(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

my mum uses ikan bilis to cook soup, then use the stock for porridge.

Sometimes she may use the herbal soup that is cooked for adults also (before adding in salt/soy sauce of course).

If she use flavoured stock, usually may not need to add 'seasoning'.

but she say 1-2 drops of soy sauce no harm....of course that is "Dr Chan" opinion. (that's what we call her when she's in some mood of giving opinions...)

all along, adult or baby, my mum says that porridge CANNOT be kept overnight or for long...cuz it causes WIND.

Every meal is freshly cooked. If you use slow cooker, put water and use separate dish to steam, it is very fast - maybe about 30-60minutes to cook one small meal.

Ruth's porridge is cooked fresh every meal.


the ikan bilis is the grind wan? or whole? and can u explain "If you use slow cooker, put water and use separate dish to steam". u mean steam in the slow cooker? me really know nuts about cooking.
Re: porridge

have just started "porridge" for 2 days for shaun. but we din give normal rice leh, we started with millet as porridge.. maybe i shoul try to add some rice into the millet tomorrow.
Hi bkkgal,

Okay. Maybe I make a trip down to Paragon also.

Hi oscar,

:p May I have your receipe?

Hi Garfield9,

:p Danica took 1 teaspoonful made a face and refused to eat liao.

I also used rice, minced pork and carrot leh.

RE : USANA products

Anyone else interested?
Feb08 mummies gathering
location: vivo city marche
date: 6th Sept (Sat)
time: 12.30pm outside the restaurant

1) dor + bb (Marche)
2) cheryl + bb + hb (Marche)
3) tongtong (marche)
4) bluegin + bb + hb
5) snowbelle + bb + hb (marche)
6) garfield + bb + hb
7) stephie + bbs + hb (Marche )
8) xiaoyun + bb + hb (Marche)
9) sunny + bb + toddler + hb (marche)
10) happymum2b + bb + son + helper (marche)
11) leila + bb +hb
12) oscar + bb + hb
13) Artemis + bb + maid
14) tubao + bb + hb
15) Thankful
16) jaslyn + maid + bb
17)qingling + hb + bb
18) Lezy + hb + bb (any restaurant is ok wif me)
19) Vine_gal + bb (marche)
20) bx + hb + bb (marche)
Feb08 mummies gathering
location: vivo city marche
date: 6th Sept (Sat)
time: 12.30pm outside the restaurant

1) dor + bb (Marche)
2) cheryl + bb + hb (Marche)
3) tongtong (marche)
4) bluegin + bb + hb
5) snowbelle + bb + hb (marche)
6) garfield + bb + hb
7) stephie + bbs + hb (Marche )
8) xiaoyun + bb + hb (Marche)
9) sunny + bb + toddler + hb (marche)
10) happymum2b + bb + son + helper (marche)
11) leila + bb +hb
12) oscar + bb + hb
13) Artemis + bb + maid
14) tubao + bb + hb
15) Thankful + bb + hb + helper + toddler
16) jaslyn + maid + bb
17)qingling + hb + bb
18) Lezy + hb + bb (any restaurant is ok wif me)
19) Vine_gal + bb (marche)
20) bx + hb + bb (marche)
i only cook porridge for one meal, so can't comment whether it's ok to keep the porridge whole day. but i know my grandma used to say the same as lezy's mum.
dawn, u wanna switch to Canon? If u r, u have to change all your lens. Nikon lens not compatible with Canon. Rich lady.
Garfield, Not true. Canon is good too. I tried Canon 350D on my dogs. Very fast speed capturing.

pink trumpette sock is very nice.
Hi Ladies

Long time din come in. Anyone interested getting the Leapfrog Brightlings Exploration Station? Can use till 3 yrs. So for the cheapest is Babycenter selling at $US26.99.
Feb08 mummies gathering
location: vivo city marche
date: 6th Sept (Sat)
time: 12.30pm outside the restaurant

1) dor + bb (Marche)
2) cheryl + bb + hb (Marche)
4) bluegin + bb + hb
5) snowbelle + bb + hb (marche)
6) garfield + bb + hb
7) stephie + bbs + hb (Marche )
8) xiaoyun + bb + hb (Marche)
9) sunny + bb + toddler + hb (marche)
10) happymum2b + bb + son + helper (marche)
11) leila + bb +hb
12) oscar + bb + hb
13) Artemis + bb + maid
14) tubao + bb + hb
15) Thankful + bb + hb + helper + toddler
16) jaslyn + maid + bb
17)qingling + hb + bb
18) Lezy + hb + bb (any restaurant is ok wif me)
19) Vine_gal + bb (marche)
20) bx + hb + bb (marche)
garfield - wah! arielle so fast graduate to 3 chinese spoonfuls already! she caught up with isabel already haha. your baby is such a good gal.

i'm still worried cos isabel has cut down on her milk intake, previously she used to take 150-180ml each feed, for 4 feeds a day (8am, 12+pm, 3pm and 8pm). Now after adding in lunch and dinner, she has dropped to about 80-100ml each feed only. anyone knows if this is normal?

artemis - i really dun hv recipe. just mince everything finely, throw in slow cooker with the rice and water, and cook on high for 2 hours, and auto for 1 hour. these are the various combinations of porridge that i've tried. actually i find that when i cook it over the stove, the porridge smells yummier than slow cooker, dunno if real or not haha.

1. minced pork & carrots
2. potato (the purple kind) & asparagus
3. potato & spinach
4. minced pork & onions
5. fish (kurau or 'ngoh her') & spinach
6. minced pork & celery & carrots
7. minced liver - (put very little liver.. cos the smell v strong)
8. fish & ikan bilis powder

lezy, re: fresh porridge,
thanks for your tip. the problem is hor, sometimes we bring isabel out the whole day, reach home just in time for her dinner. if slow cook from morning we can just heat up her dinner. but if cook from fresh, need at least 1 hour...
blueginger, but my nikons r not digital SLR, so the lens can't fit the digitals one rite? so ok to change brand n be a traitor for once.
unless digital SLR can also take conventional SLR lens? pl advise?
Me bio-ing canon 1000D. Cheapest amg the DSLRs. Asked my fren whose a photographer. He said it's ok for novice like me. No nid buy accessories yet. Jz learn to use d camera. Next buy wil be a flash.
Gar, when I grumble about the burnt weekends, lunch meetings and extra work then he ask me if I want to quit lor. I think part time is out of the question now cos big boss sure won't agree now that manager is leaving. But if quit now then lugi the year end bonus lor, also very dui. So, take one day as it comes. If really buay tahan and they don't promote me then quit in January. :p

Wa, so many people interested in digital SLR, I remember when I was still in PR dept, I hated it cos so heavy when I hung it around my neck. And I don't know how to use the functions, bounce flash, aperture etc. I'm happy with those tiny cameras that can fit into my palm, easier to carry around. Hee.

Sigh, me still 'san xin liang yi' about going for gathering. Just tried putting RaeAnne into car seat on my way home from MIL house just now with new toy steering wheel. MISSION FAILED! She sat in it for less than 1 minute, start to whine and cry and stretch out her arms liao. So sian, now want to bring her anywhere also sian. Feel like putting back the old car seat and give myself some sanity. :/
Cheryl, I think can bah cos my cousin feeding her two kids for some time and her no. 2 just turned 1 year old 2 days ago. Anyway, it's to be ground into powder and add into porridge so don't think they take a lot in the first place. But to be sure, best to check with medical hall lor. Hock hwa having 20% discount off cordyceps by the way.
RE. ikan bilis powder
i heard from my mil that she soaked and washed them to remove the traces of salt, then sun them dry before frying them and lastly crush/blend them into powder form. hths ;)

RE. gathering
haha, cant join you ladies again after so long! but i wanna see pics k!!

i own a canon DSLR 400D, most of the time i only used it to snap pictures of Hillary at home now. cant afford to bring it out coz i got too many bags to carry, gotta bring my own handbag and her diaper bag! imagine still gotta lug around the big camera big =_=""
My mom does the same as Andrea's. Alot of work to soak, wash, sun, dryfry and grind. But she says the additional calcium is good for bb.
andrea, bkk
ok thanks!!! how come must re-fry ah? i want to be as healthy as possible, hee. and it's not the nasi lemak ikan bilis right? is it the tiny 1cm white colour ones?

yaaaa so bulky! plus between me and hb, i'm the better photographer (IMHO, haha), so i find it hard to look after bb plus take photos, and then also i have so few nice photos with bb
but q a number of good ones i took for hb and bb, not fair!!

she dun like the new car seat but the old car seat she is ok? maybe just needs some time to get used to it
poor girl..
Hmm, u gals must be at Marche now. Enjoy...

Preparing baby food,
I will boil silver fish stock and then use them as the water for cooking the porridge. Understand that silver fish contains more calcium than ikan bilis.

Now, I will also cut chilled apple and put into the fruit holder by Munchkin. Gracelyn will hold and suck at the juice. I dun have to worry abt her accidentally swallowing the fruit bits. This mesh holder will contain the bulk.

Stephie, Parisilk? U pm me. I tell you lobang for getting cheaper if it helps.
Sat afternoon play date
Date: 13 Sep

1. Garfield9
2. Bkkgal
3. Dor (if not taking a nap)
4. Xiaoyun
5. Jeannie
6. Happymum (if not going to MIL place)
7. eliaw
just tot i update u all on the 6 day childcare leave..

All parents of singapore citizen children (up to age 7) gets min 3 day childcare leave for this year once legislation is passed on in Oct 08. Employers are encouraged to start giving the childcare leave starting 17 Aug.
Employers are also encouraged to give additional 3 days which are govt claimable. so for those pp whose employers are generous get 6 days for this year!
child care leave cannot be brought forward!

so yipee!! extra leave!! plan for weekday gathering!! haha
me at home too, think i'm coming down with the flu, but just hope it's my rhinitis acting up :S i haven't been sick in 15 months! :D

sorry for these dumb questions, but is it dried silver fish? there are so many generic names (like ikan bilis!!) so hard to know when you haven't really got a clue like me, hee.

i just tried to feed bb some fish porridge but he didn't seem to like it, it was a slice of fish that my mum made, but could've been that he wasn't hungry. will try another batch later today
Marche gathering
I had a great time at Marche!

Thanks to Cheryl for organising. Too bad Vernon couldn't come. Hope he gets better soon.

Jaslyn, thanks for taking the photos! Can post at the FB group? I think easier to post there and viewing also easier.

Very nice finally to meet all the mummies here. Have to rem nick+real name+bb's name, wah quite tough! some bbs looked familiar cos we see their photos and names mentioned here so it was easier remembering.

I think our babies were definitely interested in checking each other out. Very funny, some just wanna touch others, others just sucking their own thumbs, and others happy to snooze away. All very cute in their little ways.
Marche gathering,
i had a great time too! too bad i had to leave early and missed the babies "checking each other out bit"

i have some pics as well. will post in facebook =)
baby that happy to snooze away...
you talking about my gal? :D

nice meeting you all... i think the location is really good. very good for gathering.
to answer your question for the battery. it's free delivery for order >$30. so, delivery is free for 1 set of 8 batteries.
buy 2-4 sets, save $2 per set
5-9 sets, save $3 per set

savings is not too much but not bad since we are going to meet again for playdates.

I can't find any charger from Sanyo for 9V battery. There's 1 from Philips:
but the 9V rechargeable battery is quite expensive

thanks for coming.. paisay, i not very the social. 1 thing no feeling well, another is stupid menses come... haha.....

thanks for concern for vernon, he is getting better... hehe
Sat afternoon play date
Date: 13 Sep

1. Garfield9
2. Bkkgal
3. Dor (if not taking a nap)
4. Xiaoyun
5. Jeannie
6. Happymum (if not going to MIL place)
7. eliaw
8. Thankful

Where would it be held?

I have a great time but so sad not much food variety for my toddler.... He did not get to eat much food. Heart pain. Price wise ex also..... Burn hole in pocket already.
certain lens can be used oth SLR & DSLR. If i din forget, those lens tt have the "D" lens can be used on DSLR. I oso upgraded from Nikon SLR to DSLR. So no problem, still using the old lens.

Sat afternoon play date
Date: 13 Sep
1. Garfield9
2. Bkkgal
3. Dor (if not taking a nap)
4. Xiaoyun
5. Jeannie
6. Happymum (if not going to MIL place)
7. eliaw
8. Thankful
9. Bluegin

Thank Cheryl for organizing the event.
Yap. Nice meeting all of you and your baby. I always have hard times remembering all of you with your nick. Hahaha.

rem to let Vernon takes the colostrum. Hope he will fast recover n healthy always.

Is silver fish ikan bilis? Very confusing.
hi all,
babycenter toys spree open again.
the Exploration Station is now 50% off.

anyone is interested?
(1) Exploration Station, USD 22.49
(2) Brightling Builders, USD 9.99
(3) Discovery Ball, USD 11.99

(1) my place on weekday night or weekends only. [for information of my address, just check poscode 410648]
(2) courier with < $10 on east side.
sorry, can't delivery to MRT stations as they are bulky items.

anyone interested?
No worries.
It's the dried ones. I put a handful into the water and boil just enough for the porridge. They are less processed than ikan billis. Has a slight sweet taste too.

If I really need to put salt for other dishes, I use Pansalt. Normal salt is too much sodium which is bad for kid's development. Otherwise, I tend to cook just to draw out the natural taste of the ingredients.

Fish? I will use ikan kurau. Next will be codfish aka milkfish and then when Gracelyn is older, then I will introduce batang. Hths.

U take care hor. Weather's unpredictable. So many people are falling ill.

Cheryl, let Vernon use sambuccol. They help w those sniffs. Colostrum builds immunity.
Isobellies, yup, she likes her old one, don't know if she's not ready to be upgraded yet. Sigh, will try one more week, if still cannot then maybe put the old one back. Sian, to fight with her everytime we are going out.

Sad to miss the Marche gathering.
Wasn't confident to bring RaeAnne so far, hubby and I brought her to my aunt's place instead. We gave her some time to warm up and it went quite well, hubby and I could even sneak out to the pasar malam nearby to get food and leave her behind. Quite a feat considering we only managed to do this with ILs so far. Hee.

Thankful, has Marche food price gone up? I remember last time I ate salad (while still preggie and in first trimester), I enjoyed it very much cos it didn't make me nauseous. What does your toddler like to eat? Porridge may be hard to find, does he like bread and soup?
Xiaoyun, u wanna join my purchase? Doing a private one actually so never open up.

Using a US-based credit card so no need to go via concierge. Exchange rate fixed at 1.48.
Blueginger, silver fish is the whitish ones but not the fishmoth seen in aged books.
Ikan billis is the brownish ones.
Hi cheryl,
Thx so much for organising the marche lunch. oh...vernom didn't go...no wonder i didn't catch sight of ur handsome son. Hope he gets better real soon.

Sad that i didn't get there early enuf but at least i managed to get there in a nick of time to say hi to some mummies n my boy to have some time 'interacting' with ur bbs. It was fun!!!

Hi Amy,
May i ask if i can use the fresh silver fish instead for porridge...am wondering whether it wld taste nice ? Hmmm....if the mummy can't convince herself to eat it, how m i gonna convince my son to eat it as well....hahaha!!!

Hi Xiao Yun,
I am interested in the discovery ball. May i knw what is the estimated pr aftr taking into account shipping and exchange rate difference???
Leila, I never tried using the fresh ones for my gal although I love it cooked the same way like how Lao Beijing does. So I will buy the bigger and fatter ones for 'older' people's meals. Usually I get the dried ones and cook until they very soft and soggy. I tasted it before. Not bad. Try and see if u like it.

Xiaoyun, I'm interested in the ball too, how much estimated after shipping etc? Cheaper than buying from Singapore? By the way, will you be home tomorrow in late afternoon?
