(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Yup yup, non-toxic and washable.

Types of crayola
Regular - normal thin type - can be difficult for small fingers to hold and may break

Large - fat type - easier for small fingers, harder to break into 2.

Triangular - the crayon has 3 sides, from top view looks like a triangle. dunno comfortable to hold or not.

Jumbo - haven't seen....
i also like crayola because it's branded and says non-toxic. someone gave us some china crayons, and lucky i changed my mind about letting E use them because next thing i found E biting on them. not to be brand conscious but u never know what's in the brand-less ones!! i feel it's worth the peace of mind.

oh mummies with iphones, do you download sesame street podcasts? they're quite entertaining!
hmm... mayb i should get some crayola for ashlynn since she enjoys doodling.

the sesame street podcast free? erm... sorry i very cheapo. only download the free apps.
yes! i use itunes to download the podcast (all FREE!) and then sync it to my iphone, then i play it with the ipod (on the iphone). you can search under podcast for sesame street. let me know if u have problems

Thanks for detailed descriptions of crayola .

--pack list
Look at others' lists, seems that we're so boh chap.

DH is never happy to bring EOS camera; he asked compact one for outings.
And also preferred nearby places so that we can come back in short time---no need to bring milk powder. ^_^

wow so many interesting apps.. right now gwen is playing First words sampler, i thot its quite good leh.. she will match the letters and it will read out the words. She can match quite well now. I also downloaded i hear ewe and toddler teaser shapes...

will go download wheels of bus and abc pocket phonics.

stephie.. my hubby got the phone.. i think he paid abt 298 or 289.. its for the 1 G data plan which is abt $55/mth. Then ow we exchanged phones so i cant download cause no data plan..

wah.. iso.. i din noe can download the podcasts. Another stupid qn.. must i install itunes?? Or it will auto start when i connect the iphone to laptop.

Re: doodling
Do u all get mahjong paper for ur kids to draw or where do they normally doddle?

iso/apple.. how?? i also dunno.. so frustrating..

bkkgal how.. u decided for k?? which sch?
My boss came back from holiday;
My honeymoon at work is over, can't login so often.

hehe....when boss not around, every body smile and have discussion, instead of working on own pc for long long time.
Wa, seems like iphone is so useful for entertaining kids. I'm tempted but find every month $55 too exp leh. :p

Genice, I bought cheap drawing block for RaeAnne at Giant, only $0.99. She tears it up after a while. So, drawing block size is more manageable.

Isobellies, tell me about it. I just found RaeAnne biting her colour pencils this evening. Sigh. They were bought by my FIL, I must go check if it's non toxic. :p
piang. u all today quite hiong ah. i read until blur.

well, i using itouch since i can't use iphone cuz of the camera. i haven't let ruth touch it much yet cuz erm..my hub keep saying she still cannot 'agar' her strength. Everything is quite chor-lor one. Even my piano, she'll bang damn hard on it. I did download the baby flash cards and the zoo sounds or something like that but still hesitant to intro my itouch to her.

Also cuz i dunno how to handle her if she DIE DIE want it and can't have it. Her character is such that if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll really give all of us hell lor. it'll take A LOT to distract her.

Crayons/markers/colour pencils:
Ruth also not really doodling - more like just making a mess.

I have cheapo crayons (that are probably toxic).
I have cheapo colour pencils too.
I have normal markers (whiteboard - for drawing on whiteboard. she's quite cute with this cuz she'll also initiate cleaning of the whiteboard by asking my mum for tissue/cloth)
I have the crayola magic markers - which do not stain clothes. Need 'magic paper' though - which isn't cheap!

If you girls doing BP{ on crayola crayons, i dun mind since my cheapo crayons are all erm...half broken liao!

really damn headache la. prices vs quality vs teacher-student ratio vs hygiene etc. abit too mind-boggling when i try to think about it and research.

Worse...i read of reviews of CCs and etc which say things like it was good...but after mgt change, no good liao. then if i put deposit on some damn good place now, how i know what happens 2-3 yrs down the road?

sigh. who said being a parent was a breeze?!
haha.. not pro lah. should qualify that it's not those big type of surgical scissors. i'll take a picture and post tomorrow.

$55 per mth v ex leh. if i buy, will just subscribe to the normal plan (like my current one only $14 per month) and broadband on mobile (less than $20 per month).
Anyone knows what is the recommended teacher to children ratio for playgroup? My gal's class has 10 kids including her. And there are 2 teachers so the ratio is 1:5. Is it good or not?

Stephie, haha, okie, I'm imagining those big big ones. Will look out for pic tomorrow.

Stephie, broadband on mobile can be used for iphone? Which service provider are you under? I'm also under $14 corporate plan from Singtel, that's why reluctant to change plan cos $14 quite cheap mah. :p

If dun sync with itunes, any other way to get podcasts? think not ah. cuz when i go to my itouch music tab, it tells me to download from itunes. bah.

i brought ruth to marina barrage cuz both hb and i took cc leave. for me, also clearing leave for last year since nowadays we can't exchange for $$$ liao.

She had a great time and deep down, i know she loves running around n etc - but sometimes she just gets way too overboard and i can just hear tracy hoggs or whichever toddler guru telling me about boundaries, setting rules etc.

But it's really hard leh. especially when she flashes me smiles that go "heeeeeee". Also, i find it really hard to remember what to do, how to say it and etc. Really so challenging to not upset her everytime we go out just cuz things she wants are always very dangerous (eg playing on the carpark, going near dangerous equipment - toys are never enough)
what's in our bag?


If just a trip to NTUC/nearby, can be just:
- water (plus extra water!)
- Tissue paper
- GOat's milk sweets (getting less dependent on it now but it's ALWAYS a life-saver!)
- emergency pack (diaper, wipes, repellent, powder)

If it's going out, depends on what time:
- all of the above plus
- thermal flask of hot water
- milk powder
- milk bottle with water prepared for first feed
- water and more water (bag is getting damn heavy)
- snack & sweeties
- Spoon & porridge (if necessary)

i realize that i'm still in "infant-packing" mode and do not remember to pack in toys to entertain her.

But the few times i did, she didn't really wanna play with them. It seems she's more "in the moment' type of person and wants to play with whatever is present (in front of her). Her favourite are phone/IT shops. She can press all the keyboards and telephones she wants!!

Back to Writing/Doodling - supposedly.
I bought this magnetic writing board at Isetan last last week. Actually we have a small one at home - as in really small like postcard size. That's already like 10 bucks i think.

Then when i was at isetan last last week, saw one big a4 size one going for 5 bucks! BUY!

Now it's in the car. She can play with it for quite some time - usually more than half the car journey - so we're pretty thankful.
Thought of changing milk for my boy so I bought about 10 can of enfagrow. Who know he don't like it. would like to exchange to

b) Let go at a price
C) Exchange ntuc/ gaint shopping voucher

1.8 KG
Usual Price:$55.75

1.8 KG
Usual Price:$54.60

Kindly email me at [email protected]
sesamestreet podcast
hehe, like mini tv for her in the car. K picked up so many new words from sesame street podcast - she's like a parrot, watch for 5 mins after that repeat and repeat.

"The Word on the street" series? I find those very good cos the puppet will intro a new word e.g. "family" and go interview people abt their idea of a family. Sesame street is very inclusive - they even say the word in spanish, look at multiracial homes etc.

Dunno any other way to get the podcasts except thru iTunes leh..sorry. The mac users have it very easy - just sync and voila, everything is there!

sigh....this mommy here very distracted by other things, never go and do homework on playgroup/cc. still haven't checked out a place. hoping hb on leave next week can help (HB, I KNOW YOU READING THIS, CAN DO SOME RESEARCH OR NOT???)

I got mahjong paper. Must check out the cheap Giant paper Pauline mentioned.

I bought stuff from this BP yday. They sell wall stickers, placemats and flashcards on a material that can easily wipe off any pen/marker/crayon. I thot it's quite portable to bring out to entertain K with. The BP is closed but am sure you can email her for last orders.

last time when my hubby sign up for bbom, they asked if we want a usb modem or double sim card (something like that - means sim card will act both for phone call and for using the broadband). We chose the former. Hence, if I sign up for the bbom and opt for the sim card option i can then surf web using handphone.

as promised, here's a picture of the scissors, it's quite small actually so we bring out with us everytime (even when overseas).
Stephie, thanks for the pix. I'll show to hubby and see if he approves this. Roughly how much is it? ;)

bkkgal, so cute, UJ will read all your posts ah? My hubby never ever reads them. Don't think he even knows the url link to motherhood forum though he knows I spend most of my free time here. Hmmph! :p

XY, I'm interested in PF class but 4pm on Sat very tricky leh. Not confident that we can get RaeAnne to nap so early and wake up before 330pm so that we can leave the house at 330pm to go to Novena. Hubby sure say don't want if I tell him the timing. :p
wow! the products look so interesting! will go check it out in more detail later. i haven't even finish reading all my work emails yet, wahahah.

ruth can take sweets? she won't swallow them? how about getting a cover for the itouch, like those silicone kind? so far i think no major accidents with the phone, but to be honest i'm super bo chup and don't blink an eye if it drops on the floor, heh.

diaper bags
i also always forget to bring toys. these days i try to bring along some cars

i don't bring a hot water flask, but i'll put really hot water into the bottle (with a sealing disc, since it's Avent) and put it into one of those bottle bags that keep warm. Usually it will be just nice for 1-2 hours later. then no need to bring hot water flask! but i'll also keep in mind where i'm going and whether i can get hot water from there too.

even though they're older now, feels like the bags just don't get lighter!

from my limited knowledge, i think 1:5 is q good right? so far the ones i've heard of are like 1:9 or more.

i think colour pencils not as bad as crayons cos crayons can "eat" more?? hahah.


sesame street youtube
we also download these so that we can play them locally and not have to stream - you can use Real Player Downloader, very convenient!

er.. sorry i not so sure leh. cos i use mac so everything is itunes. but i think if u want the podcasts u need itunes, cos i don't think got any other way to access them.

anyway i think if i have more kids i might have to send them to PCF and not to like montessori, haha..
re: positive focus/tots trial
besides tute, anymore ppl interested to go?

i would like to make a reservation soon:

Date: 14 Nov 2009
Time: 4pm
Positive Focus®@ Baby Breeze
Location:10 sinaran Drive
#03 – 85/86/87 Square 2
(Above Novena MRT)
Price: $25

(1) xiaoyun
(2) tute
(3) dor
(4) apple
(5) cheryl
(6) pauline (??)
Pauline, sometimes he's more in tuned with the topics than me! If I'm super busy for the day and don't read, he can even tell me what I missed out. worse now, he's clearing leave, i'm sure he's busy checking out the threads, kaypo!

Diaper bag
I dread to think how HUGE they'll become with 2 KIDS. omg - sure need to bring the helper out whenever we go out, just to carry the bags and stroller.
haha.. ur hb very funny.
probably as bx to post more romantic things that her hb did so that your hb will get the hint?
bkkgal, I find it very sweet and romantic leh. At least he's interested in what you are reading and wants to know your thoughts by reading your posts. My hubby doesn't bother lor.

He only reads our blog cos he knows I will ask him from time to time if he has read our blog. If he didn't read, he knows the next thing to come is that I'll complain that I'm the only one updating it whereas he doesn't even put in any effort to read it. :p

XY, I think bkkgal's HB is quite romantic liao. I remember reading that he organised a yacht party for her and invited their friends to celebrate her significant birthday. My hubby will not bother to find out about such things. To him, birthday I bring you out to eat, buy a present very good liao. Last time, every year, he gave me a similar present (necklace) until I hint to him that I've only got 1 neck. :p
Am interested in the positive focus. Can make it earlier? I'm popping anytime in my Week 38 to Week 39 pregnancy then.

Writing / doodling:
Channet is not really doodling - more like just making a mess. I have a lot of A1 size paper at work, so brought some back for Channet. She will usu doodle on a corner of the papers. In the end, still stain the floor. Luckily, using the crayola marker, so still can clean easily. When I'm not at home with channet, no one give her the chance to doodle.

Not to worry too much. Having a happy mood is the best through pregnancy. Besides, every pregnancy is different. So you might not have the diabetic or hypertension this time round. =)

Surgical scissor has smaller cutting section which we need to spend more time doing the cutting. That's y I thought using a normal scissor can do the job faster. Isn't it all scissor will mark with SS on the metal portion which stands for stainless steel (Means not supposed to rust?)

I already bullet-proof to all the nonsense. Only stand with what I think are right like I'm still protecting Channet from being a passive smoker by preventing my PIL from smoking in front of her. Of cos, I cannot stop them when I'm not ard. My hubby seems to have soften, at the end, PIL get overboard and smoke in front of Channet and me (while I'm pregnant).

Let me know if there is any crayola spree or BP. Wanna get some finger paint for channet to play with.
hahaha, no need lah, i know his dominant language of love after nearly a decade together. he engages me by taking an interest in what i do
likewise, i also try to take an interest in his pursuits e.g. sailing, photography.
Hmm... bkkgal, I'm guilty of not taking an interest in what my hubby does cos his hobbies too niche leh. Collectible toys and comics are out of my league. I wanted to buy him these stuff for his birthday or our anniversary before but he always tells me not to buy cos I don't know the market well enough. Will end up paying too much at ebay auctions. :p But I always tell him we should have a common hobby so that we spend time on that and grow together. But he said sleeping is his favourite hobby now. :p
bkk, ya, at least he put some thought into the gift choice that time.
But I like surprises that require some planning but he doesn't do those kind of things lor.

Even for flowers, the last bouquet of flowers I received was on Valentines day in 2008 after I delivered RaeAnne. After that, be it my birthday, our ROM and customary wedding anniversaries in 2008 and 2009 all no more. Sometimes, I'm so tempted to send flowers to his school to 'tease' him. haha.
last time we play PC/PS2 games together, and keep fish..
now no new interesting games i like for PS2 anymore and i feel that it's a wasteful to spend hours in front of PS2/PC. :p
and now he takes care of the fish himself while i take care of C. :p

no time to pursue my old interest - cross-stitch
and my new interest is on bread making.
he's not interested at all.
don't be sad.
so far i received only 1 stalk of rose (bought from pasar) and 1 bouquet of flower (i ordered myself and he paid for it on ROM). :p

[but i am totally fine with me as i am not a flower/romantic person either :D]
i found pill mask (15 pcs @ 3.95) and mask sheet (20 pcs @ 3.95) at Watsons!!
going to try it with rose water tomorrow.
i can relate to the smoking, my father was like that also. if he starts to smoke we will bring E to the next room! smokers are really q selfish..

crayola spree
i dun mind organising but i'm scared that the shipping will be ex. i think one of the mummies said she bought from spree before and the shipping was ex, was it bkk?
pauline, i never rec any bouquet from hubby liao after married! and before married i only received 1 bouquet from him, and that time havent even started partohing hor.

but i ever received 1 bouquet of roses from my Ex before. that was bot from pasar malam ok, which was wrapped in newspaper and still with leaves and thorns kind ok!! so funny right!! haha
I'm in if positive focus on 31/Oct. Just a gentle reminder 31/Oct is next week. I hope the rest are ok, so long din meet all of u. Kinda miss everyone. Hahaha.

So nice. I loves your hubby's hobbies.
Come to think about it, my hubby has no hobbies leh. He also has no preference... Does it mean he has no character? He is hardly free, but if he does, he will sleep and relax ard.

kitsune & bkkgal,
WOW. Your hubby still read your blog. I dun think mine know my blog name leh. Recently, he is surprised that I have FB. Sigh...

I have one of your USborne 100 words book wrongly. You might wanna exchange with me as mine is the USborne 100 words with stickers. Let me know when do you wanna exchange.

See your pelangi spree for my order. Thank you. =)
I have not given hb his birthday or anniversary presents for some years now. I think i only got him a tie for xmas. so i must say i am equally guilty of not being romantic towards him :p most of the time, i dunno what to buy for him that's not a pair of socks, underwear or shirts. His toys e.g. phone, PCs, cameras etc, I oso dunno how to spot good deal or those that he thinks are great specs. But I show appreciation by squeezing his toothpaste for him, it shud count right??
don't know if ok for the rest or not..

<font color="ff0000">
re: positive tots trial
can change to 31 Oct??

tute, dor, apple, cheryl, pauline please respond. :D

my 1 stalk is also wrapped in newspaper one loh.
my ex even best, bought me 2 stalks - plastic one with fake mildew.
gifts for hb -

hmm...ya tough one...v hard to buy cos hb's tastes and mine are v diff so i don't really buy clothes and accessories for him. it's usually some kind of gadget.

but i know for our 5th year anniversary next year i am buying a new set of 17-inch sport rims and tyres for the car.

is that considered romantic? hehe...
wah, much cheaper than muji or shipping! good good. give reviews hor.

No lah, i myself oso got no hobbies or rather, i've forgotten what i liked to do with my spare time (does it mean i have no character? dun think so lah) . actually after having kids, seems there's no time for hobbies anymore (except photography cos it's an excuse to take more pics of kids).
That's me. I bought from OTC spree (oriental trading ...) but the shipping is ex. so after calculating the total. If I can get crayola washable crayon in singapore at $3.50, I probably getting it at $5 after including the shipping. But that time I was luckily as I bought 2 boxes and happened that one box was damaged so I get 2 boxes for the price of one. So no complaint. =P

I'm still quite optimised that PIL really loves their grandchildren, just that sometimes they will forget they r smoking. So a gentle reminder can just do the job. ASking them to quit smoking is definitely a no-no to them as they are already long time smoker. I believe if one wanna quit smoking, they will do so whenever they want. we cannot control them.

So sad. Talking abt photography. I wanna buy new camera body Nikon D90, flashlight also cannot. Money spent most of kids nowadays.
re:youtube podcase,
there's a youtube app you can install in iphone for viewing. you can also download the youtube video using some plugins (need to check with hb for the name) and can download in few different quality e.g. .flv, .mp4 and you can directly add you your phone
i don't really like streaming directly from youtube coz it's quite slow :p

re:crayola spree,
there's quite a few crayola spree going on now. Maybe can just join one of those for easier pickup... I think i'll get the crayon ones coz scared marker will be messy again.

re:usborne books,
they are so expensive! i saw mama21 blog, she's selling 1 usborne phonics book for 22.50. Gosh! So i asked my colleague whose wife is working in China and he found a site seling for $20 for 12 books. Not sure of the quality and the book has chinese translation as well but i'll just try to buy and see how.

my hb is also not a flower person... last flower i got is during val day before i gave birh to C, and he got it because it was on sale ! late night on V day... lol... :p

i got C a big drawing book for him to draw on... but recently he started poking on the book and the pencil mark stained the bumper mat
ooh, hopefully when i get the new iphone i can do that. now mine is 2G and the WLAN doesn't work. so annoying!! and recently i keep missing SMSes also. super sian.

it's about $5+ when i bought it 3 yrs ago.

didn't think about the cutting session leh. since i don't have a small scissors to bring out, i bgt the surgical scissors as it's not too ex.
