(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

i'm so sorry to mis the gathering...though i did see Qingling and Xiaoyun...heh.

My hb, ruth and I were at vivo, but ruth was still coughing so i thought it may be abit inconsiderate for us to bring her there to play and spread to other babies.

i did go up to get the calendula cream from xiaoyun...

really wanna meet up with some of u. hopefully ruth better soon and can make it for playdates.

hello all, tks Cheryl for organising the gathering.

hope bb vernon & ruth gets better ya.

so many mummies/bbs/daddies.hehe. first time joined such a major gathering,was a bit lost too, my shy hubby just kept eating..haha. gd to say hi to everyone and the cute bbs!!even though i tink i "tried" to rem all names but its quite hard..haha..maybe someone can post the pictures and "name" the people.i will find some time to upload the video!

Stephie - we shld hold a west side gathering/playdate la..haha..all mummies hosting gathering seem to be more in the east. swimming at your condo..keke..
i think all the hbs were a little overwhelmed seeing so many mummies and babies under 1 roof! haha, my hb said this was the biggest one he's been to. wait til we do the Big Birthday Bash for next year! are we? *cross fingers* hope we do :p
really nice meeting up with all of you! all the babies are so cute and adorable

thank you cheryl for doing a great job in organising. the gathering turned out very well.
hi mummies,
re: Marche gathering
sigh, wat a pity that i can't stay longer.. wanted to see more babies and wanna have lunch there too..

but at least i still get to see babies..

arielle so adorable, keep looking in my eyes..

i like elise's hat.. so sweet..

matthew so guai & "co-operating" when i took pic..
ur "quan jia fu" pic v nice..

vaise hair looks shorter.. did u cut his hair recently ?

i love kate's big red headband !

love ur gal's dress..

no chance to play with carrie cos she was seated inside and my 2 kids started to get cranky liao..

garfield/jass/snowbelle/dor, have some of ur pics taken from my hp.. let me know if u wan me to email u gals the pics okie..

Cheryl, thanks for organising the gathering. Really an opportunity to meet up different mummies and see so many cutes pretty gals and handsome boys!
xiao yun,

nice meeting u.


i've collected the clothes fm ur mum & saw ur boy.

handsome and friendly boy! my boy make friend with him too.


take care. must go see doc.
Yen: Hi yea my mum say yr boy very cute and small size (very envy) cos Julian quite heavy! hehe

Cheryl: Is it too heaty? Really must take care esp now weather so bad. Lots of ppl down with flu and cough.
Pm u alr. Tks

Tks 4 organising the gathering! The place we had was really nice. A cosy area jus for all of us. Wish u n vernon hv a speedy recovery!

Ya, those mini gatherings all organised by east mummies. Most welcome to the swimming pool at my plc.

U left v early. No wonder i din c u later on.

U din brg ur gal along?
got it from BKK. If you go, I tell you where to get cheap hair accessories ;>

aiyah, you all yday tok tok abt SLR and then Gar sent me pics taken from her hb's DSLR, now my hb oso wan one!! jialat.
Cheryl, thanks a lot for organising the gathering! Hope Vernon will recover soon.

Really happy to see everyone after so many months (since last Dec) and with all babies out of our bellies :p

We got 3 winners who have the thickest hair... envy-envy...

your kids all look like you... like photocopy one...

I like your girl's hair clip, so matching with her clothes... too bad, she scared of me... can't play with her... wonder what did dor do... she let her carried leh...

I like Kate's hair band too!

I learnt new way of carrying my girl from your hb... superman style! Your girl so smart, know how to hold her own milk bottle... I must start training my girl liao...
so good to see so many babies...
esp the gals... thy made me so jealous of the socks n the cute cute dresses they wore.

my gal din come along cos she went shopping with my mum... sori din go over as i am in the super engorge mood(din express before coming)

re:kate's hair band
yes!!! veri cute.... my hb was amazed with the carrier that yr hb is wearing

garfield, she really lived to her nick"ah pui"

thanks for all the pic taken
cheryl/mrs loh - how come suddenly so bad? didnt sound so bad when we saw you on sat. take care - drink lots water & barley. and thanks so much for organising.

re: silverfish/ikan bilis being too salty - i read in some weaning book that you can soak the silverfish or ikan bilis in milk to take away the excess salt. for me, i don't bother, because i put very little of the powder in the porridge - maybe only 1/4 teaspoon, so i think it's ok. but it sounds like a good idea to use the silver fish and cook stock for porridge.. shall try.

re: porridge, today i tried pumpkin & apple porridge. read it in some website - sounded nice. steam and mash up the pumpkin & apple, then stir in the porridge. my gal kept gagging and wanting to 'vomit' it out. i suspect she don't like sweet stuff. sigh. anymore ideas for porridge pls post. this week i will try sweet corn, broccoli, and maybe peas.
thanks! she must have been drawn to aunty may's happy face and warm smiles! =)

erlene is such a sweet angel. now i know what you mean after meeting her!

ya lor, i oso dunno why. she's only 7.7kg, probably abt 500g heavier than most of the other baby gals. i think she has "look fat" genes *shake head*

hee...i was just thinking of adding apple to porridge too! sorry, no recipe to share. me v lousy, one recipe cook 4 days. so far in one week only two recipes and you have tried both liao =P
could it be the pieces are too big? first time i fed my bb fish porridge also he threw up a bit then after that don't want, but later in the evening he ate up everything, so we figure he just choked the first time. your pumpkin apple porridge, wonder if can be lazy and just dump everything into the porridge to cook instead of steaming first? ;)

if you cook apple, does it turn brown?

my MIL made some for me already, she just wash (she say wash can, no need to soak) then she grind. she say not salty, but then the family eat q salty things, hee. so think i just use a little bit for some flavour.
today my gal fussy le. didn't check forum until now.

fed her papaya and apple today. she loves papaya.
planning to give her banana tomorrow.
hehe... all because she cried until tears come out when pooing on Fri night and Sat morning.
now the kan cheong mummy fed her all kinds of fruits.
also, replaced part of her rice cereal to barley too.
hope things goes well...
ya. in fact, she doesn't have much chance to play with the bbs around.
sleepy head lah.
she played with Ashlynn and Kate Lynn i think.
Can i knw how does lao beijing does the silver fish dish...i've never tried it there b4. Btw,
i cooked porridge with fresh silver fish, carrot and peas today. Tastes pretty ok but personally i like the threadfin porridge better. Nonetheless, my son gulp up all the porridge...so i am v happy of course, effort not wasted
but now worried that he's not drinking enuf milk cos' ever since i've intro solids, he much prefers solids. eg for breakfast, i will attempt to give him 120ml of FM but he takes only 40ml and strongly rejects the balance. And in a few mins when i offer him cereal, he happily eats it all up. I really wonder whether i shd b happy or sad over his interest in solids. or is he manipulating mummy!!!!! Hmmmmmm.....

I've tried cooked apple but put into rice cereal. Tastes ok...at least to me n my son seems pretty alright with it. I wonder if i shd try the pumpkin and apple porridge too...thinking of trying celery, potato and pumpkin 2morrow for his lunch.

I've tried steaming apples and pureeing it. I find it doesn't turn brown as easily as uncooked apples leh...
ah ok.. when i try and scrape/mash the raw apple, it starts to brown when i haven't even finished mashing! so annoyed ;) u steam it whole or cut?
i cut into big chunks then steam...

xiao yun,
if u dun mind, if the discovery ball comes back into stk, cld u let me knw? M still keen
bkkgal, i also wan to know where to get cheap hair accessories for my gal
. i go quite often for work. but now political chaos, so dun dare to go.
Good morning mommies!
Hope you had a great weekend! Am on leave today and tomorrow..hehe...gonna go and run my errands..

Xiaoyun, your bb very guai lah...we all envious! she can sleep anywhere! Mine can only really sleep in dark room, cot, A/C...sigh...very jialat when have to go travelling.

Hair accessories
Qingling, you know Siam Square? In SS, there's a shop, which is stuffed two floors FULL of hair clips, bands, brush, ribbons, earrings, rubber bands, etc etc, you will see alot of school girls walking in and out. Hairbands between 15-20 baht, scrunchies 25baht. Aiyah, can go mad one lah. The shop is near the STarbucks (which is in its own building, not to be confused with the Kasikorn bank Starbucks). Lemme see if can find namecard.

But you really have time in BKK, should go to Pahurat...It's accessories WHOLESALE haven there. Very "luan" but if patient and have time to look, can find good stuff.
i was joking with dor that my gal sleep anywhere because she's in daddy's arms -- too bored. :p
you on leave today and tomorrow ah? clearing leave?

ok. i signed up for the notification @ babycenter.
whenever the stock arrives, i will be notified.

re: babycenter spree
anyone interested?
hope can order today.
My boy more chinese. Eat rice or porridge. Sat he only eat pizza. Pizza abit hard also. Almost lots of dishes are $15+. Only afew dishes at $6+

If you are ordering the discovery ball, keep me in the loop also.

Stopping BF
A few mummies stop or going to stop BF soon. I try and skip 1day without pumping. The next day I pump out cos of lumps. Instead of reducing, it cames up to 110ml! If I pump once a day, it's only around 50ml. Scratching my head now and wondering like that when I can really stop.
Morning ladies..

i have emailed the gathering photos to you..

i saw u & ur family coming when i was about to leave.. no chance to say hello.. lol

thks for the lobang for hair accessories in bkk..

re: baby weight
sigh, after carrying some of ur babies, i think erlene is the lightest one..
will be bringing her to take her 3rd jab tml and will update her weight then..
why does Erlene's 3rd jab so late?
7 month?
anyway, petite is good. easy to carry.

we are now scared that carrie will grow to heavy until no more strength to carry.
exploration station
i got mine from spree. cost me only $72 around there including shipping charges.

discovery ball was around $35 somewhere there.
thanks for your assurance.
yup. it should be around this number.
$22.49 x 1.5 = 33.74
shipping $42

total is ~ $76

heard that singapore selling $149.
when i was abt to bring erlene for 3rd jab when she was 6 mth, she caught a flu. then my mum told me to wait for another week b4 we bring her for the jab.. so hv to post pone the date till tml..
thanks for the pics! received it already =) i need to download the pics from hb's cam to send to you. will try to do it tonight.

same weight but looks slim. so no worries.

exploration station,
is the toy v bulky? i have no space to keep her toys so need to be v selective nowadays
for my gal, she's chubby on her cheeks but slim on her body.

light is good...

re: exploration station
from the picture. it's a bit bulky. same height as a bb when sitting.
from the shipping info, it's 3x of the brightling builders.
