(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

i cooked pasta in 'dan4 hua1 soup'. basically it's some soup stock you have, adding lightly beaten egg. it's nutrituous and nice to eat too.

i always use egg to 'camoflouge' my poor cooking skill. :p

hi andrea,

mine is the combi 1,quite heavy also

any 1 has any recommendations for bb shoes?so far,i had been buying the colettee brand for my girl,any other brands to recommend?
i still dunno whats that, haha! i will go to vege stall and ask for it, see what the uncles say there =P

is the graco stroller bulky? i used to have a graco stroller but i sold it away, find it too bulky for SG shopping malls.

re. stroller topple when too heavy
i know it will happen to Quest! and also yesterday i just saw this thing happening to someone at Marina Sq =x guess you need to put some heavy stuff inside the stroller basket to maintain COG?

re. MMR
H is allergy to egg white, not sure if she can take the jab or not. tomorrow will be bringing her to the polyclinic. first time going there, hopefully the nurse will be gentle on her.
i like some combi models but they are appear quite "flimsy" to me although they are very ex but very lightweight! prefer maclaren, like more sturdy?

Haha... So far oni Cayenne & my cousin give me face on my soup & dishes. Ask my hb 2 try, he will shake his head while smiling @ me! Tat day I "force" him 2 try the dinner. His expression was like.. hmmm... ok, nice with no sincerity at all!

yeah thanks 4 ur advice!
Andrea: yah maclaren is more sturdy and also very nice to push cos the wheels run smoothly. I only use the combi once in a while if i am out alone for long time, if not i just carry her / let her walk (although she is lazy to walk nowadays)

Parsnip: anyone try this before? Isit sweet like the normal carrots?
apple, thanks. managed to find one ongoing BP.

Hope to get that for my gal photoshoot, not sure will be in time or not.
oh...great ya. Thanks a lot! Then i can save cost and don't have to worry not in time for that. When's Amanda in the picture wearing that? 12months?
yah 12 mths but a bit loose. its meant for 12-18mths. U can take it to try first. I can leave it at LNT with Lynn? and say its for Jia xuan? How old is your girl now
you use fresh chicken thighs or frozen chicken?

where to but the elephant brand brown rice? i'm using song he. think texture abit hard.

have you all add salt into babies' food yet?oh, also.. what is HT?
i've not put salt into her food. no sugar also.
also, i never let her take sweet if i am around.

HT is Healthy Times. The brand of cereal.

i always buy 2 fresh ones on sat morning. i oni prepare on wkends.

4 mummies who wan 2 buy chicken thighs, u can ask the seller 2 skin off 4 u. much easier. I got so much difficulty in doing the skinning off. nw i ask the seller 2 skin off 4 me, so fast she pull off the skin! haha...
Re; Chicken soup

Bx and xy.. i also cooked the same way as ester and i also using chicken thighs. U can get from ntuc. They sell 2 thighs, skinless in 1 pack for abt 2.40.
1 thigh enuff for her 2 meals.

I will actually feed her the carrots n potasto in the soup n tear the chicken to smaller pieces n feed her too. So far she likes it n i think its quite nutritous too. Din add any seasoning too. MUst try!

Re: seasoning
I introduced her already.. sometimes add a few drops into a whole pot of sop or porridge. My mentality is that since i already allow her to take fries.. i think no diff liao.. even if i dun add seasoning.. i think as long as we adults dun find it nice to eat.. they wun find it nice too. But for certain dishes.. like the chicken soup.. pork porridge.. if i think it already taste gd w/o seasoning then of coz i will not add.

I am using maclaren volo.. its light but same problem.. will topple if baby is not siting in it and if hang something slightly heavy behind. Topple many times outside liao..a bit paiseh.

But i dun like the fact that it cant recline..gwen sleep til the head bends forward. Weird sleeping position.

clover.. my blog is http://ncyunited.multiply.com/

apple.. sure can keep for u.. my hse can still accomodate lah.. but ur stuff is beckoning to me to use it.. haha..as long as u not in a hurry.. i am fine.. no worries

Re;weight n height
Hello mummies, just wonderinghow heavy and tall are ur babes.

Gwen went for MMR jab last fri and she weighed 10.1 kg and ht abt 79 cm. How abt ur kids.

Re: outing this fri, 12 june
Bx/bkkgal... meet after lunch better.. do u think we can survive if we bring them to coffee joints.. let the 3 gers tok to each other on their highchairs while we aunties chat.. this is what imagined.. ideally.. than mayvbe we can bring them to lib? Tampines regional lib?

Pauline wanna join us? Or any other SAHM?
re : weight & height

1 mth ago, Cayenne was 9.8kg & 86cm (15mths old). PD commented tat Cayenne is on the lighter side but very tall.

tis sat will bring her 4 her prenevar jab. will measure again. reali hope my Cayenne can grow more meat.
genice! how could u describe gwen tat! i almost fall off my chair, laughing!

i wish Cayenne is like those petite size girls. but no hope lor. cos her mummy is giant size. haha...
Genevieve got music genes ah, are you or your hubby musically inclined ?

jass, some babies have their growth spurts at different months. my son is 10.4 kg. as long as don't fall sick easily, we should be contented
Hi Joeey,

Ok lah , i learn piano before lor.. but now only Genevieve uses the piano , hee hee. She always ask to play by going "do do do" and point to the piano..
i see.. ht is orangic cereal,right? i'm using earth's best cereal.

you give fries? as in fries like mcdonalds? that's new to me..

ermm.. you don't boil soup or porridge for Cayenne on weekdays? What do you cook for Cayenne then..

I have so many questions to ask.. sigh.. I'm thinking of doing everything myself without a domestic help. Anybody manage to survie without a maid? how do manage to juggle house chores and looking after the little ones? ermm..how do you wash baby's clothes? hand wash or machine?
So qiao, today's topic is on chicken thigh. I just made chicken stock (finally...) using chicken carcass and chicken drumstick bones today. Made ABC pasta soup for RaeAnne. XY, I tried making dan hua soup pasta for RaeAnne before but she doesn't like leh, only ate 2-3 mouthfuls, waste my efforts. At least today's pasta, hubby said she ate quite a lot.
www.anewpiggy.blogspot.com if anyone is keen to see pics and recipes.

Esty, any tips on deboning the chicken thigh. I saw at the meat/bone with my overused "not so sharp henckels small knife" until I pek chek. :p

Jeannie, bx, bkkgal, I'm keen leh but RaeAnne is only having 1 nap and she is so unpredictable cos sometimes refuse to sleep that it ranges from 1-4pm. Think after lunch timing not so good for me. :p
Nicole.. tok abt playing piano.. My PIL told me last week my ger very cute. She was holding onto a pen and a pice of paper and playing on the leapfrog table with piano. SHe pressed 1 key and start to scribble on the paper, pressed another key and scribbled again.. like a composer.. made my pil laughed till flipped.. and when she saw them laughing she stopped.

Grace.. yar i give a bit of fries at mac.. try to shake off the salt first but sometimes also forget.. but i dun think i give a lot.. maybe less than 5 fries in total (i hope).. she luvs fries..i think everybody does..

Pauline.. gwen also taking 1 nap.. think i will make her wake up early so she can sleep at abt 10 plus to 11 hopefully. then maybe we can meet at abt 2-3.. just nice for coffee!!

Grace.. i am looking after her by myself too.. a bit tough to cook so sometimes have to wait for hubby to come hm then i can cook. I wash her clothes with mine.. but this mummy very lousy with washing. SIgh.. i just stained her gap white top with red colour cause i just dump everything together.. very xin tong...

Re: height and weight
Haha.. so gwen is not only short n fat ard.. :p.. just kidding.. actually i dun think our kids are short or fat.. in fact surprisingly.. gwen is on the 75th percentile.

Ester.. are u /ur hubby very tall?? Cayenne is really Tall... saw ur pics in ur fb.. she can be supermodel leh.. slim and tall..
my MIL told me that the person sells chicken in pasar can help to debone the chicken. Then she take the deboned chicken thigh and the carcass back home.

C is egg lover like me. but i didn't feed her everyday as egg cannot be cooked for too long, otherwise it will be too hard.

C is 8.65 kg and 75.5 cm.
short but thin.
Hi Jeannie/BX
My leave on Friday is approved! yay!
Coffee at Tampines and library sounds good

K naps at 12-ish/1 until 2 or 3 (depends on her), I can come after that.

Alternatively, we can meet for morning coffee until 11-ish, and go home for lunch?? Ikea is open early in the morning, I think.

gtg. ttyl.

my bb sitter takes care of Cayenne during wkdays. meals same as wat i hv mentioned. my bb sitter told me Cayenne doesnt like porridge anymore, she will puke out. I tried once during one of the wkends, indeed, she either puke out or dun wan 2 eat. so frm there onwards, her meals r wat i mentioned earlier. or sometimes pasta, western food.

u can try 2 get a PT cleaner instead? jz alone 2 take care of bb, get reali bz and no time 2 rest. I tried once (1 wk), was abt 2 go mad! Nt easy. plus we get physically & mentally tired. When we dun hv enuff rest/energy, i dun tink we hv the ability 2 tk gd care of our darlings. Temper aso come easily. ;p

re: fries

Cayenne loves fries 2! she can be happily eating her mashed potato or fish burger at one moment BUT when she sees the fries, she will wan oni fries! & she eats very fast. everyting we hv 2 check her mouth b4 we give her another 1.

re: debone chicken

i dunno hw aso! I jz anyhow cut/slice! haha... me not a cooking person. i dun cook except 4 Cayenne. i tink as long as most meat come out, can ba... ;p


me and hb considered average ht ba.. i tink u and ur hb r taller. supermodel ah... i tink Cayenne might prefer 2 be the musical conductor! everytime listen 2 music, her hands will go up and down,sway frm left 2 right! haha...
washing clothes
mummies do you wash bb clothes with adult clothes? my MIL say adult clothes are "dirty", so she always separates them.... i guess if we go out more got more "dirt"?

jass mei
dunch worry, boys tend to shoot up after puberty ;)

any of your hubbies give up their career for kids?? MCYS looking for people for a PR activity ;)
re: fries
i don't let her eat fries yet. no fried stuff for her.
everytime go KFC, i only let her eat the mashed potato without gravy.

re: music
it's interesting to see different bb respond to music differently.
C will rock her body like hip hop and bend her knees up and down if she's standing.
i still wash separate.
but wash her clothes with the cloth nappy - after handwash once.
main reason i separate is because i use different detergent to wash their clothes.

yup yup.
my hb last time also short short. suddenly shoot up a lot during secondary school. now 173 cm. not too tall. but not short either.
andrea, the stroller doesn't recline. my bb doesn't sleep outside!

grace, I bot the rice at the mkt near my place. I saw it at econ minimarts too. I still wash bb clothes separately but after I finish this box of washing detergent, I will mix with our clothings.
i wash bb clothes separately. actually i think its ok to wash with adults' clothes except bb clothes are softer in material, so unless do light/delicate wash, might spoil faster if wash with our clothes.
We also still hand-wash separately, haha maybe because my maid does it :p

MMR/Chicken Pox Jab (2 in 1)

Just checking if any mummies tried that ? My paedi said this was just launched and is safe, but I am not sure about it.. Anyone tried?

Genevieve also likes to bob up and down when listening to music also turning her body left and right swinging her arms around.
The MMRV vaccine has been on trial for some time. It is approved for use in some European countries. I attended a focus group discussion on it. There are many views on yet another cocktail vaccine in the market - related to autism. You can read up on the internet.

Like what Garfield said before, I would be wary of being one of the first to try it. Physical reactions to drugs are not comprehensively documented in the first years as the numbers of pp who trial the drug would not be that large.

Cost - did ur PD tell you how much it was? My guess, from the FGD, was that it was pegged somewhere above $150 for the MMRV.
bkkgal, your timing sounds great to me. Morning coffee until 11+am cos that's the timing for RaeAnne's porridge.

Jeannie, your timing ie. 3pm, I'm a bit worried cos can't control when she sleeps. Morning timing is cooler and more predictable for me.

XY, ya I know market hawker can do it but there's no wet market near my house. :p I cooked chicken porridge for RaeAnne today using chicken stock, minced chicken, carrot and cauliflower. The porridge smelled so fragant when I was cooking it. Still got half a white onion, maybe will go NTUC again to buy more chicken carcass and carrot to make stock again.

Used the left over minced chicken and chopped tomato to cook pasta for me and hubby. As usual, RaeAnne very greedy, wanted to eat whatever we are eating, I gave her a bit of macaroni and bits of chicken. Hubby very clever, gave her a piece of chopped tomato. It must have tasted sour, after that, she stopped going to hubby for food liao, only target me. :p
Re: Outing this friday 12th june

Location: Dunno, maybe east side tampines?Got any place to receommend?
Time: Hmm.. After lunch and morning nap?
1. jeannie
2. Bx
3. bkkgal

ladies, i don't mind join g but can move the meeting place to somewhere more central??? tampines way too far for me leh... orchard area?? gogo bambini???

there is a vegetarian shop at marsiling, walking distance fm marsiling mrt station. they don't have a large variety of organic vege but u can always call them n ask what they have in store before u make a trip down. Located at blk 305 woodlands str 31 #01-55 tel : 63643968

Thanks. Okie you pass to Lynn. I will collect from her. My gal is 14 months now. She is a bit skinny, but still hav chubby chin.

She refused to take FM lor.
