(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

xiaoyun, i'm interested in the brightling builders.

as for the exploration station...abit worried about the shipping cost leh.

hi all..been busy with Ruth cuz her cough not getting better. she quite 'manja' these few days and will cry for attention (not the loud loud type - abit more whiny).

Went to doc on Sat and she is weighing in about 8.1kg! Hubby say 'discount' 100gm for the diapers (+urine inside). Still 8kg!

hairclips for babies are so exp. sigh.
my dad wanted to buy this toy - some nursery farm. he was so into it. die die wanted to buy even when we objected. it cost $52 (at mothercare) and he say he dun mind paying for it cuz press every button got song, so many different types of things...ruth sure like.

then my hubby complain say dun wan to spend so much on toy.....

maybe i should use that money and buy the exploration station instead. may be more worth the money?
as mentioned earlier. the shipping cost is about $42.
but i wonder how does other organiser can take in more than 5 sets as it might incur GST when shipping cost is $42.
I think i will order 4 sets first. Then other order separately then see what's the best way to ship the items here.
so, how? you want brightlight builders or exploration station?
ya lah bx...ashlynn will have supermodel figure like u. hah.

i don't think she's very small leh. just right.

ladies, i'm really enjoying ruth so much now. she is so fun to play with and so jovial even when she's coughing so much. just distract her from her ailment and she'll be smiling and chuckling.

yesterday we put her on a sofa at subway (vivo) - at the corner portion so she sits quite well-surrounded. she was just flailing her arms excitedly and laughing. Before that in church, she was in her pram and as my dad push her round, she kept smiling at everyone (strangers). alamak...so happy la. but when she start coughing she will look like she wanna cry - cuz i think she not used to the phelgm.

btw, milk seems to make her phelgm worse. any of your babies had cough? how to make them better? cuz my doc told me at this age, they try not to give strong medication.
hi ladies,

good morning

wow, so glad to see so many of you @ marche on sat. i have uploaded the pictures. so sorry i can't associate the names to the faces... heheheh so some of the names i put down are ti kam wan... paiseh. pls correct me if i'm wrong ok. thanks.


thanks for organising the gathering. are you feeling better liao? o dear how come got blood in phlegm... better see a dr wor. how is vernon today?

wah... thanks for taking the pic for me. hehe can email to me @ [email protected] ?

vinegal, garfield:
o dear.. i forget how both of u look like. arghhh.. i'm v cha. haha
ya slim is good! so long as she is hitting her development milestones and PD is ok with ashlynn's weight =)

let grandpa buy =)
received your email asking for the collection, please check on my address with postal code 410648.
is that ok with you?
if so, please transfer $33.74 to me @ POSB Savings 198-15117-3.

no worries.. take ur time.. =)

wat is ashlynn's weight ? by looking at her, i thot she is heavier (if not the same weight) than erlene..

i think as long as the total purchase including shipping does not exceed S$400, shd not kena GST..
my calculation: (5 sets x S$34) + (5 x S$42 shipping) = S$380
tats y can buy up to 5 sets oso no prob ? =P

mine is GRANDMA MADNESS, keke..
my mum loves to buy stuff for my kids.. clothes lah, toys lah, etc..
the recent "bulkiest" toy she got is a battery-operated motorbike for my son 2nd bday !
those type u saw in the playground where u pay $3 for a 15 min ride tat kind..
my hb & i wanna faintz when we 1st saw it.. wonder how she tug it home though.. nevertheless, we appreciate her gesture..

3rd row from bottom, the 1st pic from left, tat is vine_gal & not mi.. keke..
ok, just email u the pic..
aiyah. so sad to miss the gathering.

i was at White Dog Cafe with Hubby and Ruth and kept thinking about all of you...

But resisted cuz Ruth coughing. last thing i want is for your babies to 'kana' cough then i will feel guilty man.

looking forward to NEXT gathering!
'grandma' has different craze - likes to buy things to doll up girl. she bought comb n brush set, ask me to buy hairclips or rubber bands..but she don't like those 'headband' (like the ones u made for ur girl that time u put the picture). cuz we have one (hand me down) and put on ruth and she feel ruth don't 'suit' that kind of look.

both grandparents like to buy things for ruth - cuz they say she cute n good girl.

but my hubby whole day complain cuz we recently spent a lot of money (i'm keeping my SPREEs spreadsheet to myself for now - spent WAY too much liao!)

yes. 5 sets should have no problem.
but i saw the organiser - koala limit to 6 sets.
i was also thinking about the packing.
if ordering 5 sets, there might be some empty space in the box.
hence, was thinking 4 + 2 sets may be good? :p
she is 7.1kg @ 6mth 2weeks. erlene?

wah, ruth is like almost 1 kg heavier than ashlynn although they same age. aiya, u missed the gathering. bkkgal and i mentioned about u coz all our babies born on same day
(u got sneeze coz we toking abt u? keke...)
haha.. i guessed it is their way of expressing their love to ruth. my hb is also always complaining to me tat my mum spent alot of money & our hse are getting v cramped with more toys but it's so hard to ask them not to buy right ? =P

6 sets huh.. i m worried it may exceed $400 leh..
i will update erlene's weight tml after her jab..

i vaguely remembered her last weight taken was ard 6.1 kg a few weeks ago..
more pple said my girl looks like me. for shawn, most pple said looks like daddy. but hor, i don't think either of my kids look like me leh. keke. feel more like a combi of me and hubby. i like your gal gal's hat too. very very sweet.

it's okie. me thot of popping over to your side. but by the time i came back to marche (i left to look for thankful), everyone's gone except for artemis, leila and blueginger. saw ur gervaise with daddy a few times when i went to recce for food. hee.. feel like carrying gervaise but dare not ask ur hubby for permission. next time, k?

i saw u, erlene and ervin when i arrived. a while later, saw a crying ervin (what happened?) and thereafter didn't see you anymore.

thanks for taking the photos! my girl's name is spelt as "Cherylin"

hope ruth gets well soon. shawn have cough quite frequently. so far, think had it 2 to 3 times already (for my girl, i don't remember her having it so frequently). PD said my boy has sensitive skin like his daddy, so will be prone to cough. usually he needs to cough real hard (and that means we will be very heartpain to hear that kind of cough) to 'vomit' out the phelgm. his cough takes abt 2 weeks on average to fully recover.

Re: gathering
hope to have a mass gathering again soon. i think marche at vivo is a great place. perhaps can earmark that as the default venue (but may get sick of the food?) unless we plan to go to someone's place?

Re: discovery ball
it's an interesting toy. even my girl, whose 3.5yrs old, likes to play with it. she enjoys listening to the music.
both my kids were crying badly not long after we arrived.. for erlene, i guessed she cried becos she see alot of strangers and there were too many pple.. as for ervin, i guessed he was tired as he woke up early at 6am tat morning, not enuf rest so cranky lor..
tat day was the 1st time i see erlene cried so much.. so much tears from her.. kekeke..
but once the kids are outside of Marche, they calm down alot.. erlene totally stopped crying & started to laugh & play with my helper..
ervin was still crying abit & insisted to be carried all the way till my hb came to fetch us..

re: discovery ball
haha.. meant to get for erlene but her kor kor seems to enjoy it v much..
hope its not too worn out by the time erlene can play wif it.. =P
kitsune.. got received my pm?

lezy.. emailed you.

BX and happymum.. think gwen can join in the competition.. she was 7.2 kg last thurs. Slimmer now after our horrendous genting trip.. sigh.

BX.. i think only gwen's head is bigger than ashlynn.. :p BTw, ashlynn.. is so pretty, so dainty.
jass - thanks for the photos
it's good to have faces to go with the nicks.

lezy - i know what you mean. i am enjoying isabel a lot more now than when she was small. when small, she everyday cry cry cry we never know why. now she's such a happy baby. right now she is playing by herself in her exersaucer, when she turns around & sees me her smile is so big and she will start jumping up n down and chuckling. it's like their personality starts to come out.

re: porridge (again). i usually cook with one chinese spoonful of porridge and 1 spoonful of minced pork. now my mom says like that not 'sweet' enough must put more pork in to season the porridge, dont eat never mind...
BX..dun worry...my boy will be the lightest.

At 6 mths 2 weeks James was only 7.03 kg. And he's a boy! Dr Keoy said he was light but no cause for worry as he's not too far off from the average of 7.3kg. And moreoever he is VERY active so in some way contributes to his slim size. I also stop worrying..as long as he's happy and active its fine.

Glad you all had a good time last Sat..was thinking of you and your babies. But James is still leaking from the nose..better not pass the germs around. Many babies, even adults around me are sick! So try to avoid shopping centers and air-con places...breeding grounds for germs coz the air is stale. Got an aunt who's a pd..and she says a lot of babies are sick.
happymum.. sigh.. tiring trip..

firstly, cause gwen was already sick when we drove up.. then normally she is very well-behaved in the car but on our way up.. halfway.. she cried a lot, struggled in the car seat even when we carried her.. she was still crying refused to settle down till we stopped the car and get off the car..i think maybe she doent like to be cooped in the car..

When we reached genting, she was ok but when we went back to theh hotel room, she couldnt sleep the whole night..she was so tired and fell asleep on my hubby's shoulders but the moment we tried to put her on the bed.. she will cry and cry w her eyes closed. We cant even sit on the bed.. so in the end, we took turns to carry her the whole night, sleeping while standing.. think my hubby suffered the most. Dunno why.. she seems to cry more often.

The second day was slightly better she could be playing o the bed for like 1 hr with pp around her and then suddenly cry and became inconsolable. Sigh.. a bit unpredictable. Always want to be carried and dosnt wnat to stay in her pram.. will whine.. and sniff like very ke lian.

Worst thing is.. i forgot to bring my desitin up!!!! I only have drapolene with me.. and by the 3rd day when we were preapring to leave genting.. i saw that she got very serious nappy rash.. chafed skin.. swollen.. looks very painful and she cried everytime we change her diapers. I think she is allergic to drapolene. We were so upset cause it must be very painful whenever she pee or poo.. imagine raw chafed skin..feels so tender to the touch cause so swollen.

Even when we reach singapore, the whole of yesterday, she demanded to be carried.. and i need to finish my work so it was really a stressful weekend for me and my hubby. Must really salute my hubby, he took care of her for the bulk of the time..

Overall... its a tiring trip.. think i have to wait a long time before i bring her out again.
lezy and oscar... understand what u all meant but during this journey i just realised.. my gwen she is so active.. and so zhou lor aka rough.. aiyoh.. she can scram at the top of her voice ans kick thngs arouns, shake her leg while drinking milk on the pram.. rough playing..

Erm.. frankly speaking, i always thought she is a quiet ger... but this 1 months.. her personality has revealed otherwise.. .. i still love her but now i am having thoughts abt the second one..
Anybody went for the baby girl contest on Sunday morning Eastpoint?

Disappointed with how the organiser organised. Lots of mummies also angry and disappointed. It's only for first 150 people. If they choose 50babies before 80. Then the next 81 onwards can go home liao. Lots of mummies, daddies and babies brave the fiery hot sun outside waiting for their turn. So those mummies whom want to participate in the coming 1-3years old Toddlers Boys, better get yourself prepared to wait very long and not be able to be in the contest before judging.
yah, me and bx were tokking abt you. Pity, next time ok?

thanks for taking the pics! must have another gathering again fun!

no lah, MIL cannot come today and tomorrow so I take leave to stay home lor.

You all know right, my Kate HATES HATES HATES her pram. That day at marche, I thot maybe she might like to try other pp's pram but NO, she see pram oni CRY and damn LOUD too.

OK. So today, me and hb bring her to Parkway early in the morning, nobody there right? So we thot ok we bring alot of toys, put her in the pram, aircond so cool air, nobody around to hear her scream. The minute we put her down.. she SCREAMED PP DOWN!!!!! Nevermind, we persist.

Hb run up and down outside Giant and try to distract her. I oso run next to him shake the rattle in her face, shake her monkey but no, she refuses to stop.

Hb says we cannot give up. If pick her up, she will associate - Scream loud = Pick up.

So, he goes into Giant with her, try to distract with some grocery shopping. Meantime, I go and pick up our stuff cos she look at me, will give me "ke lian" look and cry loudly.

20 minutes later, hb very pissed look cos every aunty and ah ma in giant scolded him for letting bb cry. One ah ma even tried to snatch bb from pram and carry her!!! *faint* worse still, we went to the customer service counter, the girl there said to my girl "why, your papa cannot handle you ah?"

WAAAAHHHH, my hb blew his top man! he said I am just training her to sit in her pram! and then the girl apologised sorry sorry, hurt your hb's feelings. LOL!

Anyway, after 30 minutes, he picked her up and carry but she still continue sobbing, crying, whining and then I carry her she stop for a while but after i tok to her in stern voice asking her why she cried so loud, she cry lagi LOUDER so prove her point!

How mommies? HOw? I'm out of ideas liao. only way is every weekend early morning, go to EXPO, and pram train her there. Nobody to hear her scream. no Aunties to bug us.
re: babycenter spree
we've hit 4 sets of the exploration station. (with 1 mummy not confirm cos haven't TT).

upon request, i would open up drugstore spree to make use of the $5 off for $50 order coupon and consolidate with the babycenter items.
anyone wants desitin or 1st teeth?
$41 slots available.

wa.. take care.
Playdate tomorrow
Erm...so is it just me and Gar tomorrow? Anyone else? if lidat, maybe we go PP and have coffee, then Oscar can join us.
bkkgal, same thing we refused to carry her when she was crying in the hotl.. we wanted her to learn that she has to sleep on the bed and not our shoulders.. We even lefther in the pram and face the pram away from us.. in the end she was quite stubborn.. cried and cried and cried.. and vomitted all her milk out and continued to cry.. what can we do .. carry her lor....
is it because she doesnt wanna be left alone and feel insecured? if you use those pram which is rear facing, meaning, the baby is able to see you when pushing, is she ok with that kind of pram?
bkkgal - why those aunties all so kaypo lol. your poor hubby. my hubby also says the same thing.. if we pick her up while she's screaming then she will forever know that she must scream so loud then she will get picked up. this training thing is so painful. i must say though, that your kate really sounds very 'ke lian' when she cries, like super major why u ill-treat me type of cry.... heartpain. your pram can adjust to more vertical seat / more horizontal etc? can try varying it? put her monkey in the pram? last time when isabel din like her pram my friend tried putting a nappy in the pram before letting isabel lie in it. maybe can try. another place to pram train her- airport t3?
cry until vomit? oh no....

with the sleeping, we cold turkey her. cos that time after we came back from overseas trip, she started waking up 3-4 times a night and during the trip, becos i was so tired and wanted to just shut her up, i nursed her to sleep and she basically used me as pacifier loh. in the hotel, also we carried her and rock her to sleep.

came back, we couldn't tahan so decided one night, we must cold turkey

First night - cry 1 hour non-stop until so tired, she fell asleep. during that hour, i went in 3 times to pat pat her and tell her to be good and go to sleep, put pacifier in mouth.

Second night - cry, stop, look at the door, cry, stop, look at door, 30 minutes. I went in twice.

third night - cry, stop, cry, stop, sleep. Went in once.

fourth night - ngeh ngeh, sleep. didn't go in.

Now - sleep from 8/9pm til 5/5.30 am. Even if she cried, I think me and hb too tired, never hear, so she learn to go back to sleep. heh!

It can be done but must do so gradually, always reassure her that you are with her, carry her if you must but once she stops crying, put her down. even if she starts crying once she feels you leaning over to put her down, continue to put her down, put paci in mouth and leave. then come back again 15 minutes later.
you and me got "hard hearted" hbs. I think if they leave us to our own devices, isabel and kate will rule our lives. heehehehe!

yeah, her pram can incline and can lie down flat one. only cannot face us. I think she face us will probably cry even louder leh...that time tried oscar's pram that faced us, oso cry.

T3's a good idea...worth a shot...tired can go and eat swensen's to console ourselves. haiz.
oh bkkgal,
that's a disaster..
have you tried kitsune's method on her carseat? putting her favorite toy there then transfer over?
cannot blame those a ma lah. they all couldn't bear to let bb cry for so long.

take my MIL as an example. she will pick bb up and pat pat whenver she start whining and making eh eh sound.
hai... told my PIL and hb that it's time to discipline her but no one can resist themselves picking her up whenever she shows us the pitiful look.

why she doesn't like pram so much huh?
she likes the sling, right? can you try to put the sling on the pram and let her sit on it?
what will happen?
so sorry to hear tat.. was the bad nappy rash developed during the trip ?
beside the long travelling time and unfamiliar environment, i guessed the bad nappy rash also make the situation worse..

i understand how u feel cos ervin was also super cranky when we brought him out.. i remembered he cried so badly on the night of my sister wedding dinner until he tired himself & fell asleep on the bed at the bridal suite. as a result, we attended the dinner at abt 9pm plus, even later than the bride.. lol

but as they grow older, they will be easier to handle.. maybe u would like to wait for gwen to be ard 2-3 yrs old & decide if u wan to hv #2..
hmm...ruth only 'liked' the pram from about 2.5-3months onwards. Before that everytime we try to put her in, she will cry. But we kept trying in shopping centre. She loves to 'gai-gai' so i guess it was associated with it.

before that we use a baby carrier.

sorry can't quite help to figure out why ...
my hb also attempts to be "hard hearted", but i think he cannot tahan my gal's pitiful cry. me even worse - my heart is made of marshmallow. so unfortunately the BABE rules my household lor...=P

must ask berry for advice =) she has these great ideas on how to handle baby even though they cry a lot.

berry berry where are you??
