(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Winter,

have we got 20 mummies yet? Which theme shall we choose for the April Bday Bash? Even though ours is the Deluxe Pkg, can we request for 'Beneath the Sea' since it's more generic?


Winter, we're so close to our target! Thanks for coordinating and remember to quote membership for discounts. Which mummy has the membership (I forgot!)
and I think someone mentioned they're willing to extend us weekday package for weekend party?
<font color="0000ff">Yippe 18 mummies now

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

<u>Confirmed and paid</u>
1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
3. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany (trf tonight)
4. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
5. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid
6. Serene123 &amp; roy zak (transfer tongiht)
7.mushloom, hubby n ivan
8. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
9. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
10. mifi,hubby n issac
11. vonn, hubby and kaleb
12. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
13. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
14. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
15. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
16. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
17. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
18. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper

<u>Awaiting for confirmation</u>
1. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
2. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
3. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
Hi Vonn, here's an excerpt from Michael's email:

<font color="0000ff">Attached are our new packages for your reference. We now have more value added Balloons and Deco Packages to meet all range of budget and needs. To Name a few, we now have Balloons and Deco Packages for S$68, S$88, S$128, S$168 and S$188 for budget range of below S$200.</font>

Name of Vendor: Michael Liew

Company: BBOLS Balloons and Deco

Website: http://birthdayballoons.vox.com/ and http://www.bbols.com.sg/

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 8118 2184

Do contact him and quote that you're an April mummy so as to enjoy bulk discount/bonus (if we hit the MOQ).
deby82: yah.. but like very cuckoo to use the test stick leh.. wasting money.. haha!! always thought TBF won't get preg.

i'm giving enfalac and friso gold for FM.. my baby also dun like.. rejecting milk for the past dunno how long already.. latch is ok, but my supply already depleted..

i thought the cabbage leaves over breasts were for engorgement.. haha!! but never tried it myself.. i just extend the pumping period and don't empty the breasts.. slowly ss will go down.
yipee.. looking forward to the b'day bash

my colleague do advised me previously to reduce the number of pumps to naturally wean off bf, supply = demand.. dont take any medication, cos may cause difficulty to bf next time
wean off..

my boi now 10 mths, just stop BF 2 weeks ago..i drag the pumping time to 5-6 hr, so slowly the supply drop, very fast, within 2 weeks, no engorgement le..now no need to pump, very relax..
Piggy Mummy: How u manage to stop BF?Your boy won't 'ask' for latching on meh?How i envy u...Thinking of stopping but its so hard..My gal keep wanting to latch on leh.

Jaspire: I oso give my gal similac but to no avail..
cotegr, i fully agree that it feels so silly to use the test sticks. I used few test stick liao wor. Kept thinking is it I am pregnant liao since menses came 1x and then no more. Aiyoh... asked my gynae and was told best to go visit him.

deby82, my gal oso just want to latch leh. Its esp hard in the nite wor. Oops... similac does not work for your gal ah... wat other brands have you tried?
Yippe 19 mummies now

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

Confirmed and paid
1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
3. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany (trf tonight)
4. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
5. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid
6. Serene123 &amp; roy zak (transfer tongiht)
7.mushloom, hubby n ivan
8. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
9. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
10. mifi,hubby n issac
11. vonn, hubby and kaleb
12. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
13. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
14. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
15. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
16. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
17. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
18. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
19. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire (trf tonight)

Awaiting for confirmation
1. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
2. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
Re: Michael's Balloon Pkg

If there are 5 or more mummies who confirmed booking his Premium pkgs, he'll work out some discounts/bonus balloon sculpture etc for us. Any mummies have booked with him besides me and Summer's mama?

Winter, have you tried PM-g Geryl and Jasmine?
Thanks Maro, strawberries, piggy_mummy for your advice.

deby82: I pump a total of 4x a day: 2x at work, 2x at home. Can yield about 1 litre a day. Think I will reduce pump to 3x a day first then 2x, and finally 0.

Seems like babies who are on TBM prefers to transit to Similac.

re : Michael Balloon Package ...

Me, i am also planning to confirm his service for the premium package, can we get some discounts or additional stuff ?

he has already forward the package to me, with 2 additional free stuff ... you want to see, i can PM to you.
calamari - i also feel quite sad abt weaning off, altho i do not latch her on, but pump and feed her almost since the beginning. I guess cos we know that it is something that only we can give our baby, so once we stop that is the end. Sigh... but on the other hand, looking forward to the freedom of not having to pump. I probably going to stop when she 1 year old in apr, cos going for holiday in may so die die have to stop by then as i dun wan to drag my pump to australia.
sputnik: gosh, u are like me ahahahah. I do not latch since 5th month. My aim was to totally transit her from BM to FM in Apr when she turns 1. But it came sooner than expected. Cos she had difficulty adapting to FM when I tried introducing her in the last 2 weeks. Only 2 days back, she was receptive to Similac. I had wanted to do a half FM, half BM thing. But now I do not dare to intro her pure BM lest she remembers how it tasted and rejects FM again. Hence the fast and sudden transit. Also feel especially sad because its not because I do not hv sufficient bm for her but more for the reasons below.

Reasons for my wanting to intro FM:
1. GOing to cruise next month
2. Going to AU in Jul
3. Kayla does not have a big appetite for solids and hence I am afraid BM past 1 year old might not be nutritious enough

Guess we have all to let go someday...
calamari - u thik kayla does not hv a big appetite for solids, my gal lagi worse. So difficult to feed her even 1 meal a day... sigh....now she only eating 1 meal a day, even tho she coming 10 mths already...
i think if my boy rejects fm i was thinking i will juz let it be cos now he is taking well to 3 meals a day. he can go without milk for 1 day so long as he don see me. once he sees me, it is as though the giant milk bottle is there... he will then wanna latch n drink.

how much should they be drinking past 1 yr old?
sputnik: hv u tried to let her eat Eu Yan Sang Si Sen brown rice? its supposed to help improve appetite. How much BM does she consume a day now? i recalled ur gal quite a good weight right?
Yippe! So looking forward to the birthday bash! ha ha!

Mummies - you ladies have already done a very good job in breastfeeding... unlike me, stopped at 6 months. So don't feel sad....
mushloom: according to the book "Feed Your Child Right", 1 year old needs about 2 to 3 cups of milk a day - equivalent to 480ml to 620ml a day. (each cup is 240ml)

stretch: 6 months is good too!!!
Angel - i most likely book with him liao. I let u know after i paid, hopefully can get some items from him hehee.
calamari - oh, Eu Yan Sang Si Sen brown rice suppose to help improve appetite? Maybe i will get it to try. She taking abt 150ml 4 times a day, since she not eating much, i add cereal to her milk. Thik she shld be abt 7kg+ now, still quite small size. Sigh, i really dread feeding her nowadays, so difficult...
Re: Menses after stop BF

Any mummies can advice if it's normal.I have stopped BF and pumping since Dec. Till now menses yet to return. Is this normal?
sputnik: yes...supposed to help 'kai wei' and its quite delicious too when cooked with vegetables and egg yolk. You can try that
Hope it will help your princess eat more

prawnie: i suggest see your gynae...
Seems so long since I saw kayla's photo already. Hehe

How much is the trial for my gym? Quite near so maybe can consider.
cherishbebe: I hard-boil the egg, dig out the yolk and mash into the si sen

tsukushi: u MIA! how have you and Ian been? Its been a loooooong time since we caught up, next to the CNY greeting haha.
Morning Mummies,
It's friday again!!!!! Will b bring Eshin to Bird Park tml cos of the free STB tickets.
Can I check is it ok 2 give bb eat abit of durian nw?

Re: Pumping @ work
ya i hv oso stop pumping at work since Jan. Nw every morning will latch my boy b4 go work then no pump at work then when i reach home ard 8pm then will latch him again and oso latch him in the nite. so far no engorgement for me.

i did atm transfer yesterday can confirm if you received it? sorry ah no response to phone as its really dead! time for me to get a new one already! :p
Thanks for reminding me, hehe
Dun know if Eshin wan 2 sit in the stroller or nt. Hv nt use it for quite awhile cos he dun 2 sit so the last time we bring out the stroller is 2 put chaffuer all our barang barang instead of Eshin hahaha.
Me abit KS cos scared wait no free entry, intend 2 go at ard 8.30am or 8.45am. :p

Calamari: Wha! u able to pump 1 litre a day?Thats fanastic!I only pump 3 times a day but can only get abt 500ml.Share your secrets leh..
