(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

xiao yun
too bad u didn't buy earlier! i bought my exploration station for $22.49, but $26.99 is still wu hua since it's selling for SGD$129 here! am still waiting for mine to be shipped back

you bought during the 15% sale is it? i am not getting la. cos i bought the brightling builders liao
anyway, the mummy requested to have this spree is joining another organiser since the response here not good. :p
** babycentre spree closed **
Why is it the men don't feel the same angst as us? In this day and age, where education and income levels are equalling up, and in fact, some women earn more than men, why is it the mothers who feel this career/family dilemma more than the men? Is it in our genetic makeup that makes us more nurturing and gives us the need to want to give up everything for our children?
i dunno oso...maybe it has something to do with the fact that men only contribute their sperm but women actually go thru 9 months to bear and delivery the kid. hehe....
things that i've given up:
window shopping
computer/PS games
TV time
newspaper time
my smooth hands (no need to wash so many bottles previously... )
half of my bedroom

wah dianA, you ask this type of question.....get me very worked up man.....hahahahaha...

worked up as in - i wanna type a lot of things again. LOL. but goin for meeting soon so ermm...let the others have a go.

eh, how come today so quiet. heh.
hmm maybe both nature and culture make us more suited to look after bbs? i'm sure if our hbs stay at home to look after bb while one of us goes to work, other pple will think it's weird.
i think as women we are very lucky, becuase we get the best of both worlds - we can choose to stay home or choose to go out to work.
xiao you: your 1/2 of your bedroom is vy funny... haha ;p

lezy: oopz :x

for me:
* my time with my 2 chihuahuas (they were my precious b4 the bb came)

* indulgences like splurging on skin care, cosmetics, clothes, shoes, bags, going for spas, pedicure, etc...
(but instead now i indulge on SPREE !! ;p hahhaha.... at least still have a venue to release stress... )

to console myself -- see no point splurging on expensive skin care products now cos no matter how good they claimed to be, with the amt of zzz i get, don't think any product can help... panda... panda... panda...

and also, nowadays priority is bb, when going out hv to pack her stuff and get her ready, no time even to make up....

* only had time to read Sunday newspapers

* meeting up with friends (me and friends only)

* TV time

* time for myself (doing nothing, walking around the house, stoning, spacing out......)

* lesser travelling for business (there goes my shopping in Japan.....)

but then again.. everyday when i stepped in the house and see my bb flapping her hands n feet and smiling at me... aiyo... all the "give ups" are worth it ah!!! ;p
yeah, pp thot my hb "eat soft rice" when he accompanied me on overseas posting. he became the "spouse" on post haha. Our parents objected alot.. Back then, if only i had a kid...

wah..your question...here's my list:
1) figure *sob sob*
2) tv time - all those episodes of house, CSI unwatched!
3) couple holiday - no more happy happy take a short trip to Phuket, hua hin
4) exercise time - which contributes to No. 1)
i bring the bouncer or learning station (like jumperoo) to the kitchen if i need to wash clothes or prepare her meal. talk to her while i do my things. there was once i left her alone in her bouncer, but she flipped head down, now don't dare to leave her out of my sight.

if i need to do work, i put her on the bumper mat in the study room. she play with her toys while i steal some time to do a bit of work. can't do much cos she will always be venturing in dangerous stunts, so i gotta go stop her.
Hi june,

Danica used to be so clingy too. I had a hard time training her to play on her own. Perhaps you can try this: When Jerome is in a good mood, you leave him to play alone with his toys on his playmat/play gym and tell him you are going to leave him to do something. e.g. "Mummy's going toilet for 5 minutes." then leave him. If he protests, come back in and say in a joking manner "Wah! Mummy cannot even go toilet for 5 minutes?" Calm him down then repeat. If he doesn't protest come back in the stated time and slowly increase the intervals. But must remember to always go to him when he crys, always be happy in tone and action when you come back and when you "leave". He should also be in a good mood when you are trying this. (Fed and changed also)
yup, me thinking of getting a DSLR. my fren told me parisilk's price is quite good. so near to your place. like xiaoyun, i dun hv a budget too. if the 3 of us really getting, then probably can bargain for a good deal!

re gathering at HV, me ok with fri nite. but may not be convenient for other mummies hoh...

hihi..long time didnt' hear from you. do come more often whenever you can

i think the coy you work in is very impt. i count myself lucky that i got promoted during both times when i went on maternity leave. joked with frens that my kids are my lucky stars. and since i'm not going to have #3, there goes my promotion in future. haha. anyway, i'm not ambitious to begin with. like lezy, enuf $ to spend can already. earn less then just spend less loh. 知足常乐
bkkgal... re:playdate, urhm i am allergic to cat fur.. pai seh. means cant make it to your place. u ladies go ahead & tell us how it went k? and i was looking forward to seeing your baby again!

eliaw - weekly wed playdate. me lor, i am keen. been trying to jio pple for weekly coffee sessions at parkway but got busy then forgot to finishing jio-ing. u prefer a PLAY date (as in baby can crawl/roll/play freely), or coffee sessions?
agree that the co that we are working with is very important, and the most important is a good supervisor. :D i m very lucky indeed. during my 1st maternity leave, the nursing room was set up, that y i can bf my gal for 18 mths. then, during my 2nd pregnancy, despite my high frequency of taking MC, i got promoted. :p
and now, my boss allowed me to work from home half a day, 3 days in a week for a period of time!

wah, what a qn. lots of sacrifices after having kids. other than working, all my time is for my kids.... there's no more ME...
Gar, remember I was prepared to go part time already but my boss ask me to hold my plans? I thought since not promoted again, might as well take the time and enjoy my daughter lor. Then my boss who has been putting me up for promotion unsuccessfully so many times decided to quit and she think now it is my best chance at it. Like it or not, I've got to slog extra hard including burn weekends for events cos need to take over my boss's duties and slog until end of the year unless I am willing to forego my year end bonus and quit now. So, either way, I got to 'piah' then might as well get that promotion and make it worthwhile. But at the same time, feel very guilty towards my daughter lor because I agree about missing out on the golden years thingy. Sigh. dilemma.

sunny, you are so lucky, my boss who has been understanding so far is quitting and I don't know how my new boss will be. :p

Poor vernon. Cheryl, if you want, can try cordeceps, my cousin tried that for both her kids, stops them from having cough and phelgm for long term. But very ex lor, hopefully after olympics, prices have dropped.
Is this sat outing at vivo? SMS ok.

I have a DSLR. but I left it on the shelf after having my girl. No photo session with her cos she wanna scratch the lens. I heartpained cos the lens alone already close to $1K.
long time no see? How are u? bUSY with your boy?
My girl oso like to be carried around cos the grandmother always carry her since newborn.
I have to speak firmly with her. They understand you at this age.

Fall from bed.
MY girl fell from my bed which is slightly below my waist height. Wow. Heartpained.
take care..

long time no see. joining us for gathering?

re: nestle goodie bag
i finally received my email for collection. at Harbor Front. hehe... then can collect on Sat.
must print out the email to show? no access to printer today le.
oscar, shucks! was looking forward to seeing you and Isabel! maybe we can meet at Garfield's place on Sat 13 Sep?

Mrs Loh, Vernon quite prone to colds.. I rem the last time he oso kenna runny nose and flu? The weather crazy these days. We must take care of our babies and keep them warm.
poor vernon, hope he gets well soon!

so lucky to hv such understanding bosses / corporate culture! can strive for num 3 hee hee

i can see your dilemma *pat pat* ya if need to work hard either way, then might as well get the promotion and be paid for it!! altho, i do recall your hb quite supportive of your being full time or part time SAHM right?

so i think now you have three options (a) stay on, work hard and go for the promotion or (b) do part time or (c) quit. what does hb say?
huh.. babycenter spree for exploration station is closed ?
i saw it yest morng but no time to browse as i took 1/2 day off in the aftn..
saw 1 spree going on.. will order from there..

btw, do u wan me to help u print the email to collect ur nestle goodie bag ?
for those going to marche for the outing tomorrow, think toy'r'rus star card got 10% discount there. Enjoy yourselves..

cheryl, my boy still not fully recover too. Its been 2 weeks alrady. Hope vernon gets better soon.
Hi cheryl,

You take care okay? Must be quite heart pain to see Vernon sick.

Hi blueginger,

Aiyo... To take the words of my MIL: Children need a few knocks and falls to grow up. But I know is really heartpain for Mummy when the child wails in pain.

RE : Nestle Goodie Box

I got my email also and already collected :p The cereal dispenser already in use today cause my HB going to meet clients today and need to send Danica and the maid to my PIL's place.

RE : Running nose

Danica is also having runny nose. Then cause she refuses to let us wipe her nose, she ends up looking like Ah Dai from La Bi Xiao Xing. :p

I probably should not have brougt her swimming on Monday but she really enjoyed it and I had bundled her up warmly after (so much that she perspired). Not sure if I should bring her to see a doctor cause she is otherwise fine. What do you gals think?

RE : solid feeding

Turns out that Danica does not like to lie on the bouncer to eat cereal. Once we put her on the Bumbo seat, she will look up to take cereal from the spoon and only protest to come out after she is full.

I tried porridge with carrots and pork but she did not like it. I tried it myself and found it awfully bland. Is it okay to add a little salt for taste or it is a total no no? If no salt then can add what to make it more savoury?
i think cannot add salt. no good for our babies little kidneys.
maybe u can try boiling water with pork ribs and carrots then use the stock to cook the porridge? i am no cook myself, but i imagine this is how it should be done.
my mum puts a few drops of soy sauce for taste.
i say 'few drops' cuz depends on the portion u cooked.

if very little then maybe just 1-2 drops.

wah so many of u bring swimming. me also want (to put the bikini my friend bought to good use - but need it to be sunny and hot. or else i think i need to get like...a wetsuit of sorts!?

what do your babies wear?

where to get swimming diapers? or just go in without diaper?

i thought of letting ruth eat some mild vitamins. she has been getting cough and running nose - but she's still cheerful.

ruth also not very keen on her rocker nowadays. prefers to sit upright in bumbo or high chair or walker.

I GOT MY MAT yesterday! So nice
no regrets
Have you tried homeopathic medicines? Kate had blocked nose for 2 weeks. See PD, get medi, didn't work. I tried this NatraBio for Cold and Flu and it worked like a charm. The instruction is to put 0.5ml under the tongue every 3-4 hrs and it clears. I only used on Kate once at night before bedtime and it cleared in 3 days. Her nose cleared in no time. I saw this mommy at Paragon Vitakids buying like 3, 4 bottles so I thot can try. You might wanna give it a shot?
anybody bought the 13mm Asobang Yellow (the 2100 by 1400) bear bumper mat? i bought this 2nd one to put at mum's place and realised that the indent stays quite long b4 disappearing. previously i had one LG one at home, no such problem. is this mat faulty or this brand is like that one?

re:vitamins for infants.
i just started my kids with this vitamin drop: Rx Polyvitamins , can get from Pharmacy, i bought at KKH for about 9.80 per box. 1ml each day.
they say can boost babies immunity so they dun fall sick so easily.
stephie eyeing on Cannon 450D. For those who is interested in DSLR, it is a very expensive hobby. Lens,flash,camera bag, tripod. U need a few thousands to shot a baby.

Count me in if there is a gathering at your place on 13 sept. I should be in the east end of next week. Dun think can make it for next Tuesday gathering.

The lens in Canon 450D package cannot really project baby well, but this camera is sure to take sharp image. u need to invest on a flashlight n marco lens.
I'll see if my hubby will agree to bring the DSLR tomorrow and perhaps try to shoot the babies ok?

No promises la...depends on his mood tonight when i ask him. Taking pic no problem...it's the editing that takes time :p

re camera
my hb says nikon is better for moving objects (so babies fall into this category). for scenary type of shots canon is better.

i will ask my hb to bring his nikon tmw and then we can shoot and compare hehe
