(2008/04) April 2008

RE: bb recognizing pple

Oh yes it happened to me today! Today left Elliot with ILs to do grocery before babygym... woah.. less then 2hrs got emergency call! Kena called bk as he was crying non stop... cld even hear his screams in the fone. Rushed bk & poor fella cried till he's choking with tears with face like beetroot.. as if we had abandoned him forever. See till heart pain! The moment he saw us, he laughed!!!! ILs finally cld relax. Gdness.... they said he refused to be fed by MIL with bottle after awhile. ALso refused my mIL to change him tho he pooed....Sighz, looks like my boobs are full timers till 6mths man...

hmmz ok..so i guess he is recognising the environment..but to the extent of crying and shouting non stop for 2 hrs is a nightmare! many nites my hubby n me took dinner close to 10pm.

my boy also can be awake the whole day, i thot babies need alot of sleep? how come they dun sleep? but nite time once he sleeps he is ok.

the night we brought him to the PD coz was overwhelmed by his screaming, PD carried him, he looked at us and smiled, next moment he started screaming in the PD's arms. live demo for PD. zzz.

and i just read the above threads, my mum also has problems bottle feeding him in the day when i am at work. it's like fighting war with him. he will struggle, drink and then cry and struggle again. and he will drink much lesser than previously. i think this contributes to his low weight gain too.
Raynky , jaspire:
my boy who is 4 mth today display exactly the same behaviour like yours! very headache! His milk intake has decrease alot, unpredictable too. Went to PD, but he say too early for teething. Another PD say could be becasue he is getting platful now, and this phase should pass by the time baby reach 5 months plus wow. But, I am still worrying la.

Hi steph
I haven't post in this thread for quite sometime, keen to meet mummies here,May I join you all? Where is your place?

Calling East mummies:

3)earth bb
9 )Gail
10) dolly23
11) Zishumo
aiyo little elliot really is a smiley.. next time will become a heartthrob... sometimes i hope my boy will recognise me but seems like he doesn't. when strangers carry him, he's ok too.
Hi Lynn, My boy going for his 2nd 6-in-1 jab on the 26th. Have not taken the rotarix one... haizzz so worrying thinking abt it...
Has your baby taken his 1st 6-in-1 jab yet?
maomi : maybe you can try wearing your baby
put him in a carrier.. for him to feel more secure :p
e.g. ergo , beco kind of carrier.
jgal: can you gimme the link to your baby center spree for the clothes. I need to check my orders and make payment to you. I search and search also cannot find.

I dun bring Byron to hawker centers too, only to the foodcourt a few times but already so afraid those pp will spill food on him. So usually end up in resturants. Have baby very siong on the pocket when eating out ha

Maomi: i read this in a book to smoothe a crying baby, carry him in an upright position with your hand supporting his back. Then as you take small steps, humm softly. According to the book its to make noise that sounds like you are having an orgasm hahahha. but it actually works for my son when he cries alot. No harm trying
I think it's only natural that people want to touch Elliot, he's so chubby and cute hee hee.. I hope he will stop his diarhoea.. however Maddy also pooed almost in every meal. But she's been that way.

Have you every tried to give night bath to your baby? Perhaps that will help to calm him down.

Oh yeah, I've uploaded some pictures of the babies at Chewy's in FB. Check it out.
(I'm up at 3:40am. For some reason, Maddy wakes up so early, not sure why. So hubby feeding and me, pumping- I wish to have double pump now to save time, but I don't think it's worth it to get a new one. My supply dropped already and dunno until how long I can still 'produce')
Hi everyone,

My 3-1 pigeon sterilizer broke today
But only the sterilizing button that is not working. Does anyone know where and how to fix it? I searched online, found pigeon website with no phone number and no email.. only address.. so wonder if anyone has done that..

LiTtle_moUise (cheesycake): Don't be stressed
Every goes through this stage more or less, it's normal - don't worry. Do you want to borrow the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book from me? Coz another mama also said she wanted to borrow but didn't contact me. Currently, this book is lent to someone, when it comes back, I'll let you know...

bring down to the place where you buy it from with the reciept. the place can get it fixed for you. but may have to wait for about 2 to 3 weeks. may even have spare set to lend you for that period of time.


just started elijah on solid.... hahah so funny. me this mummy is eager to feed leh. but he insist on feeding himself. will upload on youtube the video to share with all.


the playmat is a cheaper version lah, i saw my friends one already. she bought from small small world. the backing is better
Chewy: oh no, hope Elliot gets well soon!

Zishumo: Seems like they are all displaying the same pattern. Headache, everyday must troubleshoot. Beside possibility of teething, I also suspect it's him being easily distracted now. Hmmm but i heard before tt it is still possible to teeth as early as 4 months le. Haiz it's jus the decrease in milk intake tt is worrying me. Now cant even finish 100ml at every feed, and takes forever to feed.
Maomi: Yr boy is awake the whole day without napping? Just wondering if yr mum or whoever is yr bb's caregiver in the day take how much time to soothe yr bb to nap before concluding that yr bb doesn't want to nap? Babies will fight sleep even more when they are over-tired and it takes the caregiver alot of patience to soothe bb to nap.
Just sharing with u I've seen pple telling me they just sooth their bb for a while like 20mins and expect bb to nap. Once bb doesn't nap within their time limit, they assume bb doesn't want to nap and play with him. That's depriving bb of the chance to nap. Some babies just need alot of soothing.
Dear Veronica,

Thks again for organising the spree here is my topup pyt pls pass my spoons to jgal will be collecting from her when bb ctr loot arrive at her place.

From Account POSB Savings
To Account POSB Savings
102-18206-5 veronica winterchew
Amount S$5.35
Transaction Reference 1845212306
morning mummies, charis is better now.. woke up twice in the night to drink..

I have tried try some rice cereal to her milk today, she seems to enjoy it alot..
Does anyone encountered their light colour T-shirts kena black stains after some time, like mould? Any idea how to remove such stains? Thik probably cos it was a bit damp but did not wash immediately.
goodbb: Will let ou know f I happen to spot or see any of the disney collection on sale.

Chewy: Hugs to Elliot. Hope he gets well soon. Maybe you stop eating pizza and see how it goes. Prob he is allergy to it.
That time I brought him to the hawker for dinner near my parents' home. Those uncles and aunties saw and touch his hands. I was like..dunno what they have touched prior to touching Xavier. Some are selling food, some clearing bowls. I was like holding back Xavier's hands to prevent him from putting into his mouth. After they left, I immediately use a alcohol wipe and wipe his hands.

Amy: Maybe you explain to hubby your concerns. Tell him that he wouldn't want to see baby to break out in rashes or any accidents of spilling soup over him to happen. He might understand this?
i know it's normal for us and the baby to lose hair now, but it is very very upsetting to see my girl's hair on her little pillow everyday, and see my hair all over the floor. now thinking of cutting my hair short. any idea when the hairloss would stop for us and babies?
my boy stop dropping hair after i shave off his hair when he was 4mths old. for us, it takes quite a while to stop lor. my case, after i hv my #1, it takes abt close to a year. with long hair, it feels like hairloss is even more.
<font color="0000ff">Re : Squirt Spoons</font>

Spoon cost : S$11.20 + S$2.95 = S$14.15

Please top up the difference to my POSB Sav 102-18206-5, and indicate your preference for collection or postage (For postage, the mummy will have to bear the cost of postage)

Appreciate full payment before collection.

Collection Place and timing:
1) 19/8/08 (Tues) Vivo City Apr mummies gathering
2) 20/8/08 (Wed) Bukit Panjang Plaza 6.30pm
3) 22/8/08 (Fri) Toa Payoh MRT Control Station 6pm
Weekends :
4) 23/8/08 (Sat) Plaza Sing (Dhobby ghaut) 5.30pm
5) 23/8/08 (Sat) Bouna Vista MRT 1.30pm
6) 23/8/08 (Sat) Mini playgroup @ Calamari's place
7) 24/8/08 (Sun) Hougang MRT

<table border=1><tr><td>S/N</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>Amount to top up</TD><TD>Collection Method </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Veronica</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Prawnie</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Vivo gathering </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Calamari</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Koori</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>mushloom (2pcs)</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>bebe11</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Kea</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD>Bouna Vista </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>sherin</TD><TD>14.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>tratties (2pcs)</TD><TD>5.35</TD><TD>Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Jgal</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Puffish</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>cutie188 (2pcs)</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Pass to Jgal </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>babybliss</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>hua er~</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>littleprincesses</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Maddysmum (to PM)</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>gervynne (to PM)</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Chewy (2 pcs)</TD><TD>5.35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>stefylim</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>lovemum</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD>Normal postage </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Emma Rae (to e-mail)</TD><TD>2.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>scubababe</TD><TD>4.15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>June08 Mummies</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>June08 Mummies</TD><TD>2.15</td></tr></table>
hi jgal,

for the books,is based on members price?

hi prawnie,

do count me in when u have spree for disney books,see all the titles on the back of the nursery rhymes book very interesting
goodbb: sure !!

Mummies: I still have 12 units of Desitin Creamy and 1 unit for original. Per tube is $10.20 (4 Oz) Interested pls PM me. Thanks

To Account POSB Savings
102-18206-5 Winterchew-SMH
Amount S$4.15
Transaction Reference 1845599130

For pick up, I will do so in Calamari's Playgym. Or if I can't make it will ask other mummies to pick up for me. I will let you know. coz I'm afraid I'm unable to go to BPP this wed night.

veronica, how much is the postage? if i go by postage, will trf the fees and topups togt. i cant meet it to the dates u posted as i'm working. sry about that!

thanks for having us. sorry tt we have to leave early... Catch up another day... think tis fr, 22/8 we r mtg at Babybliss's place...

Yes... Breastfeeding all the way. I'm keen to go for Suntec or the Mandarin Breastfeeding Day... Tell ur ILs tt BM is easily digested so bb poos often and the poo looks like diarrhoe.

Truly, Elliot oes knows who he prefers... o coz Mummy.... See Breatfeeding has the ULTIMATE BONDING....

I'm not really for the bottls puree food. Maybe u can get ur mum to steam the veg, eg; pumpkin or carrots or otr veg then use a blender to blend it till smooth. NEVER boil the veg OK... coz it'll cause it to lose ALL the nutrients and vits. Need any clue, sms me or I can show u more when we meet up....

for those who took 5 in 1 1st and 2nd dose,for the last dose if we taking 6 in 1 instead of 5 in1 + hep b,when should we take it?

my boy also like to scream and fight sleep. sleep very little in the day. but night time is okay.next time if he cry and scream ,u can try on the hairdryer... the sound soothes my boy almost immediately. it works for me. I read it some where that the sound of hairdryer, vacuum cleaner... is like the sound when he was in your womb.no harm trying too.
ya my boy oso flip from back to tummy....... i tot that shld b the std way? Btw when do i hv 2 pay you for the pumpkin patch booties?

poor Elliot, hope he get well soon. *HUGSx2*. Ya me oso quite paranoid abt strangers touching my boy's hands cos dun know wat they hv touch b4 that lei, then my boy always like 2 sucks his hands. Normally after they touch, I will wipe my boy hands' with bb H&amp;M wipes. Dun know how 2 tell them nt 2 touch my boy's hands............
u going 2 the breastfeeding waves @ TMC? Ya, the lac consultant oso asked me 2 join their event on tue cos I was at parentcraft last wed. Most likely, me won't b going cos can't take leave.
chewy...hugs to elliot..hope he gets well soon...agree with prawnie that maybe u shld stop taking pizza for a while, he might be allergic to cheese or something..

my ger had her 2nd dose of 6-in-1, rotavirus, pumeoccal(cant spell)...fever was bad yesterday lucky today she is ok liow...hengz...i so worried last nite...

BF Wave organise by TMC....would love to join but cant coz just started new job cant take leave...u gals haf fun

RE: bb flip...

my ger also can flip halfway nia....still cant do full...am still waiting for the day when she decides to turn on her own...hee hee hee..

Veronica..will trf the pymt to you tomolo via atm coz i dun haf my token wif me....can i collect in the playgym next sat..thanx a lot
Lynn - on my boy's medical card it says... 3rd DPT/DT - 5th mth...
3rd Hep B 6 Month... could it be that bcoz the 6-in-one is a combi of both they take the later date?
Hi guys,

Hope that I'm not too late to join in...... I've a late March baby gal and got to noe this web only in July thru friends who're member since donkey years ago...... tkx
