(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

RE : Camera

lol... I think I am the only here without a camera. I borrowed my PILs' one as they seldom use it and more than willing to let me use to take photos of their 1st grandchild. Not sure how they will react once my BIL's child is born though.

RE : gathering tomorrow

So confirmed at Marche Vivocity hor. Time is 12:30 p.m. is it?

RE : Making cereal

Currently I am mixing 1 tablespoon of cereal to 2 tablespoons of EBM. Danica is finishing this now so do I need to increase? The recommendation from the Nestle Baby web site is ½ to 1 bowl of cereal. ½ bowl is how many tablespoons? :p Sorry for being blur.
Hi bkkgal,

How much is a bottle in Singapore?

Hi bx,

I thought so too... :p Oh must use the stock ah... I super lousy cook so don't know. I just put the pork bone and boil together with the rice. :D

Hi lezy,

Oh... Salt cannot soy sauce can? :p Eh... Okay lor.
haha..ya...well, my hubby 'migrated' from nikon to canon. If you see my flickr photo pages, those EUROPE pics are using the NIKON, CANADA is using the CANOON.

but i think hard to compare one-to-one.

if really wanna invest, i think the flash that can bounce off other places (not at the subject - aka baby) is good. so far pics taken using the bounced off flash are nice and sharp. but i always grumble that it's extravagant. ($600+ just for the flash!)

those going HK, the cameras there are abit cheaper - also due to exchange rate. i recall something like the BODY has international warranty, but not the lens.

if u really keen, should check it out. my two cents about warranty is that usually camera will konk out AFTER the warranty. heh.

but really, DSLR is nice for home or location shooting..for on-the-move shots, usually compact point-n-shoot more practical for us.
Re: Gathering
so sad i cannot go meet you all tomorrow! stupid com wants me to come back to do soemthing and shaun got fever yesterday night! dunno what happened. quickly gave him paracetemol and fever subsided in 2 hrs time. Shuan suddenly got 2 teeth popped up and now he has 6 teeth liao. is the fever due to teething?
re: solids
is porridge better in nutrition than rice cereal?
coz i have a lot of rice cereal at home so not starting on porridge yet. dun feel like wasting them.
Garfield/Xiaoyun: Since i couldnt go tomorrow, pls dont bring my stuff for me k! will arrange for another time, thanks!
garfield: i rented both jumperoo and exersaucer before. and shaun loved both! now he can jump in the jumperoo for 45 minutes, can u believe it? it actually depends on whether your bb likes it or not, so it's better if you rent first and try out first. shaun only learned how to jump after 4 days. adn only like exercauser after 3 days.
as for exercauser, shaun loves to eat the toys lor. so lots of his saliva on the toy, hehe.

BJG: who is organising another trial? i wanna go leh!

garfield: katong very far for me hor?i stay at yishun..wah, you taking leave to bring bb to bkkgals' house ah!!

kitsune: really salute u for your persistence..jiayou! pity you cuz your mil and hubby not very supportive. you got our support here ok!
in fact, i psycho my parents right after i delivred liao. and keep quiet only whenever they ask me to supplement FM. my boy is very big size now and i always tell her about the goods of bf, so now she very supportive and always tell my bb to fnish the bottle(bm) and said "your mummy worked very hard pumping milk for u and u must finish ok".cuz i also pumped >1 hour lor eveerytime. and she also made papaya soup for me too. i felt very "xin wei" lor.

Re: walker- shaun also on walker already.he is too active and very inquisitive. my mum cant settle him so got to put him in walker and tie the walker on the table so that he wont go too far.

Re: teething - shaun will scream in teh middle of the night sometiems. very scary.
i think the hbs will not be bored liao. quite a few of them into photography.

they can talk abt cameras WHILE baby sitting for us

*evil laughter*
hope all the babies get well soon...

i don't add salt/soya sauce to my gal's food till she's 2 yr old. and no sugar and oil, too.
thks for the feedback. decided not to buy liao. you are not going tmw? so i don't bring your nestle pack then?

hope shuan gets better really soon.

re: Trumpette socks

Socks are with me !! they are really nice & lovely.. so can pass to u gals tml..

btw, i went to self-collect from her.. so i will refund u & artemis $1.77 each. i pay to u both in cash tml can ? lazy to add payee lah.. =P
Cheryl, the vitamin drops r for infants. my friend recommended to me one. cos her boy very prematured, i think was delivered 28 weeks...had to stay at ICU for 7 weeks, after discharged the dietician prescribed this vitamin drops for her son as his immunity still very low.

i m a nikon person as my previous SLRs r nikons,
Canon DSLR good? got any good deals around?

thks for reminding me that u r already a payee in my account.. keke.. lol

refund for postage done..
To Account POSB Savings
109-37121-1 artemis
Amount S$1.77
Transaction Reference 1873444710

yours, i pay u in cash tml hor.. =P
tat time jeannie tried to ask the organiser, but no reply. nvm, i wait for the next BP, if there is. u going to let erlene wear tmr?
iherb.com- if anyone is doing a spree there, please please count me in can? Please PM me cause I might not check back regularly. million thanks!

yes, they are all 0-12mth.. the socks looks quite small hor, but my erlene has small feet.. keke..
the pink trumpette socks seems to be the smallest but can fit erlene leh (refer to pic)..
hahaha.....jeanie....when are the KM socks coming......

*itchy itchy*

now i having visions of my babycentre spree items coming. jialat. also dunno how i spend almost 100 bucks on the last spree...going to see my items now...
Hi sunny,

I thought so too.

Hi happymum2b,

Aiyo! So cute! I can't wait to get. :D

RE : jumperoo

Maybe Danica is more tomboy but she really enjoys the jumperoo (I bought from Taka Baby Fair). In fact, she jumps so violently, my HB said later the springs break and she fall down how? But the sales person told us can last till baby is 11kg, Danica like only about 3/4 of that.
i think jeannie went genting. not around. u share the mary jane series izit? i think trumpette cuter hor? coz got the tiny ribbon near the toes there. the KM socks like dun have leh...
ya, but for ruth, i think no extra things on the socks better. or else end up in her tummy. she may just rip off the ribbon/flower while biting her socks.

*rolls eyes*

anyway, KM cheaper. heh. by about $1 per pair.
such cutie socks! i have the tippytoes ones, which are only black based. my bb's feet is getting too big for it :p

artemis, i think Forum should have also lah..but i didn't check there. and yes, i would like to get a bottle of Biomega from you if poss? Can you bring tomorrow? I may gatecrash the party
artemis : re baby porridge,

i am worse than you. i don't even use pork bone. my mom buys some lean pork (no fat type) and minced it finely. i just throw rice, minced pork & carrots to cook in slow cooker for 3 hours. it's bland but quite yummy leh. luckily isabel eats it haha. i was also researching some people said red onions make the porridge sweet so i tried that today. for those mommies who use slow cooker - do u cook the porridge and leave it in the slow cooker the whole day, and then reheat for dinner? now i'm worried that the porridge in the slow cooker whole day is bad, cos it's only luke warm - scared breed bacteria.

my mum doesn't use any meat in the porridge (arielle is fully vegetarian for the time being). no seasoning and salt, only the flavour from natural foods. she can eat 3 chinese tablespoons of it.

i think it's probably the flavour of the foods used. you can try the stock suggestion that the mummies have given you.

can still feed cereal even if you have started baby on porridge (just a different meal). i feed cereal cos easier when going outside gai gai or if we want to travel. don't want baby to get used to porridge and reject cereal. otherwise i will have to drag my slow cooker when i travel with her
