(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hello mummies - i trying to catch up with the postings, but as usual, i am slow.

regarding bb charmaine - count me in for donation. sigh. God please bless them!!

bread - wow, XY, thanks for wonderful recipe, so interesting - where do i find time to try them!!!

fever - H also yoyo-ing on the fever. Tue (38.5), Wed(39),Thursday(40
,Friday (39)...argg..she's on alt paracetamol and ibuprofen. We send her in to KK a&e on Wed, but doc did not diagnose any viral infection..hmm..but its been 4 days, what should i do, go back to doc again?

u can undress ur bb, and let him just be in diapers, so his temp can come down, and he wun get overheated. Just make sure he doesnt shiver.
Also, can bathe bb as per normal, but cannot use cold water, just lukewarm. And if sponge bb, use rm temp water, not cold water leh, the cold water will raise the temp instead.
tong tong
it's common to have temp going up (nite) and down (morning). It's typical of viral fever and usually last 3 days. Anything more than 3 days could be due to bacterial (that's where anti bacteria comes in). perhaps get paracetomol from doc/pharmacy to standby at home in future? hope Shaun recovers soon.
tong tong

See my answer in <font color="0000ff">blue</font>.

1)I want to know, at which degree should we give paracetamol?
<font color="0000ff">as long as more than 37 degree u can give. Sometimes it could be due to teething. Panadol can relief pain so at times i knw he is uncomfortable due to teething but no temp, i will still give.</font>

2) will viral fever come and go? ie, fever come back at night, next morning ok?
<font color="0000ff">it is very normal.</font>

3) when fever, can our tod bathe? or only sponge them? can wash hair?
<font color="0000ff">yes pls bathe kids when fever. best is to wear loose clothing and on the fan. If not u can on aircon too. Bathe in cool water to bring temp down. Sleep in aircon room if temp is high.</font>

my son caught fever yesterday evening, but i only sponge him thruout the night (fever hit 38.5 midnight) cuz i dont have medicine at home, and brought him to clinic this morning where the fever already subsided to 36.9.

<font color="0000ff">panadol is a must to standby at home. Just get any panadol from guardian or watson and placed at home. if tempp >39 deg, give nurofen. U can get from pharmacist. For fever you dun hv to see dr if u hv medcation at home. Only when fever persist after 72 hours or very restless and drowsy then see dr.</font>
i agree with abc
at home sure got 2-3 bottles of para and 1 bottle of ibrufen and the bullet oso... just in case. touch wood....

hope shaun ok liao
Thanks all mummies for advice! Shaun did not have fever already on Saturday morning after I sponged him whole night on friday, so I did not have to resort to giving medicine, phew! I guess it’s not viral fever, but might be teething fever because fever was on Friday evening, and it went off on Saturday morning and did not come back till now. And during fever, he was still playing, eating well, sleeping well and no discomfort. FINGER crossed, hope fever doesn’t come back.

From this fever episode, I learned many things from you all and on the research I did, just to share all the information that I have received so far:

1. If bb is having fever, give med only if bb is showing discomfort and temperature above 38.5. and monitor, keep sponging with room temperature water, give lots of fluid, wear loose clothing and see doctor the next day.
2. If fever above 39.6, see doctor immediately
3. the brain will require the body thermostat to stop at 40, wont make damage to the brain. Will only have risk of brain damage when temp > 42.
4. don’t treat fever as illness, it’s just a symptom to turn the body’s immune system on to fight against virus/bacteria attack. The heat from the body will try to kill the virus/bacteria. So it’s a natural thing that the brain send message to the body to increase the temperature.
5. give medicine only when required (38.5 and child is showing discomfort) as medicine doenst help our bb to build immune system. Rather, we should monitor and give chance to our bb’s body to fight against the virus/bacteria, thus building up immune.
Hi mummies,

Thanks for ur concern. My stomach ia ok already. Had a bz week after coming back plus tummyache plus need to unpack.. SIgh.. hse is stil in a mess now. Was super clean when i came hm cause my in laws come to my hse every week to help us clean up. My toilet has never been cleaner!!! Really thank them for their help.

Re: Meetups
This week i am more free.. anyobe not working on weekdays and want to meet up? Maybe we can go for coffee with our kids ( snds scary though) but thot its time for us to gather!! The last time was.. gasps... 4 mnths ago!

Was thinking maybe we can meet this wed? or this friday? But i seriously dunno where to go. I dun mind beach.. or parks. .. or mac? Gwen is now very big on fries.. sigh.. u noe why.. haha.
I am thinking fidgets may be a bit far for some of u.

Bx, abc, pauline and other sahm or mummies who cna take leave.. wanna go??

Re: breakfast

Can i just check what are ur kids taking for bf now.. I still give cereal.. but i dunno what cereal to give now.. what brands are u all using?

Sometimes i give a slice of bread w laughing cow cheese but gwen doesnt like the bread she only likes the cheese.. SIgh.. dunno what else to give..any ideas?

Re: Teeth
Can i also check what toothbrush and toothpaste u all using now?

Still first teeth and the small finger toothbrush? I just bought a small kodomo toothbrush for her to try.. will try tonight.. but thinking of using other toothpaste other than 1st teeth.. any other choices available?

Wah.. u all are BIG on breadmaking..i dun think i am so hardworking although it snds easy.. put everything in.. but still must have effort.. haha.. i dun have that kind of effort.. :p
Hi tong - gd to hear Shaun is fine.

Heidi is down with roseola now after episodes of high fever last week. Her appetite is very poor, also i duno what's with lying down and wearing her diapers, she will cry the whole house down as if its a torture to lie down and wear pampers.

Yesterday i made another loaf of bread, follow the bluesky recipe, making the walnut and craneberry bread, use milk instead of water, and its so nice smelling with a little of the lemon peel
I am fine with this fri. wed i needa go to sch. muz find a place where the kiddos can run around. dun think they can sit still. for bf, i still give cereals like HT and Nestle. Haven't transited her to take adult cereal yet.

re: cooking for bb
tried making abc pasta for ashlynn end up i finish it as my lunch. i din prepare any porridge as backup, so have to give her cereal instead. sianz... dunno why she so lousy in eating while other babies are fine with eating new foods.
K also no good with new foods. She's very stuck with the ones she knows. She refused pasta last night, would only eat the mushrooms. She doesnt' like cereal too. sigh...

Sounds like fun, outing on Friday. I'm thinking of taking a day off. If you confirm, let me know hor?

I bought the LION brand toothpaste (strawberry flavour). At first, she hated it but now she's used to it. Still dunno how to gargle and spit. Will drink the water instead. Hope it's safe! :p

hope Heidi recovered soon.


re : toothpaste

i bot Baby Einsten and Orajel. havent try yet though.

toothbrush, using tollyjoy brand ( i tink so)

re : breakfast.

u can let Gwen eat raisin bread? butter roll bread?

jz last wkend, i let Cayenne try on cornflakes wif fresh milk.


u try bee tai mak? or kway tiao 4 Ashlynn? prepare soup and then jz add them 4 lunch or dinner?

nw over wkend, i love 2 do soup (limited choices though) and i give Cayenne either mee sua or noodles for lunch. then dinner will be steamed rice, fish, pork or chicken with veggies.
i m oso using the 1st teeth tooth brush.. but vernon bite my finger till very pain loh
so we bought him a small kodomo toothbrush. so far so good. hehe....
genice - no fun unpacking huh..

toothpaste - i am still using first teeth, with a kodomo tooth brush, but H dun really like to brush her teeth, maybe becos the bristles is uncomfortable for her? Are other brands of toothpaste suitable (flouride?), haven't really check it out.

Baby's breakfast - H's breakfast is pretty boring too, milk, her usual cerals from HT and Nestle Gold, now addition of home made bread (but not everyday), sometime let her eat some of her mee and mee hoon (she loves it..hmm)

gathering - i wish to join too, but means have to organise way advance so i can take leave
, beach is nice, H loves the beach
i am gg genting from thurs to sat. Next week? Anyway in case i didnt chk my email u hv my hp number right? Jus sms me. :)
Genice, welcome back! For breakfast, I give oatmilk, cereal+fruits, bread. Haha my boy loves cheese very much too, and prefer cheese over bread. Unless give bread only without cheese then he will eat. as for cereal, after i finish the HT cereal, i will make cereal for him using roll oats and other grains. this is only during weekends la. weekday at nanny house, i will still provide instand cereal.

Clover: that’s a nice porridge, you gave 1 whole beetroot? Used as stock or puree it as well? I usually use beetroot to make stock, and if as veg to eat I only cut out a portion to cook.
Genice: amanda don;t eat breakfast leh.... dunno how to fit in this extra feed.

toothbrush: still using the fingerbrush but already bought a toothbrush for her. Now I let her put the fingerbrush on her own finger to brush hee hee cos when i brush for her,she will bite!

Clover: thanks for the receipe! Not much idea what to cook these days. Just tried baked salmon ytd, and she rejected it although we all find it yummy.
the porridge looks yummy, something that I would eat! How did you get the brown rice so soft? I combine brown and white rice for our family dinners but somehow the brown rice is always harder than white. Did u soak beforehand?
ladies, can share with me your blog?

bkkgal, i use the elephant brand organic brown rice from thailand. cooks like normal porridge, no soaking is required.

isobellies, tks! more recipes coming up :D

apple, i am going to try bake salmon this week too. how did u do yrs?

tong, yeap. i freeze the remaining puree and use it for subsequent meals. save me time :p can share your cereal recipe?
i saw it in a nook i borrowed fr the lib but havent try it out yet. seems like a lot of work.
my bb also doesnt like trying new food. In fact, other than bfast, feeding lunch and dinner is always a problem.
He doesnt like eating much, and seldom seems hungry, but since he drinks quite alot of milk, and is gaining weight, i think shd be fine lah.
Hi mummies,

Re: Outing this friday 12th june

Location: Dunno, maybe east side tampines?Got any place to receommend?
Time: Hmm.. After lunch and morning nap?
1. jeannie
2. Bx
3. bkkgal

Re: Breakfast
So most babies are still eating HT and nestle cereals.. wah.. u all haven finish ur HT? I think i need to order somemore.. anyone organising bp for that?

Tong.. what oatmeal cereals u talking abt? For adults?

Ester, i also let her take adults cereal like cheerio and cornflakes with milk. SHe likes it but i find a bit too sweet for her. Not sure whther good for babies or not.

Bx... actually u can try to make soup for her like what ester say.. i have been cooking chicken soup with corn/potato/carrots and i will cook rice and just mix the soup with rice/ bee hoon. She actually likes soupy stuff!
and i think chicken soup taste gd.. haha.. dun need to add any seasoning.. very easy to cook.

Apple.. y cannot squeeze in morning feed.. u mean amanda sleep till so late..thats gd for u!!BTW, ur stuff how.. :p.. i confiscate liao..

Fairfield, if ur boy drinks enuff milk than shld be fine.. but actually i am quite happy that our kids can take solids now.. haha.. can 'trick' them by giving them a bit of our food outside.

Qinling, hope heidi is ok now.. the rashe shld go away quite fast.
u jet lag har.. still awake!

Mine's taking happybellies. sometimes jus yogurt and avocado.

HT u can get form any NTUC or cold storage...
Hi, went to the zoo today and had a great time. Mummies who are keen to know more, please visit my blog, www.anewpiggy.blogspot.com. Finally uploaded the videos and photos.

Sorry, qingling, I remember our date on 15 June but scared that day can't go for gathering cos suppposed to celebrate Father's Day early with FIL cos 18 June - 21 June, we'll be at Penang. :p

Jeannie, where's fidgets? Keep forgetting. Oops! :p
Re: Outing this friday 12th june

Location: Dunno, maybe east side tampines?Got any place to receommend?
Time: Hmm.. After lunch and morning nap?
1. jeannie
2. Bx
3. bkkgal

I will prefer after lunch. coz my gal very hard to feed outside.

re: soup
i did try cooking soup, but like not tasty leh.

can share the recipe for the chicken soup?

can share how you prepare the soup for bee tai mak/kway tiao?

my gal exactly same as ur boy. seldom hungry... weight increase is very slow. now still 9+kg.

here's my blog

I aso use the elephant brand brown rice which i find v gd. it actually cooks the same as white rice which mk it very convenient.


I also love 2 prepare chicken soup 4 Cayenne. Smell fragnant &amp; taste super yummy!


re : chicken soup

I prefer 2 use chicken thigh 2 do the soup. Skin &amp; fat off, will put the whole thigh to boiling water 2 "wash away" the oil &amp; blood (sometimes do hv) for a few seconds.

after tat, transfer the thigh to another pot of boiling water (tat is 4 the soup).

I tried using pork ribs 2 do the soup, not as fragnant &amp; tasty as chicken thigh.

as 4 the other ingredients, i so far hv tried

1)pearl corn/carrot/potato
2)old melon/gou ji zi
3)mao gua (read in mandarin)/gou ji zi
4)"shark fin" melon/gou ji zi
5) carrot/potato

put the veggies ingredients into 2nd pot of boiling water with the chicken thigh. let it boil 4 at least 10 or 15min then i will transfer to a slow cooker. after tat i jz leave it 2 cook till the fragnance &amp; taste is out.

4 lunch, i will scoop the amount needed for the bee tai mak/kway tiao. rinse the bee tai mak/kway tiao with hot water. then jz dump them into the pot with the amount of soup and some veggies and put 2 boil 4 few minutes.

tat's it! relatively easy &amp; simple!

b4 eat, will chop 2 smaller bites 4 my Cayenne.
Clover:- Here's my blog www.growgrowngrow.blogspot.com How I prepare the baked salmon is in there.

Genice:- You keep for me first can. Very small, won't take up much space ba.hee hee I collect at next outing? This week I cannot join in the outing leh. Any outing next week?

Brown rice : Wow I am going to try elephant brand brown rice! I had problem cooking brown rice too (hard), ended up cooking white rice nowadays.
Hello mummies - any1 already donated to Charmaine? I managed to write a email and got a response, they give me the POSB savings which we could donate to. Do you all want to transfer individually, i can PM you the email. Let me know
hello mommies, long time no see, no post!

check: any mommies using maclaren Triumph? any comments? or is Quest a better choice?

any malls having promo for strollers, other than Mothercare?


haha.. no all! that will spoilt the soup man! keke...

u can try the either 1. tell u, Cayenne's fav soup is the option 1 &amp; option 4. she will ask 4 more. u can try option 4. it is really very yummy, the shark fin melon. my fav aso! keke...
Andrea, you can try baby hypermart. Their prices are 15% off retail price. sometimes they have promotion for the older models.

I am using Maclaren Quest. So far so good but its still too heavy for me to bring up the bus alone if i take public transport.
thanks! will go hypermart n look see. my SIL is using quest, its 5.2kg while triumph is 5.0kg.. hmmm.. i dont dare to bring stroller n my heavy girl to take bus. we will take mrt whenever possible.

shark fin (read in mandarin) gua. I dunno if supermarket has anot. usually i buy from veggies stall @ my place.

when cut open, it got seeds within, hv 2 dig out one by one. NOT SLICE OFF. If slice off, the flesh will be gone 2. The flesh is like "yi tiao, yi tiao" type when cooked. Looks like shark fin. Soft &amp; yummy.
good afternoon mummies,
so tempted to join the outings too. but i am on training this friday. can't take leave.

brought bb for MMR injection yesterday. bb's weight, height, and head circumference is on the 25%. PD said as long as she sleeps well, eats well, shouldn't big a problem. Furthermore, i am small size too. Genetically, she's like me. No hope for her to be supermodel liao. :p

you use 1 thigh for 1 day porridge? so need to buy a lot to standby right?
your soup sounds yummy.
day tripper has abot the same weight as triump (5kg). i used triump before but not recline enough for my boy to slp and he hates it. Think seat not comfy.

Personally i like graco EDT. Fully recline and lightest among all at 4kg. Selling at toyrus at $169.95. oh and he slp in it in the day time even at home.


I had the daytripper 2. It is very light &amp; very easy 2 use &amp; carry.

It can oni be adjusted 2 positions. If u wan ur gal 2 sleep comfortably in it, not suitable. Cayenne slept in it b4, her head will tend 2 slant 2 one side lor. the way i see, not comfy. ;p

Another ting 2 tk note, if u hang ur heavy bag on the handle &amp; when u wan 2 carry ur gal up, mk sure there is some1 behind 2 hold the day tripper. if not, it will fall behind. or remove ur bag 1st b4 carry ur gal.
for bringing baby out alone, i decided that stroller do not work for me as my house is not near to MRT.
don't have the strength to bring the stroller up the bus. so, carrier is the best choice now. :p
anyone still using the pouch sling? how to slot them in sitting position? not sure if i am getting fatter, i just can't put her in.
sharkfin melon isit call "si gua"?

Quest will also topple too if i place my bag n the handle and nobody is sitting on the stroller.

Xiaoyun: I need to take a bus too in order to get to mrt station. I have tried a few times bringing Quest plus baby bag and baby, nearly die of exhaustion ahha.
Baby dun like to be in carrier liao...
I have another spare stroller/pushchair - combi old model which is much more manageable for me now if i go out alone.

Cayenne dun like porridge anymore.

I used 1 chicken thigh 4 the whole day soup. So nw her meals r noodles/mee sua/bee tai mak/kway tiao in soup. Dinner will be same soup with steamed fish &amp; stir fried veggies with either minced pork/minced chicken thigh. or either steamed egg wif minced pork and stir fried fish.

Hv u tried making soup? It is really yummy &amp; fragnant! Main reason i tink is the chicken thigh bone. I didnt add any seasoning at all. Seems like i'm promoting chicken thigh! haha... :p

Mummies, i got a pro on the other dishes preparation. any other dishes idea?

Cayenne dun like porridge anymore.

I used 1 chicken thigh 4 the whole day soup. So nw her lunch is noodles/mee sua/bee tai mak/kway tiao in soup. Dinner will be same soup with steamed fish &amp; stir fried veggies with either minced pork/minced chicken thigh. or either steamed egg wif minced pork and stir fried fish.

Hv u tried making soup? It is really yummy &amp; fragnant! Main reason i tink is the chicken thigh bone. I didnt add any seasoning at all. Seems like i'm promoting chicken thigh! haha... :p

Mummies, i got a pro on the other dishes preparation. any other dishes idea?

i dunno the exact name leh. cos my dad cooks b4, i ask him he say it is "yu ci gua". so i jz translated directly into shark fin melon in my blog. haha...

i'll go back &amp; ask him if it is called "si gua".

i tried made some soup stock for her porridge/pasta too.
but my cooking skill only C will 'peng2 chang3'.
your promoting skill very good, i am going to get some chicken thigh this weekend. :p

one thing to advice you on using chicken to cook for dishes. chicken nowadays has lots of growth hormones, not good to take everyday. unless it's organic/kampung kind, then that's a different story.
