(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

re. fish porridge
how come we cant give fish porridge when bb is having cough? my girl is coughing v badly and i still giving her fish porridge =x can u enlighten me? thanks.


I like your kids furniture. Wonder if my boy will slide down the chair or not...kekeke...
Can i noe whr u bgt the furniture?
I wanted to buy the crayons for him to let him doddble ard but was told he was too young.
Anyway now i will buy...don care wat ppl say

Can E stay still sitting on the table?
vernon also got eat the wolberries leh. i shall not let him eat liao. or i eat for him...

when vernon cough we still give fish leh

i have crayon. given by my fren...
but.. i let vernon try yesterday, he cant manage to draw... but he tried lah. in the end the crayon broke.
hi andrea,
my bb sitter and mum both said fish causes phelgm so i didnt give fish porridge when my son is coughing.
i would also try to dilute his milk - 180 ml of water to 2 and 1/2 scoops of GainIQ, normally is 3 scoops.

cheryl, i also let my son eat wolfberries, about 4-6 seeds, cos it's cooked together in the porridge...
your son is quite strong hor, break the crayons ...
saw that you posted the bookpeople link. did you order from them before? how do you get them to ship to s'pore?
joeey - what's the shipping you paid with Vpost for the books you ordered? For booksdepository, its free shipping to singapore, so i tot its quite ok.
my husband bought books from bookdepository before and yes it is free shipping but the books came via normal mail. it took a bit longer that's all (2-3 wks for shipping)
my porridge is the cheena type, add cheese like weird leh... i will add a slice of fish in her porridge. last time used to make chicken puree but stopped after seeing that she doesn't really like it.

i only put wolfberries in the soup for taste, wun feed her with these.
i used crayola washable finger paints.. i threw the box away, so i don't know whether it's toxic.. but i think should be ok..

iso, something new, paint w jelly, never heard of.. how was the effect on paper? was it bright?

qingling, err... i was quite scared tat he'll go round touching the walls.. but somehow, he didn't.. guess he was focussed on the painting tray at that time.. but before we let him play with the paint, we demo for him that it's on the paper..

oh yes, it's really messy.. the effort used for cleaning up is really quite a bit.. washing up, removing the paints, C got a bit cranky.. i was tired after the activity.. but the process was really fun! i'll definitely do it when i have time again..
Forgot who asked where to buy bento box...

There's big daiso shop at Sembawang shopping center 1st floor. We bought our picnic box with ice pack($2) there.

Been to splash park at Sembawang shopping center. water play time is 11am-2pm & 5pm?-8pm?.
hey u still want the green sneakers? i just put on the thread that all were sold, but actually forgot still got yours, haha. but no worries if you don't want it, yah!
oh yeah ! i forgot about that ! hahaha... yeah still want... how to get it from you ? oh and i think i ask how long the shoes are, so still waiting for your reply via mail... ehehe... i'm like a blur sotong now coz super busy at work so reach home like zombie :p
re: food
i'm reali motivated by all your efforts to give yr babies a variety of healthy food. i decided to cut down on cereal and i bought a blender/miller yesterday! will sit down and study recipes and plan my baby's meals for the week

re: MIL inteference with food
actually i've been quite upset with my MIL. she's one of the most unconventional and weirdest grandma ever. she'll encourage my bb to eat junk food and buy non-nutritious adult food for him, claiming that he must eat salty/sweet food when he is teething. she even bought a big bottle of ribena. it was only when jerome's desire for milk dropped greatly, that I told her that he is rejecting milk because he is exposed to too much strong tastes when he is not supposed to, that she toned down a little and told me she would just feed him porridge without the sauce. but then the kind of porridge she brings are like hawker centre duck porridge, which is basically nothing but water, rice, soya sauce, fried onions, and who knows all sorts of non-nutritious ingredients. to her, bringing up a kid or even keeping a person alive, is just to eat(whatever keeps a person full), which greatly opposes my views about eating well - healthy, nutritious and yummy. And u noe, sometimes u just dunno how to tell yr MIL things cos u also don wan her to be offended.

pauline, as long as u have worked 90 days, you are entitled to the same benefits like maternity leave etc. all other benefits like PS, CSC also apply, just that we are not entitled to govt loans. my contract will start in july. though i was an SAHM up till a mth ago, i was slack after my maid came in october. i decided that since i wasn't spending that much quality time with jerome, might as well just go and work. so a mth ago, i started helping my hubby at work, but today i decided to stop cos i felt jerome getting detached from me...(very sad) and my first trimester symptoms like nausea and lethargy setting in. for the first 7 mths of his life, both of us "xiang yi wei ming" 24 hours a day, and to see him not clinging on to me anymore is quite heart-wrenching. I'm not sure if I really wan to work... but somehow wanna just give it a shot. I think for relief teaching u gotta approach the respective schools and check if they need anyone. Usually from jan-jul, they are fuller cos of those students who wanna
teach while waiting to go uni. aren't you working full-time anymore??


Jerome is 14.5mths and is still doing that! So i don't think I can give him paints or crayons cos even with a ballpoint pen, he'll use it to draw anywhere. I thot babies will get over the stage of putting things into their mouth, but Jerome is still not over it! it occurs less often now, but he still does it, fully-knowing that it is inedible. he is really cheeky too, the more we forbid and show disapproving looks, the more he will do it and then chuckle when he is caught. do any of yr babies still put foreign objects into their mouths?

u r not alone! my gal do likewise 2! Am aso preggy wif #2. Tinking of letting her go playgroup when my #2 arrives. BUt judging the way she "njoys" putting objects into her mouth, I worry abt her kena disease fast in playgroup or CC. Am cracking head 2 stop tis habit of hers. Any mummies any ideas?

dun worry abt ur boy not clingy 2 u. probably not yet! my gal clings on me when i was oni 6 wks preggy. now 26wks preggy. she still does! I cant even out of her sight!
i think they like to put things in their mouth is part of their exploration process. They see us putting food in our mouth and maybe they think that all things are food..hehhe..and the most common reason..they are forever teething! hahaha

MIL interterence with food
June..i understd wat you are going through. Im very particular abt other people feeding my son.
Once my MIL was eating Roti John ( the indian style sandwich) and gave the corners abit to my son. I immediately shot her dirty look...haha and told her no..coz the bread has been soaked in dunno wat...fried la...exposed la...
And my MIL noes i don like my son to be fed snacking style...so she will ask my permission before if she wants to give him anything ...if she is eating. I don want to cultivate the habit for him that as long as their is food...its all for him..u noe wat i mean?

No doubt elders mean well..but come on...they had their chance man with their kids...just respect our decisions on bringing up over kids our own way. Its not like we want to deprive them of anything.
perhaps u can try to show how to play or play along with the toys that she is 'eating'.
maybe she will want to follow and soon she will stop 'eating' the toys.

or you have special toys that she can eat..like teethers and keep showing it to her that these are the toys she can 'eat'rather than saying no to the toyings she cant eat.
hope it works
vernon also puting those inedible food into his mouth. a few times he duno tear paper from where and chew. we had a hard time removing it. he even chew the wood in the infantcare. piangz.....

er. we do give vernon adult food. mac fries. chee chong fun. chee kuah. hotcakes, scamble egg. anything which we feel it is ok for him to eat. i did give vernon ribena also. just to give him try. but.. i mix with water. actually MIL seldom will interfer with vernon food lah... everynite vernon will drink the soup MIL cook with cook. sometime is just potato plus carrot and soup....
vernon get really happy when he bite my finger and i m shouting ouch!!!! haha. i think he get excited.. but it is really pain leh...

btw for those babies who started to walk, when den u all buy those hard sole shoe for them???
i guess its okay...coz you are the parent. i also hope to expose my son to those food too. But the reason im stopping myself is cause im afraid that it will be ME who is constantly feed him fries, etc...as we seldom cook at home ..heheh
So i choose to avoid such food for him perhaps untill much later..say when he is 18 yrs old!! hahaha..kidding....maybe untill he has eaten 100% solid home cooked food and enjoys it.

if i say "no" 2 her eating object, she will look @ me "ke lian" & then scream & cry. if i jz take away frm her, same reaction. if i told her nicely say "hey darling. tat's not supposed 2 be in ur mouth, we play wif it ok". her reaction will look @ me & scream.

so no choice, i hv 2 quickly distract her by giving her other toys or sing 2 her or act like a clown...

i aso give my gal bits here and there whenever we go out 4 meal. if dun give, she will scream her voice away and demanded 2 be carried or wan 2 walk. I talk nicely 2 her, no use leh. so very often, me and hb hv 2 hastily finish our meal FAST.
Hi mummies,
i read some time ago that u cld mix condense milk and food colouring n use it as finger paint. but i have yet to try....afraid i don't do a proper job clean g. ;p

i like ur son s furniture...may i knw where u got them fm?? is it exp?

i think she scream coz she noes dear mummy will give in...hmm...can try in stages la...sometimes our kids are so used to a certain way/thing they can get upset on why are we changing their habits. but if its something that you really really want to change then you need to be consistent with her and keep telling her and offering other things.
If you are comfortable with it then you can just let her explore it herself...sooner or later she will get 'bored' with it or move on to other habits..kekeke.

now im trying to get my son to stop shouting..be it either in joy or sadness. Any suggestion?
I notice he will listen if i say..no..its not nice to shout, lets talk softly. then the next 2 sec...he will shout again and i noe for sure its to show me..hey i can shout if i want to...hahahah....

u r rite! my hb say my gal knw very well who 2 bully, tat's her mummy! usually i'm fine wif her exploring safe objects, but dun like when she put them in her mouth. well, i do hope tat she get bored wif exploring items with her mouth!

re : shouting/screaming

my gal loves 2 do tat. Am wondering probably they r curious about their vocals, so trying all sorts of shoutings/screaming. OR could it be their needs r not met so they r seeking our attention?

do agree tat when my gal screams (when she is angry), i talk nicely and gently 2 her, she tends 2 calm down fast. unlike my hb who uses stern voice, my gal simply boh chap her daddy. my hb aso likes 2 look @ her sternly, my gal aso ignores him! she jz simply look away!

I tink nowadays the kids r 2 smart!
ikea! but my hubby bought it a while ago (2 years?) for his office and doesn't need it there so brought it home - i think the ones they have now are similar but slightly different. they look v grown up and v cute when sitting there! esp when we put my son on one chair and nephew on the other...

i think for my hb and i, we alternate be the disciplinarian for diff things.
Me im the : No...don go there. Stop that! tat kind of disciplinarian...hahah
My hb will be: Why are u crying? I just want to change ur diaper/ remove the dust in your eye etc. Usually i will be the one to manja him when he cries like that. My hb doesn have a clue that we have to 'seek his permission' when we want to remove objs frm his body...hahaha..

ya la...i think sometimes he wants attention..but i think it started when we laughed when he shouted...and i think at my aunts place..when he shouted...they are amazed...so he action la....
"mouthing" inedibles:

For RUth, since she is few months old, i will tell her firmly "Nono, this is not mum-mum. DOn't put in mouth" and take it away from her mouth.

SO far i think she puts in when her gums are itchy. But mostly, she doesn't put things in.

However recently she started biting this and etc. I attributed it to her biting cuz i think her 9th/10th tooth coming out soon. i think..can't be sure though.
my ruth doesn't drink water much. SO no choice, we have been giving her RIbena for a long time liao - but super super diluted - until it's just a faint taste only.

Erm. i must be the most ill-disciplined parent around lor. Ruth normally takes fish porridge with spinahc/scallops etc. But on occasion, i will give her a tinge of marmite in her food. WHen we go out, we will also let her try rice with soup, chwee kueh (without the chai-por), kopi (just a drop to see her reaction), teh, cakes (the non-cream parts).

Ruth loves cakes....especially that steam cake from Breadtalk. And she can down a whole portion of Marigold Yogurt (Apricot). I also buy her all sorts of baby biscuits for her - cuz she is brought up in snacking style bymy mum so no choice, every hour also need to eat one.
ERm, my current observation with Ruth is if you take "toys" (meaning anything she not supposed to be handling) away from her abruptly, it is a really rude shock and invasive action to them. SO they will scream and cry like no tomorrow.

Nowadays somehow, she understands when i tell her - "mummy say nono. Mummy Keep ok?"

She will look at me with a little bit of sad look, then do the 'roti-prata' action with her hand like "no more no more". Twist and twist and twist and twist. And then if you give her something else, she wil happily play with her.

I read abit of a book today (How to talk so that kids will listen). It's abit centered on Christianity teaching so maybe not all will enjoy. But it's good to have someone tell me that every kid is different and we need different ways to deal with them..

I realize for RUth, she is very much pretty extrovert kind of character. She draws energy from people and activities. She needs to be constantly engaged, verbally assured and encouraged. WHen she gets the ample attention for the right things she does, she will be a happy child. She will also listen when told that certain things not for her.

I'm really happy when my mum told me that she is able to point to the TV and shake her wrist - meaning she understands that she's not supposed to walk too near to the tv cuz 'daddy said nono'.

I think I agree with berry on the empathy way of talking to our kids. Seems to work abit....but Ruth still refuses to sit in car seat for long periods - which I can understand since she is really active and restless mostly - unless she is damn tired (of which she will sleep in it).

i agree with you that there are diff kinds of kids attitudes..so we need to really know ur kids so that both parent and child wont be pulling each other hairs

Most of the time, i read Baby Whispherer by Tracy Hoggs. Her explainations on sleeping techniques to playing toys all center to the baby's attitude.
Basically there are 4 types, angel baby, textbook baby, touchy baby, sprited baby and grumpy baby.

Once again not all babies belongs to only one category. For my son, i think he is abit of angel, textbook and touchy.

Her books also offers great acroynms to help us along the way with our babies. She has major phrases for her sleeping techniques...but must be committed la...hehehe

My son so far is a peoples person...easliy warm up to people even strangers. However when ppl swarm to him..he will panic and cry..but will be okay soon after that. One thing i just noticed abt him coz he just started walking is that he doesnt cry or act up when he is tired. He can go on and on playing. So i make it a point to give me some wind down time every 45min-1hr of playing. Put him in his cot to rest then maybe continue playing.
hi all, i hv posted here on and off only but here's just my 2 cents worth on dealing with screaming kids.

read in some parenthood magazine on how to deal with kids who scream and make a scene when they are not given what they wanted. That article might be targeted more for older toddlers, but thot might be useful for kids our age too.

basically, it says to (try to) hug the screaming child and keep telling her calmly but firmly that "mummy/daddy loves you and I don't want you to hurt yourself etc by touching the switch (anything dangerous)". I tried this method, not sure how calming it is on my boy, as he will normally continue screaming for a while, but i felt it sort of calmed myself down and prevent me from getting too worked up/angry over his screaming and the hugging make me feel closer and more emphathy towards him and i hopefully will feel the same way lar (ie mummy loves me even tho cannot do what i want :p)

another way to show empathy is to give ur child some advance 'warning' when u can see that they are going to touch/eat certain dangerous things. e.g. my boy like to push the lift buttons inside the lifts. so i will let him press the lift button outside the lift and tell him that 'go in cannot press already'. Or when u see him going towards electrical wires, can quickly tell him 'nono, come to mummy or mummy don't like etc' rather than wait for him to really touched the wires and then snatch it away from him. Think the idea is that the child is not always expose to abrupt changes and to give your child some time to 'think' about their actions (same like how would we feel if someone always snatch my things away from you haha).

Of cos, if ur child is too fast and u got no time to react, then definitely have to snatch away from them lar.
i agree with u!
sometimes even though we think they are young and don understand reasoning but we mite be surprise! The more we say to that and reason to them...they will understand and associate it sooner or later.
is it screaming like throwing tantrum, or shrieking? i know some kids who like to shriek and scream loudly, just for attention.

be careful with ribena, my PD said can cause phlegm, so she doesn't usu recommend kids to drink too much of it.. how about try giving diluted delarosa (vitamin c, not sure how to spell it...)
good morning mummies,

C is sleeping in her cot and happily hugging my small pillow.
without her beside me, can't sleep well tonight. LOL
was wondering if anyone wants to get anything from drugstore?
i've $12 credit with them to be spent by end of Apr. and $5 discount on baby items.

don't want to waste the credit.
anyone wants to order anything i can help to order and send them to your CGW/VPOST/Borderlinx address.
i woke up by an sms sent from my system.
end up cannot get back to sleep after that..

i no longer do midnight pumping liao.

ya. like to see her sleep. sense of satisfaction.
XY, I want to buy the Motherlove More Milk Plus tincture or capsules that some Jan08 mummies have been raving about. But seems like it's not available on drugstore right? :p I love seeing RaeAnne sleep too but nowadays she always cough in her sleep, see already very heartpain. Sigh.
i think i might have, but i never been there?

littleneuro tree
what is their Preview like? is it same as a trial? i'm keen to go for trial, but looks like they don't have a schedule online..
or anyone have any enrichment classes like GUG to recommend to try out?

me nw oni start 2 search 4 CC. So happen 2 find myfirstskool online.

Kinderland near my workplace, but check the price. it is like gosh, so ex.... still hope 2 find CC near my workplace though.

any mummies any advise on myfirstskool?

i went to see see and look look at mindchamps. So far so good. I feel that the exposure they give is relatively wat i want for my son. Relaxed, fun and creative. Hopefully we can get in as we are on waitlist.

Our back ups are Cherie Hearts nearest will be Anchorvale CC and lastly Kinderland Sch Yio Chu Kang.

CC Meal times
Any mummies have started sending their babies to full day childcare? If you are working how and wat time do you feed your kids dinner?
Understd frm most CC that they don serve dinner, last meal which is a snack at 3.30pm.
I forsee that the earliest hb or myself can pick my son will be 6.15 - 6.30pm.
Any suggestion.....i guess the only was is to change his routine before enrolling him to CC so he is well simulated.
