(2008/04) April 2008

any mummies here know about Nestle Nan H.A ?? I want to know whether kid for about 4 years old can take for allegies? I can find only Nan HA stage 3 at supermarket.
angel will transfer $9.60 for the HB brown rice cereal that I've taken from your place.

yr HT stuffs are with me
yvonne... same here. bought dvds so far oni showed 1 and once only. no cards... tink me doing too little. seeing all mummies here like so onz on bb learning.... i must go and diy or buy n show cards liao
Konfidence Swimwear:

The customer service is excellent, such prompt responses! I could only post this now as I was out all day today.

This is what they've come back to me with:

For a minimum of 5 wetsuits, I can give you the following offer:
* 20% discount on swim nappy, changing mat or Aquaband for every wetsuit.

For purchase of more than 5 wetsuits, I can give you the following offer:
* 20% discount on swim nappy, changing mat or Aquaband for every wetsuit;
* FREE 1oz Baby Blanket Suncare Faces.

Any other mummies interested?
1. Diva - 1 x blue wetsuit, 12-24mths
2. Sputnik - 1 x wetsuit, 6-12mths
3. Jule's Mum - 1 blue wetsuit, 6-12mths

We should hit a minimum of 5 suits to enjoy the deal. Come on mummies, we need 2 more at least!
In the meantime, keep the list going and I'll see what more the nice lady can do for us

Here's a picture of the swim nappy and Aquaband as found on the Konfidence website:
Hi mommies...
I know this is a bit way ahead of time...but when do you think is a good time to send baby to toddler nursery? 18 months? 24 months? or even later?
Today i visited the "Learning Vision Centre" in Temasek Poly where i lecture.... and was wondering if you guys have any good or bad comments on this child care chain? Pls advise? Thanks much.
diva- thanks for the email address.

mummies- want to start the flash card session at my place the next time we meet at my place? 30 mins reading than we do someting like play gym (saw previous posting that play gym at home.. but don know what they do)or sing along session. I can photocopy the lyrics and we can sing the nursery songs.

We will have a mini programme per session. Than by 8ths they are ready to go classes. DIY classes save all the $$$.
piggymummy, ya my girl must be one of the earliest to start on semi-solids. she started at 4 and a half months, in fact my PD gave us the go ahead to start cos she was rejecting milk and taking about 500ml a day and not gaining enough weight.

since then her milk intake has improved although she still doesn't want to drink milk when awake (can only feed her while she's sleeping). it's a huge chore trying to feed her milk, i'm waiting for the day when i can repalce milk meals with solids.

my girl now takes 1 tablespoon of dry cereal max or 45ml of puree. how to make her eat more per session? my mum kept telling me my girl cannot eat/drink big meals cos after her usual 120ml (if she finishes) her tummy will be very big and round. but i see heere most babies are taking way more than 120ml already leh..

just prepared corn+carrot (already tried carrot alone and no adverse reaction other than the yucky look) puree last night, today will let her try. crssing my fingers she'll like it. judging by my love of popcorn during pregnancy she should like corn right? hahaha..
my ger is a small eater too and same case as urs...only drink milk when she just awake or during her sleep...her milk intake is like max 120ml...
so dun worry if she is eating well and drinking well...and gaining weight...
Good morning Mummies

Maro, thanks for collecting the cereal on my behalf.

Jgal, I've transferred payment of the cereal $9.60 to you. Here's the ref:

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 Jgal
Amount S$9.60
Transaction Reference 1929933517

Gail, my bb's already in infantcare "Little Skool-House" Chain. Learning Vision is quite good too, my nephew used to attend its centre at RP.

Puffish, Tristan is another handsome boy!
Hi Jgal,

Will transfer to you later for 2 tin of brown rice.

hee.. Do you have one spare with you while waiting for the stock to come.. Remember i got it fr you last wk? Now half of the tin is gone!! OMG.. If you hav, can spare me a tin? Will transfer $28.80 for 3 tin in total if any. Sorry for any inconvinence cause..

gail: I only plan to start my girl in half-day Playgroup when she is 24 months old. I think for the more popular schools, perhaps you can already start enquiring now. I plan to enrol my girl in White Lodge branch at Pasir Panjang as its the nearest to my place hehe. Lucky waiting list is not that long. But was advised by them to enrol 6 - 9 months before term starts. :p KS

By the way, my friend's hb is also working in Temasek Poly and send his son to LV too. He said the TP branch is good
Another friend who went to check out the LV branch at N*vena claims that the the centre is a bit 'lock'. Fluorescent light was hanging from the ceiling, needing to be fixed. Dunno how true. :p
Calamari - pasir panjang tats like very near my hse, but hor if half day how to bring her back to & fro? take school bus?
Taurus : There shld be spare stocks but... everyone that come my place ask for spare stock.. So while stock last lor :p
koori: yah...very near leh! Maybe our girls can go same school haha! Apparently there is a school bus. Was also thinking...2 year old can take school bus ah? A bit scary leh hahaha!
Hi Jgal, I have transferred payment of cb cream $17.55 to you. Transaction reference is 1930030027.

Serene123, me oso stay near boon keng. Now staying Potong Pasir. Let me know when is next gathering. Sorry to have missed the previous cos was so busy trying to settle in to new place and baby was cranky. She's having bad outbreak of eczema.
hi jgal i PM you yest. did you get it? =) need calendula cream, any spares? =p

serene123, when is the next playdate?

gd morning all mummies, no one in the office today, make me feel like going home toooooo...zzz
Good morning everyone!

When I was a young kid going to pre-school, my parents let me take the school bus home one day.
The bus driver decided to send everyone else back first so I could 'see' where my friends lived.
I don't know if he was up to anything, so I can only be thankful that no harm came to me.

My family was on the edge of their seat by the time I got home, they hauled the driver out of the bus and questioned him.
Don't know what happened after.

I was too young to know anything but I remember this very clearly. No bus auntie that day, creepy!
HAHA.. Zoom....
Can i collect around 12pm~1pm from your maid later? Cos i be ard there later..

My transfer detail:
To DBS Saving Plus: 001-1-053838 (Jgal)
Ref: 1930070553 (Internet Banking)
Date: 14 Oct'08
Time: 09:52 AM
Amt: $28.80

Pls check if transcation went through.. Thanks you
JuniorRain: eeeeee now u are scaring me. Cos HT cereal is the 1st cereal I feed Kayla leh...!! Never knew how other brands look like..
thanks calamari and angel...
i was a bit taken a back because the principle told me i need to register now to get him in cos of limited places. I only intend to start him out on Jan 1st 2010. He will be 22 months then.
BTW i saw them bathing the tots around noon time...is that normal? I never got bathe when i went to nursery what....ha ha.
Angel, my girl is also going little skool house. When she turns 18 mths only though. Have already enrolled her. Which branch did dana go? Summer's going to the ocbc one, as it's quite heavily subsidised.
I comtemplated the infant care. But luckily, it's full until next May!
I visited the place. V nicely done up, as it's only 2 years in operation and very clean.

Koori, yes, summer started semi solids at 4 mths. She was always hungry as she was a very active girl. Now she's taking some rice crackers and biscuits. So far, she had tried pigeon's and organix apple rice cracker. All for babies 6 mths and above. She can hold them and eat herself, just a little messy.

Calamari, juniorrain, the HT cereals are all flaky. It's normal. HT multi grain, HT barley, HT brown rice are all flaky.
In fact almost all organic cereals are flaky. As opposed to heinz and nestle that are powder form like FM. So dont worry!
dun scared.......hehehe i think HT cereal is like that wan since both ours look the same. Heinz wan look like milk powder, is powdery.
hoon : orht.. that's you.. i was shock to see a sudden $100 into my account.. I tot government give money again. :p

maomi_mummy : Yes i do. So waht did you order huh ? the cereal and cream huh ?
Ref:CB shampoo/body wash
Me tt $43.50 to ur acct on 14/10/08.u will receive in 2 working cos tt from other bank.
Update on orders from Drugstore
<font color="aa00aa">
-Items has been ordered.
- First Teeth toothpaste cannot specify color. I assume it will be half pink and half blue. So I need more order now for pink.
-Exchange rate went up SGD1.5x to USD1.
So I will be changing the prices to $9.50 to $9.80

and $7.50 to $7.80
Order for Desitin Diaper Cream (Creamy) from drugstore $9.80
1. Jgal x 2
2. Calamari x 2
3. Javier's_mum X 2
4. choc - tge25 X 2
5. Gemini05 x 1
Total : 9 tubes

First Teeth Toothpaste from Drugstore. $7.80
1. JuniorRain ( blue x 3 + Pink x 3)
2. scubababe ( blue x 2 )
3. Lynn_ ( Pink )
4. jules mum ( blue x 2 )
5. cyl_16 ( blue x 4 )
6. ynby80 ( blue x 2 + Pink x 2)
8. linah29 ( blue x 2 + Pink x 2)
9. Jolenebeh ( pink x 2 )
7. Maro (blue)
10. Puffiet ( blue x 2 )
11. Cass_078( blue x 2 )
12. Javier's_mum ( blue x 2 )
Blue : 22
Pink : 10

More order for Pink toothpaste required.
{Blue} is closed
Pink x 12 is available

More order for Desitin cream required
Pink x 4 is available
Diva - We had our fair share of bad experience with school bus too. Happened when my girl started nursery 3 yrs ago. On second day of school, we went to school to pick her up but was told that someone had picked her up! Nearly went hysterical...but after calling all the school buses we managed to track her. The bus auntie took her by ' mistake' n the auntie denied any mistake on her part..my hubby was hopping mad. hee, but to my girl it was a fun ride oblivious to what mummy n daddy went thru that 30mins . whew...

i went learning vision at bt merah, its' locked' lor. i dun really like the environment there. I think different branches diff envirnoment.
