(2008/04) April 2008

jamie, noted. Will post out on monday.

Jacelyn: will contact u for collection.

koori, i think u have paid. Will post out on monday also.

for baby bjorn carriers, i just saw in motherhood mag, "ENJOY 15% discount for Original City Blue carrier during the Great Singapore Sale".

strawberries, it's ok to feed more to baby if what you are giving dont seem to satisfy ur baby. My girl is 9 weeks old and drinking 190ml to 200ml. Seems quite alot to me also. But she doesnt regurgitate after drinking, so i cont giving it to her.

activities for baby.
Every morning, after her bath, she'll stay awake until at least evening! I dont know what to do to her! haha.
But she follows a routine. After her morning bath, she'll sit in her bouncer, watch 1 baby einstein DVD, last for abt 30 mins. After that listen to children's music for the next 1 hour. She is shown flashcards, play with her cot mobile, talked to ... throughout the day. And the thing is ... she cant entertain herself for long. She'll call for help after about 10 mins.

My bb after merlion experience we don dare to give too much milk, now she drinking 90ml per session but feed more often like 2hr plus once instead of 3 hrs....i wonder if she's drinking too little cos she supposed to be drinking 150ml now. I hope we don underfeed her, later cannot grow healthily.
hi mummies,
any of ur bb nv pass motion daily? my bb recently pass motion once every two days (a lot), i wonder if its normal, he on EBM for the day and 3 feeds of similac during MN.
<font color="0077aa">jo, is normal, my boy is oso like tat..in the dae latch him or give ebm nite give 2 feeda of similac. ask u ah do u face lots of bubbles when preparing similac??</font>

my bb also drink abt 60-70ml every 1.5hrly...she is nw 7wks old. she just refuse to drink more unless she is very very hungry like if she over sleep then will drink abt 100-120ml at max...

u just monitor how much milk she take in a day lor...so long as within (weight*150) shld be ok leh...

re: pacifier
i gif my bb pacifier as well...but she sometimes dun like it...depends on her mood...she latch n on ebm as well as 1 feed on formular...

any of your bbs taking NAN1?? my bb seems to get hungry very easily after drinking NAN and seems to be very restless...wonder if its coz she does not like it....haiz...scratch head...
Koori, Luann: My baby girl also drinks about 100 - 110 ml per feed, at 2.5 hour interval. PD and Mrs Wong mentioned to me to be feeding only 90ml - 120 ml max per feed only. If baby drinks 90 ml, then will be 2 hour interval, if baby drinks 120 ml, will be 3 hour interval. This is based on total EBM consumption. So far my baby poops about 5 to 8 times a day, so intake should be sufficient for her. Will intake of EBM consumption increase? Remembered reading somewhere it should be at max 120 ml till baby is 6 months. Not sure whether I recalled correctly. :p
Re: baby daily activities
My baby loves her activity gym. She can entertain herself in her activity gym for 1 hour! I added extra links in her gym and she seems to love it. Then I will flash her her GD visual cards and let her watch Baby Einstein DVD (which she is not interested in hehe). Will also put her in her bouncer, sing songs and talk to her.
Sherin: My baby girl also can stay awake from 830 am to 9pm! In the day, she only takes 15 mins nap here and there :p But at night she sleeps at 9pm and wakes up at 1am and 6am for milk. Bad habit cos she is supposed to wake up every 3 hours.

Btw, not sure whether u saw my posting that I am not going for 12 Jun outing as I have PD appointment on that day. You can transfer the money for Controlwear to me when its convenient. Let me know when u transfer lor.
mummies, need advice on colicky baby..
my girl has been on the infant colic drop dentinox given by PD since almost 2 weeks ago cos she seemed to be in pain and regurgitating sour milk almost every feed. was helping her with her condition until last fri.. even when she was on medication 3 times a day she suddenly screamed loudly after some feeds, cannot burp and then regurgitate mlk again. brought her to GP this time cos we thought it was something different bugging her, but the GP said it was just wind. we were like 'huh?' and were told to just continue the dentinox and that they'll outgrow it in abt 3 months.

but then some feeds she'll continue to feel vey uncomfortable leh and cry and scream. i see already very heartpain, plus she's bigger and louder now than 2 weeks ago, very distressing to see her like this. and must carry her during the crying episodes, so tiring.. when i carry her during these episodes, i can feel some rumbling in her tummy, is that wind or indigestion?
Hi mummies,

I am new here. I used to share the same EDD with Jaspire, and now our daughters share the same birthday - 20.04.08.

Can I join this thread?
Lynn, think its most likely wind. But will be better that you bring baby back to the PD for the PD to take a look since you had gone to him once previously... Then the PD will be in a better position to give a better diagnosis.

My girl sometimes will cry loudly and keep arching her back.. and we will then have to carry her upright and try to burp her.. even if she keeps pushing herself away from us and crying loudly, we continue burping her until she burp loudly... then she will quiet down liao...
calamari, i'll transfer thru atm. most prob tml. can post ur a/c no. again?
I tot it's supposed to be good if they dont wake up at night? I'm all tired coz she doesnt sleep in the day! I always had the impressions that babies sleep alot. But not for her case. Sighz. But luckily we get to sleep through the night. If not it will be terrible when i start work in 2 weeks time.
lynn...my ger also sometimes like urs n burpy_babe....will just need to continue to try burp her if not then i'll apply ru yi you on her tummy n massage...sometimes she will feel better n quiet down...then after a while she will fart hee hee hee...
Lynn, my boy is like that too. Cry while feeding, hungry yet push away the bottle. This is what I do to relive him: massage him (learnt from TMC baby massage lesson) using the sun and moon method with Ru Yi Yu before every feed (it manage to calm him down), then feed him, but burp him at half the feed, so that less wind. And try not to let bb cry too much (PD says, more cry, more wind.) Of course must feed him the med PD gave. He is much better after I followed this routine for a week. Hope it helps u :)

Pacifier : I give it to my boy at day 5 :p Cannot bear to see him cry. But one lesson learnt, if u latch on, don't give him pacifier, cause he will bite while latching on after that.
i'm applying ru-yi oil, binding tummy, giving gripewater and also the wind drops. still sometimes nothing seems to work.

i'll burp my baby but she'll almost always regurgitate sour milk if she's in of these screaming and crying episodes. end up crying more loudly. if she's feeling ok she'll just burp and seldom regurgitate sour milk leh.

i tried lying her tummy down but she seems to hate the position. i thought all babies should like to sleep on their tummies?? my niece also hates sleeping tummy down and my sis said she also hadthe same crying spells after feeding. the good thing is that it'll really go away, so meanwhile just have to 'tong'.
which milk bottles are you mummies using? for those using the avent bottles, have you mummies used the 2 drop teat? or still using the 1 drop teat? i dun dare to change to the 2 drop teat coz my girl already drinking very fast using the 1 drop teat and getting choked.. scared that if i change to the 2 drop teat... she will get choked more often...
ur bb also poo poo once every two days now? i was thinking bringing him to doc today. as today if no poo poo is the thrid day already. these two days can see him 'gek' til face red but only put gas out (v smelly though). haiz...

as for similac, i think u are correct. there always bubbles when preparing and when bb srk too fast.
burpy babe
i already changed to No. 2 teat for my bb 1 mth ago. i tik every bb varies. u hv to monitor your girl's feeding, if it takes a long time to finish her milk, then maybe its time to change the teat. hv to trial &amp; error.
Lynn - my bb has the same issue. brought to PD and he say not to feed too much at night + wind in tummy. I fed bb ridwind couple of times, seem to have improved a bit....tik u bring bb back to PD to assess cos 2 weeks seem bit too long.
Teat 2 - i changed my pigeon teat to medium and milk seem to be leaking alot from bb's mouth, tik flow too fast, i used back the small flow one. For my bfree plus bottle, stil using teat 1 cos the flow is just nice for bb now...will change later cos sometimes she will cough while drinking don wan her to choke.
Hi all, check if you have heard of bb drinking 牛奶凉? Cos my MIL bought it for my gal to tried.. she had the same condition like other babies who passed motion once in 2 or 3 days. She passed out alot of wind too... After drinking the 牛奶凉 she'll passed motion within a day or 2... But after checking with the chinese doc, he said its not good for bb to drink tat too often cos bb will tends to depend on that med to pass motion.. When i told tis to MIL, she said tat doc lousy skill and insist me on giving my gal tat med... Can anyone tell me wat i shld do?
jo, yes paid already. I've got exam today. Cant pack ... will send tml. So sorry !
Same for the rest!

<table border=1><tr><td>Batch 1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Control Wear</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD>Quantity</TD><TD>Price (US$)</TD><TD>Price (S$) Exchange Rate 1.4</TD><TD>Total (S$)</TD><TD>Mode of collection</TD><TD>Shipping charges</TD><TD>Shipping charges paid</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD>Long Torso Waistshaper</TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD>5.86</TD><TD>a </TD></TR><TR><TD>jo (princess_j) </TD><TD>Long Torso Waistshaper</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD>5.86</TD><TD>pls provide address </TD></TR><TR><TD>Calamari</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Black</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD>5.86</TD><TD>a </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starling</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD>5.86</TD><TD>pls provide address </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jamie</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief </TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD><TD>10.72</TD><TD>pls provide address </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Weightless Power slimming boy short </TD><TD>XL</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $18.00 </TD><TD> $25.20 </TD><TD> $57.40 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amy Quek</TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief </TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $67.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<table border=1><tr><td>Batch 2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Colour</TD><TD>Quantity</TD><TD>Price (US$)</TD><TD>Price (S$) Exchange Rate 1.4</TD><TD>Total (S$)</TD><TD></TD><TD>Shipping Charges</TD><TD></TD><TD>Address Provided </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cath</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD>5.86</TD><TD>a </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jacelyn</TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $70.00 </TD><TD>Self-collect</TD><TD> $9.72 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Coconut_K</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Long Torso waist shaper </TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $67.20 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $9.72 </TD><TD>9.72</TD><TD>a </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koh Kelly</TD><TD>Long Torso Waistshaper.</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>Nude</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $25.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD> $35.00 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD></TD><TD>a </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chewy</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Self-collect</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaspire</TD><TD>One fabulous Body® Waist Nipper Brief</TD><TD>M</TD><TD>Beige</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $23.00 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD> $32.20 </TD><TD>Normal</TD><TD> $4.86 </TD><TD>4.86</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
jo, starling, jamie, jaspire, pls provide address. Hopefully by tonight, so that i can post out tml. I guess i may have missed out some of ur addresses.

Jaspire, i'll post out first, then u pay me for e postage during the outing.
dont bother to transfer the $1.

amy, do let me know ur mode of collection.

chewy, let me know when u want to collect ok? sms me.
Is it cow's milk? If it is, please stop, bb under e age of 1 not supposed to take cow's milk. May trigger allergy. Bb's stomach not mature enough to break down complex cow's milk. Maybe that's why bb poo e day she/he was given this milk?
try rub a little ru yi oil on bb belly before bath too and oso over bb tummy with a small pillow when sleep

violet, i use that once before when bb din poop poop for 3 days. but after that din use anymore, it seems very strong for bb and i dun wan bb to depend on this to poop.. if ur mil scared bb too heaty, cannot poop, try addin barley water to her milk once a week, or feed bb some water.. if bb is on fm, it is common that he dun poop every day..
what violet is refering to a kind of black color medicine like herbal cooling tea suppose to cure the heatiness of bb if i am not wrong. i give that to my elder son but not for my bb cos i scare too young ike 6wks, stomach dunno can take it or not.
hmm... its not cow's milk.. its something transparent in color (just like water)... As wat my MIL says, its more to reduce heatiness after drinking formula. She said formula is very heaty for bb which will cos constipation.
cherish, my mil don like using barley... jus now i got mention on giving abit more water to my gal, she said bb cannot drink too much water.. In fact i tin my gal drink less than 1oz of water per day.
imo, 牛奶凉 very strong, not sutiable for bb.. Gripe water still ok. why she dun like barley?
it help more to reduce heatiness than 牛奶凉. 牛奶凉 like xie yao to me.
cos my MIL don like barley tat's y she also don let my gal drink. -.-" i tin i'll cook barley myself for my gal. i don wish my gal to depend on tat 牛奶凉 too much...
Re : Pureen brand diaper

I tried day time pureen brand diapers, not very good..not so absorbent and the diaper become very nua nua when its wet. Pet Pet is still better.
veronica and koori, how to reduce her feed? cos i tried before giving a bit less but she finish already still looking for more. if dun give her she gets irritated and will start crying and won't settle down.

this morning she's awake from 730am till her noon feed, i think a bit uncomfortable and also a bit 'pattern' want me to carry, even if dun carry also must sit next to her and talk to her etc.. hiaz really dun need to do anything else liao.
koori, how much is pet pet per piece? my girl now using huggies ultra/mommy poko/pampers NB, looking at using cheaper diapers to reduce cost. as long as change once soiled then won't kena diaper rash right?
Lynn - feed more often but less volume each time..after a while she will get used. Now my ger drink only 90ml per session...but must feed her like 2hrs once instead of 3hrs.
Lynn - bought S size PetPet from Kiddy palace 46pcs @ $7.80, each pc is ~$0.17 very cheap.
Did u try to apply Desitin cream on bb's buttock every time u change diaper, tats to prevent nappy rash.
Btw mamy poko/ pampers all very ex, used for night only...day time source for cheaper ones.
violet....i ask my mum the black 1 is like woodwards gripe water just that its made of chinese med....

i give my ger gripe water every alternate day after shower...but coz she on EBM so she poo quite alot everyday abt 5x....but she is heaty also coz of the bu that i take...ha ha ha...
is desitin available in SG? i'm using mustela (at home) and drapolene (out of the house, in my diaper bag)..

so far no nappy rash yet (touch wood!) but very siong, everyday at least 10 diapers..

should really go have a look at pet pet, i think abt half the price of the diapers i'm using now. so far one month but used so many packets already..
desitin can be bought from pharmacy but sells quite ex (i not sure how much), i do hv xtra tubes, let me knw if u want to buy. i using pet pet or cloth diapers in the day and nite will use pampers. I only change when the diaper feel heavy.

wow your diapers usage really alot leh. i'm like jo, use cloth diapers in the day &amp; nite will use pampers. will only change diaper when its heavy.
