(2008/04) April 2008

juniorrain and jasmine,
just start lah! Its pretty simply and nice! Hee hee... i did quite a number of pages liao, can see the major milestones of kayla's life since birth and just before birth... hee, will give it to her as a dowry next time when she get married. LOL! Think too far liao rite? LOL!

Nice layouts
I just completed a mini album for zhiyan's recent photoshoot. Been working on her milestone album with a double page layout for each mth... Project hanged at 4th mth... hehehehe...now desperately trying to catch up... Hope to finish it in time for her party. And on top of that i am trying to make some mini albums with her photos to give her grandparents... Think i too greedy le... Typically i stay up at night to scrap after she sleep... No choice coz no other available timing to do liao... Hope she will appreciate the album when she grows up :p

wow your scrap book is so nicely done! i'm one lazy mum here, photos of my #1 still not in album yet, now with #2, dont even think abt what scrap book!! no time & no mood leh
Wow so many doing scrapbooks. I have only bought 2 packs of stickers. Hahaha. After bb sleeps at night, I end up sleeping or doing work or shopping online.

Calamari, I'm afraid my kits will end up like urs. Hahaha

Angel, thanks for the tips and offer. Will let u know if I need to borrow. Right now I can spend some lunch time browsing the books at popular. As I'm totally new, those are sufficient at the moment.
Wah.. so nice.... yan yan's scrapbook box is very nicely done..

ha ha ha.. i feeling ashame as a mummi.. i never have that kind of creative skill and patience .. ha ha ha
Any mummies interested in getting this?


Mickey Mouse Cake Decorating Kit
Turn the Mickey White Gloved Hand and the gears will move and rotate Mickey and Goofy. This is a 4-piece set made of plastic. The base is yellow and the three gears nestle on the base to rotate. The yellow base is a little over 4-3/4 inches wide. The Mickey Mouse on top of a gear measures a little over 2 inches in diameter and 2-3/4 inches tall. Fun toys or collectibles to play with after the cake is served. The circles on the cake surrounding the cake topper is made of frosting.
Price : $14.90

I ordered the Minnie and seller sent me the wrong one. Just checking if any mummies want to buy this off me then I can save the hassle of returning it..
Amy, very inspired by your scrapbooking leh.. Hope to order a bunch of stuff from spree to get started on some myself.

Can check where you bought the chipboard card set? Saw similiar sets on joann.com but seems to be without a box, just the cards? It's the brand Bare Elements..
Thanks for you compliments
Please dun belittle yourself. I am sure you have your own way of showing constance your love for her

The album i used was from maya road. I spreed most of the stuff from joann but the album was spreed from twopeasinabucket when they had a 40% sale for maya road stuff.
zhiyan's scrapbook is wonderfully done. I really 'pei fu' u all mummies so creative & put so much efforts to make such nice scrapbook for ur lil ones, haiz me nt creativity incline so dun think i can make such nice stuff, hehehe.
<font color="ff0000">Red Alert</font> for those who have been shipping items frm US using Borderlinx, they have just changed their pricing (early Feb) and it's almost 50% increase in shipping cost in most cases. 1 case 60% increase. Take note!
calamari is ur girl taking well to formula now?
mine still not leh... have tried mixing bm(100ml) n fm(30ml) and he still rejects. have to squirt him with the bottle while holding him... very stress
mushloom: Oh yes! After 2 weeks of struggle and lotsa patience :)P), Kayla is finally able to take Similac alone. Now she is on 2x BM feed and 2x FM feeds while I try to wean the pumping part to 2x a day.

Which FM have you tried so far?
Mushloom: At least your boy still drinks while you're holding him. My gal dun wana drink at all leh.Very jialat..

Btw, my gal gets alot of mozzies bites these few days. Using Bugslock also no use.. Those mozzies are too smart!! Now my gal got alot of '1 cents' on her arms &amp; legs. Mummies, what do u all recommend?
deby he don drink lor... i squeeze the bottle to squirt the milk into his mouth. basically struggling to stuff the bottle in and holding him in place.

calamari, basically i have tried i tink all but mamil n weyth. but he all oso don like... eh can share ur schedule for these two weeks what is the breakdown of the mixture like and how long for each period?

tink my boy loves latching too much liao. tats y he rejecting bottle, rejecting fm. he was ok with bottle for a while until he was sick and for 2 wks we didnt use bottle on him n now he basically rejects all bottle.

btw, when the fm comes in contact with the skin around the mouth, his skin will turn red. does it mean he is allergic to the milk? or juz tat he has sensitive skin?
mushloom: basically i started with 40ml FM + 160ml BM, then gradually reduce the BM portion and increase FM portion till FM is 100%
Thanks Juniorrain, Jaspire

I bought it through a spree from twopeasinabucket. Locally also can find such albums but they are OOS very fast...
anyone give their bb hou ning from EYS? my bb got pleghm..

today i notice my bb left eye got redless,but he din rub it or cry, so i din bring him to doc.but i worried leh..
Morning Mummies!

Premium Balloon Pkgs
Koori, I think 4 mummies have signed up. Just need 1 more to hit MOQ
Kaylen look so sweet and happy in that photo, what a darling!

Chewy and Jules, did you manage to contact Michael?
<font color="aa00aa">Morning Mummies...

Amy, jaspire..
u both so creative, v well done! kayla and zhi yan are so mei mei.. :p definitely will be memorable when they grew up.

I was abt to start digital scrapping first but not really started. u ladies tempt me but dont think i'll be that creative or patient.. haha.. think digital ones should be easier :p

yeah, there is similarity there
just read thru so scary....
luckily i am not into branded items...

kaylen is so lovable...they sure look alike..
Hi Calamari

you mentioned before u gave ur girl yoghurt..do u give it to her straight from the fridge or leave out awhile first?
Angel, Michael just called me! he say we Met the MCQ liao lei...say will add some more items for our parties, perhaps can reconfirm with him.
Calamari - don need to warm up hor? the ones i bought is 6 mini tubs one, duno isist the correct one but its yoplait brand hehe.
er...question: Kayla started sprouting teeth at 5 months and to date has 7 teeth. But she has no more new ones since 2 months back...is it normal?
Aiyo...I kaypo go and read the Coach scam thread. Really jia lat leh. BP scammers ought to be hanged! Cheat mummies here of hard-earned money. IMO, if you want to organise a BP, its for mass savings for all, and not to earn..if intend to earn a profit, reveal openly and let us make the choice whether its ok for organiser to earn the few bucks for helping in organising.

Actually, i think its only fair that the organiser for BP or spree to be rewarded a little bit for her efforts in putting something like that together. But the point is have to be open so that participants can decide for themselves if its fair and not pretend to be doing everyone a favour when actually its not the case.
