(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

fairfield, stay out of public, crowded areas and wear a mask if you really need to go out. Take Vitamin C (1000mg a day to be effective), buy hand santizers, avoid touching public door knobs, lift buttons if you can etc or spray with hand santizers after you touch. In sg, now whoever returns from Mexico will be quarantine at home for 7 days before they can go to school or back to work. At hospital, only 1 visitor allowed per patient, aiyoh, back to SARS days man. :p

Hi, thankful. Thanks, hehe, fast meh? Other Jan and Feb mummies faster than me leh. One of my Jan08 mummies delivered her second child in Feb 09 leh. But she only BF her no. 1 for 1 month lar. Hee. ;)
hi qingling,

im interested in the book if its still avail.

Does it have pics to show how the activities are done? hehe....im a picture person ...hahaha

i going to Bintan frm Mon - Wed....finally...been planning for a simple trip for ages...always have something.....then now this flu...oh hope Indonesia wont be in the list...im checking MOH everyday.
Anway at work i have to declare to the flu committe...hahaa....

i really appauld those mummies who can maintain a blog! I have neither the tech skills nor the time. But the dream is always alive. The only online thing that i update is facebook and/or multiply...haha...tat also very very sparringly....oohh..i always have 2 pages of scarpbooking stuff since my son was 2mths...now he is 15mths and havent even touch yet!!
tsk tsk......hahaha

I wld love to bring my son to the birdpark as he likes looking at birds
i just went today! and last sunday also. we have the wildlife unlimited, so usu we just go for max 2 hours then not so tiring
i think it's less crowded than the zoo, which is good for weekends. i also wanted to go cos E loves to look at birds - he had quite a lot of fun although the last part of the birds and buddies show was too "loud" so he didn't like it.

i not so strict, so i've given prawns and crab already - he doesn't like prawns but he loves crab! can eat quite a lot. i've even given a bit of the shrimp roe from those california rolls, altho i guess that's a bit risky cos it's raw :p

i was thinking the same thing! i don't think i can give E macaroni like that. at least will have to mash it. he's still not v good at chewing things yet, always gets choked easily. some more he's very kay-kiang - like recently he was trying to stuff 3 french fries into his mouth at one go...
re: drugstore order
ya. drugstore don't have the - Motherlove More Milk Plus tincture/capsules

was quite busy after my post last time. now it's already May. no more discount liao. sorry.
hai.. why am i getting more and more busy? and the pay is still a discounted rate.

re: HFMD
hope your hb is fine now.

re: mask
you are talking about the mask used in hospital?
you fall sick?
try watsons? i think it's quite common.

re: posting
we need some interesting topics to discuss!!!

re: sale
think this should be an interesting topic. :D

i went to Metro Expo sale, Harvey Norman Expo sale, and New Mum Exhibition yesterday.
all at Expo.
Metro Expo sale
lots of ppl are choosing Crocs. not sure if it's cheap.
it's not very crowded when i was there about 12 pm.
only bought 2 gingko pillows for my parents - hope it can help them sleep better and aids blood circulation as what it claims. :p

for baby items, i don't there to go and browse afraid that i will spend even more $$.

Harvey Norma sale
wanted to get a mini-hi-fi or something to play radio, CD, MP3.
but there's only 1 choice - Philips. nothing to compare with, will do more survey first before getting.
anyone has good recommendation of the brand and model?

New Mum Exhibition
it's very very small scale. and not many ppl go there too.
20% on Pigeon items. and Pureen ABD detergent selling at $5.50.
i think the booths are even less than the threads in the BP :p

there's a Drypers booth and selling the drypers at the same price as what's selling in Giant but free 1 activity book (very thin one) and 4 diapers.
i told the person i can easily get the same thing outside then she told me that that's different as their's is directly from the manufacturer.
I was thinking "does it make a difference to me? since you get from manufacturer directly, should offer cheaper price right?"

btw, on my way back to MRT station, there's a cleaning company - previously selling vacuum cleaner - Delphin is giving away a free stainless steel pot for anyone signup for their cleaning service and with a child < 18 years old.
the cleaning service include dust mite removal for 1 adult matteress and 1 children matteress. no purchase required.
happen that i also want to get a small pot to cook C's porridge, the free gift just come in handy.
anyone going Expo, don't miss the good deal, ok?


why didn't i receive the newsletter of the Robinson member sales although i am a card member?
I only receive the newsletter for JohnLittle. Is it because I seldom buy things from Robinson?
btw, what are the good buys?

i am looking for fish oil now. not sure which brand is cheap and good?

read from your blog that you are also 'shopping' for university huh? :D
time flies. you are coming back so soon...
are you going to ship your things back or just put everything in the luggage?
re: pasta for our kids
the kind that you cooked are too big piece for C too.
amanda can chew so well.

I using those shell pasta and need to chop into small pieces for her so that she can eat.

now very busy preparing her food everyday.. hope she can drink milk forever.. hai...
i am now reading the book: Feed Your Child Right: The First Complete Nutrition Guide for Asian Parents
not bad. lots of asian recipes.
XY, thanks but goat's rue didn't help much for me. I got from Kelly last time. That's why I want to try the MotherLove More Milk Plus next. TMC selling but quite ex. $40+ for 1 small bottle. :p

XY, I need to get a kids recipe book too. You got yours from the library or you bought? But must wait until I can tahan cooking smells first. Nowadays, when I cook RaeAnne's porridge, I got to ask hubby to check and stir and scoop it out when it's done cos I can't tahan the smell of porridge boiling. :p

RaeAnne can't chew well too. I'll chop up apple for her, she'll eat happily but slowly 'pui' out the little pieces after the juice is gone. Think she can't mash food yet cos got no molars. :p
i got the book from library.
so, will need to note down the recipes i want then return the book.
thinking of buying the book since it's quite useful.

your smell sense is so sensitive nowadays.. same symptom as last time?
do you think this time is a girl or boy?

C is same same. can't chew very well. give her apple to bite, she will end up be hamster then pui out everything.
for now, i grate the apple/pear for her so that she can have enough fruit intake.
when i make sure that she eats more than 2 slices of it, i will then let her have 1 piece to bite for fun.
i let her chew the rice that we eat, and soft-cooked barley. she has no problem eating those.
Hi xy and bx,

I was working on my webpage while I chanced upon the reference to my clinic.

Just fyi that I'm working in Smile Concept Dental Practice at Kallang Leisure Park.

For my old patients, I'll be glad to extend a 10% discount for all treatments

Hope to see you soon!
XY, same MS symptoms but different smell triggers. Last time, can't stand curry, garlic, onion, now porridge also can't stand. Sigh. Don't know boy or gal, all I know is this one don't let me eat properly, sigh, a bit depressing sometimes.

Haha, ya, mine also eat apple like hamster. Today, we gave her kiwi fruit and small papaya, soft fruit so she has no problem swallowing.
Hi, Genice
What's your shopping blog? Hehe... Long time doesn't shop until "shuang3".... Last time we went to orchard 1+ month ago when we took half day(afternoon) leave to celebrate hb's birthday and rushed back before 6:30pm.

Long time didn't catch any department store sale. hehe...save $$....

Hi, mummies
When you co-sleep with babies, do you have not-relaxed-enough feeling that you're afraid that you crush onto your little ones? Sometimes when E cried at night waking me up, I am afaid that it's because I pressed onto her leg/arms. ^_^.

Hi, apple
Saw your blog. Hehe.... very good cook you are!
Amanda can eat rice as meal!! What's her intake of rice? E also likes to eat rice; but more like wanting to eat same stuff as ours for fun----couldn't even finish 1/4 bowl rice.

Did you often keep lunch time porridge for dinner? My mil says no good to feed porridge kept for too long---got wind; we normally cooked max 3-4 hrs before meal. hehe... also want to cook once for lunch and dinner.
tubao - regarding co-sleep, i don't have such a problem cos i tink H bully her daddy, keep rolling towards and kicking his daddy's side, so my hub dun really have a gd sleep..haha..we have not succeed to put H back into her own cot since we came back from our trip.haha..jiat lat.
Iso: Amanda is attending class at LNT.

Jeannie/Iso/Pauline/Xiaoyun: I am cracking my brain over what to cook for her cos I feel she is always eating the same thing during the weekdays when MIL cook for her. I am not so "li hai" lah. Got the receipes mainly from littlegastronomy and sometimes modify them a bit. As for macaroni, I soak them beforehand so its really soft although they still need to chew a bit. Amanda is strange, I think if she want to chew she can but she also have the habit of "pui"ing out the food if she don't want to chew. Depends on mood.

Tubao: no lah, I seldom cook. Normally if I am at home, I will cook two seperte meals. If weekdays, her lunch and dinner arew the same cos MIL cook all at one shot in the morning. I cannot expect her to cook just before Amanda wants to eat...Actually her rice intake is also not a lot. maybe about 1/4 bowl as well. But i think with the soup, vege and meat, it should be sufficient?

Haizz Amanda is down with cough and flu. Was hhaving fever on friday. Brought her to KK and even had blood test. Lucky everything was fine. Do take care. A lot of kids down with fever all that recently.Sian
Pauline its this blog by a mummy.


Thanks to esther who informed me of this blog.
I soak them in the morning like ard 7 to 8am. So its like maybe soak in tap water for like 3 hours or so. When i feed her first mouth, I cut the macaroni into small pieces before feeding. When i find that she can chew, i feed her the whole piece.

Jeannie: The receipe for the macaroni soup is in there under pasata.
xiaoyun, last time read abt ur talking abt a good book, cant remember the content. Not sure you remember or not, is for parents to read one. Can share wth me the title again?
apple, aft reading ur blog i just realised that amanda and mygal has been classmate in lnt for almost a term! Remember, u ask me if amanda has spoiled my water bottle strap?
Oh its you! What a small small world! I just saw u and your family yesterday at West Coast Plaza when we were parking our car. Was telling my family, hey that's Amanda's ex classmates haha.

So your girl stopped LNT?
Apple, thanks for sharing the website. I like it cos it has step by step instructions on everything including stock and she shares where she buys her stuff from. Added to my blog list liao.
Hi, apple/qingling/cheryl
Thanks for advice!^_^

Does your baby show less appetite when eating same porridge at dinner?

My relative froze soup stock to cubes; one soup stock can last 3-4 days' baby meals---save time/money.

We thought about it; never practiced it. HB againt it, saying MIL won't keep track of time/place of cubes---cause food poison. My gal had food poison at 11month; sick for 1 week---My MIL was sad of her fault. After that incident I took responsibility over cleaning/throwing away rotten food in fridge; My hb and I take turns to clean kichen at night.

Hehe... we're paying attention to food things for 4+ month after that incident ;E didn't gain weight from 8month to 12month; and she asked for more milk (210ml*7 times) when around 12 month----MIL says she didn't like her cereal because she was naughty.

She didn't fall sick for these 4 month. *touch wood, touch wood*. Last time Haiz......sick at least once a month......
I have graduated my son from formula milk, and have extra unopened can at home. any interested buyer? Am selling at $38.

tubao, my mum is freezing soup stock too. which can last for 4 to 5 days usually.
Qoosan: ya so qiao. But i din see u guys again when i went into the building. How many people are there in the 2pm class?

Tubao: Depends. If she don't like or not in the mood, a different porridge also won't make a difference. Somehow, sometimes when they don't eat, it might not be the food but the feeding habits.....

I heard from MIL, my neighbour upstairs froze one week worth of porridge.
apple, there are 3 present and 2 absent last week. Not sure how many is on trial. I bring my boy to cut hair, in the saloon that's y u didnt see me ba... U staying in the west or east? Read u visit 1 Tampines, thought u fr the east. How is ! Tampines? Fun?
Yah... just try to balance on making gal picky eater by preparing too good food and making gal losing interest on food by being too slack on food.

MIL prepared same porridge (silver fish+rice) last Mon-Wed; no veg added at all. At weekends we complement by cooking ABC porridge. Haha...

MIL fed E with E staring at TV; I can't ask her to feed E same as ours----E self feed 1/8 portion when we fed 7/8---too much cleaning work. Though MIL and we knew that E preferred self-feed.

For E preferring self-feed, one month ago when E is at peak of self feed----just manage to feed whole portion of fruits without dropping any to floor. E was so much enjoyed at self-feeding by Sunday night that when MIL came over and feed her, she insisted to grep spoon; MIL shouted very loud" Ah Ma won't let you self feed". I was reading book at bedroom; don't bother to interfere; think it's good for E to learn flexibility since she is feeling good about herself with so many nice praises at playground by showing off her skills; HB walked to me from living room, eyes full of "please help". I just told HB that it's good for E.

For food poison, a few weeks ago we found out one box eggs went bad much earlier than expiry date. Possible cause----put box too close to stove----the day MIL cooked soup at stove instead of slow cooker.

Then last week MIL told us not to buy salmon from supermarket, saying it is not as fresh as wet market---when she cut it, she found inside turned black. Then we tried some other portions in freezer---It's ok. Possible cause----she left it outside from morning to evening time.

My mum is much more capable. Yah she's much rewarded/recognized at her career. But I don't think that her way of praising kids like cazy clown is good; she took care of my niece and did that to her too. I doubt given a few years, my niece will become approval junkie. But I don't have courage to tell my own mum.

But sometimes from eyes of my SILs; I know some of what my HB and I did is what they appreciated.
Qoosan: Neither. I am staying in the north. Used to stay in west though before I was married. Was visiting my grandma ytd, hence decided to drop by the new West Coast Plaza to have a look.
1 Tampines is also a typical shopping mall leh except that there are a couple of Japanese Brand shops. I am keen to try out the Japanese food at this Japanese restaurant which was on TV but it was kind of crowded. Will try it next time. Other than that nothing interesting for me. You are in the west right?Come all the way to Toa payoh very far right?

Tubao: U really know what you want out from your kid and how to create a balance.

Cherly: Veron is good. I wish feeding Amanda is as easy. haizz
apple, yes from the west, quite far to go lnt at TPY. but the person in-charge insist they hav the best teacher of all the branch. That I m nt sure as nvr try JE branch before.

Tongtong, what do u mean graduated fr Formula? U babies dun need milk anymore? I m still headache of what to feed my gal aft stopping breastfeeding. When she saw kor kor drinking milk she will hav those disgusting face.
Hi, Apple

No lah... Learning in Process.....

Hi, Cheryl

You're lucky. Veron is so good/easy eater. E is easy at eating meat/finishing milk/some types of fruits.

Oh, my son is still on bm once a day, and for the 2 times milk time, i give him plant-based milk instead of formula milk. I think he will be off bm totally next months perhaps. and i will be giving him all plant-based milk then. Er, you can give your gal formula right ? why headache? you scared she will reject?
hmm me also here silently reading. Been a long while since I posted..better not let my boss catch me. But the thread is indeed quiet
Hi mummies anyone has ideas on how to cook pasta for our babes? I used a bit of canned tomato sauce mixed with fresh tomatoes and beef and celery. Another time I used pork stock with the pasta. Any idea how to make it more exciting?
how about cream? i found that some things with too much tomato paste (and thus a bit sour), my boy doesn't like.

so you soak and then cook? sorry to ask, i couldn't find it on the blog
Here's the receipe from the website :

Macaroni or Elbows
Minced Pork/Chicken
Any Leafy Green Veggies
Chicken/Pork Stock

Macaroni > Boil in water for at least 20 minutes, drain and set aside.
Pork/Chicken > Buy a whole piece then use those heavy knife to mince your own at home. For more tender effect, I add a tiny bit of corn starch, drops of soya sauce and sesame oil to marinate the meat. Marinate for at least 15 minutes.
Leafy Veg > Wash and cut, discard the stem.
Pumpkin > Remove skin and cut into pieces.

How to Cook
1. Boil the stock then add the pumpkin, continue to boil until pumpkin is soft.
2. Add Minced Chicken/Pork and Leafy Veg, boil for about 5 minutes.
3. Add Macaroni, boil for couple minutes then remove from heat. Serve when it's hot.

Suitable for Babies above 12 months old and Adults too!

She did not soak beforehand but I soak in water. When its time to cook, I drain it off and then add it into the stock all that to cook. This way, the macaroni is cooked in a faster time and softer.
can try baked pasta (basic tomato, celery+carrots sauce topped with mozarella+cheddar) or baked rice with cheese or baked salmon/cod fish (easy bechamel sauce with cheese)... i do ABC pasta with cream sauce with mushrooms and ham, alfredo style. Found that teriyaki cod fish and plain rice goes well with my dd
oh ok thanks! i saw that, but i was looking for the soaking pasta part - sorry for the trouble, thanks so much

oooh sounds so nice!

i would really love to cook for bb more, but our weekends are always so packed i end up leaving it to MIL to cook good ol' porridge... wish i had more time at home to cook!
If you have teriyaki sauce, you can use a small teaspoon but dilute with water becos as you cook, the liquid will evaporate off.

If you dun have ready sauce, can use 1 teaspoon light soya sauce, 1 teaspoon dark soya sauce, mirin (optional) and teeny bit of brown sugar (for sweetness), mix and marinate fish with it and slowly panfry the codfish until cooked.

Sometimes to change the tastes, I simply pan fry the cod fish with butter. a bit of pepper and voila, good &amp; nutritious! Can also add a side dish of mashed potato (I use the Ikea swedish mashed potato - it's frozen ready made mash, just add milk and cook).
Just to share, I tried this recipe over the weekend - Omelette canelloni with spinach and ricotta - it was DELICIOUS! I tried it because I wanted dd to eat more leafy vegetables, less carbo, more protein (she doesn't chew meat). Good fibre from spinach and protein from egg and cheese.


But she didn't like the texture
sigh..all my efforts..Hb said it was nice and light unlike the normal canelloni which uses pasta.

You can try this for your little ones.

Iso: NP! I am glad to be of some help.

bKK : Thanks. The teriyaki one seems simple enough. I think I will love this dish too.
