(2008/04) April 2008

Emma-I oso dun know leh.. Cos the nurse write down in pencil the date and the doc will write dwn in ink after she injected.

Luann mummy-wow,u let ur gal take two injections. I cant leh, I c liao heart pain pain. Then ur gal muz have cry v long.. Hee,tat time i the doc give my ger rotarix, I so afraid that she will vomit out..haha,luckily nv,if reali vomit then my $$$ gone.Bu my GP told me that the puenomococal disease vaccine can inject when 1 yr old.Can save $$.Cos they only nd them when they goes to playgroup.My elder son oso take the vaccine when he reaches 1..

my 2 kids also take all jabs together with rotavirus. i feel the earlier u vaccine is safer lor thats y do it all together.
btw rotavirus is sweet so most bb loves it.
Hair loss problem....... any1 wanna try 1 at Pearl's Centre in Chinatown? My friend applied their hair growth product and got her eyebrow growing.....
JuniorRain: The booties are not here yet. I will let u know the total once they reach me. It should be arriving within these 10 days.

Stephanie: Welcome !!
strawberries: my boy is also exactly 4 mths today! =) n goin for jab n rotavirus vaccine tmr..hah.

scubababe: yeps, we found out he does like the upright position long ago, but when he is crying and screaming his head off, he just cant be soothed.

maddy's mum: yeps, we bathe him every nite. last time, bathing him was war time coz he will yell as well =( now better, but we hav this unstoppable crying prob until we cant even gt to clean him up.

earth_baby: nowadays he slps more in the day. previously he does get soothed to slp, but u put him down, within mins, he wakes up. haha. like mentioned in earlier posts, it's like he never slpt!

thks all mummies for all the sharing, gd to learn more n dat i am not alone! =)

qns abt semi solid: is 4 mths too early to start? worried abt his digestive system, n if he really has colic, will giving semi solid worsen it?
Maomi - My son is the same as yours... He can be snoring for 1/2 hr or more in my arms but the moment you put him down he wakes up and face starts having that contorted look... Still dunno how to solve this problem coz we can't be carrying him all the time...
Tried putting him on his stomach but think my technique not very good...
Experts adviced semi solid & plain water after 6 mths, unless ur baby doesn't wanna drink milk then you can give it to him after 4 mths. If you're worried bout colic prob, mayb can ask your PD for advice since you're bringing him for jab 2moro cos anyway you're paying for consultancy fee for the professionalism mah, hahaha
Emma: I also have no idea how to solve this problem. For me, I tink could be due to his excessive crying dat he gets so tired nowadays, he has started to slp more during the day. So the problem is "solved" without us doing much, but the habit is still there, he doesnt slp for long, but definitely more than previously.

Oh, you can try putting alot of pillows/bolsters around his face? For my boy, he likes dat. Tink it makes him feel secure.
Emma- pls dun put baby on their stomach, it's not advisable, what I did last time was putting my baby on MY stomach and let her sleep on me then shift her beside me until she gets really sound asleep
Last jab of 6in1:-
The nurse at polyclinic told me that they like to give it on the sixth month coz can conveniently do it together with the sixth month assessment.

Oh, I thought it is bitter coz it smell bitter and my gal was screaming when having it. ;p

Puenomococal disease vaccine:-
lynn85, how many jabs are needed after 1yrs old?And rest of the mummies, when do you intend to let your bb take this?
Hi Veronica, here's the spoon $$$, thanks for the spree. Do you know how much is postage?

To Account POSB Savings
102-18206-5 Veronica
Amount S$4.15
Transaction Reference 1846106900
Morning mummies...

One 'orh ba karh' mummy here... Baby since her jab on sat have not been her normal self... cranky n feverish. Maybe coz she was cranky n feverish after her jab on sat morning, we give in to all her demands like being carried all the time when nap i will lie next to her so much so that i kinda feel she is spoilt lei... dunno whats wrong. Yesterday night she fuss at 12 am, dunno what she wants, drink milk she will latch then halfway unlatch turn her head away n wail out loud then latch again then do the same thing again... she repeated herself again at 3am then 5am... now i am at work and worried that she might develop fever again. Then when i called the nanny i can hear her crying in the background (think she is trying to feed her)... Feel so sad that i leave her with nanny and came to work
<font color="0077aa">Good morning mummies!!

hi stephanie

mummies, any idea any PD available at amk?? my boy doesnt show any relief of his condition lehz.. todae c him cough till almost cough lung out liaoz, heart pain
, at the back of his neck dunnoe is it heat rash or rash cause by meds..

the popular PD at AMK is Singapore Baby and Child Clinic. the doctor there is supposed to be v experienced and v good with prolonged coughs. there are a few PDs in the clinic so not sure who is the best or most suitable one -need to do some research.
this is what I searched online, but not confirm if info is accurate - just to give u a headstart
Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clinic
Blk 726 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6
Hi Stephanie, good morning and WELCOME!!

I personally don't see a problem with placing a baby on his tummy. But then again, it all depends on the individual baby.

If his neck and head control is good, then there will not be a problem as he can move his head from side to side and will not be caught face down in the sheets and unable to move.

My 4 month old son has been sleeping on his tummy for 2 months without a hitch. He startles easily so sleeping in any position other than on his tummy means bad sleep for him. He has a very strong neck with good head control, so it works for him.

We parents just have to see what works for our bubs and go with that.

Esther Zhang
I'll give my bb pneumococal as late as I can, possible 1 yr old. there are too many jabs to take these coming months. he stays home most of the time anyway so these extra jabs not so crucial for him.
Hi Esther
I'll likely be giving my gal the Puenomococal vaccine after 6 mths becos my elder son is already in childcare.
My elder son takes this jab after 2 years old when he starts childcare.

2 jabs is needed for baby who takes it after 1 year old.
Hi joelle

Agreed with you. Babies these days are takiing too many vaccine jabs. Do u intend to let yr kids take the rotavirus jab? I am still considering leh
<font color="0077aa">joelle, thanx.. i search online &amp; saw this too.. but when i called they sae is fully book..so now i oso dun noe how.. cant be making an appointment fer weeks later ahz.. sounds funny</font>
Hi strawberries,

My son has a few tiny bumps on the area of his neck under the chin. I think it is a heat rash as perspiration can gather there and that area does not 'breathe' very much.

I believe PDs will either prescribe a cortisol cream or advise to simply let it go away on its own if it's not a serious condition.

However if you think it's got something to do a certain med that your son is on, then do get it checked out. Who knows, an allergic reaction is possible though a rash all over the body sounds more likely in such an event?
Poor thing, can take urgent leave to take care of your baby? If I hear my boy cries over the phone, I'll get very worried cos he seldom cries.

Better call the clinic before you go down. If not have to wait very long.

hehe that they are fully booked so far ahead shows how good they are. if ur boy needs immediate attention, then go to a clinic that is available first. but - just a suggestion - make an appt with AMK SBCC at the earliest date anyway - just in case he still needs to go then. (touch wood)
persistant coughs are bad for the lungs so best to get boy well &amp; truly cured.
esther zhang: I have already given my baby pneumoccocal 1st dose at 3rd month. Next dose is at 5th month. I signed up for the package at my PD's.

Amy, strawberries: hope your babies are ok soon
And you mummies take care huh?

not sure if the one at AMK is having the same PD as TMC.

My boy is seeing Dr Ong Eng Keow from Singapore Baby &amp; Child Clinic, TMC level 5 @ 62526115. He is very experienced and popular PD in TMC, previously my boy also has got bad cough, after seeing him and ate the medicine, my boy recovered in 2 - 3 days. Only negative part is the "long queue".
Hi Mummies..

In need of some help here... My Baby refused to drink when he is awake and will fuss a lot and then scream loudly when i put the teat into his mouth. Can only coax him to drink when he is asleep but now even asleep he refused to drink...
He had not had his milk since twelve last night...

When to see PD and the doctor said his throat had some inflammation.. but no medication was issued.. Pd said let it heal naturally,..

Need to ask all mummies.. Anyway to speed up the healing of the throat... Very heartpain to see my boy like that... Mummies going crazy already
I intend to let my boy take rotavirus. Maybe 5-6-7th month.

For Pneumococal, I'll let him take between 7-12mths.

Apparantly these 2 vaccines are pretty safe. The tricky one is MMR .


MMR I'll give as late as possible, maybe 2nd yr.

My GP is pro-vaccines. She is very US-style - she says USFDA is so kiasu, vaccines that they recommend should be good LOL I take with pinch of salt :p
rotavirus is sweet accordingly to my PD. my boy loves it keke....
being a KS mum, i let my 2kids hv all the jabs although i know pneumoccal can be taken after 1yr which is less jab too. but nowadays with so many virus ard, i rather let them take all. actually i find that as our kid grow older its even more difficult to administer jabs. coz my #1 is like that, will go histerical when i bring her for jabs.

hope your princess get well soon.

when my PD diagnosed throat inflammation, she gave a cough mixture to take when needed. she also recommended something liang for boy. u can give a little chrysenthemum water (boiled) or barley water .
Just want to share that my boy also very difficult to feed now. Gone are the days when he would obediently clear the bottle. Now is a challenge of feeding, fussing, pacifying him carrying him around, sing song, load him with compliments, give pacifier, cry somemore carry somemore etcetc. needs lots of patience to feed. i don't know if he's ill or wad, seems healthy enough . best is when he's 70% asleep then we feed (but bad sleep&amp;feeding habit la) sometimes 4 oz takes 1 hour to drink, need to take breaks in between.

so mummies out there with fussy feeders, just to let u know that u are not alone. (my consolation : if all our babies are like that then it must be NORMAL! :p )
Morning Mummies!

Squirt Spoons - for mummies who opt for postage, please give me time, as I need to go to post office to enquire.

Teething - My bb is officially teething. That explains his sudden cries during the sleep
Nursing strike - Hope it is useful for mummies:

What is it?

A baby who refuses to breastfeed, and is not in the process of being weaned, is said to be on a "nursing strike." A nursing strike is your baby's way of telling you that something's wrong. And it'll probably take a little detective work to figure out the problem. What causes it?

According to the La Leche League International, some of the most common reasons for a nursing strike include:
• Mouth pain from teething, a cold sore, or an infection (such as thrush).

• In an older baby, the baby is afraid Mom will scream. This is common when your teething baby bites and you react by yelling.

• An ear infection, which causes pressure or pain while nursing.

• A cold or stuffy nose, which makes breathing difficult while nursing.

• Too many bottles or overuse of a pacifier, resulting in a reduced milk supply.

• A major disruption in your baby's routine, such as you returning to work.

• An unusually long separation from you.

Other causes include food sensitivity or allergy (most likely to occur in the early months), a cream or perfumed product applied on or near your breasts, or a change in the taste of your milk caused by a vitamin, a drug, or certain foods.
What can I do?

A nursing strike can be hard for even the most dedicated breastfeeding mother. If you and your baby are dealing with a nursing strike, now's the time to reconfirm your commitment to breastfeeding. With patience and support, you can survive a strike.

A nursing strike usually lasts between two and five days, or longer. While you continue to encourage your baby to nurse, you'll need to express your milk by hand or pump every few hours (about as often as your baby had been nursing). This will help prevent plugged ducts or engorgement, and provide your baby with the milk he needs. Try offering the expressed milk in a sippy cup, a spoon, an eyedropper, or a feeding syringe. Use a bottle as a last resort, because it could make the problem worse.

Here are some recommended ways to overcome a nursing strike:
• Try nursing when your baby is asleep or very sleepy. Many babies who refuse to nurse when they're awake will breastfeed when they're sleepy.

• Visit your baby's doctor to rule out medical causes (such as an ear infection or thrush) and seek feeding advice.

• Vary your nursing position.

• Nurse in motion. Some babies are more likely to nurse when you rock or walk them than when you're sitting or standing still.

• Nurse in an environment that's free from distractions. It's common for a 6- to 9-month-old to go on a nursing strike as he becomes more aware of the world. Babies this age are easily distracted and often prefer to "snack" at the breast instead of settling down for a meal. Try nursing in a dimly lit, quiet room, away from the sound of the radio or television.

• Give your baby lots of skin-to-skin contact (try nursing without a shirt on or in a warm bath). A sling or carrier can help keep your baby close between nursing attempts.

• Try eliminating food (such as caffeine, chocolate, cruciferous vegetables, or spicy food) from your diet that may be irritating to your baby

It's easy to jump to the conclusion that a baby who doesn't want to nurse is weaning himself. But it is unlikely that a baby under a year old who has been successfully breastfeeding is ready to give up nursing.
Will it affect my baby?

A nursing strike can be upsetting for your baby as well as for you. Try to keep other elements of your baby's routine as normal as possible during the strike. Give him extra attention and physical contact.

If you're worried that your baby isn't getting enough food, keep track of wet diapers. At least five to six wet disposable diapers per day — or six to eight cloth diapers — indicate that he's taking in enough fluid (disposable diapers are so absorbent that you may not notice every time he urinates). Don't hesitate to call the doctor if you're worried. Can I still nurse?

Absolutely. It's important to keep trying to nurse your baby. With patience and persistence you should get back to your breastfeeding routine.
joelle, your description of your struggles to feed your boy fits mine leh. had a bout of that a couple of weeks ago and lasted 1 whole week. then back to normal and my girl even drank more milk than usual. so i thought the bad days are over..

well, it's officially back since yesterday! my girl again only taking half of her usual feeds at every feed. and add her not sleeping well in the afternoon to my woes. only catnap for about 15 mins and she's up. but obviously must be tired right?? resorted to carrying her to sleep, bad habit but what to do??

really very very worried how she'll react when i go back to work..
Veronica- Thanks for the info.. It really help.. My bb til nw oni drink 120mls.. But she seems ok.. I'm still considering whether to bring her to see PD since so many mummies oso gt this problem.. Ytd, whole day she oni drink 425mls.. Dun know if it's too little?

Lynn_-Do I need to make appt before i go to the Kidslink clinic?

Esther- My BB only nd to inject two times after 1yr old. If b4 1 yo, i tink muz take 4 injection? Depend when u start to give..
<font color="0077aa">thanx joelle, tsukushi and dolly, but the thing is singapore baby &amp; child dun accept booking lehz.. the reception told me to go mount A which im not keen cuz no transport..

calamari, im a FTWM, so my mil will take care fer me when im not around.. she c my boy like tat oso heart pain.. even tell me tat wanna give some chinese med to solve the phlegm issue.. but i worried lehz.. cuz the label she shows me is fer 6 yrs and above but she sae give little bit.. haiz</font>
strawberries, i think better for you to bring your boy to the PD. my girl last time flu and cough really very xin-ku lor. PD can suck out the phlegm so your boy can have some immediate relief and then take the med given.. my PD mentioned sometimg about prolonged cough developing into i-forgot-what but it'll be very difficult to treat (needs to be hospitalised somemore) and not to mention very xin-ku for the baby..

if you dun mind travelling to sembawang, my PD's clinic accept walk-in cases but have to wait a bit. but not super long queue kind lah. i'll be quite hesistant to give any chinese med, esp if it says for 6yrs old and above!

lynn85, you can call to make appt, but can also walk-in. sometimes i last minute decide to bring my girl to see the PD i just call before i walk-in, to make sure it's not a super packed day lah..
Hi Joelle and Lynn,

Could your bubs be teething soon?
My "4 months old tomorrow" son already has 2 teeth and if I remember right, he was quite fussy in the weeks leading up to the actual teething. During which, his appetite waned and did not feed well.

If they're not teething, then perhaps it's just a case of mood swings like for the rest of us

We're overseas now and I'm the only one looking after Ethan, so I fully understand how consuming it can be when our bubs are difficult.

This too shall pass, hang in there mummies!
Strawberries-mayb u can try giving him some pearl powder? You can buy from chinese medical hall. U muz tell them that is for ur son,hw old n for phlegm. Coz boy cannot eat too much of pearl powder according to my mil. Or try giving him the "Houzao Zhenzhu Babao Jingfengsan" aft bath. I give this to both my children since birth. Juz a little will do,pour a little on ur finger n spread it on his gums..
JuniorRain &amp; Chewy: our booties have arrived =)

JuniorRain: how do you want to collect it? If by post, pls drop me your addy.

Total is $76.21 split among 10 units.

<font color="0000ff">your total is $7.62 *2 + $1 postage = $16.20</font>

Chewy: I pass you yours if you are going for the vivo gathering. How's Elliot doing ? Better already ?

Re: Baby struggle during feeding/ sleep

Think it's quite normal. Cos my boy going through a period one or two weeks ago, scream and fuss when he is being bottle fed. Need to walk around, pat him and hold the bottle. Dunno how many hands I need when I only have two.

Same thing goes for when he is sleeping. Putting him to sleep is like having a war. I dread it seriously. But this week he is ok already. I carry him upwards and he will cling onto me like a koala bear. Then I sing abit, place my cheek against his forehead. And he fell asleep shortly without any fuss. Maybe he feels more cosy with the cheek on his forehead ?
Dear mummies, I am also seeing Dr oh in Kidslink clinic at sembawang...think she is quite patient and helpful..my bb just taken the 1st dose of rota from her last sat..
my bb is seeing the pd - dr chan kit yee at mt A sbcc clinic. the clinic there is good and the nurses are nice. dr chan is very good and attentive too!

initially my pd is dr ong eng keow too. but he was away when my bb was born so was replaced with dr chan kit yee. so far so good. dr chan has been my bb's pd since birth till now!
FTWMs, how to get over the going-back-to-work-soon blues? i'm going back to work in 3 weeks' time and i'm really very sad and depressed whenever i think i have to be away from my girl.

like i'll be bathing her in the morning and she'll smile at me and i'll realise i'll be missing this, or when she wakes up and sees me and smile i'll also be missing that. the more i think about what i'll miss the more depressed i am. and then i'll mull over my childcare options and think of how nobody is as reliable as myself to take care of my girl, very silly right?

any remedies please?? my sis says i have separation anxiety
Lynn, this phase will pass

Take a photo of her with u, and use her cries/laughter as ringtone to tie yourself over. And try to slowly increase the frequency bb go over to the nanny/childcare, to let bb get used to it. For me, I started to bring once per week, one month before I start work, then twice a week (3 weeks before I start work), then three times a week (2 week before work), then 4 times a week (1 week before work), then everyday when I start work.

This arrangement helps both bb and mummies.

Hope it helps.
strange, the amk sbcc clinic told you they don't accept bookings? I tried a walk-in once, and they told me it was better to call in first, but anyway they accepted my case and I waited very long.

<font color="0077aa">thanx lynn, tink u referring to bronchitis?

lynn85, ya my mil did mention this.. will c how..

haiz not in the mood to go work... m afternoon shift todae.. sianz, this week audit week sure cant tk leave...
