(2008/04) April 2008

Does anyone know when we can start doing sit ups after natural birth? I remember that Mrs Wong say cannot do for a few weeks after giving birth, but can't remember for how many weeks.

I went to collect the NTUC baby bag today. Its really very very gd! I am quite impressed with what is given. Hee...

Puffish, how much you selling your lansinoh & gerber milkbag? Is it a box of 25pcs?
Stefy - bb is ok during day time, shall monitor at night later...my DH took leave tomolo in case she fuss till am again.
Porkie - how heavy is ur bb now. My bb is now 5.82kg + 56.5cm now @ 9th weeks. Doc din mention abt her weight so guess its ok, he only say bb at this age grows very fast.
cherish, koori - eh... so its 6 weeks or 6 mths?

re : NTUC bag
Within 2 mths of Baby's Birth Date
Where: NTUC HQ (680 Upper Thomson Road)
Time: Mon-Fri Only, 9-11am and 2-4pm
What to Bring: Birth Cert & Either Parent's NRIC
Better to make a copy of the birth cert as well so no need to wait for them to make the photocopy.
PUFFISH, how much u selling? I need some urgently as I missed out Xiang's Lasinoh BP. My fridge is seriously running out of space & my VIA storage is running out soon.
Hi Simp / Esther,

Am new to this thread ...am supposed to be a April mmumy but bb came out 2 weeks earlier than expected. Like Esther, i have both sling and pram but wanted to get a carrier as my bb is 6 kg in his 8t week...are u all doing a spree on BB Bjorn ? Am keen on the Air model ...
Stefy - charges as belows

6in1 - $140
Rota - $100
Pneumococcal - $170
$410 + 7% gst.

Now i try to give pacifier to let her suck instead of wanting to drink all the time...tik sometimes she just wanna suckle not really wan drink but we tot she's hungry and kept feeding her.

If ur bb also have wind, ask Dr yip for the Ridwind to get rid of wind in tummy, medicine very cheap only.
I took the fever + ridwind is $5.00+
My hubby happen to go Post office today so i posted out for those who have revert. Posted out today, should be receiving it Sat or Mon.

Simp - your bra postage is $1.00
Esther - yours is $0.80
Jo - yours is $0.80
My freezer is full liao... and now BF cannot eat cold suff

BUK teats can only fit the standard neck bottles...
Hi Koori,

Have made the postage payment. As it's an interbank transfer, pls kindly wait for 2-3 working days before the amount is credited. Thanks again! =)
Re: thawing frozen EBM

mummies, i notice when i feed my girl frozen EBM, there's like small bits of solids that dun dissolve. a bit like when giving FM like that, but not as bad. but when giving chilled EBM then like all poerfectly dissolved, no such little pieces of solids.

do you ladies find the same thing? but my girl never reject the frozen EBM and it's not gone bad as well. makes me hesitate giving frozen EBM leh.
chewy, me feeling better already. Yesterday went to see Dr Lim liao cos previous nite kena urine infection and din sleep the whole nite. Was given 2 kind of antibiotics... one for urine infection and the other was for the pain at lower tummy cos Dr say its inflammation. So hopefully finish the antibiotics will be ok.

Anyone knows if there is any baby fair going? I need to get some NUK teats and bottle cos my gal prefer that to Avent. Avent bottle she doesnt want at all.
Maybe today will try Avent again as last resort and if she still rejects then tmr will hv to go buy NUK liao. So sad wor cos i bought many Avent bottles.
jaspire, can go Robinsons. Nuk having discount, but not sure if it's 15% or 20%. Kiddy Palace also having sale, 15% for non-members. But not sure if NUK teats and bottles are nett priced items or not.
Sim & Esther_mummy - Ergo carrier:
My friends are using Ergo carriers, not very warm for the BB, and one thing good is that the weight is mainly on the hip. U may want to check out the online store for offer - http://mummysmilk.com/
I also bought one from there.

Simp - U are having block duct and having a fever? Is your breast red? Or warm on touch? If yes, u may be having milk duct infection. Can still BF but need to go to doc to take antibiotics and call your lactation consultant for more info.

Re : thawing frozen EBM
Lynn - the milk is not throughly thaw, is it? The lump may be fats which are not thaw yet. Leave the frozen EBM in the fridge overnight to thaw it for use the next day.

Re : Increasing milk supply
Unripe papaya soup does not work for me. But eating ripe papaya works for me. Haha guess everybody's different. But still can't exceed 400ml :-(
jaspire - u went to collect the NUTC bag rite? Do you know for the sample of Huggies diaper, what size is it? Can't seem to find the size on the packaging.
tks Lynn. Will go Robinson to check out tmr.

Sputnik, the samples i got are all S size except for Drypantz which is in M size.
veronica, i'm putting it in the fridge overnight to defrost already. the solids are not lumps, more like small white particles like milk solids..
Jaspire and Chewy, i'm letting go my 25pcs lansinoh and 23 loose pcs gerber milk bag at $10 each. the gerber milkbag still in box though, previously used 2.
Morning mummies

Just wondering where can I get those t-shirt or tops with "Mummy" & "Daddy" or "Baby" words printing on it?

WOah read tt so many of u have run out of space to freeze ur breast milk....envious! Mine is just sufficient to feed my bb for the whole day.
cutiebb, now there's a BP going on for personalised tee shirts including baby and children's tees.. me ordered, cannot resist.. heehee
Amy - Have my friend contacted you regarding the freezer?

My massage lady told me yesterday that my internal wound for C-section is swollen. When she touch, can feel the pain on my lower abdomen... She told me that for those with C-section, the internal wound will take about 2 years to fully recover.
I may check out by trying the ergo and bjorn carrier when hubby comes back in a week or 2 before i see if i want to get locally or overseas. If i am getting from overseas then i let u know.

My fever subsided yesterday night and now ok. I really dun know if it is really the heaty food or the blocked ducts. Last night i took bittergourd soup, mineral water and lots of water to flush my system. It helped to bring down the temperature. Also my rt side has been blocked for 3 days and when it is ok after bb help me, my left side blocked. Now still a little blocked on my left. It could be caused by the blocked ducts as well. There was no redness but my body was very hot and my breasts too. Now my breasts on both sides still warm. In fact i farted so smelly a few times yesterday and my urine was really warm.I really dun know what happened. Maybe it is the blocked ducts. I feel uncomfortable but still manageable but u may be rt that it could be milk duct inflammation. Now i get blocked ducts easily esp when i pump. I wonder if any mummies has this as well. Is it that the strength of the suction to hard or i pressed the funnel to tight on my breasts. Now i very scared to pump in the morning as i surely get blocked ducts the next day. This happened now as bb dun really wake up for milk every 2 hours at night. Now she wakes up every 3 to 4 hours and feed on 1 side nia. So in the end the milk collection in 1 side is the results of 6 hours. Any advice? I tried to massage only abt 1 min, sometimes, work sometimes dun. Any mummies can share how u manage to pump and no blocked ducts? I only can rely on my bb to unblock the ducts. Need to take sometimes a few days to d o it.

I am interested to get the milk bags from u as well. Let me know.
burpy babe, you oso have pain on lower abdomen? Me too, my gynae say its inflammation and has given me antibiotics wor.

Haiz, me oso running out of freezer space. Got to wait till July before my house reno is completed and my own fridge is usable. My MIL's freezer is packed and hubby doesnt think its worthwhile to buy a mini freezer and we dun have space to place it as we are still staying wif my MIL. *headache*
Simp, dun take bittergourd soup as I read in a book, diet for breast feeding mums, it's not too "cooling" for breastfeeding and during the recovery from labour, the stomach is still bit weak to take. You may refer to this site: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mom/mastitis.html

Babe, drink more warm water. Try massaging your right hands (palm facing downwards) with ur left hand closed and rub down fr right knuckles to ur wrist. My experienced therapist taught me, pretty useful. & vice versa for other hand. Hope this helps & may u recover soon.
chewy, i ordered 1 box of milkbag from the earlier BP organised by (er... is it Koori?) as i am sharing with Amy... Still waiting for it and meanwhile I still have 2 boxes of 25pcs left. So if you or Simp need it more urgently, pls do get it from Puffish. I can wait and order more... no worries. Let me know ya! At the rate I am storing my EBM, its scary how fast we use the milkbags... LOL!

My milk supply has dropped drastically. I can sell you a box of the milk bag when I receive the stock. Stock should be in by next week.

Anyone using Bfree and NUK bottles?

I have some BN Bfree and NUK bottles for sale.

<font color="0000ff">2 NUK premium bottles are at 300ml each = blue and green coloured bottle cap. Selling at $10 each.

2 Bfree bottles are at 260ml each, comes with the cleaning kit and 2 additional teats sellling at $15 each.</font>
Xiang, jaspire thanks!

Xiang, how r u? Did c u online for a while. How's ur wound &amp; thgs at hm? I am still wearing binder as Elliot kicks alot. C u at the outing!

Simp u wanna get from Xiang instead, coz I got from Puffish liao.
Ok Chewy &amp; Jaspire. Xiang, can get from u to back up. Actually my milk supply is not plentiful also, just to standby the milkbag for emergency

My bank account is POSB savings 009258817.
jaspire - really? inflammation ah? u think i shld go back to see my gynae? coz my next appt with him is only 4 weeks later leh.

Amy - oic. mebe i remind my friend again. guess she is stressed out at work. hehe....
jaspire, lynn: Yes, NUK teats in Kiddy Palace also having 15% for non-members and 20% for members.

Sherin: No, I can't join u girls for the outing, cos I have a PD appointment on 12 June.
simp.. u going for the outing? can pass 1 box to u then.

BTW, any mummies still using cloth diapers? I had stopped since the 3rd day that CL is gone. Anyone want to take from me?
hi simp
to clear blocked ducts, use hot compress. fill small milk bottle with warm water as hot as u can stand. pump one side at a time, while pumping, press bottle hard against breast. work your way around the breast and under it till all ducts are cleared.

hi burpy babe
can pls share your lobang for mini freezer?

Re: Baby carrier
I just got the Baby Bjorn Synergy in black. Can't wait to use it! Web site says can use for newborn but I think I wait when bb head is more steady then i use lah...

Re: Cold stuff
I still drink cold drinks leh even though I am BF-ing. Why cannot ah? Will it reduce ss?

Re: Soup
I drink all kinds of soup. As long as u consume lots of fluids, should aid in ss of BM.
