(2008/04) April 2008

Hi vonvon,
My boy is using pigeon's toothbrush and first teeth baby toothbrush. Pigeon toothbrush has 3 stages, depends on how many teeth baby has. The disc around the toothbrush is to prevent baby from poking the toothbrush into the throat. Elliot loves it, been using it since 8/9 months I think! Heehee

chewy: stage 3 still got disc meh? or did I buy 1 tat short changed me of e disc? haha. ju also uses this since 8 months.

ju also uses e first teeth toothpaste. safe for swallowing. been teaching ju to spit out. ju only spit out after swallowing e water and toothpaste. haha.

joelle : you went fidgets? nice or not? wanna bring ju there but haven.t got e time. me lazy. haha.
jules' mum: hahaha i am still at stage 2 .. Elliot only got 7 teeth. So not sure stage 3 got disc anot. Oops I yet to teach E to spit our the toothpaste leh. hahaha
i use 1st teeth toothpaste & 3rd stage brush for leo who has 8 teeth.

wat's fidgets?

i bring leo swimming around 5-6pm, latest is 6pm till about 645pm
chewy : no wonder la. I was thinking why mine no disc one. haha. ju has 9 teeth already. think 10th coming out. how I wish all e teeth quickly come out. see him suffer so poor thing.

koori : I did something very silly la. I drink e water then show him to spit out. I kept doing it. he will drink the water imitate to spit out e water but he already drank it all. but when he drinks with straw, he knows how to spit out. weird hor.

leo's mum, fidgets a indoor playground at turf city.
oh ok. is it good?

ya i also did something stupid & taught leo how to stick out his tongue, now he keeps doing it! dun know how to get him to stop
Leo's mum, I don't know yet whether or not it is effective. I just started yesterday. But my friend said it's effective for her 2.5 years old. And it is recommended for babies sent to the infant care like mine.

It is just elderberry afterall. However if your baby is at home, then no need to give. And let him build his immunity naturally
leo's mum, my hubby did something even stupier, he taught my gal how to switch on/off the light and she has been doing it since whenever she has the chance! Sigh! LOL.
hey julesmum
no, haven't been, but i wanna go! went to turf city for the first time this mother's day for dinner, but cldn't locate fidgets... the place is a little dingy innit, cldn't make out the directions.

do u stay nearby?

hi leosmum
ya wad julesmum said
it's near ur home, v convenient.

i taught my boy how to blow raspberries, n i dont regret it LOL
Vonvon" I'm using the one which chewy is using. But I bought the 3 in 1 pack. from stage one to stage 3. Not sure if the disc is removable as the stage change.

Re: swimming
I brought Xavier for his first swim yesterday as well as to get some morning sun. About 10 am. Water temp is just nice. Not so many people also. He enjoyed it though he had his first gulp of Chlorine !!

RE: Swimming
Xavier look so happy in the pool!
10am's a good timing as morning sun is good, helps with absorption of Vit E.

RE: Brushing Bb's Teeth
Chewy, Koori, Jule's and Xav's mummy, I also bot the pigeon toothbrush but Dana only has 2 teeth (
) so how shall I start? Put 1st teeth toothpaste on the toothbrush and just brush her gums? Then she'll swallow the toothpaste? Need to rinse her mouth later? Elliot looks so cool! Able to hold his own toothbrush
hey mommies.. for babies with more than 8 teeth, is the 9th one the molar? think i can feel it coming out.. but not too sure.. is there a sequence for emerging teeth? like the bottom incisors, then the top, etc?
Joelle : My hubby was just saying wanna bring my son there this saturday. haha. He was been saying for the past 3 months! Let's see la! I stay in bukit Timah. Actually quite near la.

Fidgets is through another entrance. Not the same entrance as Giant and other restaurants. Take the elavator up to 2nd floor.

Xav's mum : Xavier look so happy la! Haha. I want to bring Ju swimming in the morning too but I find too hot. Later i no more fair fair. Haha.

Angel : I put a little bit of toothpaste on the toothbrush, guide him abitthen let him anyhow brush. My aim is to let him have the habit of brushing teeth. It's ok to swollow the 1st toothpaste. It doesn't have floride. But don't use too much. I do make him "rinse" his mouth. but like I mentioned before, he will swollow then spit. haha.

Cote Gr: i think the 9th - 12th on is molar. After the molar then incisor. As for bottom or top, i'm not sure. I think my son's teeth is always the bottom then top.
haha too many activities, so little time... well that explains why i dont see fidgets! the plc needs more signs, i feel v lost when im there cos layout is not like a regular mall y'noe. btw hv u eaten at picotin? have heard lots of good things abt the plc, n i lurve pasta.

agree w u on mornings being hot, esp these days, it gets so hot so early on!
Angel: You can let Dana try the first stage brush. Stated on the box fo 2 - 3 milk teeth. I started Xav when he got 4 toothies. Now got 7 and a half. He is still on that. Going to upgrade hims soon. hahaha .. Main idea is to lt him know what is brushing teeth. I din rinse his mouth after that cos toothpaste safe to swallow. but before he naps, I will let him drink some water, I supposed that will help him rinse off.

Jule's mum: hahahaha.. I cannot tahan myself fair looking. So to bad, I will make X a beach boy next time. hahahaha .. I'm already considered quite tanned. I'm even darke during my poly days, will purposely go for sun tan at Sentosa for the tann look !! hahaha

Fidgets really quite difficult to find la. Ya. The mall looks like some 70s mall la. haha. Don't like to buy things from that giant. Gives me very dirty feeling. But alot of schools for kids. Tennis school, tot soccer school, dance school, art school... I nearly wanted to send Ju to the infant care there - sunflower baby. I prefer that to babies inc.

Haven't ate at picotin leh. I heard alot about it too. I like the indo fried chicken "ayam penyat" there too. Yum! I love ayam penyat!

cote gr: correction. After molar is Canine. haha. Thanks joelle.. I luan already. ahah.
xav : u and me opposite!!! I want ju to be fair fair one. hahaha. he's dun like sun also. haha. Tell u.. yesterday brought him out. In the car, he started yelling. I turn around to look, he was closing his eyes, trying to sweep the sunlight away. Very funny. I kept telling him.. don't be so spoilt! shortly, he fell asleep. haha. Maybe becos he closed his eyes.
RE: toothbrush
i also bought the stage 1 to 3 pack...
i am also letting my ger using the pigeon toothbrush...
but i let her use the stage 3 cos she dun like stage 2...and without toothpaste yet cos she still remain at 6 teeth...

xavs'mum: u mean the disc on the toothbrush?
can remove leh...
thanks mummies for tips on brushing bbs teeth. haven't started cos dana hates the finger brush from 1st teeth! she doesn't like me to put anything (except food) into her mouth, wonder how she will take to toothbrush?

any mummies here feed their bbs childlife colostrum powder? seen few BPs around...wonder if it's any good cos want to build dana's immunity...
Re: Pigeon toothbrush
Kayla is using Stage 3, and No, the disc cannot be used on the Stage 3 brush, so have to teach baby not to push the toothbrush too deep in.

Prawnie: X looks so happy! Must be real cooling for him in this searing heat!
Jules' mum: hahahaha.. I cannot tahan fair fair. But I envy though for you all who are fair !! hahahaa.. complexion is better and looks younger. Everyone says I look older than my elder sis !! hahaha

Cloudme: yeah. Thanks. I got that out. hhahaha...
sun fives vit d not e. but must remember to put sun block when swimming.

i also can't tahan fair but no time to swim except for when i bring leo

i'm thinking of giving leo colostrum powder too
Leo usually wakes up bet 730-930am, eats breakfast, goes to the playground to play & has a bath & nap about 2hrs after waking up. He usually naps about 11-1pm, wakes up for lunch, then we run errands, go shopping or meet up wif frens for tea. I'm trying to add gym classes but will go for a trail 1st.
then he naps about half an hr to an hr bet 430-7. if it's closer to 7 then i only let him nap half an hr.then dinner, play wif daddy, bath at about 830-9. then bed. but he usu sleeps at 10pm.
wat's your LO's daily routine like?
never stepped into the giant but i wldnt shop there either. yes seems like many hidden gems at turf city, wld love to explore further another day.

me as sun phobic as u. once we brought Dominic to swim, it was not yet noon but already so glaringly hot. he had on his sunblock. but i just had this crazy urge to follow him around with my umbrella in the pool LOL end up i held my hands over his head. he doesnt seem to mind the sun though.

so which center is Jules at now? r u ftwm?
let her see u n dad brushing ur teeth, sing a song, make it fun. then encourage her to do the same with her toothbrush. mebe she will imitate u.

Dom also likes to eat the first teeth toothpaste cos its sweet. has dana tasted it? she may fall in love with it too haha.
leo's mum : so good! ur son wake up so late! Ju wakes up anytime between 545 to 7.15 latest. He will nap at 10.30 for about 1.5hr then another at about 3 for another 1.5 hr. then sleep at 830pm. Is it ok to bathe at 830-9? I bathe him at 7pm my mum scream at me already.

Joelle : I'm a ftwm but time quite flexi timing. He's at home with maid. Wanted to send him to childcare but bu ren xin leh. Scared he kenna bully. Tat day I went to see sunflower baby. 1 HUGE ang mo kid bully this small size chinese boy. like hantam type. The teacher making milk cannot see. I see already heartache leh.
jules... ur boy wake up so early!!!
sometimes i bathe my boy after i reach home..ard 9pm..hehehee..can lar... shut the windows lor.. niam niam how to slp? heheheee
630am jayden wakes up and play on his own in his playpen.

730am jay saw us waking up and will ask us to carry him into the big bed.

8am- 830am climb down the bed and get off to read story books on his own.

830am bath time then milk milk

9am - 11am nap time

11am lunch

12noon watch tv and playtime!

130pm milk milk

2pm- 4pm nap time

430pm dinner

5 - 6pm playtime & story time

6pm bathtime

7pm tv and storytime

8pm nitez nitez
anyone planning to bring your little one to gogo bambini? heard that its fun and affordable. register at its website now and get $3 off entrance fee (fee is only $5 before discount). Parents get free coffee / tea too. With internet access as well...

Jayden has just recovered, so we cant go this weekend. Planning to go next sat. Anyone wish to go together?
Talking about the little tricks that our little ones have picked up...

Jayden learned how we turn on the fan by turning the knob. Goodness! we got a big shock when we heard the fan was on. We did not taught him but I guess he picked it up himself.

its quite fun to see him learning new skills and do some funny gestures for eg, he loves to bite his hanky and loves to throw his hanky into the dustbin.
cath : jayden very guai leh. julian sometimes will play on his own but he will be so noisy. he will not read on his own lor. wake up already point tv, after nap also point tv. my parents say he tv addict. haha.

choco, leo : I shower him at 7 then is playing in room till sleep. so not niam la. Hehe.
Any mummies using Avent BPA-free bottles? Just to update that I saw the 260ml one in SG finally! But no twin pack yet. Anyone spotted the twin pack?

Wondering if still wan to buy new bottles or not, or just wean my girl off milk. No success training her to drink milk from bottle/cup/spoon while awake, guess maybe she just really hates the taste of milk, even choc pediasure.

My mum told me my elder sis also hates milk, from 6 mths old refuses milk (even up to now, but she can take some choc milk, other falvours or plan she won't take) and in the end also grew up healthily. I think it may be more unhealthy to feed her milk while she's sleeping. hiaz..
Hi Mummies,
I saw many of your child sleep quite early! 8pm, 9pm and 10pm.

Do they wake up in the middle of the night?
My boy is a late sleeper...he only gets to sleep after 12am... If he sleep too early, e.g 10pm-1030pm, he will wakes up at 12am and play! Once, he woke up at 1am and cant get to sleep until 5am.. Gosh! Not able to change his sleeping pattern..
Lynn: is the Avent BPA free bottle still the same wide-neck ones or standard neck? I have been trying to find a more than 240ml BPA-free standard neck bottles!
jules' mum,
my boy has quite the same timing with Ju, haha..

yeap, my boy sleeps from 8.30 to 9pm, at most by 9.30 knock off, then normally at 12am wil wake up for milk. on good days will slp his wy thru till 6am, but these few days, start waking up aroun 3-4am for milk

hmmn.. sound good, wil check out gogo bambini and fidgets as suggested by jules' mum and joeele. but likely wil go during one of the wkday cos me and hubby scared too crowded during wkend.. :p
wat's so good about bambini?

maro- when you wanna go? i prefer weekdays too

my leo wakes up 2hourly on a bad night & 3-4hourly on good nights. he's seldom slept thru the night. oh i total breast feed direct still.
hahaha yes it's survival of the fittest at CC. i don't think my boy will do well there, cos he can't walk yet and will get stepped on all over -literally!
wa if my child kena bully in CC i also heartache and want to pull out immed.
hey cath
dominic's daily schedule is pretty similar to jayden's
must praise jayden for being so disciplined and independent in the morning!
aww u and boy look so cute on the blog!
haha just try to distract him when he digs his nose, do not make a fuss cos then he will keep doing it for your attention LOL he'll forget about nose digging and switch to another annoying habit soon enough :p
