(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hi ladies...

Re: scissors
I use a cheap 'normal art and craft' scissors from Cold Storage ($2?). works well, agree with mummies it's so much faster to cut than trying to struggle with cutting the food w spoon/fork, feeding, mopping up the mess AND feeding myself.

thought i can always just buy a new scissors whenever signs of rust shows up since cheap chap mah. so far so good.

Good morning everyone. How are your weekend?

re: tantrum kid
thanks for sharing on how to handle a tantrum kid.
I still insisted not giving in when Channet threw her tantrum. But she is the stubborn type, particularly with full-supported from my MIL. Saying kids cannot be trained this way. The worst time when Channet threw her tantrum was when she cried till to throw out all whatever she ate. Then my MIL heartpained. She probably dun understand why I have to insist to this method.
The last time I gave in, Channet ate a few piece of my MIL's cigarettes in the end. Then, my little auntie (My MIL's sister) blames me for not looking after Channet instead. I was like dumbfounded when I heard it from her mouth cos she wasn't at the scene when it happened (She stayed in Taiwan). This means that my MIL must have complained to the little auntie abt that. So I learnt my lesson from that experience, if a child behave badly, it definitely parent's fault.

So sorry for the long-winded story. But I believe it will benefit all of you too.

bkkgal, gar and kitsune,
I dun have a book to recommend, but I daily tell Channet that she is going to have a playmate soon and now she is in mummy's tummy. So everyday Channet will point to Mummy and kiss baby. I intend to use the gift exchange method too. But subjected to situation. As hubby won't be ard when No. 2 born.
i love all the washable products! then also if you bring it out to entertain them during meal times, don't have to be pai seh if they draw on restaurant tables

hmm can i come and try this sat?

wah, 11 is late hor. E sleeps between 10-11, sometimes i'm soooo tired after work, then he still sleep so late, feel so tired! so recently i've been trying to make an effort to go home early and bring him home early so he can settle down before going to sleep...

some of the books from the library are not bad leh, although not sure if E understands - he only seems to point out the cats in each page (of 2 books!!) but he still likes to look through the books, hahah. my sis is due anytime now!
Yeah am also consciously trying to reduce my night calls or try to park it in one/2 days a week so that i have some free nights.. I usually come home around 8pm but problem is i have to get into a call with my US counterparts which can only start 8/9pm

i bought some washable markers but the ones i got is for tots without any caps so it's quite messy. is that the one you all are using?

forgot to answer your question last time... i'm a PR but all the benefits for kids is only applicable for citizens.. :p

thanks for the info!

sure... can go together

4pm is actually C's nap time too... but maybe i can try to stretch... 7 nov no good for me coz hb need to go back to office so 14 nov better option.
Hi Mummies, good morning!

RE:Sleep time
Sigh.. now G sleeps onlt at 11 plus till 12.Its my fault actually cause my work always end late, reach home abt 10 , settle down and bathe plus interact/read to her for half hr so end up she sleeps quite late and wakes up late too abt 8 or 9 plus. I think nvm lah.. can be adjusted one.. i hope..

Re: wedding dinners
Leila, i think i qm quite seasoned in bringing G for dinners but as she grows up every dinner became a bit different. In the past..when she was a abt 15mnths she can sit thru and we entertain her with cutlery and food. Recently, there was 1 dinner she refused to sit thru and kept wanting to get off the chair and play with her cousin who is abt 6. She practically ran out of the ballroom and 'loiter' outside.. i was too lazy and tired to go after her.. luckily it was a family wedding dinner so i 'assigned' my sil to go after her.. haha. The previous one that we attended last fri also same..but slightly better cause not many kids to play with. It helps that she also wants to eat the food so she can stay on the seat for quite some time. So all 3 of us actually manage to eat but occasionally have to bring them out for a walk especially those long lapse in between dishes. Its also a good reason not to sit on the table and face people you are not farmiliar with and end up dunno what to say.. :p.. That is also the reason i like to bring her for dinners.. can 'exercise' a bit while still pigging out.. normally when pthers see u with kids they tend to get a lot of food for u when u are not ard. :D

Dun worry k.. u can do it!! As for sleeping time.. cause G already so used to sleeping late.. wedding dinners are not a problem to her.

Re:Riding cars

G is crazy over riding those toy cars nowadays.. she can roam the whole hse on her car and talks gibberish..

Re: Crayola
I also use crayola and 'tattoo' on G.. hehe..she seems to like it.. but sometimes she ended up drawing on her tops.. can it be washed if she draws on her top?

Tute.. the one that i have are with caps..
wah that's jiat lat! every 2 weeks my team has a night call, but lucky i'm "excused"...

i'm using the crayons now more than the markers, i think the one you're referring to is the fat fat markers with the skinny tip for drawing is it? i never tried it, hee.. i think markers will always be a bit more messy cos it's easy to draw on clothes, hands, etc. crayons a bit less messy.

i can't believe channet ate your MIL's ciggies! and they blame you!! aiyo!!!! do you stay with ILs?
Channet can point and say words like "Dolphin", "Dinosaur", etc. But animals that begins with M or W is still at the preliminary state. Now I'm more concerned on her upbringing than her absorption rate for new words. Like when she want something that she loves. For example, the storybook of 3 little pigs, she dun said she want the storybook. She will point at the books and throw her tantrum.

I'm still training Channet to say poo poo. Sometimes she will say poo poo when she wanna urinate only. A bit discouraging as my MIL dun wanna to train her as she has the concept of starting potty training when Channet reach 2 years old. My SIL started hers at 2 years old.

Re Scissors:
Do all of you always bring the scissors when you go out? Now I understand why many of you bring a huge bag with kids ard. I usu have a small backpack to hold channet's stuff.
Can I know what things you gals packed in for kids when you go out?

Went for a full doppler scan yesterday. Baby is only 2.12kg, but I already put on 12.7kg. Guess I need a lot of workout after giving birth.
Hi mommies

umm..question: how do you all know when a BP is going to start ah? I went to look for the crayola BP but can't find leh. You all very in tune with BP movements man!

Can one of you alert me? I"m interested to get crayola stuff.

Agree with Iso - crayons are much less messy than markers. I was given this fat round applicator thingy with a brush tip - OMG, it leaks everywhere. Although it's washable, it is still very messy.

Genice, crayola crayons can wash off clothes.
scissors: Now i am seriously considering buying one to bring out haha

bkk: I supposed that is a question for me since I am the one who say there is a BP this thursday for crayola stuffs... cos happened i am looking for crayola stuffs and i remember there was a BP previously and it has closed so I email the seller directly and she told me she has a BP coming up this Thursday.

anyway this is her website, can email her


Not sure of the if its very much exp than spree. I din really compare with spree but I guess shld not be too much difference?
Thanks Apple!

I got the Kids Crayola Washable Crayons (regular) 16 pcs for $3 at Times bookshop. She's selling for $2.40. If postage is free, then it's worth. But then again, if she has ready stock of variety, maybe worth to get from her. Sometimes at the retail shops, you can find one thing but not the other.

Things we bring with Kids
- 2 x diapers (1 pullup, 1 normal)
- wet wipes
- tissue paper
- water bottle
- snacks
- milk powder
- Hot water dispenser
- bib
- combi scissors/spoon set
- pigeon fork/spoon set
- powder
- yu yi oil
- diaper cream
- cloth for general wiping

It's alot of stuff which I'm trying to cut down on in order to make space for other things like books, crayons to entertain her.
Yeah yeah, it's the Tadoodles! When u turn it upside down (esp when full), can leak and sometimes kids unknowingly just hold them here, there, everywhere can smear. No cap to cap the thing.
hmm.. the tadoodles on the kidzo galore site is $12.50. on toys r us SG site it's $14.95, and sometimes dept stores will have 20% off leh.
on crayola.com it's SGD$9.37! (somehow my site will convert to SGD). Will the BP be cheaper than her site?

maybe we should organise our own spree on crayola, heh. yesterday they just sent an email to say now got 25% off some more!
iphoto! oh wait, you using PC ah? then i dunno, sorry..

hmm true hor, could be q a lot, esp if like tadoodles the packaging is q big. no wonder BP also not that cheap, haha.
iso.. thanks.. i just realise when plug iphone into laptop it will auto detect the iphone as camera and scanner.. managed to copy out the photos!
.. Btw, what is iphoto..

Gals.. do u have any interesting kids application that u put into the iphone.. i oly downloaded the free ones.. anybody actually paid for any applications which are really good?
sianz.. went to check out the kindergarden below my in laws blk.. 3 hrs daily for 2.5 yrs and above cost $1380 /term= 10 weeks.. sigh.. din noe so expensive.. works out to $552/ month..

apple and gar.. both urs are fullday cc? got subsidy right? How much after subsidy?
I bought crayola from a OTC spree. But dun think it is cheap at all after including the shipping fee. Not recommending to all of u.

You got mail.

I din bring any hot water dispenser, bib or yu yi oil. Hope it help you to reduce your load.
will join bp.

I didn't bring any scissor.
Hehe...didn't use it at home either.

Things we bring with Kids for outdoors
- tissue paper
- water bottle
- Sun block
- fruits
- milk powder
- clothes for adults & baby (we usually get ourselves wet).

Things we bring with Kids for indoors
- tissue paper
- water bottle
- clothes for baby (Left at car)
i'm a cheapo, so far only use free apps! lol. iphoto is the imaging software that comes with mac computers. can view and d/l photos using that.

hmm what is the name of this kindy? i just check the rates that i have for MMI near my office - monthly half day is also $645, after subsidy! wah piang.
How's your ogtt results?
"prick my fingers every day until no more fingers to prick. ". , brave mummy.

Don't mind that I ask, do you struggle when you plan for 2 one?

Guess that I am the most weak minded mummy for physical here.
Even now I think of morning sickness, I feel scared.
My hubby gives up hope on me on this point.

Hehe..... last time when I told my Gynae Dr W.K Tan that I didn't go for work by taking no-pay leave since morning sickness was so unbearable, my Gynae asked me to be brave.

Now looking at you and Garfield, maybe what Gynae said is very right.
Iso : hee yah but her collection point near my place so i guess i just buy from her ba.
MMI very ex hor, I also check out MMI prior to that but too ex for me liao

Genice: yah its full day for mine. $560 after subsidy.
Full day subsidy is $300 and half day subsidy is $150 for working mothers. If its just Kindy and not CC, no subsidy i think.
pauline, cant use steelwool on the ceramic pan either. It's v easy to wash so no worry about the cleanliness.

Blueginger, i'm quite surprised tt yr aunt can blame u for the ciggie butt. =( it's v unfair for u. Recently i fell out with mil coz of our different parenting style, so i emphatise with water u gone thru. My friend said all mils are drama queen. Haha. I made the first move to reconcile with mil liao, just bcoz. Dun be upset with yr mil!
iso.. its My montessorri, my world.. seriously i din evn think od sending G there cause i thot it doesnt look very enticing fom the outside.. the inside is ok but not a very big place but their programme seems ok.. but not much out door pla cause they building mrt outside now.. its at farrer road.

tubao.. ur MS quite bad har?

Everywhere also expensive... MMI also.. $645 after subsidy.. for half day somemore.. but ard my in laws place no PAP within walking distance.. they will not take public transport one.. so must be convenient for them too.
yah but i think most of the private ones price are around there is it? i was just looking around only, but the MMI near my office is q old, and in the end now E is at home with my parents or my ILs, so no need CC yet.

wow.. u r a brave woman!! i can't imagine what it must be like...
Everyone lunching in today and having "me" time on forum ah??? hehe.

OGTT result out on Friday. Hope nothing wrong. I struggled most with morning sickness when planning #2. Didn't think that far abt gestational diabetes or hypertension (which I oso got with #1). Now that I'm approaching 3rd trimester, I'm getting worried that these probs will come back to haunt me, esp the pre-eclampsia.

Bluegin, yeah I think better leave the yu yi oil and powder at home liao. they so old, no need those things anymore.

This app called "Wheels on the Bus" for USD0.99 is very fun. Try it!
Genice; headache right? Intially i tot of sending to playgroup but cannot possibly ask mil everyday take bus send her out and wait 2 hrs there for her.
The sending and fetching part is headache for me too so Amanda has to take sch bus...

U pm me your address can? send u the stuffs
There's another free app called "ocarina" - it's pretty amazing cos it turns your iphone into a flute, blow into the mouth piece to make music. If you're tired of it, can switch to touchmode and play the music on its keys. You can also hear the music that other players in the world are playing.
LOL. i was one of the ones lunching in!! think my SIL has wheels on the bus, must go check it out ;)
btw, must take care hor, since there's the risk of so many things. poor mummies
yeah lor... at one point of time i was really very sian doing hte US projects but i don't want to switch job coz the env is good and i've been with my boss for the past 4 years so I just try to cope for now and manage my calls better. I also try to go home by 6 and leave home late in the morning (I only reach office around 10am) if i have calls at night, this way i get to spend more time with C :p

yeah, mine is the tadoodles... it's so messy! regretted buying them... i didn't know there are washable crayons... if anyone wants to do a bp for that i'm all for it !
i think there are some crayola sprees as well at one point but not sure if still on or not. :p I only let Cayleb play with pensils for now coz he likes to draw everywhere! but hte cute thing is that he alos likes to clean up his mess... particularly when he writes on the living room's floor with pencil, coz my floor is those type that you can just use a wet tissue/cloth to clean the pencil marks so if he writes on the floor, he will quickly pull me over... he knows i'll get him to get the wet towel from kitchen and wipe it clean..

iphone apps... i think bkk has shared some few weeks ago... "i hear ewe" is a good one but not that fun, "wheels on the bus" is also good... C loves it and not that ex, i also installed baby flashcard, abc pocket phonics (lite version) and kidzsongs (lite version). I think pocket phonics is good and i may buy the full version. C also likes to play the game "topple" but that is really not educative :p
bkkgal, tute, I have tadoodles too. Hubby asked me not to buy but I did. Regrets, regrets. :p

bkkgal, my MIL always makes fun of the big Carters diaper bag that we bring out even when going to the market with RaeAnne. But I'm inseure to let go leh. :p
Things we bring
- 4-5 x diapers (2 pullup, 2 normal)
- extra set of clothes including 1 cardigan for air con places
- big pack of wet wipes
- tissue paper
- water bottle
- snacks
- hat
- assorted kiddy fork/spoons
- 1 pigeon feeding dish
- diaper changing mat
- diaper cream
- small wet cloth for wiping her mouth
- Sometimes, camera and videocam too. :p
has K tried it? C likes to imitate the phonic sounds plus he likes to write on the screen then shake it to clean it... i think he likes the latter more actually heheh...
Every time we go outdoors, we bring fruits--strawberry or cherry or grapes or prunes.

Last time we bring cut fruits such as apple/pear. But now we felt troublesome for cut fruits since it needs spoon/fork and ice-pack , and E likes strawberries and etc more.

We bought a small box with ice pack(not ice cube) from Daiso. We soak strawberries from fridge for 5 mins(no need ice pack then) before set-off, and gives E after 45min/1hr walk outside.

hope that your results turns out fine. Don't worry, staying peaceful helps!

--morning sickness.
Hehe....mine one is just vomitting whenever not in laying down posture during 1st trimester, nothing harmful to baby. DH and I cried a few times, afraid of my weight drop 1kg per week would cause malnurition of baby. Stressful time though back then.
Oh ya, XY, Dor is meeting Gar next week and she has kindly agreed to help us collect the gold serum. Will pass to your bottle to you on Sundays when I go to my mum's place.
re: scissors
i bought surgical scissors from pharmacy based on recommendation by mummy of forum. should not got rusty so easily if kept clean.

u just bgt iphone? how much did you pay and how much is your monthly mobile subscription?
a good boss is very impt! can you "arrow" someone else to take the calls?
but at least you got more flexi hours, so not like u have to take late calls and still be in in the morning to punch in ;)

sigh, all so ex, wonder how to afford when we have more and more kids??
morning so quite, afternoon so busy ah..

my turn to contribute. what to bring out for C:

1 diaper
2 handkerchief
1 packet wet tissue
1 thermal flask with food
1 box of snacks
1 water bottle
2 spoons
1 bowl
1 box of rubber band
1 comb
1 pouch sling (now uses as her pillow/blanket if she sleeps)

re: crayola
so conclusion is worth to spree or not?
i am interested to get too.

usually we bring this out when with vernon

1. 3 pull up
2. extra set of clothing and jacket
3. milk bottle
4. water bottle
5. milk powder
6. small packet of wipes
7. diaper cream
8. small spoon.
9. a few hanky
10. tissues
11. snacks
12. his booster

usually only like that
