(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Mummies,

i'm selling away my Medela PIS-Shoulder Bag that purchased on 1/7/08 from First Few Year (paragon) at $530. Warranty till 1/10/09. Reason to sell, and when the babies arrived in end Sept 08, decided to stop breast feeding completely after a few days.

For more info, please email me at [email protected] or sms 93664880

I will also be giving away my - :
-breast milk storage bags (75pcs)
-a pair of 30mm medela breast pump funnels
-disposable breast pads 6 boxes
*Hugsx2* Hope Dana get well soon.
littleprincess : you can pay me later lor. No problem.
Maro : You pickup from my maid at 6pm, no problem.
Goodbb: What are your HT stuff. I think the label that Lynn put in the bags drop. So i need to tell my maid exactly with bag is yours.
Angel : Aiya.. lynn shld have pass your ht to me.. Then i can pass to Maro. :|
strawberries: sold my 3 week old omnia cos i dunno how to use leh...think the phone is too cheeeeeem for me haha. Very used to phone buttons. Besides I am a Blackberry user, so very used to the qwerty keyboard typing. Touch screens just didn't work out for me. hehe...i one sotong mummy lah ;)
happy bellies brownrice cereal

mummies: i just introduce the above to Chevelle yesterday. she give me a yucky look... she doesn't like it. i tasted it and indeed it doesnt taste better than frisocrem. when i changed to frisocrem rice cereal and she loves it and she finished almost the whole bowl. can advice wat shld i add to the HB cereal to make it taste better?
Want to be more specific, please state your color choice as well.
Sputnik, please edit your order
Maro, okie dokie

Mummies interested in Konfidence swimwear, http://konfidence.com.sg/konfidence-wetsuit

Please put your name and the following info down:
- Wetsuit/Jacket
- Quantity
- Size

I need to give them an idea of how many suits we'll be purchasing and get a more accurate quote.

1. Diva - 1 x blue wetsuit, 12-24mths
2. Sputnik - 1 x wetsuit, 6-12mths
3. Jule's Mum - 1 blue wetsuit, 6-12mths

I have a qn. How long can we keep a jar of baby food after we opened it? Can i freeze them in baby cubes and thaw what i need as and when i like?
Amy - the food jar got instructions hw long to keep when opened? duno if processed food can still be frozen and thaw, duno if nutrients will be gone or not....for me personally i wont freeze the food jar, hehe.
Dada - I feed my boy every 4 hourly. Think ur feeding time, 3 hrly too fast.

JuniorRain - Gave my boy Heniz teether biscuit, he dun like and throw away. Lol.

Cheesecake - Maybe u wanna try add in FM w/ cereal. Taste better.

Amy - The jar food, once open, must kept in fridge. Used up within 48 hrs. (Stated on the jar)

those who prepared fruit or veg puree. Aft we steam n blend. Any idea, how long can we freeze? I'm afraid that freeze for too long might nt be good for bb.
my boy has no teeth yet, but the HT teether biscuit say can give frm 5mths onwards with 0 tooth - 3teeths, so i bought tot wan 2 let him try lor but nt sure ok or nt.
Ur boy dun like the biscuits, issit no taste huh?
JuniorRain - lol, becoz my boy teething ma, so try the teether biscuit. He dont like coz it's hard. (Actually this biscuit is hard and for them to chew/ bite. They wont finish them. Sure throw away. Act like a toy. kekeke...)
JrRain, I give organic rice rings to BB, he loves it. Jus suck on it and swallow.

Prawnie - I keep for 1 week, defrost and taste it 1st. If spolit only I can diahorrea :p
Hi cheesycake,

Currently, I'm adding 1 oz of apple puree to 5 teaspoon of HB BR cereal with 30ml BM. My gal finishes everything! =)) But guess it's up to individual coz she loves even just plain cereal with BM. Gonna try pear puree next.

me think will have to wait then try to budget to next month.... anyone know what is alien's site?

sorry ah sat i delay so super long
oh when are you free?

heheh good for you to have sold it.

your suggestion with the pear is great
heeheh my boy poo 2 hours after eating the pear puree. then also its 2 long ones.
now this mummy is super happy
Cheesy - The cereal i mixed by ratio 4:4 tbs. He can finish all. Most nestle cereal quite thick. (i tried rice and oats) I add 3 tbs nestle cereal + 1 tbs organic cereal + 4 tbs FM.

By the way, if my baby keep poo watery. I'll reduce amt of fibre product. Will give brown rice, etc. -_-'' am i too 'lo so'? lol
Can any mummies advise me on mixing FM with cereal? Currently, my boy is having cereal + EBM and he loves it very much. But my BM is dropping, so am trying to get him used to eating cereal + FM instead. I tried mixing few times, it always turned out very lumpy even though there's alot of milk, i also tired both hot and lukewarm FM, all turned out unsuccessful. What else can i do?
Wow, so hard to follow the thread. I have given up reading the past week's thread.
Not sure if I am missing anything.

Jgal, I still owe you money for CB cream. Can you let me know how much i owe you?

Lynn, I have crystal mobile... you sms me ok?
Cherish - Yup, my baby on Nan2. Not becoz of Nan2 he poo watery, it's becoz of Organic cereal i feed him. E.g. Oats, wholegrain etc.. It's good to clear bowel, but too often not good. :p

organic cereal will make poo watery? coz i fed my boy the Brown rice cereal on sat..then he poo 3times on sat!! 1st time so many .... and is kind of watery.... but not diarr. type leh..wonder is it good to have organic cereal everyday..?
Jules mom and Jo,

Thanks for your concern. Maddy has stop vomitting. Her cough is still there but everything else is ok. I put a phonebook under her cot mattress so she sleeps elevated for about 2 weeks now, and I also prop her in sitting position for about 30 minutes after her meal. Planning to strat on solid next week.

Thanks for your concern. Jules's mom, glad to know he is ok too

Dana how? any improvement? I hope the flu will quickly leave your house! Don't fall sick yourself too....
Been skipping church for so long due to this...
Kea - I dunno is it becoz of ur brown rice cereal. By right, it's those fibre stuff like oats, grains etc will help to losen up the stool. It's good to have a clean bowel. Maybe ur baby last 1-2 days nvr clear bowel so come out alot? kekeke... If u are concern abt this, u can add ur Heniz rice cereal + Organic + FM = Baby food v(^o^)v

hee..i have the Heinz Rice Cereal...can eat anot....?aft all the milk scandal..hee =/...i still have 2 unopened Heinz Rice cereal leh...
Erm Kea..i cant reassure u abt the Heniz rice cereal. Not working under Heniz. wakakak..
But i do feed my boy tat. Or u can try Nestle rice cereal.
angel: chevelle and me also down with flu last week. luckily ok now. how's dana? hope she will recover soon

xiaozhu: tat means i prepare the FM first than pour into the cereal bowl with cereal and mix altogether? even before giving my gal cereal she poo 3X a day. her digestive sys is too good lol. nope u're not too 'lo so' tks for ur advice
RE: Watery Poo
Dun think the HB brown rice is the cause of the problem. Cos' my gal's poo has always be watery, she is on TBF. After she had HB Brown rice, her poo is more solid. I think the watery poo is due to the fibre put in XiaoZhu's case

Kea : maybe your bb's tummy is weak. Which organic brown rice you are feeding him ? Cos' HB has probictic which aids in digestion.
Kea - Erm, i did mixed for my boy la. It's up 2 u whether u wanna try or not. (I feel, if u buy rice from Thailand or from Austrialia, it's still same, rice. But of coz different in quality la)

Hi mummies, just wondering about the latest spree for the happybellies brown rice etc. I am confused. who is the organiser and who do I make payment to?
