(2008/04) April 2008

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel & Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby & Dana
2. scubababe, hubby & Byron
3. strawberries, hubby & gideon
4. puffish, hubby & Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) & Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby & Claire
7. Winter & Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby & Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
9. Serene123 & roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby & Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
12. Jaspire & Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan & Clairese
14. maomi, hubby & sean - paid 16/2
15. mifi,hubby n issac---(transfered on 12/2/08.)
16. vonn, hubby and kaleb - ref 2114681435
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. maro, hubby & davien + maid (maybe) --- (Transferred on 12 Feb, Ref: 2114764254)
21. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden - paid 16/2
22. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy (Transaction Reference 2114888267 )
23. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
24. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
25. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
26. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper ---(12 Feb trx 2114681532)
27. Maddysmum on behalf of: Zia+Mummy+Daddy- Tentative, will confirm soon

i nowadays will use "those Jap dried scallop" to cook porridge for my ger...
the scallops are the big big one and they are not salty as compared to the small one...
but each time i cook porrige i will only put 3 to 4pcs max into the porridge but i will not soak them i just rinse them...

my ger also fussy when come drinking milk but she prefer to eat solids...

errh...once a PD(not my usual PD) suggest add milo powder(not those 3 in-1 type) into my ger's milk for more flavour...but i didn't try as i scare next time normal milk she won't drink
cloudme, me also using those jap dried scallops. But i only add half pc each time. Each time only cook one serving anyway cos she won't eat it twice in a day.

can add milo? think my girl won't want to drink from bottle anyway, she'll drink from spoon or cup (messy! spills all over the place) but will only play with her bottles and sippy cups. Haven't tried straw, she'll close her mouth around the straw but dunno much suck. how ah?

i'm planning to wait till she's one, then let her drink milk from cup. but dunno how to train her to use cup. straw will be less messy but lagi dunno how to train her to use straw! any ideas mummies??
cloud me,

me oso bot those jap scallop, but the medical hall ppl told me put 1 enuf..


wa, u mix so many types of cereal arh..

has anyone try giving bb cheese? which type of cheese shd i give?
cloudme and lynn, I will not advise u put milo in milk. my nephew is like tat and now he only drink sweet things. food as well. only eat biscuits or chips.

I've not used scallops or ikan bilis because of preservatives. julian is ok with meat and veggie stocks but must mix meat and veggie.

lynn, adel won't take sweet potato or pumpkin too? those r quite sweet.

julian uses straw already. he dun want teat when drinking water and doesn't like spout. he wants cup. I gave him straw and he managed to drink it. he was playing with it and suddenly sip from it. but it can get messy too. in will sip and spit out.

piggy mummy, I mix e cereals too. some I find it too blend, too fine. julian wants little coarse so tat he can bite.
me too..wanted to wean off totally also due to my own selfish reason..like nice bras! hahaaaa

my boy been eating mulitgrain from HB...so far no extreme reaction leh

same leh..my boy also start to reject milk on sunday..make me so upset n bek chek...arrrg...
i feel so ... LL lor...got to throw away unwanted EBM lor... =(
my boy also dun like those baby food leh... jialat..when he see me eat fries..he so excited... give him potato puree like wan his life (hokkien)

yes yes... my boy refused milk ytd...but slp wise..as usual he slp like a pig
lynn: should be quite easy for babies to adapt to straws. Think its quite a natural instinct for them to suck hehe. Like what Jules' mum said, they will 'suddenly' know how to drink from it haha

choc: ehhhhhhhhh...i stopped wearing nursing bras when I got back to work leh! Hahahah! Have been wearing underwired ones since then!

piggy_mummy: i give baby the Laughing Cow cubed cheese.
araid22, no Adel won't take sweet potato. she doesn't like sweet stuff very much, from her reaction to the sweet-tasting frisocrem and nestle cereals. bland-tasting HT and HB she'll take, but she's not like very enthusiastic abt them at all.

the only food that i can see she likes are strawberry peach puree and yogurt, at least these no need to cajole her to eat. The rest like cereals, porridge and pasta all need to put up a fight. hiaz..

calamari, have you tried letting Kayla drink from straw? Which type of straw would be good or which straw cup would you recommend? Adel plays with my niece's Pigeon straw cup when she sees it, but she'll only mouth the straw and play with it in her mouth, dun see her sucking. She loves to try to drink from cup though, wondering if I should try cup straight and bypass sippy and straw??

Been looking for the combi cup attachment (just the top part to fix to my exsisting combi cup) but so far i've only seen stores selling the entire cup. Already spent like more than $60 on different sippy cups
Lynn, regarding combi cup, I have the hello kitty one with straw but it seems to leak. Im not very sure if it's supposed to be spill proof but e leaks are from e side. Quite terrible.
Now i just let her use nuby spill proof water bottle for drinking water and juices.
It comes with e straw and they do sell e replacement sets for the straws.

Mummies, any recommendation on good walking shoes for our lil' ones?
lynn, I feel pigeon straw cup is good. they have this new one where e handles can turn in for easy storage. I also got o mag mag and combi. mag mag is not bad too. I bought e combi straw attachment from kiddypalace. you can try it. I bought so many sippy and all too. haha. how much we go through just to make them eat.
lynn: Yeap, Kayla is using the Pigeon Mag Mag cup straw attachment. First few times I let her try, she doesn not know what to do with it, then suddenly she got it hahah.
<font color="0000ff">On behalf of Winter, remove scubababe and tratties's names.
mummies hope to see you ladies and yr lil ones in this birthday bash!</font>

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH Please transfer by Wed (18/2/09) as I need to make the deposit (if we can't get 20 babies (the min for the party) by then, we will have to forgo JWT and settle for Serene's Function Room at Boon Keng(subject to availablity))

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
3. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
4. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
5. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
6. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
7. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
8. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
9. mushloom, hubby n ivan
10. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
11. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
12. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
13. maomi, hubby &amp; sean - paid 16/2
14. mifi,hubby n issac---(transfered on 12/2/08.)
15. vonn, hubby and kaleb - ref 2114681435
16. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
17. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
18. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
19. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe) --- (Transferred on 12 Feb, Ref: 2114764254)
20. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden - paid 16/2
21. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy (Transaction Reference 2114888267 )
22. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
23. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
24. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper ---(12 Feb trx 2114681532)
25. Maddysmum on behalf of: Zia+Mummy+Daddy- Tentative, will confirm soon
Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH Please transfer by Wed (18/2/09) as I need to make the deposit (if we can't get 20 babies (the min for the party) by then, we will have to forgo JWT and settle for Serene's Function Room at Boon Keng(subject to availablity))

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
3. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
4. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
5. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
6. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
7. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
8. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
9. mushloom, hubby n ivan
10. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
11. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
12. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
13. maomi, hubby &amp; sean - paid 16/2
14. mifi,hubby n issac---(transfered on 12/2/08.)
15. vonn, hubby and kaleb - ref 2114681435
16. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
17. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
18. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
19. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe) --- (Transferred on 12 Feb, Ref: 2114764254)
20. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden - paid 16/2
21. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy (Transaction Reference 2114888267 )
22. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
23. Jenny + Hubby + Javier (16 Feb Trans No.20090216207428 -- Will take 3 working days cos transfer from OCBC acct)
24. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper ---(12 Feb trx 2114681532)
25. Maddysmum on behalf of: Zia+Mummy+Daddy- Tentative, will confirm soon
sean juz fell frm the bed n cried non stop til he fell aslp. i feel so so bad now. sigh. i was engrossed in arranging things to fit in the steriliser that i thot he would be so into the books, he wouldnt move. b4 i knew it heard a loud 'konk' n he was on the floor with the pillow i put at the side of the bed, crying. i can't even find a swelling or bruise anywhr and i duno where it hurts!! duno whr to look out for, or make him feel better..so helpless..
maomi..put zambak on the whole head...jus rub rub ..Iz also fell frm bed b4..Dun feel bad la..
Iz everyday sure kok his head de..tat silly boy..
now they r mobile ,nv leave them on bed n u do things
...put him in play pen or cot..thats wat i do now..

am now giving my boy soy milk formula. you can call abott for their "isomil advance 2" its their soy milk formula tht i am giving to my boy seems to be taking well.

the angmoh supermarket is at blk 80 tpy central behind the blk 79. (sorry think there was someone who asked where but i keep forgetting to put it in writing.


how are you? me and my boy are fine.... :p as long as you over look our coughs... haiz
heheh the new baby will be a boy too. hahah thinking of all my savings. :p


will refund you once i get my refund. funny... coz she says she will refund but have yet to do it.

Julian also fell this morning.
He was lifting up his toys. He lost balance and fall backwards. He cried so loud. He has been banging here and there recently. Tat day he knock on the edge of the piano chair. Had blue black for days. Sign.

goodbb, I've attached the picture of the Pigeon straw cup. You can find it in some Kiddypalace, Isetan and taka.

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH Please transfer by Wed (18/2/09) as I need to make the deposit (if we can't get 20 babies (the min for the party) by then, we will have to forgo JWT and settle for Serene's Function Room at Boon Keng(subject to availablity))

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
3. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
4. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
5. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
6. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
7. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
8. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
9. mushloom, hubby n ivan (ref 2121176543)
10. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
11. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
12. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
13. maomi, hubby &amp; sean - paid 16/2
14. mifi,hubby n issac---(transfered on 12/2/08.)
15. vonn, hubby and kaleb - ref 2114681435
16. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
17. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
18. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
19. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe) --- (Transferred on 12 Feb, Ref: 2114764254)
20. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden - paid 16/2
21. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy (Transaction Reference 2114888267 )
22. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
23. Jenny + Hubby + Javier (16 Feb Trans No.20090216207428 -- Will take 3 working days cos transfer from OCBC acct)
24. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper ---(12 Feb trx 2114681532)
25. Maddysmum on behalf of: Zia+Mummy+Daddy- Tentative, will confirm soon
i tink it's inevitable they fall...but from the bed quite terrible! i was stunned for a moment.

sean has also been knocking here n there in the cot, where he has learnt to stand up, etc.

MIL still commented as if it's my fault, as if i wanted it to happen. but i was doing something, not doing my own things or resting or what, i was trying to get his stuff sterilised! made me so mad also...grrr...alrd felt so bad, still hav to put up with comments when she didnt know what exactly happened. =(
maomi, ignore ur mil's comments. My mil also always like that. luckily she dun see my son often. When she saw the blueblack on his forehead ask me wat happened, whether brought him to pd to do scan or not. Like wat u say falling is inevitable wat. Not like we wanted.

Is sean's ezcema better? Julian went for a swim on sunday and had rash the next day. Sianz. I like to let him play water but dun like him to have the rash.
jules' mum: sean's eczema is much better, but on certain days, he gets v dry skin n when he scratches too much. the culprit was the sebamed bubble bath, once i stopped n use CB, it immediately improved! thanks gdness.
Maomi, at least you managed to find the thing that trigger Sean's ezcema. Julian was using the Sebamed Oil. He was alright with it but we changed to CB too.

Just to share. Julian in his hat taken 2 days ago.

Harlow all
I just cant resist the temptation to start another spree.. hahaha ..I wanted to get the ring flashcards from 1 of the spree but it more expensive sgd$20 each.

Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
hi jgal,
yeah, glad that u're back.. hehe.. to bbb..

Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
1. maro, [email protected]
me looking at bb einstein discovery cards, when has to let u know the order?
jules' mum,
julian is so cute, he looks like he is ready to go hiking.. hehe..

ignore yr mil's remarks.. they will always think they are right and give all types of nonsense.. mine just commented my boy now looks better than when he just back from Indo during CNY.. Harlow.. he is just there for less than 3 days.. can see the diff meh.. me so angry, haiz
Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
1. maro, [email protected]
me looking at bb einstein discovery cards, when has to let u know the order?
2. jaspire, [email protected] -- Keen in the bb einstein discovery cards set of 4
Maro, u know wat my mil say about that pic? Really cannot tahan her comments. she told me over the phone... Oh! I'm going to make u angry. Julian look so sweet in the picture! like gal!She knows that me and my hubby dun like her to say he look like gal. She say that since the day he is born. Say... So wasted he is so fair. not a gal. Her other 2 grandsons are dark doesn't mean that Julian must follow right. They don't treat Julian well one la. Told my father in law cannot carry julian because the other 2 grandsons will get jealous. She always talk about unconditional love. Tell me about it lor...
Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
1. maro, [email protected]
me looking at bb einstein discovery cards, when has to let u know the order?
2. jaspire, [email protected] -- Keen in the bb einstein discovery cards set of 4
3.mifi,[email protected]
Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
1. maro, [email protected]
me looking at bb einstein discovery cards, when has to let u know the order?
2. jaspire, [email protected] -- Keen in the bb einstein discovery cards set of 4
3.Jules mum, [email protected]
Hi Jgal, interested! Will give u the actual order in email after going through. By when has the order gotta be in?

Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
1. maro, [email protected]
me looking at bb einstein discovery cards, when has to let u know the order?
2. jaspire, [email protected] -- Keen in the bb einstein discovery cards set of 4
3.Jules mum, [email protected]
4. maomi, [email protected]
5.mifi,[email protected]
jaspire.. the baby einstein cards dun really have good review on amazon. I suggest you look at other flashcards. I just bought some from amazon - Touch and feel flash cards DK publishing. you can check those out.
Hi Jgal, interested! Will give u the actual order in email after going through. By when has the order gotta be in?

Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal
Shipping btw $2-$4 for each book/flashcard set. Rates at SGD$1.52 to USD$1
http://www.babyscholars.com/babtodbook.html ..
Take orders from 5 mummies only. Please give me the names/email address. I will contact you later to take your order later and advise on your deposit etc.
e.g jgal, [email protected]
1. maro, [email protected]
me looking at bb einstein discovery cards, when has to let u know the order?
2. jaspire, [email protected] -- Keen in the bb einstein discovery cards set of 4
3.Jules mum, [email protected]
4. maomi, [email protected]
5.mifi,[email protected]
6. swirl , [email protected]
Swirl.. you got to wait for the next batch.
only 5 mummies only. Cos' each batch caps at USD180.
Will update you gals on the final pricing.
<font color="ff0000">Babyscholars.com Spree - Jgal (closed. all participants have been emailed) </font>

<font size="+1"> My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards Flashcard Spree - Jgal </font>

These cards has better review than Baby Einstein flashcards.

My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: First Words (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Colors &amp; Shapes (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Animals (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Numbers &amp; Counting (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)

Amazon 4-3 promo - USD9.99 x 3 = USD29.97 = SGD45.55
Est shipping : SGD10 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD55 ~ SGD60
Collection : Redhill only
For this spree, I will only be getting in sets of 4s. So for those that put their name here. Please deposit $60 for each set, only order if you are comfortable. I may do multiple batches if the response is good and the shipping is reasonable.
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards Flashcard Spree - Jgal

These cards has better review than Baby Einstein flashcards.

My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: First Words (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Colors &amp; Shapes (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Animals (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Numbers &amp; Counting (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)

Amazon 4-3 promo - USD9.99 x 3 = USD29.97 = SGD45.55
Est shipping : SGD10 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD55 ~ SGD60
Collection : Redhill only
For this spree, I will only be getting in sets of 4s. So for those that put their name here. Please deposit $60 for each set, only order if you are comfortable. I may do multiple batches if the response is good and the shipping is reasonable.
1. Jules' Mum
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards Flashcard Spree - Jgal

These cards has better review than Baby Einstein flashcards.

My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: First Words (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Colors &amp; Shapes (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Animals (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Numbers &amp; Counting (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)

Amazon 4-3 promo - USD9.99 x 3 = USD29.97 = SGD45.55
Est shipping : SGD10 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD55 ~ SGD60
Collection : Redhill only
For this spree, I will only be getting in sets of 4s. So for those that put their name here. Please deposit $60 for each set, only order if you are comfortable. I may do multiple batches if the response is good and the shipping is reasonable.
1. Jules' Mum
2. Esther Zhang
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards Flashcard Spree - Jgal

These cards has better review than Baby Einstein flashcards.

My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: First Words (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Colors &amp; Shapes (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Animals (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Numbers &amp; Counting (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)

Amazon 4-3 promo - USD9.99 x 3 = USD29.97 = SGD45.55
Est shipping : SGD10 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD55 ~ SGD60
Collection : Redhill only
For this spree, I will only be getting in sets of 4s. So for those that put their name here. Please deposit $60 for each set, only order if you are comfortable. I may do multiple batches if the response is good and the shipping is reasonable.
1. Jules' Mum
2. Esther Zhang
3. mushloom
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards Flashcard Spree - Jgal
These cards has better review than Baby Einstein flashcards.
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: First Words (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Colors &amp; Shapes (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Animals (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Numbers &amp; Counting (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)

Amazon 4 for 3 promo - USD9.99 x 3 = USD29.97 = SGD45.55
Est shipping : SGD10 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD55 ~ SGD60 ( selling locally at ~$75 )

Just check that 1 set is ard $18.99 x 4
Collection : Redhill only

For this spree, I will only be getting in sets of 4s($60). So for those that put their name here. Please deposit $60 for each set, only order if you are comfortable. I may do multiple batches if the response is good and the shipping is reasonable. Deposit will be refund if shipping is less.

1. Jules' Mum
2. Esther Zhang
3. mushloom
4. araid22


365 Days of Baby Einstein ( book) -jgal
Amazon price : USD$11.55 = SGD17.55
Est shipping : SGD2 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD19.50 ~ 24 ( if i am not wrong bp selling at $27)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards Flashcard Spree - Jgal
These cards has better review than Baby Einstein flashcards.
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: First Words (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Colors &amp; Shapes (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Animals (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)
My First Touch &amp; Feel Picture Cards: Numbers &amp; Counting (MY 1ST T&amp;F PICTURE CARDS) (Cards)

Amazon 4 for 3 promo - USD9.99 x 3 = USD29.97 = SGD45.55
Est shipping : SGD10 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD55 ~ SGD60 ( selling locally at ~$75 )

Just check that 1 set is ard $18.99 x 4
Collection : Redhill only

For this spree, I will only be getting in sets of 4s($60). So for those that put their name here. Please deposit $60 for each set, only order if you are comfortable. I may do multiple batches if the response is good and the shipping is reasonable. Deposit will be refund if shipping is less.

1. Jules' Mum
2. Esther Zhang
3. mushloom
4. araid22


365 Days of Baby Einstein ( book) -jgal
Amazon price : USD$11.55 = SGD17.55
Est shipping : SGD2 , est delivery : 28 Feb
Total is SGD19.50 ~ 24 ( if i am not wrong bp selling at $27)
1. goodbb
Hi lovemum
yah, koori alerted me yesterday on the new studioloft complaints. I like the part on same poses, different heads. Her attitude sux too! same kind of complaints about the black-faced and unoriginal photographer.
And everytime someone wrote on the thread complaining abt her, this nick alfa77 will be there to stand up for her. Alfa77 must be her fren or herself!
