(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

bx: erm.... i stored for v long leh... abt 1mth. hee

Xiaoyun, I also have the same problem. Just missed my free ingredient for today again cos I don't know what is chocolate bloom (all the baking/dessert questions, I sure fail one), shucks! Looks like cannot be lazy, must mug the FAQ well before taking on the food quiz next time.

Went for my Oscar scan today, results will only be out next Tues. Looks like I'm going to have another gal. Hubby insists he is not disappointed at all. Oh well, think RaeAnne will be happier with a sister and we save $$ as well cos really nothing to buy liao if gal again. ;P
pauline... ask hor, the RC game huh... do we have to have a variety of dishes or it is better to focus and level up on 1 particular dish for each catergory?
Xy, no. 3? Unless hubby more gian than me, if not I don't think I want to suffer the MS, backache, labour pains, sleepless nights, breastfeeding problems, lack of freedom, no travelling to far countries etc for the THIRD time. Just thinking about it, make me wanna faint! Aiyah, should have chosen the pink waterproof cot sheet from your sis instead. Haha ;P

Jass, it's better to concentrate and upgrade the 3 dishes (1 starter, 1 main and 1 dessert) to the maximum ie. 10 for each dish cos the gourmet points is an average point given. But having said that, sometimes, really don't have the ingredient I have (can't trade and can't buy), and I have enough ingredients to learn another dish then I will still LEARN the dish. More options for upgrading lor.
u so fast can cfm gender already? like too soon to see anything between the legs right?

re: freezing foods
thks mummies. i happened to read somewhere that says 1 week. shocked me coz i usually store up to max 3 weeks.
doesn't affect my life bah, i hope. thyroid glands control our metabolism rate. basically i have overactive thyroid glands. so need to take medicine to normalise the secretion of thyroid glands. the norm is to take for a year and monitor via blood test to see if condition has stabilised.

dunno leh. nowadays seem difficult to have gathering liao hoh. every one so busy with our little ones.

your colleagues are lucky loh.
re: bread

saw the bread and made me think of the pumpkin kaya which i learnt how to make at a cooking demo @ onaka healing kitchen (www.onakagroup.com)

it's healthy and super yummy and here's the recipe for mummies who love to cook.

300g pumpkin (diced, steamed, skinned)
50g brown sugar
1/4 cup raw cashew
1 cup water
1 small pc pandan leaf

blend cashew, pandan leaf and water until smooth, sieve off the particles (use those cloth sieve for coconut milk) and retain the pandan-cashew milk.

submerge steamed pumpkin in pandan-cashew milk, add brown sugar and bring to boil.

mash pumpkin and stir continuously into thick paste while simmering.

kaya is ready when the paste reaches the desired consistency.

*you can use a blender which will save time and effort to mash and blend the pumpkin and pandan-cashew milk

i was surprised that it actually taste like real kaya (even nicer) even without egg and coconut milk.
Bx, not really leh, cos bb is already 6.5cm and gynae blow up image big big. In between the legs, only got black space leh. Hee. ;)

Now start thinking of gal's names. Hubby suggests Raelynn, sounds like Ashlynn hor? The only thing I felt unfair was hubby rejected this name previously cos he said sounds like 'railing'. Like not very nice to use reject for no. 2 hor. But I don't know what other gal's names that start with Rae-? :p

Chinese name even more complex, feel like calculating the no. of strokes (just check online type) but cannot find url. :p
it's ok to use Raelynn lah. dun think it is "rejected". how about names ending with -anne instead of starting with Rae-?
For those staying in sembawang, woodlands or yishun, if you are interested in signing up your toddler for my daughter's childcare at sembwang (the one i mention taht i am very happy with?), Peform@ Junior playhouse, they are having a very good promotion now.

If you signed up before 1 aug 09 for full day programme, you will get free school fees for the 2nd and 3rd mth.

Do mention my name when u signed up. I will be putting Andrae in as well. :)

If you wan more info, do PM me.
anyone know of any play group @ bukit panjang area? thinking of sending matthew for 2 hour per day kind of play grp ard my area but not sure how to go abt looking ard. hehehhe as u can see i'm not v familiar w my area leh.
Cheryl & XY,
Hahaha. Not jinx, very lucky. Got money and 4 month maternity leave compensation good or bad. Some more can stay at home and rest. Just a trend I guess.
This time is different. I din kenna. But I learned that it is better to leave earlier. Seeing people leaving is far bitter than those leaving.
Last time I was the first batch to leave, so din feel that bad. This time I saw people I know leaving, it really hurt.

I started working since last Oct 2008. If I'm SAHM, sure can chit-chat with you gals all day. And for sure I'll be in Taiwan for sometime. Wanna find business oppurtunity ove there. *Wink*
on the topic of preschool/playgroup. anyone has comments on the below:

1. montessori for children
2. mindchamps
3. schoolhouse by the bay
4. bestcare
5. brighton
6. chiltern house

sorry for the long list.
talking about pumpkin kaya, there's a stall at basement of raffles city that sells pancake and it has pumpkin kaya flavour. i thought it's quite unique. there's bits of water chestnut i think cos can bit some crunchy crunchy stuff when i eat. nice
how about "Raechel"? my hubby loves this name, but we have another close friend whose kid has this name so we decided to drop it.
Thanks, Bx, Stephie, Gar. I do like Raelynn, I was the one who suggested that for no. 1 but hubby rejected then. Now, he said use Raelynn so a bit duh lor.

Bx, prefer starting with Rae cos Ray (Rae) to me means that the child is a ray of hope/sunshine in our lives.

Gar, Raechel is nice but it is similar to both Rachel and Rachelle which has totally different pronounication, a bit confusing. Also, Rachel was my ex boss's daughter's name. Don't think I'll use it. :p
pauline: the name gar suggested - Raechel is nice! maybe you can consider raekel or raeyer??

abc: hmmm.. i'm hoping for a playgrp which is within walking distance from home (somewhere near petir or bukit panjang lrt) so that my MIL can walk bb over for a while and probably fetch him 2 hours later. hoping not to have half day kind of childcare as i still got maid leh. double expenses wor.
oic...but ex boss leh won't be seeing her liao right hehe?

oh btw, what are the different pronunciations for Rachel and Rachelle? in my head the only one that occurs to me is the conventional "ray-chel"
Gar, hehe, true but RaeAnne's name is already inspired by this same ex boss's neighbour so don't want to take her daughter's name as well. Hee.

Rachel is pronounced as ray-chel. Whereas Rachelle is Ra-shell (it has french origins, I think).
Qingling, haha, welcome to the club. Yup, I visited your restaurant. You wanna add my hubby's 2 restaurants too (check Teo under my facebook friends)? I'm the manager of 3 restaurants now. Siong ah... Hee. ;)

Bx, you wanna start a restaurant at Restaurant City too since now school holidays. Got more time to play? Hee.
OH ya, Qingling cleaning is not important in the beginning, only important when you reach rating 8 and you have toilets. Better to assign your 3rd staff to be a cook, can upgrade your restaurant rating faster. Better to shift the tables and chairs into boardroom style layout so that the waiter don't need to walk so much. ;)
restaurant city is soo addicting lol...

now at level 8..
got 3 toilet. and 5 staffs..
3 cooks, 1 waiter and 1 cleaner lol
haha, cheryl, good for you. I'm too stingy to allocate 1 cleaner. I've got 4 cooks, 2 waiters instead. When the toilets are dirty. I cheat (learn from Jan mummies). Drag the dirty toilets to My items(under redecorate) then drag back to restaurant again. AUTOMATICALLY cleaned! Haha
But got to keep watch and keep doing it, a bit leh cheh lar. If online, cannot cheat then toilets sure dirty! :p

Anyone have pork or rice to trade?
ya it very leh cheh leh....
cos very fast the toilet dirty leh....

den i duno if i wan to to stop ppl from coming in, i can just put something in front of the door. den hor, i go n put 2 doors. can u imagine how many ppl come in n out, lol....
Crystal: I stay at khatib, yea I will ask my pt cleaner see whether she is still keen to take in more houses, will pm u later.

Clover, pm u liao. It’s very near to northpoint, the stretch of shop next to northpoint new wing.btw are you using bluesky breadmachine? Happy that you have successfully made the bread! Hehe

Qingling, nice bread! Yumyum!

Stephie: what will happen if you din take medicine?
i very mountain tortoise wan. dunno how to play. prefer to just surf ard the net.

re: Munchkin non-spill cup
i find it diff to suck water from the straw. anyone face the same prob? it is turning ashlynn off so much so that she whines everytime i bring the bottle to her.
Cheryl, I read RC wiki. The best way to maximise the 2000 coins (earned when you are offline) is to put only 1 chef and 1 waiter at work when you are going offline. The other staff, send them to rest. ;)

Bx, haha, it's very easy to play. That's why it's addictive. Here's the url but I will not 'psycho' you anymore in case you end up getting addicted like me. After my hubby saw me playing the games, he said now he finally understands why his students can spend so much time at facebook. haha.
do you want to change the waterproof cot sheet?
my sis said if it's not used, she can change for you for the pink one.

re: bread
i tried this method:

the texture of my bread is smoother now. but it still turn stale after 1 day.
and i think the technique of not producing too much bread crumbs is to use a sharp normal knife to slowly saw the bread.
either my serrated knife is not sharp or i don't have the skill of using that knife. so, normal knife works too.

the pumpkin kaya looks nice.
thanks for the recipe. best is without egg and coconut milk, hope i can last longer in the fridge.

i tried to make a milk bread - without using breadmaker.
taste is good, but texture not good.
will try it again next time.

is that's the reason for you to be so slim?

good that you didn't kena this time.
but i believe ppl left do not feel good too. workload higher now?
last time you SAHM also didn't come chit-chat with us. it seems you come back more often after start work. :p
what kind of business opportunities you looking at?
bx, cheryl, iso,

yeps, push the straw further into the valve of the straw to activate the valve. It wld then be v v easy to suck liao. I thk it's in the instruction leaflet or smthg...

what's ur sis blog again? got a friend wanna buy milkbags. let me knw can? thks!!!
Hmm... Mayb I'm more of a computer idiot. =P
Ya. More work to do now. Ytd one of my managers had tendered her resignation. Which means leave with only 3 of us. (2 engineers and a manager) fainted. But I have to bear with this condition until November when I delivered. My friends said next time have to call my kids "retrenchement kids". Cos Mummy always kenna retrenchement while having them. Hahahah....
See what kinda of business I can find there.

i asked my gp the same question. according to him, will result in heart failure wor (wow, scare me when i heard that cos me trying to delay medication as long as possible). but he reassure me won't reach that stage cos the person will be so unwell that he/she would have sought medical help already.

ya, should be the reason plus breastfeeding. so it's a very obvious symptom, i.e. weight loss despite increase in appetite, trembling of hands, increase in heartbeat.

really thankful that the relapse didn't happen when i was pregnant, else will be a difficult pregnancy to handle. i also suspect it's due to me starting to drink coffee after giving birth (pregnant time somehow me auto adverse to coffee).
