(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

stephie: huh!! heart failure really sounds scary. you look healthy wor, never thought that you have that problem. hey, then you should stop drinking coffee

i strongly suspect it's due to hormone change during bfg, plus caffeine effect loh. cos last time before pregnancy, i also drink kopi, but no problem. oh, doubt will be able to tell by looking at a person if he/she has got the problem loh.
don't know leh. didn't avoid any thing deliberately. also suspected iodine from seafood. so not sure if eating too much fish (mum cooks fish almost every dinner) adds on to the relapse.
munchkin straw cup

but i purposely dun 1 to push in too much.. cos i scare vernon will get choke and he is drinking very well from the straw leh... and he can drink alot leh lol
gals, this is my lunch yesterday. the healthy part of it. so happy of my cooking.

WOW!!! impressive!! good job, gal! :D

i still find the munchkin one harder to suck than magmag.. u all feel the same?

yes. magmag is easier to suck den the munchkin... but the munckin is leak free.. magmag keep leaking 1. and the cover haiz. oso lousy
i tink XY mention b4 tat she didnt sterilize the magmag. am i rite, XY?

i change the cover and the straw, didnt sterilize. indeed, it is very tight and doesnt leak. so i let Cayenne use back magmag instead of munchkin.
xy, I tried yr bread recipe yesteday. using 1 3/4 cup of flour n 2 tspn of yeast. dunno it was a flop. the texture came out like hardened "fa gao". I made another batch last nite using my old recip but with 1 1/2 tspn of yeast n the end result was softer. my hb loves it.

isobellies, tks! it was so easy to cook n nice to eat too! ;)
Clover, I really envy that you can be sahm and can enjoy your cooking, baking and takng care of your kid!

Strawmug: I think I use the cheaper one leh – lucky baby :p
tong, then I admire u for being working. more pocket $ n interacting with more ppl! ;D everything has its trade offs. I want to find work but not so hardworking abt it... haha.
straw mug
actually i found the best way to get my son to drink water is just to use straws. when we go out i just ask for warm water and a straw and he'll happily drink a lot... heh.
Hiya mommies
Haven't been able to log on for a while. Great to see quite a number of mommies trying out new bread recipes! The kaya recipe looks great too! gonna try this weekend.

Constipation problem
I am happy to report that K's prob is fully resolved. In fact, she doesn't want to get up from the potty nowadays whereas in the past, she refused to sit on the potty. That means, no more pain or straining during potty time, no more fear. She very funny, sometimes she just wanna sit on potty to pass wind!

Btw, ABC the LifeFlora probiotic is really effective (more effective than the Watson's Probiotics for Babies and Children). I think because of LifeFlora, she is able to go everyday now and guess what, the poo is not so smelly as before. Means that the good bacteria has combated the bad. Highly recommend this LifeFlora and I calculated, it is actually cheaper than the Watson's one.

Me too looking for toddler bed. I looked alot of places but so far, only Ikea has more selection which is affordable. Ikea has a basic unit going for $49 (UP $199) now...very tempted to just get it cos they only use it for 2-3 years...no need to spend too much $$. The bed rail is $15 for 1. It's not very pretty but I thought maybe I could paint it up nicely myself.
toddler bed
have any of you seen the shop that's opposite GUG in united square? their furniture looks v v cute, but i bet it costs a bomb...
Clover, I guess it all depends on what you want. Well, personally I would prefer to sah because I like baking and cooking for the family.

bkkgal, glad tat k has finally overcome her problem
tongtong, yah. i think if i am working, i will miss being with my boy. i like cooking (not so much of baking) but i'm not so much of a gd housewife. my house is messy and not clean. so either i slog hard to maintain a clean house or less play time with my boy.

the best will be being a sahm with helper. ;p
re: cooking/baking

which bread recipe are you talking about? 1 3/4 cup flour + 2 tsp instant dry yeast is what i used earlier
if i can remember, my recipe calls for:
2/3 cup milk
1 3/4 cups flour
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 package active dry yeast (i used 2 tsp instant dry yeast instead)

you mean the texture is a lot of holes but very hard? what's the difference of your old recipe from mine?
more flour? more sugar?

i made a potato loaf over the weekend. it's hard.
probably i substitute same amount of milk/water with 1/2 mashed potato + 1/2 potato water. too much solid, i think.

i tried another loaf of cranberry + oat bread last night.
it seems to have a bitter aftertaste. all 1/4 cup of my instant oat seems dissolved in the dough - cannot see or taste.
1/4 cup of dried cranberry seems to be too little too.
don't know why the bitter aftertaste, probably due to the marigold apple+cranberry juice?

your roasted chicken looks nice..

re: straw cup
yup. i didn't sterilise the magmag.
if i fit the rubber ring correctly, it doesn't leak.

but the cover pops up more often now. i inspected and found that it's because the catch has worn out.

I asked for a plastic cup and straw when i eat at restaurant too.
it serves as an entertainment for C. but i need to constantly help her hold the cup to prevent spilling.

re: toddler bed
Ikea toddler bed so cheap? why toddler bed only use for 2-3 years? after that change to normal bed?
ikea toddler bed $49 (UP$199), mattress $100, railing $15, bedsheet $19. the bed is extendable to 1.5metre, I think..so it can last until bb turns 7-8 years old?
hey grace, alex was sleeping when I made the dish n today's roast pork. if he's awake, I can't cook much coz I let him play by himself n hv to ensure he's not up to any mischief.
Hey all, I came across this blog and I was saddened by it. It's about a not quite 4yo girl's battle with stage 4 cancer. Her chance of survival is very low if she continue to seek treatment here in SG. Her chance will be higher if she receive a drug treatment from US, but the medical fee is very hefty.

Little Charmaine's blog is at--> http://ourfeistyprincess.blogspot.com/
Her medical report--> http://www.ourfeistyprincess.com/campaign/docs/letter_from_Dr_Aung.pdf

I'm trying my best to help them. No, I am not related to them in anyway, but I am sure if you read her story, you will be as moved as I am.

Please pass on this message to your family/friends/colleagues and if you can, donate or raise funds for her.
Thanks for sharing the blog. Heartwrenching. The mommy is such a strong strong woman. Disappointment after another. Dun know how many of us could withstand the trials she went through. Found myself tearing while reading this waiting for doc.
Its really so sad. I also cannot help tearing. Will certainly spread the words around to help raise funds.

clover: saw you in amk thread. YOu are staying in amk>?
RE: Mag Mag
I don't sterilize James' MagMag but the cover pops open so often I got fed up and trimmed the straw. I had always thought that the straw is the force behing pushing the cover open. It's shorter than usual but it works!

Leak: Xiaoyun's right..if you place the rubber ring correctly it will not leak (or leak as much) But I will still put the MagMag in a plastic bag cos it will usually still leak a bit.
My cot can be coverted to toddler bed but I feel that the height is too high..its the same height as my bed. Comes with a rail. But still too high for our babies? Thinking of using a mattress instead.
Clover...Amazing you can dish up roast pork! I usually take at least 1 hour to cook a simple dinner meal. Your lunch looks yummy (I believe it tastes great too). What spices did you add to your Asparagus? How to cook it Ang Mo sytle?
I'm in the concumer based company

I have not give Channet any Straw yet. She seems not really for it. How?

How you know your bb is a girl? So fast can tell already??? Girl or boy the same. Still your child.
Hi moms,

I managed to switch formula for K successfully. I have a 1.8kg unopened tin of Gain IQ (for 1yr upwards). Expiry Sep2010. Letting go at $50. Self collect. PM me if you are interested ok?
consumer based company slower responds to economy downturn?
yesterday newspaper say economy rebounds.
but today government say keep status quo: cut pay to keep jobs. no hope to revert my paycut too.

for straw, how do you know that she's not ready for it? just let her play play and suddenly one day she will know how. no worry.

the girl looks so cheerful in the photo. so sad for her too.. i can't imagine how i would react if this happen to me.

re: toddler bed
i've decided to use matteress instead of getting the bed since it can be used till primary school only. (although i guess C can use it longer as she's has her mummy's short short genes :p)
i am now considering to convert my study room to her bedroom next time. but now still don't feel like shifting the bookshelves and tables. will KIV the plan and see how.

re: bread
i've finished the cranberry & oats bread. going to make another loaf!!
either will make cream cheese bread or yogurt bread. depends on my mood later tonight.
charmine's cause
it breaks my heart to know about her case, so doing wat i can to help with this cause. ladies, maybe can get your company to do fund raising for her?

xiaoyun, my failed bread dun hv butter or milk. no wonder it failed. haha... it looks like a squarish "fa gao" and texture is hardened. i baked another loaf with 1 1/2 tspn of yeast instead of 1tspn and it's fluffier. that's why i said baking is like science experiment!

apple79, yes i stay in amk ave 10. how abt u?
Nepia diapers
Nepia is having a promotion now - $14 per pack of diapers (any size). Order through the company. Thought you might be interested to know.
Bkkgal, That snds like a good buy but gwen hasnt used nepia for a long time. Not sure she can get used to it or not.

Clover.. ur food looks gd. I made char siew when i was in US too.. when i still have the overn.. haha.. but my char siew is 'fake' one.. i used char siew sauce.

Hi mummies whose kids are enrolled in LNT. Can i check is there any promo going on.. like recommend someone and u have disc and i have disc too. Just thot if there are mutual benefits then y not? :p Thiking of signing gwen up for the one at selegie.. any promos now?

Anyway.. I am back!! Super cannot tahan the weather.. sweat like mad here.. thot i can enjoy the food.. but suau suay.. stomach upset the 1st 2 days when i reached sin.. suffered till today. Can i just check is the zoo outing still on? Cant wait to meet up with the walking toddlers.. SO CUTTTTEEEE...

welcome back! muz find a time to meet up. it's sch hols now.

LNT: dun think there is a promo going on now...
