(2008/04) April 2008

Jgal: thanks will get the large size... Chevelle need that as she is very active. always kick her blanket away. scare will cover her face... btw, how much do i own u together with the HB cereals?
jgal, can i know when u ordering?
if today, when will it arrive? cheers
jgal, oic. but my boy must hug his bolster to sleep and always fip around in his sleep. think i'll give this a miss but thanks for holding great sprees for us April mummies all the time!
Calamari, actually i think Kayla might be a little more plump than Constance. More Bak !
Love her newly developed chubby cheeks !!!
cheesycake: oh btw, dont worry about blanket covering the face...it won't ride up one as baby's hands need to be in the armhole.
summer's mama: i think that's the only thing she inherited from me lor hahaha, the chubby cheeks. Otherwise, all daddy's features. I think Summer looks more and more like you.
gervynne: the cotton sleeping bag is useful for babies who sleep in aircon room. Instead of using blankets which may pose as a suffocation risk, these sleeping bags can keep them warm, and act as a blanket. They can't wriggle out of them and won't get suffocated.
Jgal, u going there is it. Can tobang u to get longchamp travel bags huh? Think sure cheaper than sg as no gst and it' always cheaper than our dfs in airport hahaha.Or if u do spree, im keen to get some
Cheesycake - u kick me out of the spree.

Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog
Size : Small, Medium , Large
1. Jgal (Pink , Large)
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large)
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large)
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large)
Don tik Kayla is small lei, she's acceptable weight at 6mths....7kg lor! I tik she is long! My ger at 68cm and she's 2weeks older than Kayla.
juniorrain: i saw Harbourfront Mothercare selling winter clothes..their winter clothes have been on sale for the longest time man. Maybe u can check it out, should hv thermal wear. But should be expensive too keke. Otherwise, online at Old Navy. I am waiting for US winter to end next year then buy their baby/toddler winter clothes on sale hehe. U intending to bring Eshin overseas?
I wont not let my gal go oversea until she is 2 yrs old esp hongkong. Even though , my relatives there wanted to help me take care of her. I got really scare after reading this article sometime after I give birth. Nov is the flu season.. So got to be real careful.

Little Joshiah dies 6 days after having flu

IT WAS the first time they were taking their 13-month-old son, Joshiah Isaac Barros (above), to Hong Kong on holiday.....

Littleprincess - u can try Pumkin/mothercare at vivo. They put up the winter clothings liao.

Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog
Size : Small, Medium , Large
1. Jgal (Pink , Large)
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large)
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large)
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large)
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
ya tot wan 2 bring him 2 cold countries like Japan or China. Juz now called Coldwear, they dun hv bb thermal wear oni gt kid 4-5yrs wan. Old navy hv, ok later me go website 2 see. Juz nw try 2 search, gt see tis brand Bella dun know gd or nt . Is frm US dun know how is the shipping charges like oso.
Hi Jgal,

Thks for sharing tat article.... So sad, I almost cried while reading... ya actually even up till now, i also seldom bring my gal outside, mostly is to my mum's place oni... cause i scared she will catch virus outside esp now weather also nt veri gd....
xiaozhu - thanks, yes my cousin bought a pair of shoes n overall for my girl from pumpkin patch.

jgal - hee..i hv no one willing to look after val so hv to bring her along. Bo bian..
Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog
Size : Small, Medium , Large
1. Jgal (Pink , Large)
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large)
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large)
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large)
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
7. jule's mum (Barnyard, Large)
Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog
Size : Small, Medium , Large
1. Jgal (Pink , Large)
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large)
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large)
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large)
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
7. jule's mum (Barnyard, Large)
8. Esther (Pink, X-Large)
check with u mummies, if there a mummy who has bought a padded booster seat and using it as highchair? normally booster seat no padding right? i think i saw someone post before with padding.. anyone knows who bought it and how much?

just gave my girl sweet corn + carrot puree, luckily she took it well. i was saying it's very yummy even i can eat too! but had to steam, blend and then strain somemore cos corn a lot of fibre.. troublesome..

btw now i'm already giving 1.5oz of puree, so should be able to graduate to 2oz in a few weeks. the baby cubes i have only 2oz, so what do you mummies do?
calamari, kayla looks so happy in it! is the padding vinyl and removable? it's much more affordable than the FP version of it..
thanks calamari!

kept trying to feed my girl in the FP rocker-cum-toddler chair set at most upright position at my mum's place but she tries so hard to sit up by herself and then complain very very loudly.. tried feeding in her bumbo also complain loudly.

initially tot she didn't wan to eat or is too tired, but always the same case at my mum's place and perfectly fine at my home with the FP portable highchair. at my mum's place must have 2 persons feeding her, one carrying her seated position and the other feeding her, but i wan to start her with 2 feeds a day already so my mum needs to feed her in the morning alone.

dun wan to turn her off eating solids by associating the feeds with a huge struggle everytime so better buy a proper chair for feeding soon.
calamari, did you buy it at isetan? do they have a display set? wan to bring my girl to try sitting in it see if she complains or not (fussy baby..)
Hmm after reading that article i feel so disturbed. Bb r too fragile. Now i think i will either let shevon stay w parents if i fly or wait till she is older. Thanks for the article, it's another reminder for me today :p
Playdate: 25th Oct 2pm-5pm
Place: Serene123 house
To do: Nursery Songs + Flash Cards (winter, i will call you to arrange)
Drinks: Serene
Food: Any Volunter (1 or 2 person bring will do cos alot of food left last saturday.. don want to waste food)
List (Capped at 8 babies.. playmat size to fit all little ones in)
1. Serene + RoyZak
Playdate: 25th Oct 2pm-5pm
Place: Serene123 house
To do: Nursery Songs + Flash Cards (winter, i will call you to arrange)
Drinks: Serene
Food: Any Volunter (1 or 2 person bring will do cos alot of food left last saturday.. don want to waste food)
List (Capped at 8 babies.. playmat size to fit all little ones in)
1. Serene + RoyZak
2. Yvonne + Tiffany + maid
Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog
Size : Small, Medium , Large
1. Jgal (Pink , Large)
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large)
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large)
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large)
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
7. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large)
hi Jgal...

decided to get medium size as my girl is very thin... think large too big for her. buying one more... pls let me know how much to transfer u in total for this and the cereal. tks

Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog
Size : Small, Medium , Large
1. Jgal (Pink , Large)
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large)
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large)
5. cheesycake (Pink medium & Barnyard medium)
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
7. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large)

<font size="+1">Update on the california baby spree (exclude calendula cream from ima) </font>

<font size="+1">CALIFORNIA BABY BUBBLE BATH CHAM &amp; HERB 13 OZ</font>
Our price is $16

<font size="+1">CALIFORNIA BABY BUBBLE BATH COLD &amp; FLU 13 OZ S$28.00 </font>
Our price is $16
2.Jule's mum (not paid)
7. Javier's_mum

<font size="+1">CALIFORNIA BABY CALMING POWDER $25.00 </font>
Our price is $14.50
2.cass_078 x2

<font size="+1">CALIFORNIA BABY SHAMPOO/BODY WASH 8.5 OZ </font>
Our price is $14.50
3. bebe11 (not paid)
4. mifi x 3
6. Javier's_mum

<font size="+1">Calendula cream 2 Oz. @$17.55 ( not ready. Will be in after 25 Oct) </font>
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3 (Paid 30 sep. Trans Ref 1908672817 $52.65)
4. mifi x 2 (Paid. Transfer 29 Sep.$35.10)
5. littleprincesses x 2 (29 sept- S$35.10 - ATM )
7. Maddysmum (Transaction Reference 1908325165 )
8. simp (Transaction Reference 1909346582)
9. princess-j IB ref: 1906260355 @ 29 Sep 2008 12:50 PM collect at redhill
10.chewy (paid)
11. cyl_16 X 3 (Trasferred $52.65 on 29/09)
12. calamari x 3(transferred $52.65 on 29/9)
13. Cass_078 x 3 (paid)
14. dolly23 (transferred $17.55 on 29/9)
15. XiaoZhu (paid)
16. Babybliss x5
17. jaspire
28. Javier's mum X 2 ( atm-paid $100 - $65 for all cb items)

<font size="+1">Happybellies Cereal @$9.60 (ready for collection) </font>
Brown rice
- Beans (paid)
- Simp x 5 ((Transaction Reference 1909346582)
- Porkie x 1 (paid)
- Cass_078 x 1 (paid)
- Puffish x 2
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1


<font size="+1">New Orders from Amazon and Drugstore.
All sprees are closed. Please do not put your names to the lists anymore

1. HappyBellies Brown Rices 7oz( $9.60 each ) </font>
- choc-tge25 x 4
- scubababe x 2
- ynby80 x 1
- na_na x 1
- iijo x 1
- maomi x 1
Total : 10 cans

<font size="+1">2. HappyBellies Oatmeal 7oz( $9.60 each ) </font>
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- princess-j x1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1
- cheesycake x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Porkie x 1
- Puffish x 1
- choc -tge25 x1
- scubababe x 1
- na_na x 1
- Esther x 1
- maomi x 1
- gemini05 x 1
Total : 15 cans

<font size="+1">3. HappyBellies Multigrain 7oz( $9.60 each ) </font>
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1]
- cheesycake x 1
- cass_078 x 1
- Puffish x 1
- Esther x 1
- maomi x 1
Total : 7 cans

<font size="+1">Order for Desitin Diaper Cream (Creamy) from drugstore$9.80 </font>
1. Jgal x 1
2. Calamari x 2
3.Javier's_mum X 2
4. choc - tge25 X 2
5. Gemini05 x 1
6. Cutiebb x 4
Total : 12 tubes

<font size="+1">Order for First Teeth Toothpaste from drugstore. @$7.80. </font>
1. JuniorRain x3(blue) &amp; x3(pink)
2. scubababe x 2
3. Lynn_ (pink)
4. jules mum x2 blue
5. cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
6. ynby80 2 x blue 2 x pink (as spoken, pls ignore the order earlier)
7. Maro (blue)
8. linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
9. Jolenebeh 2xpink
10. Puffiet blue x 2
11. Cass_078 blue x 2
12. Javier's_mum X 2 Blue
13. Limmasters x1 pink

<font size="+1">Pink :11.. req more order for pink!!!
Blue :22
Total : 33 Tubes </font>
