(2008/04) April 2008


my mil have let my ger tried abit of durian and ...she loves it loh...
i max give her 2x finger licks only...the rest mummy eat...wahahaha...

Boring life. Everyday, work, dinner, play with ian n make him sleep. Then I drop dead too. Ian does not get to learn much from his nanny I think. That makes me feel sad every time I think of it. How r u and kayla? Ur ss is still going strong. So good!
how r u & bb? Ya i think bbs will love durian cos is sweet, hehe
Thinking 2 let my boy try alittle bit for fun.
me and bb are fine...

my mil...everything let her eat...until i said this not good and that not good...
mil know my temper not very good when come to her giving "junk food" to my ger...

so when i around she seldom give her "junk food"...but who knows when i am away...haiz...

can let him try but limit like me loh...cos dun want them to develop sweet tooth later on...
deby82: before my decision to wean off, i used to pump 4x a day. Whenever i feel a dip in supply, I will take fish bone soup with papaya. That will always boost my supply. But now I intend to stop, so pumping 3x a day now, and my pumping timing is shorter. Will try to drag longer until eventually no need to pump anymore.

tsukushi: hmm...will u be sending Ian to childcare in 1 year's time?

cloudme: correction, only her face is chubby haahhaha ;)
cloudme : yeah.. Calamari's darling is very photogenic.
. I like her bright eyes and her dark hair.

Calamari: Maybe you shld let your little darling join baby contest, I am sure she will come in top.
she's smart and cute..

All : anyone started to exercising regime after giving birth. Me trying very hard to start to jog daily in the evening only done for 6 nights and I am feeling pain on my knee caps. I think i am way too heavy for my knees.. I havent stop gaining weight since i give birth..
Jgal: Donate some weight to me. hahahaa..I badly need some !!

Lynn: yeah !! Have ordered with her. But I told her tt I dun want the happy birthday wordings cos I intend to hang the back drop in xavier's room the next time
jgal, for a start, try alternate day.. or u jog for how long?

I din jog, but I do stepper at home, 15min for 1st week, every week increase the duration by 5min..

prawnie, i give u mine, still some kg to spare.. haha
ya, oso told my mum nt 2 give my boy 'junk food'. That's y i intend put my boy 2 half day CC 1st when he turn 18mths cos if not whole day at home will watch alot tv program & eat 'junk food'.
So do u know ur bb's gender oredi? Btw u r how many mths oredi?

just reaching end of 12wks...yippee...
going to 2nd trimester on sunday...

well my gynae make a guess, usually her guess is very accurate one...hope will be what she predict loh...

how is the decision made
you ok with it?
maid or child care?
MIL ok with it?

hahahah share if its a boy or a gal
hahaha we can have fun together
cherish.. i jog on tues, wed and thurs..
Wkend (Fri-Sun) are difficult to exercise because we are always somewhere else like my parents' place or my in-laws or out for big dinners.. Last wkend I had 2 big buffets ..( 1 at Park Royal and 1 at Corpthone Kings ).. and 2 zichai..*sigh-looking at waistline*. Monday too lazy to exercise also..

Orh... i have this very rude nephew (my hubby's cousin's son)..he refuse to acknowledge me because I am "fat" *faint*..

wah, so many bb go on vacation arh..wana to know, if i bring bb along to hong kong), wat r the things have to bring?headache..so many bb stuff have to bring leh. and abt solids, if go holiday, how to cook? can bb eat outside food?
Piggy mummy,

I'm also having that headache. I dunno whether to bring a cooker to Sydney to cook for him or let him eat commercial bottled food at the whole 6 days. From what I know when the baby is 1, they can eat what we eat. But, he is 1 yr and 1 day I dun think he is ready for adult food by then. I'm worried Julian don't guai guai on the plane.

BTW, I may be getting a sling. Mummies, can recommend a sling?
piggy_mummy, jule's mum: the last time I went to Sentosa for a night, i brought a huge luggage there man!!!! Off the cuff, these stuff I will be bringing:
- container for sterilising bottles
- sterilising tablets
- bottle brush
- bottle cleanser
- inflatable tub
- towel
- shampoo & shower gel
- thermos flask for water and porridge
- mini slow cooker
- cereals
- milk powder
- water bottle
- diapers
- moisturiser
- sunblock
- etc etc etc etc!!

wah lau!! The more I type, the more scared I am hahahaah! and the list goes on...

I will be staying at serviced apartments where there's a kitchen so i can cook baby's stuff in the morning and put into thermos container before going out and feeding her outside.
Jules's mum: have you bought your air tickets? I am very happy to have secured the $820 Brisbane Qantas tickets for July yesterday hehehehe...Kayla's one is $294 hahahaa....cos last 5 tickets for that price left so i chop chop booked.
Yippe 20 mummies now

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel & Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

Confirmed and paid
1. Angel, Hubby & Dana
2. strawberries, hubby & gideon
3. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) & Tiffany (trf tonight)
4. Winter & Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
5. na_na, hubby & Alaric + maid
6. Serene123 & roy zak (transfer tongiht)
7.mushloom, hubby n ivan
8. Jaspire & Kayla + maid (maybe)
9. maomi, hubby & sean
10. mifi,hubby n issac
11. vonn, hubby and kaleb
12. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
13. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
14. maro, hubby & davien + maid (maybe)
15. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
16. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
17. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
18. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
19. Stretch aka cia, hubby & Claire (trf tonight)
20. Cath + Hubby Keng Seng + Baby Jayden (DBS dont allow setup of payee, will transfer tomorrow)

Awaiting for confirmation
1. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan & Clairese
2. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
calamari : thanks for your list. I'll compile in excel and post it here for all to use.

we taking sia leh. also, my dad's doing e booking. it's gonna be a family trip. so excited. my hubby and I really miss e place and food!

I'll be staying in service appt too. cos we have 14 of us. so more logical to stay in service appt.

formula milk : are we allowed to bring formula milk? i remember bringing food stuff in and declared so far always went through. but my friend told me she was not allowed to bring in her formula milk?

julian had a very bad night yesterday. he was trying to sleep at 8 but ended crying till 10! and woke up at 6. very unusual of him. maybe his teething hurts. poor thing. my mum's maid cried as she heartache.
thanks calamari for the list. what kind of container shd i bring to sterilize the bottle?after steilise where shd i put the bottle ? because i staying in hotel, not service apt , soabit difficult leh

formula milk is allowed but must declare. the last time i went, i brought FM & cereal, they allowed & we went thru with no difficulties.

piggy mummy

i used lock & lock container to sterilize the bottle during my recent trip to HK.
jule's mum: just that day I was chatting with stefylim about the restrictions on formula milk powder into Australia. My hubby found this in the AU govt web site -> http://www.daffa.gov.au/aqis/travel/entering-australia/cant-take

It says infant formula can be brought into AU provided its accompanied by a child. We just have to declare. Think I will call the offices just to confirm. If they don't let me take the powder to AU, jia lat man, cos Similac/Gain IQ not for sale in AU.

piggy_mummy: In the office, I am using those Toyogo plastic container. Think I am going to bring that. Dissolve a sterilising tablet, then put your washed bottles in. After 1 - 2 hours or so, can just remove the bottle and cap it, so that the parts which come into contact with baby is not exposed.

Yup, intend to send Ian to a preschool when he is 18 months. But preschool also has its cons. You booked with Pats already? My area has very limited choices - Little Skoolhouse, Eager Beavers and Learning Vision. Only LV is convenient to us whilst the other 2 are a bit out of way.
tsukushi: 18 months is very soon...u must book soon liao
hehe. I got the application form liao and have spoken to the Pat's Jubilee Park principal. Cos I only intend to send at 24 months, I think I still got half a year to make the application hahahaa....but will do soon by June i guess. The Little Skoolhouse branch near your place is it the one at Orchid? Heard its quite good and they got schoolbus. My friend's son took the schoolbus at 24 months!! Think a bit young for schoolbus though :p
Hey Calamari/ Jules Mum....
I thought baby under 2 years is free on all airlines?
They get the bassinet or something? Airlines will also try and give an empty seat right?
Was thinking of NZ in Sept before Noah turns 2.
Gail: I paid $294 for Kayla leh. Think its taxes. Yes they hv requested for a bassinet for my girl. Bassinet is for babies below 14kg or something.
gail : according to my dad, for sia, under 2 pay 10% of e adult fare but only gets bassinet. if wants a seat is 80%. I'm not sure about e others.

calamari : thanks for e contact. I've not booked e cars.
RE: Bringing FM into Oz

mummies, I brought Dana to Melbourne in Dec'08 and brought in a tin of Friso FM (900g) without any problem. Just bring an un-opened tin and declare at customs. I also managed to bring in a thermos flask of hot water on board our flight in case we had to wait for a long time at the holding area. When we arrived at the Aussie customs, they just asked which is the diaper bag accompanying the baby and didn't even open to check! What a breeze! Definitely much less hassle than I had expected.

RE: Baby Diet in OZ
We were there when Dana was only 8 months. Upon arrival, hubby and I went to the local supermarket (i.e. Coles) to stock up on organic baby jar food for her - we brought it out with us on our excursions and fed her a jar each day. Babies are very adaptable creatures and Dana had no problem with it nor did she fuss over the change in diet. Price wise, the organic food there is 50% cheaper than SG so if you can't prepare homecooked food for that few days, don't worry too much. Just enjoy your vacation.
Besides, your babies would have turned 1 by then so food wise, there's wider selections

RE: Airfare
Babies don't have to pay airport taxes but they do have to pay for flying. We paid around S$196 for SQ flight with a bassinet only (no free seats). On board the flight, they will give you a bb package which consists of diaper, bib, bb juice and cans of Heinz baby jar food. I must say SQ's svs was good for families travelling with young children and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

RE: Sterilizing
We used the pots provided in the serviced apartments to 'boil' the bb bottles and teats the good old' fashion way every morning before we set off for our sightseeing
Hi Winter, is it too late to join the mass april baby birthday party on 2 may ...? if is still on, i would like to participate with hubby , son and helper on that day.. thanks . do let me know is it cfm ? rdgs
Re Airfare
Oh...thanks mommies... looks like got to pay either way. ha ha.
Now I am wondering if he can sit in bassinet the whole trip...He is such a worm already... Might be better to get a confirmed seat hor.
But 80% is dem ex.
oh oh....got another question.
For those who have yet to get passport for your babies... should wait until after 1 year old to do right? If i do one now...will have to re-do after April again?
Apr Birthday Bash

Funds transferred already.

Transaction Reference 2128644626

Sorry did not follow on the previous thread. Winter, the bank account is yours? Pls help check. Thanks.

Do email me if there's any update - [email protected]

definately hope so...so i can close shop...

well, thinking childcare and infant care...but now headache is who is going to do my confinement cos mil is going to handle a bb + 2 kiddos and am deciding if i should employ a CL but its real expensive loh...
and my own mum is looking after my nephew...

will share wif u on the gender next mth...keke...
anyway our edd is a mth diff? urs in july while mine in late aug...
angel : thanks for your info. they didn't check your bag? sometimes depends on e officers on duty. when I was studying there, I always bring in instant coffee without prob. my parents went to visit and they confiscated e coffee despite telling them it's made from none dairy creamer. I hope I have luck like yours. Hehe.

gail : you are suppose to carry your child on your lap during take off and during landing. I dun think julian can stay in e bassinet e whole trip too. but we have other 13 people to help to carry him. Hehe. we are flying there on e midnight flight hoping tat he can sleep.
Angel: I wanted a SQ flight too for the same price
but their fares now are valid till jun only and I need july ones. They'll probably have promo for jul to dec fares in the next few months but Jul seats will probably b full by then. So gotta book QF instead.

My friend who flies frequently with her baby tells me everytime when she gets on the plane with baby, she gets stares from passengers around her. Some even loudly complained about their luck with their seats being near a baby. :p
Have u heard of eager beavers preschool? Hb finds orchid cc very far. I have seen neighbour's kid board their school bus but I think 2yrs is still too young. Moreover some school bus drivers that i see on the roads are quite reckless I find. I would prefer to send him there personally.
Morning Mummies,
wow so many talks abt vacation with ur lil ones. I m oso planning for a trip in Jul mayb to Hokkaido/Tokyo when Eshin is oredi 1yr+.
Dun know if he will fuss while in the plane, that's my worry.

Gail: I have checked with ICA, the officer say dun hv 2 re-apply the pp when they turn 1 cos as long as their looks dun change much from the current pp photo.
Me going 2 collect mine tis sat.
Hi Mummies

I am new to this thread but am really looking forward to details how you cope travelling overseas with your babies..cos i want to go too but thinking of all the things to bring leave me so so scared that ..

also...anyone has any idea why a ten mth refuses to eat and any advise on this?
JrRain - i also want to go Hokkaido but don tik its possible this year liao, now recession makes me worried, somemore my HB gg to change job soon, sigh...cannt take leave.
Yippe 20 mummies now

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel & Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

Confirmed and paid
1. Angel, Hubby & Dana
2. strawberries, hubby & gideon
3. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) & Tiffany (trf tonight)
4. Winter & Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
5. na_na, hubby & Alaric + maid
6. Serene123 & roy zak (transfer 23/2/09 ref 2129205899)
7.mushloom, hubby n ivan
8. Jaspire & Kayla + maid (maybe)
9. maomi, hubby & sean
10. mifi,hubby n issac
11. vonn, hubby and kaleb
12. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
13. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
14. maro, hubby & davien + maid (maybe)
15. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
16. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
17. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
18. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
19. Stretch aka cia, hubby & Claire (trf tonight)
20. Cath + Hubby Keng Seng + Baby Jayden (DBS dont allow setup of payee, will transfer tomorrow)

Awaiting for confirmation
1. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan & Clairese
2. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
