(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

you are back!!
yes, weather is super hot but it rains sometimes. very humid and uncomfortable.
stomach ok already?
blueginger, I knew cos I asked gynae (saw her after my oscar scan), she scanned and there was nothing between the legs lor. Don't be mistaken, I love gals. Of course, boy or gal, I will love equally as much, maybe gals slightly more cos I always feel gals more sensitive and filial. Hee.

I'm just a bit disappointed cos the chinese gender predictor didn't work and I was aiming for a boy for hubby and ILs sake. He has so much boy toys but no one to inherit it from him. haha. But since hubby and ILs both ok then I'm relieved too.

Wow, clover nice chicken and roast pork, I used to use my oven (cum microwave oven) to roast vegetables, mushrooms and meat often but haven't touched it since I got preggie with no. 1. :p
Clover : nope not a sahm

Genice: Just realised I don't have your number! Today i think i cannot make it to Toa Payoh.

Pauline: I love girls more too. But for similar reason, I would like to have a boy as well.

Oven: how much would a basic oven cost? I don;t have one at home! and what brand.
Hi mummies,

found out a book of this title "The Lazy Husband: How to Get Men to Do More Parenting and Housework" from Jan thread.
i think some of us might need it. going to borrow it from library later.
oven can be as low as $50 till few hundreds to thousands.

I had one that's a 'mixed' brand, cost me $49 and lasted me more than 7 years.
i made lots of cookies, pineapple tarts, and some other stuffs with it.
the drawback is that the temperature in the oven is not even, so, cannot make a good cake with it.

i think it's up to your requirement. saw some fancy oven that can steam and roast a chicken at the same time too.
welcome back!!!

ya, the weather is simply awful. don't feel like going anywhere outdoors.

last sunday, we attempted to walk from mount faber to kent ridge with the babe, ended up i surrendered halfway at telok blangah haha...
what a cute sounding book!!

while i've been reading some of the baby books and how they emphasise so much on positivity, i realised that probably we can use the same methods on our hubbies, instead of nagging nagging all the time. but it's v easy to nag nag cos they're adults and should really know better!

ooh which predictor did u use? the online one?
yup. hopefully the content is nice too. no harm read one more book.

it's hard to treat hb the same way as we treat bb. we have a set of expectations from them.
my hb always tell C that 'you are the only one that mummy won't scold. but wait till you grow up, you will also suffer as me' :p
did u try that tangzhong mtd already? is it safe to use clingwrap touching hot foods? thinking of bpa leaching...

Alot of recipes to try this weekend!

nope, dunno the 2 names u listed.

actually besides the online predictor of gender, got other factors aso like ur O-day, do on which day, whether enough arousal or not. *feel shy talking abt it online* haha...

these factors are wat i read from preggy book.

so far, mine is quite "zun" based on the factors. and i aso check wif my other gfs. they r aso very "zun". me very kpo, like 2 check whether the book states the facts/truth anot. Hee...
haha your hubby so funny

ok tx. i have them one of them as a "friend" and one of them who request to be my friend, some of the mutual friends are the mummies from this thread. hmm...
i just discovered the tangzhong method yesterday. some other website didn't specify using the clingwrap to touch the tangzhong surface. i think it just serve as a purpose of preventing a film forming on top of it. should not be an issue to obmit this step and just remove the film if there's any. i don't like the idea to subject clingwrap to high heat too. although the packaging say it's safe to do so.
i still have 5 portions of my old dough in the freezer. probably will try this method after 5 more loafs of bread.

i think you might be interested to try this recipe:

my hb talk all sorts of 'inappropriate' things to bb one.
i am now trying to educate him that bb understands and absorbs all kinds of information now. cannot talk rubbish.

C now knows to brush her teeth using the rubber tooth brush come with first teeth. she inserts her index finger into it and start putting them into her mouth and brush brush brush, when finish, then return it back to me. haha...
in case if the link doesn't work, here's the content:

<font color="0000ff">Whole wheat bread ( w/ water roux starter)

Most bread we can find in grocery stores contains fructose/glucose, or even high fructose corn syrup as a substitute for sugar (so do most soft drinks). This is simply not good for our health. I decided to bring out my kitchen gadgets and make home made bread again.

One of the successful results from my recent experiments is this whole wheat bread using water roux starter. The ideas of this bread are based on two great books: "65?????" and "King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking".

"65?????" is a very good book on japanese style bread, it's full of recipes that yield moist and springy loafs and buns. But most of the recipes use white flour and lots of sugar and fat, which is not suitable to consume on a daily basis. This book does include two or three "whole grain" bread recipes, but they actually use only 1-2 cups of wheat flour and 3-4 cups of white flour.

"King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking" is in my opinion the best whole grain baking book on the market. While the recipes are tested and yield healthy and tasty results, the bread is a bit crumbly because of its whole grain texture.

This recipe incorporates the greatest inspirations I got from these two books -- the idea of using water-roux starter (??) to improve texture, adding potato flakes to keep the the whole grain loaf soft and adding orange juice to mellow out the bitter taste of whole grain flour -- and adds wheat gluten and cuts the amount of sodium/sugar/fat on top of that. The result is so pleasing that it completely changed my view on whole wheat bread!


1/2 cup milk
2 Tablespoons whole wheat flour

1/2 cup lukewarm water
2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 cup orange juice
4 Tablespoons butter or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon half salt
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup skim milk powder
3/4 cup instant mashed potato flakes
3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 Tablespoon wheat gluten
1 Tablespoon wheat germ
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
1/2 cup raisins or other dried fruit of your choice (optional)


1. Make water roux using A. Refridgerate for 12-24 hour for best results.

2. Right before making bread, activate the yeast by mixing B in a bowl and let sit for about 15 minutes;

3. Mix C together with A and B from step 1 and 2 to make a dough;

4. Let the dough rise in a humid and warm environment until it doubles in size;

5. Shape the dough and put it in a 9"x5" loaf pan, let it rise till it's crowned over the rim of pan by about 3/4";

6. Bake the bread in preheated oven (350F) for 10 minutes uncovered and another 30-35 minutes (or until a thermometer reads 190F when testing its center) covered with aluminium foil. </font>
my take on hb's role in parenting and child care - all the expectations should have been discussed upfront BEFORE kid arrives.

the conversation is quite simple - either hb is an equally involved parent, or hire a maid. so up to hb to decide. if both also don't want, then don't have kids.
Made these last week cos K loves to eat plain buns (used a recipe posted by happyhomebaking). I added cube cheese in the middle. They were nice when fresh out of oven but the day after, the bread became more "dense" but not hard and chewy. maybe this tangzhong mtd can change the texture and make bread keep longer?

but before having a kid sometimes hard to know what's to come?

ooh interesting! for my #2 i want to try for a ger
i even ask my gynae how to have a girl, he said the only advice he could give is to avoid seafood for that month cos iodine somehow affects the sperm i think.

what kind of inappropriate things leh? they are absorbing so fast, and soon will be repeating everything we say, so we'll have to learn to be v v v careful with what we say! :S
thanks for the link to charmaine. so heartbreaking! especially those photos of her after her 4th chemo =( but she's a brave gal, still can smile in spite of all the pain and discomfort.

i've decided to donate to help her have a chance. are you going to? maybe we can pool together or something? any other mummies interested? i think her website offers other options (apart from $ donation) - like donating used books, un-used toys/gifts etc

while we may not be able to help everyone out there that needs help, at least it makes a difference to the one that we are helping
true. in my case, we talked to friends who had kids with no live-in domestic help and that painted a very clear picture of the effort involved. quite a few of my close friends fall into this category (some even with two kids and not staying with the grandparents) - so hb and i were inspired to give it a try too.
I'm donating to her too. I think cash is the best way to help them. when I sent hb the link, he was too affected to read all the way cos he says it's too close to our hearts. But we will help in whatever way we can. hope the father of charmaine helps the mommy financially, even if he's not seeing the kids anymore.

dunno abt E but K is like a parrot - she mimics what we say without understanding what the word says. When hb encounters a poor driver on the road, sometimes he will say a bad word or two. I have to remind him not to say in case K picks it up.
wow your bread looks pro leh...you even have that sheet of paper (what's it called again? doily or something?)

A still not talking, so i don't need to worry about her picking up words. but hor, any reason to be concerned ah? or is she internalizing all the words and will one day surprise me with a full sentence?

re the donation - are you going to transfer to her account directly? they gave a POSB account number online
garfield, count me in for the donation pls, thanks

Pls help, re: fever

1)I want to know, at which degree should we give paracetamol?

2) will viral fever come and go? ie, fever come back at night, next morning ok?

3) when fever, can our tod bathe? or only sponge them? can wash hair?

my son caught fever yesterday evening, but i only sponge him thruout the night (fever hit 38.5 midnight) cuz i dont have medicine at home, and brought him to clinic this morning where the fever already subsided to 36.9.
true. now it's too late to regret for something that we didn't solve BEFORE.
another thing that is to set a reasonable expectation. sometimes can figure out what he will and will not do by seeing FIL.

so, in order to have a boy, eat more seafood? i am just curious.

the inappropriate things like: the 'three letter words' in chinese. they are those the most mild kind, but i still don't like.
also, he sometimes tell C that: "Mummy is very fussy, right? I know you don't like mummy. etc"

what happen to charmaine's father? you read through all the entry?

re: bread
i am not qualify to organise a demo session as i dump everything into the breadmachine.
except that now trying to adopt some method, e.g., old dough, water roux to make the bread stay fresh longer.

your bread looks nice. with egg glaze? You use the breadmachine to knead the dough then bake it with normal oven?
i think those method will help it to a certain extend. My bread made using the old dough method also a bit softer after 1 day compared to those just made without special technique.
yes. they pick up words even before they start talking.
so, need to be very careful with the conversations in front of them.

i think above 38 for paracetamol.
not sure about viral fever.
when C having fever, i still bath her. but make sure the temperature of the room is warm and no fan directly blow on bb so that she won't catch cold.
if his fever drop to 36.9, just KIV first.

usually i feed Cayenne wif paracetamol when her fever hits 37.6. 6hrly. above 38.5, 4hrly.

as 4 viral fever, same aso. but tat time Cayenne kena it, take paracetamol, temp still yo yo, so PD give the inuforen (4get the spelling). take alternately with paracetamol, 4hrly each time. for at least 2 days continuously. tat was the most suffering period 4 Cayenne and me.

my bb sitter dun practice bathing. jz 2 sponge. so i follow suit. she use the traditional method - rice wine 2 sponge. it helps.
hmm my gynae didn't say leh, cos i already got a boy, haha. but he did say that for girl, it's all about ovulation date, so typically try on the 13th or 14th day after first day of period, but then again, it's hard to tell when you will ovulate. then he said there's no scientific basis or strong link, but it just seems that for a girl, avoid seafood and chances might be higher.

that's q a good idea. think my hb and i never really talked about such things before bb came along, and MIL always do everything for him, so i had to do a lot of "training"! soon we'll be moving out of ILs place, so think i have to re-train, haha. must go and think of some role model couples and seek more advice from them
Dun cry, but read this: http://ourfeistyprincess.com/about_charmaine_family.php

Charmaine's father left them when the mom was 7 mths preggy with Charmaine. He left them for the mom's good fren

XY - yeah, I read all the entries. The mom is not working anymore becuz of Charmaine but glad the mom has a bunch of good frens to support her. Still, raising the half million for treatment is tough for her.

I'm sending a cheque. I read in the blog that the POSB number was cut - dunno if they've put up a new one cos they still sorting out with authorities whether it's permissible to solicit $$ in this manner.

I knead by hand until arms ache for 2 days. I think I may have over-kneaded (is there such a thing??) cos it was sticky at first but after 15 mins of continuous kneading, it became less sticky. But because the recipe said to knead 25 mins, I continued and the dough became sticky again. During the proofing process, I thought it's supposed to double in size but it didn't really. And it says to punch out the gas right? when I punched, not much gas came out leh. Dunno is it due to overkneading? It's egg glazed.
A taking her time no worries! hehe. you may be surprised one day ;)

i used the cupcake cups which were too flimsy for cupcakes.
Do we need a bread machine for bread making? Is it a must? Can we steam? I think the other time I read CLover mentioned can steam bread.
Clover, May I know how to?
bread machine is for ppl who are lazy/busy like me. :p
not a must. it's easier, just dump whatever in the machine then will get a loaf of bread.
but hand kneading can make more variety and better texture of bread.
is there a method to steam bread? just like steaming 'fa gao'?
breadmachine will help to mix the ingredients, knead the dough, raise and then bake. all in the same baking pan.
no need to hand knead.

there are some other quick bread recipe do not call for hand kneading. the texture of quick bread is different from those yeast bread that require hand kneading.
not sure about bread by steaming.

hair and whole body. actually the smell not strong 1. cos u oni use alittle. but expect some crying. according 2 my bb sitter, rice wine is cooling.so when we sponge onto their little bodies, they feel discomfort. Cayenne cried when we use rice wine 2 sponge her. hv 2 keep comforting her.

u shd knw which important areas 2 sponges rite?
re donations to charmaine,
thanks clover and bkkgal.
tong, no problem - do you want to join the mar08 thread or donate to her directly? i don't mind coordinating with you or organizing for our thread similar to our christmas donation drive the last time if there is enough response.

on hb,
iso hehe, share a secret - it will be doubly effective if the advice comes from your hubby's good buddy =) their words carry 1,000 times more weight and effect

re fever, my PD says threshold is 38 degree to give medicine. i dunno about viral fever though.

hai...A is so hilarious, she will parrot the stuff she's not supposed to - like "aiyo"...but not the actual words lor
Thanks for the link! Very useful - realise what I did wrong - used back of my palms to knead. Will try the slap and fold mtd next time I'm up to hand kneading.
ah the heat is giving me a headache.

qoosan, erh not me leh. i think we were saying to steam the bread after storing it in the fridge. i.e. the bread is baked liao

1) can give paracetamol aft 37.5c. if bb's fever is more than 38.5c, i give nurofen.
2) yes, fever usually spiked at nite. hence have to take shift to wake up and take bb's temp.
3) yes! i let alex sit in the bath tub longer to lower his temp. i also let him sleep in ac.

apple, i hv an oven too but its a bit faulty so i only used it for food.

bkkgal, yr bread looks wonderful. i agree hand knead bread is better than bread machine's, but i chin chai lah. re: charmaine, yah i read abt the hb... i wonder is he doing anything for his little girl?

xy, i'm going to learn how to make yogurt from my mil. the yogurt bread looks good, but can bake such shape from our bread machine? r u using bluesky as well?
my yogurt bread is in different shape - just a loaf. Bread from machine is the same boring size. :p
but the texture still soft.
xy, tks for the advice. it doesnt matter to me the shape as long as it taste good. u using bluesky? sorry the heat is making me groggy n blur.
