(2008/04) April 2008

The above statement not mean which cereal is good or bad huh, it's individual preference. I like HB cereal. Brought 1 tin from jgal. :)

Cheesy - Nestle rice cereal abit difficult to mix well (Need more water). I just add all in a bowl and stir in hot water.

Puffish - 3 tbs quite thick. Also see ur baby can finish or not. If can, then 4. I'm giving my boy 4.

xiaozhu, my boy currently is having 3tbsp Heinz cereal with 40ml ebm and is quick thick, he can finished it all. But when i used the same amt on nestle rice cereal, it's very lumpy instead. Wondering how much FM u using for 3 or 4 tbsp nestle cereal?
puffish, thank you! =) but i am on the most recent batch. will PM her.

My boy is coming 6 mths..I assume the babies here are also abt the same age. I see the mummies already giving 4 tablespoons of cereal. Is that ok? then do you give breakfast lunch and dinner? or just lunch? I dunno when to start giving more and how much more. Any guidelines?

Also, is it ok to give porridge now? I tried giving porridge with carrot and spinach, cooked til very soft. But I tink all the nutrients gone coz keep boiling. How to cook to ensure vitamins not lost, yet still soft enough?
Puffish - Yup, nestle rice cereal will be lumpy. Took me sometime to prepare. (Need time to stir really well) if use cool boiled water, will be faster. It's more fragrant then heniz rice. (I try on myself.) :p I add 4 tsp FM.
When i'm lazy, just prepare the organic cereal+FM. Hardworking - will slow cook nice, freshly homemade porridge. Wakaka...
Winter - my boy dun like drink milk. I just add FM into the cereal. My boy very pattern pattern one. Morning/night will feed him drink 90ml while he sleepy.
calamari, thanks! was it you or summer's mama who mentioned that if 3 mummies or more buy the kits tog will get $100 off?

how much are the GDBabay kits, btw?

heheh its actually me... but the kits are super exp... price the guy quote me is $1498 this is just for the english kit. additional $400(this amt i not very sure)for the maths kit, and $500(this amt i not very sure)for the chinese kit.

english kit contains...
seems that there is a training session on how to use the kit.... then there is books and CDs as well as 1500 flash cards.

ya loh but really cant resist when its stated that 'you can help you child get smarter' leh
heheh this got installment plan too. oops now me really will die
Re: cereal feeds
Kayla is currently taking 3 tbsp of HT brown rice cereal with 40ml of EBM as well. Her milk intake did not decrease, but increase instead. Seems like semi-solids has improved her milk appetite. Weird.
Maomi_mummy : mai confused.. Aiya.. i only doing for april mummies. **hopefully ppl that are actively participating and understanding.

Thanks puffish
Re: Cereal Feeds
Calamari - so good! Ernest's feed for milk decreases
I have increaed the cereal feed to 4 Tbsp, but still have 70 - 80ml of EBM to drink. Must finish every drop, now that my ss is dropping.
ok..tentatively add me in, but really got to see final price how much. but where to find time to do this? i am working and my mum doesn't really know english.
over the weekends, i cooked porridge with cod fish n broccoli. Then blend everything and gave summer. She likes it. Took a big bowl.

maomi, i read that we cant give babies spinach. u might want to do some research in that? cant remb what chemical that it release that is not good for baby.

jasminechen, i dont remb pay so much for the english kit le. It's two huge boxes though and plus e book. I wasnt given the CD.
I think i paid $580 for english kit and $380 for math kit. I also got it from GDbaby le.
They gave me waiver of GST as i bought it from baby fair way before i popped. hee. KS.
But seriously, it's a huge investment. It may not make ur baby smarter. In my view, it does give ur baby a headstart as he will learn how to read at a younger age, so when other children are learning to read, he would be able to use the time to learn other stuff.
u require a lot of discipline to get this going, as you need to flash twice a day (minimum) for each set.
As u progress further for math, u need to create equations, which i find v tiring. I think some mommies who are using the math kit would think the same.

really.... the price is so diff..... that is like 1/3 the price leh. the maths yah its about there. me too. the guy that me called is darryl. same guy?

really cant give spinach? oh if that the case i will not give my boy
better be safe then sorry
daryl is e sales person i think.
lawrence is the trainer. Katherine u lawrence wife if i'm not wrong.
U want to try to talk to either lawrence or katherine?
the price diff cant be so big.
though mine didnt come with CD. I dont think CD cost a few hundreds anyway.
jasmine and summer's mama: hmmmz..so much difference. anyway, are you mummies working? coz by the time i get home with my baby, there's not much time left to do all these, would it be a waste of money? =(

summer's mama: how do you cook your porridge til soft enough for baby? or you don't let it simmer? just cooked, then blend? coz if the veggies are in it too long the vitamins get destroyed right?

my boi now 5 mth 2 weeks,thinking of feeding him some rice cereal to try, but alot of brand dunno which brand to buy, any advise? i know many mummy giving bb frisocrem,but is frisocrem iron-fortified rice cereal? thanks


wa, so early introduce solid to ur bb liao?
maomi, i'm working.
I flash to her in the morning and at night.
Actually if u feel u really dont have time then betta not commit urself n your finances to it first. Reading to ur baby is sufficient.

As to cooking, i cook e porridge first, until nua nua, then add fish, lastly then add broccoli.
actually not advisable to boil e broccoli, steam is best. As per annabel karmel's book, steaming causes 6% nutrients to be lost, boiling e veg will lose 60% of nutrients.
So i add my broccoli last. just cook it for a few min.
Then put everything in e blender n blend lo.

its not hundreds... its close to a thousand diff...

ok me will try to contact lawrence or katerine

yaps am working but am helping my mum with her business.
though the hours can be long....
here is a break down of my day
6.30am wake up put food in slow cooker for his noon meal, set the items to sterelize.
7am boy is awake. change him to a shirt and nappy. do 30min of home made flash cards
7.30am feed his morning cereal
8am put him to the potty.....
8.30am bath bb and start to get ready for work.
9am hand bb over to dad for the day

10am - 5pm at work

5.30pm back from work, pump (ebm).
6pm feed cereal
6.30pm put him to potty, after which bath him
7pm flash cards to him and play with him.
8pm latch on and bb time for bed
12mm latch on for last feed

though i must say that my dad and the maid will still flash cards with him for another 2 30min sessions during the day when i am at work.
juniorrain, yes nitrate. =)
I cant really differentiate chinese or english spinach. so to play safe i dont introduce spinach to her. I remb reading that preggy ladies cant take too much spinach too.

jasminechen, 30 min of flashcards is toooo long. Can ur boy absorb?
Erm, i went for e gdbaby class, actually each time we only flash for less than a min.
Think in that case, u wont have any prob with the flashcards as right now u take 30 mins. whereas under than GD prog, u will only take 1 min.
i feel that if u dont hv the time to do it youself n no one to help u, then better don't commit such a huge investment. My mom knows english n hence she is helping me with it in the day with eng n chi cards. If not, i dont think i will have that much discipline to do it after work. There may be nights where u go out, or work late etc. Now everynight, preparing for tomorrow's new cards is already quite tiring for me. Hence I have postponed flashing Maths cards. One consolation for me is I got 2nd hand cards for all 3 sets, which is cheaper..hehe.
really hahah then i will really enjoy the extra sleep time. he seems interested... but its not just the cards that we show him but the actual objects. for example if we want to show him pear, then its green day. so all the items we show will have a link and its the colour green.
winter: but hor, Kayla's milk intake has not been high all along, even before she started on semis. Now she is on average 780ml to 820ml per day.
ooooo..wah i see u mummies are really hardworking. i am a really lazy mummy..shessh..feeling so guilty now. =/

is reading the book written by GD sufficient?

QN: semi solids
my boy prefers cereal and porridge to ebm. he wun want to drink after eating from spoon. how?
is it ok to give semis at brakfast lunch & dinner already? or need to wait til older? anyone knows?
calamari: hahaha! so you didn't buy the kits? who is sherin? can she be my shifu also? at least try out if find do-able then can invest. heehee. esp for such a lazy mummy like me.
calamari, i dont think so le.
GD method requires u to flash fast. In fact, there's a way to count ur speed.
Not really so much of playing around with e cards at this age.
Too young.
Jasmine, in that case, u will need to have alot of props le. Eg. u show fruits, then need to go and buy alot of different types of fruits?

I flashed the cards since she was 3 weeks old, starting from just pictures. Think it has got some effects. Now she likes to see words. I see her looking at signs, signboards, etc.
summer's mama: woah, ur gal really responding to the method ya? u must be really hardworking to practise. any tips in a nutshell? or can you be my shifu! =D
RE: semi solids

hmmm, so wat type of fish is ok? cod fish?

also, does anyone have any answer to how many times, and the amt we can feed semi solids to a 6mth old baby?
summer's mama= sherin
btw, no la, cant be ur shifu. i just read e book n went for e class. She shows interest in words now. And needs alot of discipline n organisation too. coz u will constantly need to prepare cards for tml.
When she cries, i will take out her cards, helps to pacify her too.
regards to fish, i know cod fish is ok.
other than that i read in books that it's good to introduce salmon and trout. As they are oily fish and contains omega 3 which is good for brain n eyes development. but i've not tried. will give when she is older.
summer's mama aka sherin: =) hihi

how much does the class cost? then the kits I heard can DIY rite? Think tis is more financially friendly..

you tried Shichida method? I hear it's good too. anyone tried and what are your thots?
maomi: I bought the kits but did not buy from GDBaby. Bought 2nd hand instead from a mummy. There are many many many cards. Will take you a loooooong time to DIY! Besides you have to follow the guidelines e.g. fixed size of words etc

i All

Update on the california baby spree (exclude calendula cream from ima)

Our price is $16 </font>

<font size="+1">CALIFORNIA BABY BUBBLE BATH COLD &amp; FLU 13 OZ S$28.00
Our price is $16 </font>
2.Jule's mum (not paid)
7. Javier's_mum (not paid)

Our price is $14.50 </font>
2.cass_078 x2

Our price is $14.50 </font>
3. bebe11 (not paid)
4. mifi x 3 (not paid)
6. Javier's_mum (not paid)

The following items are oos and are not delivered to me.
- Bug repellent lotion

<font size="+1">Calendula cream 2 Oz. @$17.55 ( not ready. Will be in after 25 Oct) </font>
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3 (Paid 30 sep. Trans Ref 1908672817 $52.65)
4. mifi x 2 (Paid. Transfer 29 Sep.$35.10)
5. littleprincesses x 2 (29 sept- S$35.10 - ATM )
7. Maddysmum (Transaction Reference 1908325165 )
8. simp (Transaction Reference 1909346582)
9. princess-j IB ref: 1906260355 @ 29 Sep 2008 12:50 PM collect at redhill
10.chewy (paid)
11. cyl_16 X 3 (Trasferred $52.65 on 29/09)
12. calamari x 3(transferred $52.65 on 29/9)
13. Cass_078 x 3 (paid)
14. dolly23 (transferred $17.55 on 29/9)
15. XiaoZhu (paid)
16. Babybliss x5 (Transfered $70. Please top up $17.55)

Topup or outstanding
1. jaspire
2. Javier's mum X 2

<font size="+1">Happybellies Cereal @$9.60 (ready for collection) </font>
Brown rice
- Beans
- Simp x 5 ((Transaction Reference 1909346582)
- Porkie x 1 (paid)
- Cass_078 x 1
--- batch 4 (ready for collection)-----------------
- Puffish x 2
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1


New Orders from Amazon and Drugstore. ----
All sprees are closed. Please do not put your names to the lists anymore

<font size="+1">1. HappyBellies Brown Rices 7oz( $9.60 each ) </font>
- choc-tge25 x 4
- scubababe x 2
- ynby80 x 1
- na_na x 1
- taurus2008 x 2
- iijo x 1
- maomi x 1
Total : 12 cans

<font size="+1">2. HappyBellies Oatmeal 7oz( $9.60 each ) </font>
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- princess-j x1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1
- cheesycake x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Porkie x 1
- Puffish x 1
- choc -tge25 x1
- scubababe x 1
- na_na x 1
- Esther x 1
- maomi x 1
- gemini05 x 1
Total : 15 cans

<font size="+1">3. HappyBellies Multigrain 7oz( $9.60 each ) </font>
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1]
- cheesycake x 1
- cass_078 x 1
- Puffish x 1
- Esther x 1
- maomi x 1
Total : 7 cans

<font size="+1">Order for Desitin Diaper Cream (Creamy) from drugstore$9.50 </font>
1. Jgal x 2
2. Calamari x 2
3.Javier's_mum X 2
4. choc - tge25 X 2
5. Gemini05 x 1
Total : 9 tubes

<font size="+1">Order for First Teeth Toothpaste from drugstore. @$7.50. </font>
1. JuniorRain x3(blue) &amp; x3(pink)
2. scubababe x 2
3. Lynn_ (pink)
4. jules mum x2 blue
5. cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
6. ynby80 2 x blue 2 x pink (as spoken, pls ignore the order earlier)
7. Maro (blue)
8. linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
9. Jolenebeh 2xpink
10. Puffiet blue x 2
11. Cass_078 blue x 2
12. Javier's_mum X 2 Blue

Total : 32 Tubes
