(2008/04) April 2008

Jayden is very "sticky" in the afternoon, as in, he wants you to carry him or play with him. Even if he read books, he wants you to be around. He will want you to play his fave game - hide and seek with him... haha... very fun but super taxing on mummy.

Lynn: I am using the Evenflo BPA-free bottles now but only 240ml, Pigeon's oso 240ml.

leo's mum: Personally, I don't like Gymboree. My daughter's been with The Little Gym @ Forum since she was 5 months old. She always looks forward to the classes and gets very excited whenever we enter the premises. Its a gym very focused on physical development and developing self-confidence. Now she can swing on the bars for 10 secs
I know some gyms have many play stuff like toys and swings. So it depends on what you are looking for.
Go Go Bambini

I also want to go. Anyone going PM, email me okay. Weekday weekend also can.

I went to check the registration webpage $3 off is for 2-11yr???
Strawberries - my ger also don wan to walk, she been swinging her push walker all over the house, can U turn when hit the corner, etc... but just don wan walk, let her be hahaaa.

Leo's mom - my ger also dig her nose, so unglam. We never taught her duno where she learnt it.
Mummyfel: think can be done, you slowly adjust his timing gradually. try to lights off earlier.
Normally, I lights off at 9pm, he can roll on the bed till he is tired and by 9.30pm or 9.45pm, he will be asleep. I'm still trying to see if I can get xavier to sleep earlier !

Re: Go-go Bambibi

Do include me please ! Weekday is fine !
strawberries: Let him cruise more or walk with a walker. Initially, I allow X to walk on the playmat, softer and he dares to walk cos if fall down not so painful.

Then gradually he will start walking on harder surface. Slowly ya, each toddler is different

But now walking on his own, headache !! See every piece of leaf on the ground he will go and step on it before he carry on! Imagine how long I took to walk home !! hahaha
leo's mum,lovemum,
hv not decided which one to go.. but likely wil be on 8 june cos hubby need to clear the leave in-lieu.. if confirm going, wil let u ladies know.. hehe..

strawberries, koori,
yeah, my boy also.. too sacred to take the 1st step.. these few days trying but still no success.. hehe :p
Mums...Bambani...we went to the one at leisure mall last weekend...they have changed their name to Peek a Boo and we paid $8 for unlimited playtime. Kaleb really enjoyed and climb right up to the top and was worn out after 1hr haha
Do remember to bring socks for dads,mums and babies if not gotta buy from them at $3.
<font color="0077aa">xavs_mummy, this boy ahz.. got moodswing.. put him in walker would not wan.. he oso quite yaya.. wanna walk while holding onto the things but then ahz.. he would not wanna walk without holding on to things.. haiz..

koori n maro hhehehe let them be.. hehehee.. </font>
Xav, your boy so cute, go step on every single leaf. My girl ah, PICKS UP every single leaf! She's been doing this since she learnt that she can simply bend over and pick it up or squat down and up again without the need to hold onto anything on her walks. Imagine the dirt!!!

I try to be very patient, wait for her to stare at everything that catches her eye, i think 20m takes 5mins cos she keeps stopping, like everything also worth a second thought whether to chase/go after/pick up or not. But sometimes wait until i sian i just walk in front of her (like 2m only lah), then she'll speed up a bit more. If not wait until the cows come home..
hi mummies, my gal also like to pick up things when we bring her for walk walk. Now she like to walk so fast, sometimes hard to keep up with her...hehe..

She usually sleeps bet 12am-1am, will sleep thru the nite and usually wakes up at 9am+ or sometimes 10am+. There was one time when she slept till 11am. So me and hubby also get quite a lot of sleep ;-)
bambini, count me in. I prefer weekday too.

julian's not ready to walk too. the way he walk like drunken. can see he's trying but the legs sometimes criss cross then fall down. he walk really well when he's in kindermusik class. he forgot he can't walk when he reaches there. it's either e carpeted floor or peer pressure.

julian doesn't wanna squart down. he will stand up by pulling himself up. what should I do to encourage him to squart?

sleep, similar to xav, julian will roll himself to sleep. but his sleep time is 1 hour earlier, at 830 will sleep. usually he doesn't wake up. we will give him a dream feed and diaper change at 12. some nights when he wake up, he will find his pacifier and slowly go back to sleep. (i peep at him) he knows me and my hubby won't entertain him. haha.
Mummies whose little ones are walking, how do you keep them by your side in places like shopping malls?

Adel would stubbornly refuse to be held by the hand and would wander off to her 'places of interest'. When we want to leave the area we call out to her but she'll turn around and just look at us. Sometimes she can even wave byebye to us, or continue on in her journey.. Gotta go get her and then most times she'll scream and cry cos she's not done with exploring the place. Aiyooooo, such a headache..

Jule's mum, Adel only learnt how to squat down and up recently after she started walking. I tot she should have learnt this skill before she started walking but who knows. Their little curious minds will soon propel them to learn this cos can squat/bend over and pick up all the interesting trash on the floor! Cos last time she can only stop, look and point at the trash, now she can happily pick them all up and give to me somemore! Cos I told her NO, then she thinks everything NO means must give back to mummy (like tv remote etc). Hiaz..

I'm a little worried why Adel seems so stubborn, ask her not to pick up garbage she still does, or ask her to come to me she'll still wander off (although sometimes when she's in the mood to listen she will), but I see so many kids who are so guai.. Mine must be really stern and look angry then she'll comply. Dunno how to discipline her
Any mummies know where I can find playfood packaged together with a shopping basket? My girl loves to play 'cooking' and making us 'eat' the stuff she 'cooks', very funny.

I need to buy some more playfood for my girl's very limited set of playfood, but can only find sets packed together with play utensils or cultery but I dun need them. But need a shopping basket (like the supermarket type) very badly cos she loves bringing her bucket everywhere.
Hi Lynn,

You are not alone. My son is very stubborn too. When I let him walk on his own, he would run away and I gotta catch him. Once I caught hold of him, he will make a fuss and sit on the ground....arhhhhh!!!
Hi Lynn,

You can try Toy R Us. Weird...my boy loves playing cooking too! He always use his spoon and cup to cook, walking from room to room to take ingredients and make us eat the stuff he cooks! Haahaa...I guess he watched too much of his Grandma and Grandpa cooking!
mummyfei, my gal will sit down and makea fuss! Went kiddy palace and toys r us at united sq can't find leh. shall have to hunt again this weekend for her food..

she loves to watch me cook, in fact like watch me cook then will eat the stuff better. she'll whine and whine till i carry her and cook at the same time! sometimes i dun let her watch she'll have no interest in the food leh, dunno coincidence or wat. crazy girl, even prepare her morning cereal must give a running commentary of what i'm doing.
Lynn : I also tot he should learn how to squart before walking leh. We tried to bend his knees. He got so angry and straighten even more. Maybe he's like Adel wanna learn how to walk first.

Playfood. did you try Toysrus? I'm at tanglin mall every monday. I'll check better toys for you. Adel so cute. Like to cook and let u all eat. Actually I like to such role playing like cooking, cleaning. I plan to buy a kitchen, chamber maid trolley for Julian but my hubby thinks too girl girl. Haha.

My son also very stubborn one. He will point what he wants. If he don't get it, he will throw his head back, close eyes and cry but no tears one. Very "ya man".

Last sunday brought him out for lunch with my parents. He was alright till my dad brought him walk walk. Come back dun wanna sit on high chair. Worse part, to calm him down, my dad gave him the waitress metal tray as "gong". He loves to play gong. My dad still give him metal spoon to hit! We tot that was not right so we took it away. He cried. We distracted him with something else. He was ok till the waitress came collecting our plates with the tray! He was crying and say "gong gong". meaning the waitress took his gong!
So cute!
My boy loves to watch his grandma cook...so that he can get to eat earlier! While cooking, his grandma feed him with the food. : )

By the way Toy R Us is having Mid Year sale now. I saw from the catalogue they have a supermarket shoppingcart, giant kitchen centre, mix and match kitchen centre for sale.
Lynn, try the toysrus at forum, vivo or suntec. It's bigger. I think I saw it at forum.

My son love to feed us when we feed him. He will hold a bowl and spoon and feed us. If we don't eat, he will get mad. My hubby say maybe he imitate us. We get angry if he dun eat his food too. hahaha.
tks mommies on the teeth emerging info

so envious of babies that wake up late.. mine is 630am on the dot.. macham got alarm clock.. sian.. doesn't matter what time he sleeps.. 8, 9, 10, 11.. he will wake up at 630am.. siao.. no understanding of weekends should sleep in.. sigh..

my baby also super stubborn. refuses to let us hold his hand when he walks.. then like to 'sight see' and point at stuff.. will refuse to move until you tell him what that thing is.. eg.. lamp post, bird, rubbish bin...
strawberries: haha..Maybe you wanna give him a stick, let him hold onto it and you guide him while standing in front of him.

Lynn: Adel's so cute !!! At least she picks up ! then you can teach her how to pick things up and put back to the proper place. My boy simply just pull everything off the shelves at home. Heng, he doesn't do that when we are out shopping.

Re: Shopping in mall

Think abit hard to control them. I constantly tell him, dun wander off on his own. Most importantly cannot touch anything on the shelves.

So far, he sees and blabbers to me, dare not touch anything !
Xav so guai, Adel most definitely will ka-jiao the things on the shelf, pull them down and then attempt to put them back, cos of attempt only lah, most of the time the things are in a huge mess and I gotta tidy up for her, in not we'll be banned from shopping malls all over Singapore.

I noticed that Adel is more of a terror when my 2yr+ niece is around, and my sis feels that my niece is a more of a terror when Adel is around. Like gansters, they find strength in numbers..
Lynn: At least Adel attempt to put back. Xav pulls out all the books at home from the shelf and just walked off !! I was like.. dunno have to put back the books how many donkey times for him.. hahaha..
My boy Kiefer loves to take the remote control and hide. If not, he will be taking my hp or telephone at home to play and imitate us talking on the phone....
He will say Hmmm...arh.....with the hp on his ear..very funny sight! heehee
my leo also dun noe how to walk yet, still holds onto walker to cruise.

wat are your LO's eating? Leo refuses to eat rice! only porridge. wat to do?
what's bambini?

my baby also refuses to eat rice.. doesn't want to chew leh.. he eats blended food.. but not porridge.. he likes broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, beef, pork, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin...
Wah Jgal, the report so worrying.. I find Brainy Baby a bit less coherent than Baby Einsten, and the best I think is Your Baby Can Read. Dunno why my girl cannot appreciate tv shows like Barney leh, she just tunes out..

But I let my girl watch 1 VCD per day, if not how to have time to do chores?

My niece watches Barney, Dora etc maybe like 1 hour daily but she has very wide vocab and is able to express herself very well for her age, so I think it also depends on other factors.
lynn : i was abt to buy some leapfrog dvd for my gal before i read this report..

Btw, i found out that the library has leapfrog dvd as well as those maisy ones... but you need to be premium members($21 annnual fee). I think i will shelve the idea of letting my gal watch tv for another yr..
jgal, jialat lor. my boy is dian shi mi leh. wake up 1st thing point tv. or if he has e control he'll press e on button. he dun really like e baby einstein. cannot catch his attention. his favourite is wheel on e bus. he will point tv and do e round and round action like tell me he wanna watch tat. yesterday he watched hi 5 and he love it! sit there throughout e show. I think cos a lot of sing and dance. usually he watch tv before he sleep at night.
Jgal, I wish I can also totally cut off tv, but not possible leh. At least with me at home it's much lesser tv than when my mum was taking care of her. She lets Adel watch like 2 discs a day plus all the nonsense tv serials she watches throughout the day. Imagine everytime I go fetch her the tv is on (and i go at different times depending on my schedule), although Adel doesn't really watch the tv serials, but I felt so upset
Jules' mum, Adel is opposite leh, cannot catch shows like hi 5 and wheel on the bus. I tot she'll like it cos song and dance are her favourites leh. but instead she likes the "if you're happy" and "head, shoulders, knees and toes" songs best from Your Baby Can Read series.

Everytime i play the disc, she'll start pointing to her head even before the program starts, very duh cos she points to her head numerous times even though the word is like ear or nose. she like baby einstein too, mostly watching the animals. But i dun really like to let her watch it cos like the show has 'no point' leh, just keep showing footage of animals leh.
lynn : is your baby can read series worth getting? I want to get him some dvd but dunno wat to get.

it's very difficult for me to stop him from watching tv too. he will make noise so bo bian gotta give in. sometimes rather give in then to hear him cry. sigh.

I like to see him do actions when he watch tv too. so cute!

yesterday my mum took a picture of my brother when he's about 1 yr old and ask ju where's julian. he pointed at my brother. think he mistook cos they really look similar. haha.
jules' mum, i dunno if worth getting or not, but cos Adel enjoys it so worth it for me lah. I got it from this friendly ebayer http://stores.shop.ebay.com.sg/Baby-Lamchops__W0QQ_armrsZ1 a set consisting of the vcds, flashcards and books for a great price. Not sure if she still has stock for these, you can say Lynn recommended you, i got loads of vtech/leapfrog toys from her. Oh ya, she has littletouch books for like $15 too!

Not listed now, but you can drop her an email asking abt it as she can get new stock if they're available
mummies, would like to know if you feed milk upon waking up? what breakfast do you give you toddlers? recently julian rejected cereal. I'm afraid he will reject bread soon too. like very sian.

babies taking friso 3. I was at carefour. friso having this promo where u buy 1 tin at $23 and get 20 sachet of 33gm. but the expiry for the sachet is in oct. saw a few left on e shelf.
Jules' mum, my 2yr+ niece will look at pics of my sister as a baby and say it's her, and pics of me as a baby and say that it's mei-mei

So i guess she looks like my sis and my girl looks like me hahaha..

My girl is obsessed with my niece, everytime she sees jie-jie she gets so happy and excited, follow her wherever she goes like a loyal fan lor, and my niece will 'take care' of mei-mei, very cute. So sad my niece will be going overseas soon for 2 years, nobody to play with my girl already
Jules' mum, Adel also rejecting cereals for breakfast. It's my headache meal of the day cos no time to cook porridge etc. I'm going to try to give her bread with laughing cow cheese, but I've tried it and it's quite salty leh. And she has no teeth, and can can only eat super small pieces of bread, so can't imagine how to feed her that. How much bread will be big enough for a breakfast portion? Some books/websites say 1 slice of bread, but that's like a lot leh.
Lynn : So nice to have a playmate hor. Julian very poor thing one. No playmate.
Only all the adults.

I'm giving Julian those shredded or block chedder, edam cheese. I find less salty leh. Maybe you can try. I think 1 is enough. Julian can finish 1.5 slices but I cut off the sides. Depending on his mood. Sometimes very fast sometimes very slow lor. You know la. My this boy also got feeding prob one... Now latest is must play drum or gong when feeding!

Adel no teeth yet? I tot you mentioned got 2? Actually don't need to give too small pc one. Cos they got gums to munch. U slowly try la. Somtimes I let him hold his own pc of bread cos I lazy. Haha. Been doing that since 8 months.
My gal does not watch TV at all, was wondering whether to start her on it, i guess i will not start her on it yet. BTW, when you feed milk, do you still sit your bb on your lap and hold the bottle for them? Have been trying to teach my gal to hold her own bottle but she refuse to leh..

re: tv...
I've read several reports linking shorter attention spans, problem concentrating and impulsiveness in children nowadays to the TV they watch..



re: YBCR
I sold away the set after watching the 1st disk..because they keep saying baby shld not watch TV. So I figure, whether the series help my gal to be smarter is unproven, but the effect of tv is kinda established, and they keep repeating it.. ha haha

Aniway. i think i will start her off with TV maybe when she turn 2 instead..
