(2008/04) April 2008

Amy: May I know what brand of collection shell you are using ans price? good? Thot of getting to wear to sleep as often leaking heavily. Suitable for this purpose?can't use breast pad cos irritate by skin


Yup, 3 jabs for 6 in 1. Rotavirus I pay $72 per dose. Need 3 doses. Called Kidslink Sem too, but quite exp. Rotavirus is 98 or 92 excludin consultation. So decide to go greenlife. never regret gg there! convenient for me too as my MIL bbsit my son there.
Hi Mummies,

I just brought my baby for her 1st 6-in-1 jab today. Read that you all also took the rotavirus too. As I missed the rotavirus today, can I still let my baby take it at another time?

I give my BB 120ml EBM + 30ml FM on 3 hrly feeding. Nowadays her intake seems to increase to 180ml cos I change her formula from Enfalac to Frisco. Realise that Enfalac is too heaty and she cannot poo for days. Once I change to Frisco she poo everyday but Frisco is too easily disgested so she gets hungry easily.

Anyone interested to buy Enfalac from me? I still hv 1 tin unopened willing to let go. I hv 2 tins which I just opened but hv to throw liao cos cannot keep for more than 4 weeks.
okiedockie - i also letting bb drink friso now, used to be enfalac, but after drinking friso still poo 2 days once, no change. I noticed friso seem 'thinner' cos it dissolve very fast in water.
Jgal: Great I will bring the bottle caps along for our outing.

Lochia and menses: I think i am having menses now already, am in my 7th week. Seems like i am the only one coz the rest is not having as heavy discharge... hope its normal.

bb weight: byron was 3.91 kg at birth, when i brought him for his 1st month check up he is 5.5kg! I suppose it the common growth spurt now for most of our babies. Anyway i noticed that most babies now are very big very fast
Spuntik - ntuc bag can only collect within 2 mths? Mine reaching 2 mths soon, duno DH wan make a trip down or not.

i do have a BN pair of avent collection shell to let go if u intend to get avent. didn't get to use it as i'm not direct bfing. =)
Koori - OIC. Thanks. Think will call the clinic to ask if baby can take it at 3 months when I go for 2nd jab of the 6-in-one.

What do we need to do to collect the NTUC bag?
Veronica: I eat a lot of fish and drink soup every meal. CL said it helps in milk supply.

Okiedockie: Wah your baby milk intake very high leh! My girl can only manage max 120 ml every 3 hours.

I have about exta 20 bottlecaps (with sealing discs) to let go. Brand new and unopened. Selling at 80 cents per piece. Interested mummies, pls pm me
Calamari - I eat fish too, guess it doesn't work for me. I heard papaya can help to increase the production. Well, will have to try that I guess.

Okiedocie - how many months is your bb? Mine is turning 2 months next week but he's taking 110ml every 2 hours.
veronica...u must cook papaya(unripe ones) n fish bone soup...that is suppose to help...

calamari...ur supply is really a lot leh...i latch my bb on abt 3x a day n rest is express can onli get ard 500ml onli...din manage to freeze a lot of EBM....must work doubly hard now so that BB will have milk to drink when I go back to work...ha ha ha...
milk supply: this works for me but i dunno if it will for others. I happened to take chives flower (gu cai huay) and found my milk supply seem to increase the next day. My malay massage lady was telling me for malays, they take beansprouts fried with chives to increase their milk supply too.

anyway i went to robinsons expo sale, its not crowded at all so dun worry if u wanna bring ur bb...... but not much offer for baby stuff. Loreal is having expo sale in the same hall too and they have very good deals

Koori: so your bleeding stop? mine is going on for about 4 days already... hope it will go off soon
I suspect my girl doesn't like her bottle teats perhaps. Are you mummies using latex or silicon teats? I am using Bfree silicon teats, thinking of changing to NUK Premium latex teats.

My BB is 5 weeks old. Ya she drink a lot.. her demand is more than my supply.. tsk tsk ! so no choice I always hv to supplement her with FM.

Koori, I bought the Frisco that is suppose to help in colicky and constipation bb.. not the normal one. You might to try that. That formula contains a lot of fibre in it suppose to help in her bowel. Can find that in Guardian Pharmacy they sell the small tin. I bought that to try out 1st.
Luann: Now I got too many EBM frozen. Got to use up fast hahaha. Cos expiry = 2 months. Remembered Mrs Wong said can use expired EBM for leg bath. :p
calamari...i using mixture of nuk premium silicon and avent leh.....

mrs wong tell me that avent bottle is better so i bought 2 to try...my ger got no preference nw but at first she does not like the avent teats coz the plastic is much harder then nuk or pigeon...

what bottles r u using nw?
I'm using pigeon teats M size. Got to upgrade hole to bigger liao cos BB older difficult to suck using small teats hole she will get tired sucking for too long.
Luann: I am using Bfree Plus bottles. u mean NUK premium is also silicon ah? Aiyah, then no point changing liao. I thought NUK all latex teats.

Okiedockie: how to know when teats hole too small n hv to upgrade ah? My baby always suck halfway then play with the teats with her tongue, sometimes pushing teats out. Sometimes suck halfway she fall asleep. I suspect she too used to my nip leh :p
maybe u can go and buy the bigger teats hole to try... my MIL normally is the one feeding her she told me that when she realise that the BB suck for long time and tries to suck very hard then fall asleep.. so I bought the bigger hole teats and she drinks faster now.. in 15mins she can finish 120ml of EBM.
Okiedockie: I got phobia that baby will choke cos my caregiver (my auntie) not a very good bottle feeder hehe. My baby also naughty lah. When my mother and my hubby feeds, she finish all the milk. When my auntie feeds, she will take a long time.
calamari....i having the same problem with my ger also...me n hb feed her she will take long time to finish her milk but when my mum feed her she will finish in 15mins...haiz...these 2 days she like rejecting the teats again...keep looking at me when feeding and refusing to finish her milk but after we take the bottle away she search for my nipple again...haiz...

me also just change to nuk NB med flow silicon teat n avent 1mth+ bottle, bb seems to drink better after i change the teat except these 2 days lah...
did you gals watch Big Daddy last nite on CNA 8.30pm...

quite an interesting show about daddy n handling bb's...can ask our HB to watch hee hee hee...
I'm dead tired. Hardly have time to come online these few days. No more free time. Frm monday, i've been sick, until now. Plus my girl is awake most of the time in the day now! She can stay awake from 8am to 8pm !!! It's killing me! Now i know how most of u mummies feel.
Plus, i was having this teats problem. She had prob with the previous teats. e hole was too small. So my mum cut a little bit. But she's too fussy. Sometimes ok, sometimes not. Then went to buy nuk latex. She hates it! she cries and cries whenever she is drinking frm that! Then last straw, i changed to Dr Brown's Level 2 teats for babies 3 months + ... now so far so good... sweat!

calamari, will u be going for outing? Can i pass u e extra money for e OSS item? seems like something wrong with me IB. dont have e time to call e bank these few days.
So sorry for e delay.

blessed, give me ur a/c too. Thanks.
Re : NTUC bag

Just need to bring along your baby's birth cert. Better to make a copy first as they need to keep a copy, if not they will have to take some time to photocopy it. They did not ask for my or my hubby's NRIC. Whether need to collect within 2 mths, i not very sure. The info above was extracted fr somewhere else. When I went, the person did not ask if baby is less than 2 mths old. But I thik the items are pretty good, esp the tin of milk powder. The bag is not too bad also.
calamari - what kind of soup do you drink to increase supply? is it the normal kind of soup or the herbal soup?

Does eating papaya help? or we have to drink papaya soup to increase supply?
I think amazon has better pricing for bb bjorn. I am still contemplating whether to invest in ergo or bjorn. HB says not suitable for our climate. Haiz. If i want to buy, maybe get from amazon, got free shipping domestically in states, but shipping to spore will cost a lot more as i hear it is bulky packaging.
Thanks for the advice. Me also choosing between ergo and bjorn.. Already got a sling and stroller but still not satisfied with the portability. Hehe.. but will buy before telling hubi. Thinking of going to motherhood fair 5-8jun to check out ergo, but by then if price is right, probably will just get it coz expo really far from my house and may have the must-buy-something mentality. ;p
hi koori,
sory for the delay, did not hv time to log on at all. transferred already , IB ref: 1729656334 @ 29 May 2008 01:07 PM Singapore
i opt of normal postage. pls advise postage cost, tks ar!

Heee.. I posted the information for the collection of the ntuc bag.

What's exactly in the bag? It's quite inconvenient for me to travel all the way down.

The package is only for 6 in 1 means 3 jabs for $440. The rotavirus is $95 per dose and pneumococcal is $180 per dose.

I using avent milk shells. Erm, dun think can be worn to sleep at night coz lying down position cannot collect the milk...

My baby is too used to my nipples liao. Having tried pigeon, NUK teats, my baby now accepts the new type of pigeon teats. i think its coz the way she sucks using that kind of teats is the same ways as per sucking from the breast.

I top up the difference for shipping during the gathering?
hi..any mummies here want to buy lansinoh and gerber milk bag? i've 1 BN lansinoh milkbag and 23 loose pcs gerber milkbag (still in box). didn't use it as i don't have excess milk for storage. =)

NTUC Bag: Do we need to contact anyone before going down to collect?
Have emptied out the bag already, but think the following is inside it:
- 400g of Mamil Gold Step 2 (From 6mth onwards)
- Sample of baby laundry detergent
- Diaper Samples, think there were abt 3 diff brands of samples
- Sample of bodywash
- Handwash etc

No need to contact anyone before going down. Just approach the reception counter.
Amy...do you know if Pigeon wide neck bottle teats can fit Nuk Bottles?

I'm thinking of changing to pigeon teats as its more similar to Avent but dun wan to get more bottles....

Currently i'm using baby bjorn active. It's quite convenient if u go out alone. Got back support also. Dun need carry heavy stroller. But quite warm indeed. Some baby may not like it if they not used to it.
Today brought bb to PD, cos been vomitting like every night over the last few nights....Doc say its overfeeding + wind. Gave her Ridwind to take and tell us to give small feeds at night.
Bb broke record, slept only 4am this morning, we so tired taking care of her cos she kept crying and vomitting, changed so many clothes...sigh.

Same time today took the 6in1 + Rotavirus + Pneumococcal.
koori....how is ur bb now? my bb also sometimes vomit, if overfeed how to stop coz she keep wanting to feed leh...

i also veli stress sometimes especially at nite she keeps wanting to be on the breast even thought we just bottle feed her...haiz...
What fever medicine or natural remedy i can take to help fever. Think i am having fever due to heaty food n blocked ducts for the past few days.


My baby same as yours... brought him to doctor last nite too due to vomiting of his feed.. .doctor also said its due to overfeeding and wind.. my doctor prescribed dentinox and we are advised to cut baby's feed to 120 ml (from his current 150ml)... My doctor is concerned cos my BB growing at very fast rate - putting on almost 200g in 3 days! Now very stressed!
