(2008/04) April 2008

Ok maybe i try this method again when i pump while having blocked ducts. Tonight got dinner, dun know if i shd pump also. A bit scared.

I confirm if i am going for the outing nearer the date and let u know :

I saw someone using bb bjorn with an infant, really comfty for bb and cool for mum. Hmm dunknow if hb want to get it. Wait for him to come back then pyscho him
Burpy Babe,
Suggest u call gynae and let him know ur condition. No joke if it is internal inflammation just like blocked duct case.
Joelle - can u give me ur email addy for me to pass to my friend for her to pass to u? she only has 1 2nd hand freezer to let go.

simp - thanks. think will contact my gynae to let him know about my condition. =P
RE: cold stuff
Before I pump milk, I make sure I dun take cold stuff. Always a cup of warm drink, eg Annum, milo, soup or even warm water. Calamari, dun think u hv to worry abt ss, remember u had a very ss rite?! Heehee... u had ur CL for 2 months?
RE: gynae visits

How often u all seeing gynae now after labour? Gynae checked wound ok & had pap smear. Everythg's alrite. Mine next appt is 6 mths leh. Was told to continue my vitamins
burby babe you better make appointment to see doctor tham if you feel pain in your wound. If can asap. Think he be on leave on 2nd week or 3rd week of june ar
burpy babe, pls go see yr gynae... cos i was scolded for seeing him so late... I kena the pain also 3wks plus ago... but din think much of it till the pain became so painful that i wince from light touching wor. So dun be like me, see earlier and see what your gynae say.

calamari, cannot store in glass bottles cos it takes up more space. My MIL's freezer is full liao so using milkbag saves more space loh.
Burpy babe
I had a c sect wound infection 2 wks ago and the incision part of swollen with liquid. Luckily i went 2 c my gynae quick and had an injection, took some antibotics. If liquid become pus, have to drain out the pus. So if in doubt, just c the gynae. No choice, have to let them earn the $ for peace of mind.
Re : Baby Carrier
My sis helped me to order one Bjorn Synergy from Amazon.com, only $185.93 excluding shipping. Max shipping fee only $30. Now waiting for it to arrive. Think that would be a better one to use as compared to the MIM sling. Think that one gonna put aside already.

Bumbo Seats
Any mummies know how to differentiate authentic bumbo seats? Shop bug has an offer two for $55 excluding GST. tot of getting it but dunno if its authentic or not.

pls call me when you see this message !! I need to send you the valves but yet to receive ur email or sms for your address !!
I am also seeing my gynae in 6 mths' time after my 1 mth visit.

Hope u will get well soon. Hmm u can tong very long hor.
Prawnie, regarding bumbo seat... I bought it together with cutiebb at the promo $ shld be authentic ba... I saw from another website Its selling together with the bumbo tray @ $77 ar...
cooler bag,

if i put my EBM (fridge) into those cooler bag with ice pack inside, hw long must i finish the milk? if i put thawed (fridge) milk into the bag, will the milk become frozen?or the bag only keep the milk cool?
Simp, ya... Dr Lim oso said the same thing and scolded me... say why so late then go to him. Muahahaha...

Jenny, i received a bumbo seat during baby's full month but it is without the tray. Do you know where to get the tray and how much is the tray?
Simp: Don't know whether it will work for u, other than using hot compress, have a hot shower then express, massage your breast as u express, and press hard on the milk duct. If no strenght ask hb to do it. My Lac Consult says guys got more strength.

Re: Cooler Bag
I usually consume the milk within 5 hours, but I KS, use a lot of ice pack (jus in case). Never bring thaw milk out before.
Ya i think warm shower helps to relieve the pain also. In the 1st month when i feel uncomfortable n too full, i will have a warm bath then feed her and press against the duct. Then bb suckle for at least 15mins and stronger, now i think she's lazy liao, suckle only 5 to 10mins and not so eager unless super hungry. Think before she cry, she only make some noise then i feed her. Even when i pressed against my ducts for her to relieve, not so effective liao. Haiz. At least now the ducts are 70% cleared and only feel slight pain when i pressed to check.
controlwears arrived this morning !!!

For those who have paid shipping i'll post them out on monday morning.

For those who have not paid, pls do so and let me know ur mode of collection (postage or at my place @ cck).

I've received a transfer for shipping via ATM @ marine parade, pls let me know who made this payment. Thanks!
oh i thought u knew a distributor for freezers. if ur friend has promised the freezer to amy alrdy, then pls go ahead. thanks anyway!
Simp - have transferred the balance to you.

To Account POSB Savings
009-25881-7 Simp
Amount S$3.20
Transaction Reference 1733163787
i wonder if its possibe to provide the contact whom u buy the baby art magic box from as i miss ur spree and hubby want mi to order for my bb. tks
its me who transfer at marine parade via atm. however there's no ref. no in my receipt. actually i hv informed u once i transfer but i think u may hv missed my posting in the forum earlier
Serene123: yup. I bought synergy but its black in colour. My sis was telling me, shipping to Singapore max only 30 bucks. After conversion for the carrier it's about $185.93.
So in total its about $215 SGD
Hi everyone
recently been wondering what to DO with the baby when he's awake, although admittedly between feeding and sleeping, there's not much awake time :D I usually put my boy in his rocker (the cheap, fabric net seat type) and he stays amused for awhile, but i (personally) worry that it is boring for him cos there are no toys for amusement ... then again at 6 wks i guess he's too young to play with toys?

But still, what does everyone do with the baby when he/she's awake? Put in stroller? Put in rocker? Or swing? Or carry him/her around? What's a good equipment to get so that baby can stay put while awake and play on his own for awhile? would love to hear your recommendations!
i would place my bb on the bouncer, he will kicks and play with the toy bears or will place him in the play gym for him to explore. he will respond to the music.
Think my girl only started playing at week 9. Most of the time if she cannt stay amused by herself, she will call for us to carry her. So my mum, dad, sis or i will take turns to carry her.If not, she either feed, sleep, play by herself or call for us by making noise or cry. Think ur bb very fast, want to play at wk 6
or my girl a bit slow
For those who are planning to bring EBM out, i read somewhere that breastmilk shld not be shaken around too much, cos it will cause the nutrients in the milk to breakdown. If you do a goggle search on shaking of breastmilk, there will be lotsa links on why breastmilk cannot be shaken. As such, I think i will not bring EBM out, cos definitely will be shaken quite a lot.
<font color="0077aa">hi mummies, my bb is 6 weeks old n he drinking 140-160mls is it over feeding??? i noe max is 120 but it seems not enough.. that is FM, fer BF, he is too impatient to wait fer the let down..n my milk ss cant meet his demand..wat shud i do?</font>
strawberries...i thk depends on how many times ur bb feed in a day..

i read that for bb btw 1-2mths old shld feed abt 150ml 5x a day...so if ur bb feed ard tt then it shld be fine...

when my boy is awake and alert, i will show him flash cards, both maths and eng. Today, just started to let him play in the play mat, there's music and mirror etc.. think he's quite enjoy but for a while only, after that he needs to be carry ard. =)
hee hee.. i always talk to my gal when she is awake since young
my hubby play with her simple hide&amp;seek....my gal now can luff while we play with her and recognise ppl liao.. She knows i am ard and refuse bottle milk and want to latch on.. ha ha.. so cute. :p
Piggy mummy- I give pacifier but my bb only suck when necessary- ard 10 mins to fall asleep. I bottle feed my bb (using expressed breast milk), if your bb still latch on better dun give pacifier.
<font color="0077aa">piggy mummy i will give pacificer to bb but that is when he still wanna something in the mouth.. so he will suck fer awhile then sleep liaoz..</font>

<font color="0077aa">luan mummy, i juz increase his intake to 160ml FM.. and he finished alll.. actually wanna latch him but he is so impatient.. and latch less than 5 min he will cry and cry..
, i dun noe how to increase milk ss liaoz in this kind of circumstances..</font>
aiyo, yest i lach bb, he vomit leh..may b still got alot of wind inside..the rid wind doc give finishing liao, stilll got wind!!


i alternate ebm and latch leh, so don know wwana give pacifier, coz he keep on crying during night time.yest try, after he fall as slp, i take out..
piggymummy, same case.. the dentinox the PD prescribed finishing liao, but my girl still got a lot of wind! think i'll call the PD on Monday to ask how.

my girl even though on dentinox 3 times a day yestetday her wind still got quite bad. we dunno what it is and brought her to our GP cos we thought she has difficulty passing motion since it's always after a feed and she look like she 'gek' until very painful. turned out the GPO said it's just wind and just continue the dentinox -_-

but yesterday she's very uncomfortable throughout the day. cannot put her down, she'll scream non-stop, even when carrying and rocking her she'll cry and scream. tried all sorts and ways, really exhausting man!

was scheduled to go to a studio shoot for her. she looked alright in the morning and we went. who knows at the studio she wanted to be fed and after the feed began her screaming spells. had to leave withouting taking her photos
