree with the bfing mummies here. Once ppl hear that your baby is tbf they seem to have all kinds of comments to give... Very stressful lei! especially when my gal is small size. Even when ppl on the streets dunno us one will come and ask one. Once they know that baby is tbf they will ask how come never give FM, when going to start giving FM... I answer until i fed up!!!
*sayang* I know how it feels... I also cried the first day when i handed my baby to my hubby to bring to nanny's place.
Wow, e thread is moving so fast kekeke

Lynn & Tsukushi,
Hmm got my pikkolo on saturday, tried on bb on sunday. The carrier is like a piece of cloth that needs to be assembled. Takes some thgt and skill on how u want to wear. Conclusion, bb likes front as she can be stimulated by moving people and fanciful lights but not a gd idea if the neck is not strong enough and if bb is sleepy. Can become a con if bb wants to slp and still face out. We put on her like 1 hr, then bf her. I like the design of pikkolo and looks pretty on her.

After bf her, i put her on pouch for her to sleep. Position, kangaroo/front carry position, managed to nap 0.5 hr here and there. My bb is getting heavy, i realised pouch carry cannt be too long like 1 to 2 hr, i feel strained on the back and shoulder. Lousy mama kekeke. HB used the pikkolo so i havnt try on her yet. Need to test her wt on my body. Anyway i tried to carry her facing out using my hands only and i realised i dun have much stamina to hold her butt.

Think yesterday i went out for too long like from 3pm till 7pm, bb din managed to slp enough due to outing. Verdict bad, she cried/cranky for 3 times in my mil' place last nite. Too much stimulation causing nightmares for the bb.

Wont be ordering the pouch from u yet as i am getting a pre-loved mim sateen sling to try.

6-in-1 jab
Just went to take the 2nd dose of jab for bb. she din cry, think her fat thighs help a bit. PD says she is tall and big for her 3mth body. Now weighing at 7.1kg and length 63cm. I took her to see 2 PD today. The other PD told me that her "bald" patch is ok, it will grow hair as there r hair follicle. Both HB and i r so relieved to hear that kekeke.

I fed ling yang like <1oz to her last nite and this morning and the rest i take on her behalf. Hopefully it will go via bf to her.Now monitoring to see if she has fever. PD says 1/3 of bb wd have fever, that means majority dun. Hopefully mine dun. Even if have fever if wil only be 2 to 3 days <39 degrees. Now bb is sleeping in aircon. Think she wd get cranky or want carry these few days due to jab.

Breakfast sounds nice but now i only get up like 10 or 11am as bb only slp at 1.30 am every nite. Now she plays ard 12.30am every nite. It is like a routine liao. faintz.

Thanks for the sms. Seems that in terms of performance and price, ameda pump exceeds medela pis advanced. If u got them , it is a gd buy. Think i may just hang on to my PIS ba. I think if i can sell my PIS for 400 to 500 then i go buy Ameda, in the end i also spend like 500 to 600 on pump alone. I bgt PIS for 720 in tmc, so i think maybe not much savings. Maybe like 100 to 200 at most.

When u r abt to order and need me to pay, let me know hor.
3 tins of Similac Milk Powder to go

Dear All,

I have 3 extra tins of Similac 900g milk powder 0-6 months to let go of. Willing to sell at 3 tins for $100. Collection at Tampines area. Bought last month only.

Interested parties, please text or call me at 96910601. Thanks!
Jaspire's girl - BB Kayla 10 weeks
Daytime feeding: 120ml, 3hrs interval
Nighttime feeding: If last feeding at 11pm, next feed will be at 3am, then 5am, then 7am... (4hrly, 2hrly, 2hrly... not sure y like dat)

My gal's nite time feeding is weird. She will usually sleep for straight 4hrs at last feeding... then wake up for milk but drinks like 7mins oni and is totally knocked out and i let her sleep again and then she wakes up after 2hrs crying for milk again which she will drink for 7mins again and fall asleep. I tried to wake her up for a longer feed, but she is simply too drunk wor... any suggestion? Else I got to wake up so many times will be quite tiring if i start work in 2wks time.
Amy, for me is total opposite wor... most pple seems impressed that I am still TBF my gal and seems encouraging... even strangers. No one asked me to supplement my gal with FM. So i am glad and hope to remain this way. I think the oni person to ask me to supplement might be my boss when i go back to work cos he is not pro-family. He doesnt have any children and does not intend to have. He even ask me to stop at 1 when i was having a difficult 1st trimester due to my morning sickness! grrhhhh!!!
blessed: baby gg thru a milk reduction stage to prepare for weaning?do U still have the link to that web site? Ya, my boy now on total EBM.
Stefylim's girl - 11 weeks
Daytime feeding: 80-100ml, 2.5-3hrs interval
Nighttime feeding:60ml wake up at 2am/4am

seems like all our babies are a bit fussy these days...ha ha ha...wonder if its the growth pattern...
raynsky's boy - 10 weeks
Day: Latch on every 2 - 3 hr, but if give bottle: 100 - 120ml. Tried to give 130ml, sometimes can finish, sometimes cant. (stagnant at this amt since 4 weeks old)
Night: sleep through at least 5 hours, up to 8 hours, after latching on.

Anyway, I read from a website on bb's milestone from birth to 24 months (forgot which website, but copied n saved it as a word doc) It did say tt bb's appetite wld fluctuate during this period, but no reason stated. But as long as bb is wetting enuff diapers in a day, n is gaining weight, we dun hv to worry, cos bbs r born wif a mechanism to knw hw much they need. Some bbs need more cos higher metabolism rate.

Month 3

Has it been three months already? Your baby is now probably much more awake and alert than he/ she has ever been before this. Now is also a great “hands-on” time for play and learning!

What to expect from your child:

Physically and mentally
• Raises head and chest with better control when paced on tummy
• May roll from back to side
• Is better at distinguishing visual details
• Has better hand-eye coordination
• Opens and closes hands
• Grasps and shakes toys
• Likes dangling objects such as keys
• Brings both hands together
• Kicks more energetically and able to straighten legs
• Imitates sounds
• Has an established social smile
• Clearly knows the difference between caregivers and strangers
• Has better understanding of cause and effect
Language and emotions
• Laughs
• Has distinct cries for different needs
• Makes longer vowel sounds

A fluctuating appetite isn’t cause for great concern unless your baby is losing weight and seems dehydrated or listless. Speak to your doctor for specific advice on baby’s appropriate weight and feeding habits at this age.

Help establish a good bedtime routine! Lay baby in the crib at the first signs of sleepiness for baby to learn to sleep on his/ her own.

Ideal toys for this age
• Floor gyms (with kicking toys)
• Activity mats
• Rattles and other hand toys such as colourful plastic keys on a ring

Useful tips
Choose toys that greatly encourage coordination and gross-motor skills. Reward baby with smiles and enthusiastic praise when he/ she shakes a rattle or kicks vigorously at a floor gym.
hokay ladies

I am back from trip to PD with baby.
told PD about the fussing during drinking. she tapped on boy's stomach and said it was bloated - there is wind. turns out baby also had trouble pooping yesterday, but finally managed to "release" this morning. PD advised to give 2.5ml gripe water mixed with 10-15ml water and feed in bottle after feed 3 x a day. If no more fussing, can drop to 1-2 x a day. for those who are interested in this "tummy tap test", hold palm flat over baby's stomach, with the other hand, tap the back of first hand firmly. if can hear hollow drum sound, it's wind in tum.

my boy recently also turned allergic to ru yi oil (symptoms - pimple-like rash on tummy area where oil is applied). PD advised to use baby oil or olive oil and massage baby's tummy. start from above navel and work down to below navel/ belly.

lastly, PD taught us how to burp baby . instead of stroking upwards, she advised to pat firmly on back, to break up the air bubbles.

that's all the info i had regarding feeding and wind, hope it is helpful to some of you (probably nothing new though). we will have to be more conscientious with burping and getting rid of wind.

this PD is also very thorough, checked boy's nose and gave saline to clear his dried mucus. checked boy's ear and declared needs more cleaning LOL told us he had dry skin &amp; scalp that needed more moisturising. will likely go back to her for the next jab.

good news is that boy is growing well, he is now 6.5kg at 2 months+1wk.

Baby's Age/Feeding Amt/Interval

joellez's boy - 10 weeks
Daytime feeding: 110-140ml, 3hrs interval
Nighttime feeding: 10pm 110-140ml, 4.30am 110-140ml
