(2008/04) April 2008

SAMW!! how come they got mc one... hai..u noe hor..tt time i vomit dunno 3-4 times per day..then i act abit sick... basket...she told me...

unless is severe case... no need medicine... SOB

joelle..ur every visit is a mc!!!! WAH!!!
mine i took time off or leave leh...faint
Joelle: u so lucky. I also no MC one. Haha. Only time i had MC is when I did Amnio. That was 1 week. But that was the MOST TERRIBLE period of my pregnancy.

Winnedy : I think I saw the name so familiar mixed with the MP Lee Bee Wah. Haha. Paisay.

Choc : My mil say DR Kek good at fertility. I dunno leh. SHe heard from friends and all. BTW, I'll be buying the Mini! Hehe. Next time Ju can go racing with phael. Haha.
Jules.... YEAH!! next time ur Ju can come over or i bring my phael over can? heheheee...

then can have a "car" gathering...

nana.. i tink alaric likes leh
<font color="aa00aa">morning, mummies..</font>
My gynae always likes to ask me wan mc? 2 days enuf? hahaa.. but i nv take la cos was busy then.. hehe :p

choc's poison coming.. hehee..

na, buy la.. alaric likes lor, can race with Ju Ju and a Phael.. haha..
maro.... hahahaa... u also bought ah?

nvm lar..dun buy can come my house play together lor... can share share... i hoping my boy will learn to share too =)
Choc : Of cos! we can have "car gathering". Sunday morning drive like those porsche/ferrari club drivers. haha.

Maro, nana, buy 1, buy 1! then can have mini F1 race. haha. Controlled by daddies since they cannot step on paddle yet. Must find a good place like track. haha. Hmm.. maybe I go "design" his car like rally car.
hahahaa....ah choc early morning spread poison arr.....dnt want to buy la....tat time at ur plc A show no interest ley :p he more interested at Morgan HAHAHAHAHAA.............
Ha.. Wow a so fast targeting at babe liao

also not buying la, no space at home :p
choc, yeah thanks for the invitation. Sure, so near can go your place to see the handsome a Phael. Hee :eek:
okok...after May we can arrange a weekend meetup!! must jio beautiful gals like yan yan, constance and summer... hahahahaaaa
Hi chewy..its been a 1.5 months since we met. Think Amy organising something. See how schedule works for us. I've been busy too, gynae and weekends spent house hunting, plus I've been sleeping lots haha...Yah, now its so much simpler. No need to cook porridge for baby already as she is on full rice diet, and she eats a lot faster too, phew..

Jule's mum: how come u needed to do amnio
Choc : ya.. must jio gals too. So fun!

Calamari : My triple test result was not good. The results shows that Julian might have "edward syndrome". It's not a normal deformity. That's was really my lowest period. Though gyne don't think there's any deformity from all the scans did previously. My gyne told me either do it that day or don't think about it and just carry on. Decided to do it.
jules' mum: oic...it must been a tough time that period. I had friends who also got scares from their Oscar results, ended up doing amnio, and were ok.
Calamari : Yes. very very tough time. i was crying for 1 whole week before the result came out. Lock myself in the house, dun allow anyone to talk to me. Many people say Amnio very painful but i think i was too sad and worried to feel any pain. When my gyne called me to tell me the good news I'm was so relieve! Quickly go waterloo temple to pray. Haha. That's why I treasure Julian alot. Gone through so much to have this cute boy. hehe.

Choc : I also looking for gf for ju leh. haha.
Jules' mum,

I can understand ur feeling at tat time coz i was also in similar situation SIGH......i did Oscar at tat time, and during the scan, doc told me A neck thickness is on the high side, so i had a big scare at tat time and start crying in the clinic sob sob.....then the days waiting for the blood result r full of tears....everyday just feel like crying niaa sob... when the clinic called me tat everything is ok, i also went to waterloo to pray hahaa....
Hi Leo, finally found someone who use FM Lai.
i also used FM Lai...followed him since bt timah days..but price increase when he shifted to camden!

Love him too...his skills is good lar...sis always saying we are paying for his expertise.
So far nvr waited for an hr with him leh..my appts are normally sat morn..wat abt u?

choc ah choc...hw many gf u wan pheal to have? mus leave some for others mah...haha
nana: aren't we glad tat e results are fine. now we have cute and healthy boys.

jts, dunno if coincident or wat, this morning me and my hb hug on bed, julian came on top of us to hug us. later we hold hands to see wat he'll do. he separated our hands and held my hand.
Jules n Nana

i also had think neckfold issue and for tat i had done cvs. its scary to see the big needle to go into my tummy to extract some fluid. me n hb worried for weeks for the result.
yvonne, I really dunno coincidence or wat. but my son is quite sticky to me recently. when others wanna take him away from me, he'll hug me tight. maybe he knows I always bring him out? Hehe.
Hi, sorry to intrude. I have 2 bottles of Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser (473ml) for sale at $14 each. This cleanser is recommended for baby's daily bath by the paediatrician, and I overstocked on it.

The Cetaphil website describes this product as "recommended by Dermatologists for years for people with special skin needs like acne, rosacea, or eczema because of its gentleness. Cetaphil® Gentle Skin Cleanser is gentle enough for children, teens and adults. "

Expires in Oct 2009, collection at Kovan station only, interested parties please PM me.
Hi, for those who are giving their babies the childlife cod liver oil, how do u feed it to them? Cos my gal dun like it, i taste it myself and i also find the taste quite yucky. Tried mixing it with her porridge but the taste is still quite strong...
esther : sorry I missed out e details. I am stocking up too. Hehe.

sputnik, I give childlife cod liver oil by spoon or syringe. 1st few times my son will struggle. now ok already. I try not to mix into food cos scared he reject his food. sometimes when he's in a cheeky mood, he won't struggle to feed but after all e oil is in his mouth, he spit out.
Jules' Mum - thanks for the info. Are you giving your son any other supplement? I'm also giving colostrum, wondering if there are other supplements I shld be giving.
sputnik : I'm giving ju the childlife multi vitamins and udo's choice infant probiotics too. I think there isn't a must give la. depends on what you wanna give. I also stand by a bottle of childlife echinacea. this is to boost immunity when necessary. example I'm sick and hope he doesn't get it. *touchwood* I was quite sick 1 month ago. dr told me is contagious. luckily ju didn't catch my infection. not sure it's because of e echinacea.
i give leo Nature's Plus Baby Plex sugar free multivit drops &amp; Reutefene probiotic drops.

ANYONE signed their LO up for playgroup yet? I'm doing research &amp; wondering where to send leo to
I'm looking for playgroups too.. was thinking of somewhere in town.. raffles place / Taj Pagar area.. near my office.. any recommendations?

sapphire: when you intending to send leo for playgroup?
Hi mummies, long time never write here, but just to share about supplements.

I've been giving Maddy CLO for about 6 months now (starting when she was 6 mo old). Direct spoon feed, so far no rejection.

And just recently I started her on Sambucol as we will be going away for a trip and don't want her to fall ill. This is also recommended for toddlers who are in the infantcare to boost their immunity. I got my first supply at Vitacost, but I am also ordering online as it is cheaper.

Anyone giving their babies Sambucol? Or any brand of black elderberry essence?

As for vitamin C boost, Maddy loves Kiwi, so I've been giving her the yellow Kiwis lately. I haven't given her any Vitamin C drops yet.
re: kowa waiting time
i always book weekdays first few appt in the AM, so average waiting time about 30-45min, which is reasonable IMO, compared to other gyns out there, cld be alot worse i think.
For your information....
Saturday 30th May 2009 4:30pm Kids Atrium
Storytelling session by Julia Gabriel Centre for Learning

.. i am not sure if we need to sign-up for the session, I just caught this while checking children books for my gal.
hi, can someone tell me what kind of toothbrush + toothpaste your little one is using?

mine has 8 teeths now and I am thinking how should I brush his teeths for him?

will they swollen down the paste etc? dont think mine will spit out on his own.


What is the best timing to bring our lil ones out for a swim? Nowadays, weather very hot.. Scared they become 'roasted'.
