(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

erm...maybe Ruth soudns like a real brat to u all...but it's a MIRACLE if she sits through a meal. Really.

Most of our meals, we all take turns going out to play with her and etc. It's good that she can eat whatever we eat (if it's not too oily or salty) but sitting there and eating doesn't last for long. After eating, the most she will sit still is to drink some water and zoom! she's off again.

We are not one of those families that can sit at a table and finish a meal slowly and happily one. But I've gotten used to it also la. It helps that my hub is quite willing to take her and play with her since I'm one who likes to enjoy my food - while he just gobbles it.

It super helps to have my parents around cuz it's easier for everyone to enjoy their food when there's 4 ppl to rotate the 'walking' duties. hahaha.
no lah, A is also like Ruth.

usually i will be responsible for feeding her while hb wolves down his own meal. if she likes her meal, will usually finish in about 10 to 15mins. then hb will take over and play or walk her. then it's my turn to eat almost always cold food (i usually order something she will eat and that will be my meal as well).

so our meals are also always very rush rush. and it's good that your parents are around. helps a lot to have more pple to entertain the little one.
Gar, cold food sounds so familiar whether we are eating outside or cooking at home. But with the maid, it helps cos at least we can hand off the 'feeding' duties when she gets distracted so that we can eat lukewarm food. But if we are outside, because I'm always the hungry, preggie one, my hubby and maid will feed RaeAnne first while I eat first and help to cut the food into bite size for RaeAnne.

XY, so good, Carrie can sleep so early. Yesterday, RaeAnne slept at 11pm again. She did seem sleepy but around 10pm, she make ng ng sounds so brought her to toilet. End up only gas and no poo poo. Bring her back to bed, got to start all over again. By 1045pm, she was cranky and sleepy and ask hubby to 'bao bao' 'bao bao' again. :p

We always off all the lights too and I always let the maid sleep early so that there is no other activities in the house but it doesn't help lor.
that's nice of your hb. mine is not the most patient feeder so he almost always "gives up" feeding her prematurely if she is not cooperative, or the food is in too huge chunks for her, or each mouthful is like a mountain. so i prefer to feed her myself.

if i'm hungry - after i feed her one mouthful - i will quickly spoon one mouthful for myself. so ni2 yi4 kou3 wo3 yi4 kou3 like that.

that's why lunch time on weekdays so precious...my opportunity to feed myself in peace haha
i'm also the food-preparer for Ruth. I should bring a pair of scissors out ah so hubby can just cut up the food for her - but i'm abit uncomfy with scissors cuz scared after awhile, got rust and etc.

my parents are not out with me a lot - cuz my hub wants us to 'go out on our own'. Actually i'm abit bad to say this - but i really enjoy outings better with my parents along. Granted that it costs more, but the bonding is really much better - Ruth is happier with more people around and everyone gets a reasonable amount of eating time / enjoying time etc.

But i also understand his desire to have more 'family time' rather than 'extended family time'. heh. have to give-n-take.

nowadays we dun buy food together. try to just buy for whoeve ris eating first. whoever is eating later can buy his/her own food later so won't be cold. There's only been 1-2 occasions in Sushi Tei that we managed to engage her to 'pretend eat' and play masak masak with the plastic utensils. and she loves jap food and will chomp down whatever don/udon/ramen we give her. sushi also she eat - but i never give her the raw fish n etc...cuz i don't eat it myself :p

SEAFOOD - anyone venture with seafood yet? I gave her fish maw with crab meat once - mixed into rice. I think she was slightly allergic to the crab lor. Got some mild patches on her skin and abit of fever. felt so bad. heh.
gar! LOL! ^5!

I also relish my work-days lunch when i can eat whatever i want, whenever i want, however long i want! two of my lunch kakis not married so they dun understand how precious these lunch breaks are! heh.

my hub als not that patient with her sometimes...cuz he is abit blockhead type lah. After going to Positive Focus class, i realize that Ruth is very very visual and easily stimulated/motivated by actions. I can't remember the word the teacher used, but if i want to get ruth to do soemthing, if i can sing and sign and move holistically and genuinely make it look fun, ruth will follow.

It sounds easy enough - knowing what motivates her - but it's damn taxing to be a drama-mama (literally!) all the time. Not to mention, quite silly-looking in public places. At home i'm ok being a clown to make things fun for her.
Gar, I see, hehe, actually I'm most impatient with feeding RaeAnne, especially when I go through all the trouble to cook and she doesn't want to eat, or spit out the food. Hubby is more patient, maid is most patient but she cannot agar the portions of food well and will continue to feed even when the food is all cold cos she doesn' check. :p

Lezy, I haven't found the perfect pair of scissors to cut food too. I got a henckels one but it's so big cos kitchen scissors. Was at ikea yesterday but hubby said ikea scissors cannot use to cut food, don't buy. :p
hehe...glad to have company =)

re scissors - me too scared of rust. but i saw bkkgal using one that is made entirely of white plastic but is sharp enough to cut food. she says it's combi or pigeon. so you can also try to look out for that.

thanks for sharing re the positive focus class - it sounds good. i think it's impt to learn their learning styles (visual, audio, etc). i'll try to google to find out a bit more.
vernon has tries crab, sotong.. so far so good...

when we go out oso problem cos have to tink wat to give him to eat. cos i tink if i cook porrisge for him, and he see us eat other food, he will wan our food instead of his porridge. and he dun allow us to feed him!!! every meal time is a mess. i think the restaurant and coffeeshop worker all angry with us. lol
Gar, I heard of the combi noodle cutting scissors too but the BP was over and never see it at retail shops. Wonder where bkkgal got hers from? :p

RaeAnne has been eating prawns and she has also tried crab. No sotong so far cos sotong quite tough lar so don't dare to let her try yet. :p
probably i need to attend the +ve tots trial too to see what kind of kid C is.
highly recommended by you?

why IKEA cutter cannot be used to cut food?
btw, what kind of food that need to be cut by scissors and cannot be done using fork, spoon, chopstick?
hah..can't really say they will TELL u explicitly what kind of kid u have la...but it's like through your observations and teacher observations, i feel that RUth has inclination to follow certain types of actions.

Also cuz of something in one of the ebooks that says about spirited toddlers, how they are inclined towards certain things. jialat one moment i thought of it, suddenly i forgot what it is.

OH YA! Teacher said something about trying to get all factors influencing her actions to be aligned. eg if you asking her to look at u and eat etc, you have to move whole body towards her, bend down to her eye level and somehow, just make her feel u want her to eat.

Eating is a bad example...cuz we fail terribly at it. hahaha. all my aeroplane spoons and helicopter forks are kinda....flying into space sometimes.

one thing i noticed though, ruth loves poking (a fork) into meat/whatever that can be poked and putting it into her mouth herself.

Perhaps i really need to get a "ruth bowl" and "ruth fork" and whip it out everytime we wanna put something yummy inside for her to eat. That may be part of the alignment (of the environment and objects), that may be needed in addition to my actions/words/facial expression/body language etc.

sigh. looking after a toddler is really consuming....so much so that after doing all that, i really have no mood to blog/post pictures etc. not to mood lah. more lioke fat and no energy.

damn jialat

i think ikea is ok la..but in the long run maybe scared rust and etc.

everything can use fork and spoon...but cutter will be faster. right now i spend a lot of time cutting up food - time which i could spend eating while feeding her.
Haha... same problem with me !! C always asked to go out... and usually we will let him out if it's during the day and if it's his playtime. I think he just feels bored at home as he is super happy in the weekend whenever he sees us change our clothes and bring a set of nice clothes for him i.e. not the usual ones he wears at home... so I don't mind bringing him out, of course it is easier for me coz I usually just ask my maid to accompany him but a lot of the time (esp weekend) he will pull both mine and my hb's hands outside... and he insist for both of us to accompany him. Again, I just try to relate to him and I think it's because he misses us and he likes us to play with him... so we just let him play outside for a while then bring him back in... he does love the outdoor and being a boy I just let him run wild outdoor sometimes... hehehe.. :p

where is this positive focus class? do they have trial classes? i'm keen to try

btw, it's quite normal for toddlers not wanting to seat in the chair i think. I read in the what to expect book that there will come a time when your tots refuse to sit in his or her high chair anymore... few occasions C also did the same thing, usually however if he's hungry he will sit willingly and even try to lock the strap himself. :p

It's also a challenge to feed Cayleb. He's not one of those who will open his mouth willingly and wait for the food to come. He will be busy and swings his head around... so there's a certain technique to feed him which unfortunately only me and my maid can do. That's why we hardly eat outside for lunch/dinner. Usually only have tea outside.

C still naps twice a day and sleeps superrr late, recently getting later around 11pm. But I think this is because we come home late as well and I usually finish working around 10pm (eventhough at home) so he wants to play with us. In weekends he will sleep by 10pm.
Pauline, you never thought of using yaolan for Raeanne? I mean when she is still infant stage la.

Blueginger and clover: I remember that you want to place orders for pelangi books. I’m ordering this weekend already, pls let me have your order by then.

Xiaoyun, I used scissors to cut the noodles and veg into pieces. Faster ma.
Apple, where did you see the cutter at? Kids' dept? Is it combi brand? Aiyah, I didn't know. I went to Taka baby fair and Taka member's sale somemore. Should have bought it then. :p

tongtong, no lor, I insisted on no yaolan cos I scared, I saw how my cousin's kid was dependent on yaolan. Go travelling or other place to sleep, must bring yaolan along. Up to now, 6+ years plus, still sleeping on yaolan. Faint! :p

XY, don't know leh. Usually my 'cheapskate' hubby as long as cheap, anything also can buy and use. Yesterday, I asked him but he actually said no wor. I'm also surprised. :p

Lezy, tongtong, agree, use scissors faster lor.
actually....on second thoughts....i scared i use scissors, she will also want to use!!!! must see see if that plastic scissors is really good and safe enough or not....
yah at kids dept where they sell combi stuffs. was getting something for fren's baby shower and nearly wanted to get the cutter too that time but did not. Now I am tempted again!
Hi mommies
Just back from my OGTT test. Cross fingers - hope I "pass" this time! With K, I had gestational diabetes - must control diet, test blood daily, prick my fingers every day until no more fingers to prick.

Combi spoon/scissors set
Can find at JL or Robinsons. I'm sure Taka may have tho I haven't seen. It's about $8.90 or 9.90 - can't rem. It's useful, esp for noodles and other soft foods.

The other set that K likes to use to self feed is the pigeon small fork and spoon set - it's made specially for little hands, so the fork/spoon is actually very short and apparently, it's ergonomically designed so that when it falls to the ground, the tip of the spoon/fork does not touch dirty surfaces. K likes to use this to spear food and self feed.

I took her out by myself last week - had breakfast, lunch and dinner with her all by myself. Whenever she pauses to chew her food, I will quickly shove a mouthful of food for myself cos there's no one to take turns with me to walk her! hehe, so I learnt very quickly after breakfast that day that the only way to make sure I don't go hungry is to quickly makan whenever she is chewing, pausing, or playing with iphone. :p
I also found "lunch time" very precious, best "Me" time. I surfed forum, chit-chatted with colleagues, paid bills, and wrote blog. ^_^

My mum suggested me to go back home for lunch, since workplace is very near to home and Maid cooks well. I said "no, no....".

Feeding at restraurant is the same difficult. We need to take turns to go out last time.

E never screamed, so far (at home & at outside),but she will purposely drop a bowl/plate to ground, with a victorious smile.

We brought her to wedding lunch before, also took turns to walk around at outside. Near end of wedding dinner, some kids went to stage, and jumped around. E insisted to walk at centre stage, with DH's assistance. (E coudn't walk yet then).

My DH was tired, and very paiseh then.
So we decide that it's better for one of us to attend wedding dinner.

Re: eating with Extended family
With E, the most enjoyment meal is when we are with extended family. We can order more dishes, and every body take turns to entertain E.
re yaolan - i also insisted no no....until mom issue ultimatum and say she can no longer rock A to sleep in her arms no strength. so we introduced yaolan when A was about 14 months old. thankfully, she is not dependent on it - she is able to nap at night on bed without any patting or rocking.

but it's such a life-saver for day time naps!!!

hope your OGTT test goes well this round! ya can imagine having to prick fingers daily - so yucky! i think mine will be coming up in 2 weeks time also.
Re: school
My MIL brought E to look at kids at playgroup & Childcare at neighbourhood every morning, since E is one year old.

E saw some older friends there who she plays with in the evening.

And when children reach downstairs playground from neighbourhood primary school, E likes to chase after them and imitates their play.
Don't know whether it helps E to know that school is fun place with friends. Keep finger crossed for E attending playgroup next year.
Hehe....want to start E on some art works.
Any mummy knows where to buy non-toxic paint material?

I also read this blog for ideas, for rigid myself.

hehe...my DH can create bunch of games. E likes to cook nowadays, I normally bring real veg/radish/carrot/beam for her to recognize and play; but my DH cut paper chicken leg/fish/noodle with scissors. E keep wanting more paper noodle from papa......
tubao, how about crayola? They hv washable paints too.

Lezy, where is this toddler class u mentioned?

My boy is interested to self feed n i bot a stainless steel set from mothercare which he likes using. I hv 2 sets of the pigeon utensil but find the spoon too small. He'll eat until the sun set n the sun rises. =p

He's also taking 1 nap a day since he turned 15m. He naps 3-4h n sleeps 10-11h at nite.
Ruth also sleeping 1 nap a day now. Usually between 2-3 hours after lunch.

I'm attending Positive Tots at Baby Breeze. It is located in (Novena) Square 2. THey have a promo for trial now. $25 instead of $35. It's a 'bring a friend' promo i think. Saw it frmo mumcentre.

My class is Sat, 4pm.

Tubao, LOL! Me too lor. I stay 5min from work, and my girl goes to my mum's place in the day - also 5-10min from work. I also eat on my own normally or with colleague cuz wanna do things.
Gar, ya, it can be difficult for the caregiver. Too bad RaeAnne is not like that. She doesn't fall asleep easily, takes after me.

My FIL once rocked RaeAnne in an old yaolan (without telling us) suspended over 2-3 bamboo poles tied up together perched over 2 cupboards. I almost fainted when I saw it, so dangerous. If want to use yaolan, must at least get a proper, stable set. :p

bkkgal, thanks, next time, must ask the sale assistant for it when I go JL or robinsons or Taka. :p

Gar, RaeAnne has that set of pigeon (tip won't touch the ground) cutlery too. But it's too small for her. The mini kopitiam plastic soup spoon suits her well. But recently she keeps trying to imitate us when we are eating. If she sees us eating, after she has eaten, she will take a big scoop of soup with her kopitiam spoon(filled with veg and minced meat) and try to feed herself. So afraid she'll choke so we quickly take it away from her. :p
Tubao: I wanted to do crafts too. There will be a BP this Thursday for crayola stuff. That Shirley from the blog uses crayola stuffs when we went lesson that time.
her lunch is pretty early...i chose this class cuz it'll be after her nap and she will have strength. NOrmally we feed her lunch about 11+am cuz she doesn't eat a lot for breakfast.

I dunno if other location/branch got other promotions? You can take a look at positivefocus.com.sg (i think that's the URL).

Positive FOcus is actually a programme that is used in various places. Diff place will have diff teachers and timings. Some CC also use it i think -like kindermusik.

WAH Your pancake maker is very tempting! Ruth (for now!!!) is a pancake girl.
re: positive tots
i this case i should try let her have lunch early and have afternoon nap early too.
i checked out the website and that's the only place offering $25.

wants to go together?
i am thinking to choose the 7/14 Nov.

re: pancake maker
i was comtemplating to redeem a handheld blender or this pancake maker.
end up choose the pancake maker as i;ve already got a blender at home.

and with this, i can postpone my plan for the ceramic non-stick pan till there are better offer.
Pauline, yea that’s the concern on yaolan. I initially insisted on no yaolan too, but somehow when shaun was in his 2nd months we found it very tough to make him sleep. Until one day when I went back to KL on the 3rd month, he din sleep for whole day till I got to seek help from my cousin sister to lend me the yaolan. Then he zz immediately after I put him in.

Luckily for now, he can sleep without yaolan at nanny and my mum’s house. But when I’m around, he insists on yaolan. Bullys me one. When he is outside, he can fall asleep in car or stroller. So still ok. Not as bad as your nephew. But 6 YO so big already can still fit in yaolan meh??

I agree with Garfield, it’s a life saver for us hehe. For Raeanne who doesn’t fall sleep easily, I think yaolan is good for u , at least you can get more rest? I’m not sying that yaolan is good but at least it can gives yourself more rest??
Tongtong, ya lor, he's too big for it. :p Anyway, for Raelynn, I bought another smaller cot. This time going to put her on the cot to sleep right from the beginning instead of using the cosleeper bassinet or bouncer so hope it'll be easier for her to adjust whether it's day time nap or night time sleep. Keep fingers crossed lor.. :p
xy, i hv the neoflam ceramic nonstick pan. Happy with it. Bot at the robinson sale for $40+ usual price is about $80. So wait for the sale lah.
tongtong, ya, that's the plan for now lor. Hope it works out. ;P

Looks like quite a lot of supporters for neoflam here. I didn't know that can use metal scrub to scrub though. Thought can only use soft sponge. :p

goodbb, seldom see your posts. Which brand you bought? By the way, the swimsuit RaeAnne uses is Konfidence, www.konfidence.com.sg. $60+ - $80+.
as you all shld know, daryl is a very fussy and difficult baby when it comes to nap time or bed time. my ILs keep scolding me when she sees me always carrying the baby and insisted me to use yaolan. but i cant be bothered la and still not using yaolan till now, afterall im the one carrying and looking after my boy ma. not her what, so dunno why she make so much noise also. some more i got an active, curious and love-to-imitate toddler at home, so it's quite dangerous to have a yaolan. though he is still very fussy now, but it got alot better compared to previously. now, i usually wait until he is very tired already then i carry and rock him so it's much faster for him to fall aslp and i dont have to carry for too long.

but at a point of time (think i was really desperate), i did thought of getting a yaolan. but no action to go buy cuz too held up at home. so till now, no yaolan lor.

i got the crayola washable crayons. really washable! cheryl accidentally drew on the floor (cuz she was squrribling too vigourously) and when i use a wet tissue to clean, it came off immediately. i got it from spree. not expensive at all but i think getting locally costs slightly more?

now must be super busy prepping the Os and Ns students?
Nope can't cut meat. It's plastic mah.

Gar, all the best for ur ogtt next week!

Pauline, starting on right foot with new bb is impt
morning everyone!

what did u buy?

this year i got no O levels students. My N level students finsh their exams le. now busy with post exam activities like printing results slips, and some admin matters. because still in 1st trim so very tired easily so very inefficient. plus no energy to take care of ashlynn feel so guilty.

re: combi cutter
managed to cut chicken thigh meat with it. overall i find it very useful.

i not started yet. you know i use cloth nappy + diaper cover at home.
recently, i observe that C can stay dry for 1-2 hr+ sometimes.
i've stopped using diaper cover so that i can detect immediately if she pees. Hopefully she will get used to the feeling of being 'dry' and getting uncomfortable when the diaper is wet. So that she will be able to fulfill the requirement for potty training - 'Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper.'

Physical signs

<font color="119911">Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily.</font>

<font color="119911">Urinates a fair amount at one time.</font>

Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times.

<font color="0000ff">Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours, which shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine.</font>

Behavioral signs

<font color="119911">Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes.</font>

Can pull his pants up and down.

Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper.

<font color="119911">Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the bathroom or wear underwear).</font>

<font color="119911">Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as grunting, squatting, or telling you.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Demonstrates a desire for independence.</font>

<font color="119911">Takes pride in his accomplishments.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet.</font>

<font color="119911">Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one.</font>

Cognitive signs

<font color="119911">Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy."</font>

<font color="119911">Understands the value of putting things where they belong.</font>

Has words for urine and stool.

Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.

anyway, the item is a pre-order item. it will be at the right time when she needs it. my itention is to use it on top of cloth nappy in replacement of diaper cover.
