(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Travel :

Hi need advise. I booked my trip to PErth free and esy from 14th May ... now thinking of whether to go or not leh. becase of the Swine Flu. Worried more about the flight rather than my stay there.. confined area and no ventilation. If you were me would you still go ? Will lose about $1.3K in cancellation charges in total

Anyone give their darlings cheese on its own? I'm thinking of letting RaeAnne try some on its own but don't know which one is suitable for toddlers? Thought of those laughing cow cubes but don't know if it has too much sodium. :p

Today, we let RaeAnne try avocado again, she hadn't had it since she was 7-8 months old when I mashed it using the blender. Surprisingly, she likes it now, she used to hate it when we first tried giving it her. Hee.

Nicole, my ex colleague just cancelled his 1 week trip to HK after first confirmed case of swine flu. Poor guy, wasted all his $ cos he didn't buy travel insurance. Don't think he can claim also since there's no travel advisory against HK yet. Do what you think it's right lor. Are you bringing your baby? For me, if travelling alone without baby, I'm more willing to take risks but if travelling with bb, then I'll be very kiasi, may not go. But then Australi has no confirmed cases yet right?
i have given my bb sliced cheddar cheese. I break it into small pcs to feed.

RaeAnne likes avocado? My bb too. Very good for them.
Hi Nicole
Leaving Spore is quite ok as we do screen travellers leaving the ctry. Anyone with flu symptoms will not be allowed to board. The prob is coming back becos other ctries may not be as stringent in screening passengers prior to boarding. What are the cancellation charges like and how many days? 5 days or a week? The WHO seems to be indicating there is no need to raise alert levels and US experts say that the virus is not as virulent as first thought. Maybe take a watch and see for next 2 days before deciding?

I've fed Kraft slice cheese and the laughing cow cheese. I limit intake each time to 1 cube or small pieces. In fact, she likes cheese so much that one time, she helped herself to the cheese that we adults were eating!
i think travel insurance doesnt cover cancellation due to swine flu as it is not on red alert yet.

i am not very adventurous in food. Usu porridge or rice and soup , pasta and soup or noodles and soup. I dun like to give my children too strong taste eg tomato paste pasta etc... reason being i believe if they r not exposed to other tastier food, they'll think their food is tasty enough already.

screening passenger
over the weekend we went to JB. they was no screening done at the checkpoint for drive thru. not sure abt those taking bus or coach.
bkk - wow ur menu for bb looks very yummy, i am still not so adventurous with the cooking yet, need to brush up!
Wow all the recipes are making me hungy. Haven't had my breakfast yet. I also give my boy cheddar cheese with wholemeal bread. Agree that cheeses are too high in sodium, so I dun have too much. Can our babies start taking rice? I gave him some..like a few pieces but that's about it. I think gotta wait until they have molars?

Nicole, 14 May is a week away..you may want to decide nearer the date. What is the latest time u can cancel without incurring more charges? I was supposed to go US this Thur but cancelled the trip. The airline had allowed free waiver for cancellation but I still paid SGD75 for the admin charge to travel agent.
my bb is a picky eater. It was a tough choice between feeding her the normal porridge (which she does not like) and get frustrated with her pui-ing the food out or make the food tastier and let her enjoy. Less frustration in the end also.

I bought a bread machine over the weekend. So bored, staying at home nothing to do. So we snuck out to Taka after bb slept to buy a bread machine. Made our 4th loaf of bread this morning. Bb enjoys eating it! I'm so happy
cos normally she does not like bread, except this corn bun but even this she also eat until sian already. At least homemade bread I can be assured there's no added preservatives, additives, sugars or salt. I always have prob thinking of what to offer for breakfast (she hates cereal). At least now can give bread
Hi all,

So many posts since I last came in. Been busy with work and Danica and I were down with cough and cold. <sigh> Now I trying to think of how to get rid of her phlegm.

RE : Food

I have given Danica rice since she is a year old. She is quite okay with eating it. I give it together with home made beef/chicken/pork balls and vegetables or fruits. Danica prefers rice to porridge or pasta.
kitsune: yea i gave my boy cheese on its own, but then he wil finish up very quickly. so i will always give him instead of let him eat himself. he always ask for more. cuz saltish and tasty ma!

ABC mum, yea my colleague went to JB by bus, they have the screening done for passengers who cleared at the customs.

sweetpea- my son started eating our rice quite some time ago. we cooked it a bit mushy, easier for him to bite la. his porridge is not watery too, cuz he has got the molars already.

bkkgal - so envy that you can bake your own bread! my mum used to bake at home too. now i'm not sure whether i have the time to make? perhaps i should invest in one bread machine too, hehe
talk about food, everyone always got a lot to post, heheh.

E loves cheese too - i'll give either the laughing cow "cube", or sometimes at buffets we'll get him a plate of assorted cheeses and he'll happily feed and occupy himself.

i believe in letting them try a bit of everything! he even had a few grains of my briyani rice last night and has tried my MIL's vinegar pig's trotters. but i'm lucky that he still likes his porridge even though we don't put any seasoning.

but I would like to feed him more chunky stuff!
bkkgal, what type of laughing cow cheese do you give katelynn? Is it the triangular type? I hate to buy sliced cheese cos i don't like the taste, I only like expensive cheese, the more exotic the better cos I'm only curious about the taste, not really want to eat type. Once I went to Swissotel stamford hotel's champagne brunch and I cut little morsels of cheese for myself to try, the caucasian behind me even commented 'so little?'. hee hee.
i oso ben giving rice since after 1 year old. Now gv rice and porridge.. will varies ard... but mainly his dish remain unchange.. usu is soup based
thanks for tracing me back here and offering a discount for me, but Kallang Leisure Park not very convenient for me.

this shows SMH is very popular..

iso, is that you referring eloise to be here?

re: co-sleep with bb
yes. we will be very stressed when sleep together with her.
end up, i will hide at one corner and hb at the other corner. :p

C can sleep very nicely when there's my big bolster/pillow in her cot.
else, she will cry then i got to bring her back my bed.

re: meals on weekend
i cook 2 portions at once. will modify a little in between.
lunch bake pasta with cheese
dinner pasta with more soup

lunch soup pasta
dinner soup pasta with egg

C can normally finishes her meal pretty fast, but nowadays, she will shake her head and hand when she has just finished 1/2 bowl of her food.
think it's teething..

another recipe for pasta:
(1) boil soup stock of carrot, tomato, onion, corn and meat.
(2) add in pasta till it turn soft
(3) puree carrot, tomato (w/o skin), meat

my recipe for bake pasta with cheese:
(1) take out pasta, mix with (carrot, tomato, meat) puree, cheese
(2) place the mixture into a bowl cover with soup stock
(3) top with cheese then bake @170 C till cheese melted

my recipe for soup pasta:
(1) put puree back to the soup
(2) add in finely chopped spinach
(3) serve together with pasta

i am not a good cook, so you may find my step and recipe funny.
but my gal seems to enjoy both.

btw, it seems most recipe asked to cook the pasta separately. why is it so?
is the water used to cook pasta not clean?

your recipe sounds tasty..

re: book
i think you are talking about the 'calm and compassionate children'?

re: bread
how does a bread machine work?
what's the difference between a mixer + oven?
i saw a banana and prune bread recipe from the feeding your child right book.
will go back and copy and post it here. hope i don't infringe the copyright.
I got the Zojiroshi BB HAC10 Mini Breadmaker. I chose it because it's compact and bakes a 1lb loaf which can be easily finished by my family in 1 day. Anything bigger would mean keeping the loaf for 2 days or more which is no good because no additives/preservatives means bread cannot keep more than 2/3 days.

the breadmachine kneads the bread, lets it rise, then kneads again before baking. All the work is done by machine. If you do by mixer/oven, you have to mix, knead, let dough sit for 30 mins, take out and knead again, let it rise and then bake. Very mafan.

In fact, for this machine, all i did every night is measure and mix the ingredients, and put a timer e.g. I want my bread at 7am, i will set timer for it to start making at 3 am. In the morning, we have fresh bread. Another reason why I got this machine cos of the timer function.

I've tried normal bread, apricot bread, chocolate bread and french bread so far. I saw some recipes for banana/raisin bread and flaxseed bread too
I got alot of flaxseed for K, but she dun like the texture so I think I will "hide" it in the bread for her. hehe!
RE: Cheese

I have been giving Danica Laughing Cow triangular cheese spread with Gardenia wholemeal bread. So far, she loves it.

I tried with sliced cheese before but she don't like. :p

I have also let her tried cheedar, mascarpone, mozzarella and parmesan.
Laughing cow has cube cheese. 3 flavours - ham,tomato and plain. I give the plain - somehow i felt the ham and tomato is saltier than plain one.

I also gave K gourmet cheese too! hehe. she loves smoked cheese so much. She very ang moh pai loh. I rem when preggy that time, all I wanted to eat was MOS burger. maybe that's why.
how about normal breadmaker? what's the capacity?
how much you bought for the zojiroshi? should be quite ex right?
also, what do you do if you are adding egg into it? put the egg in the machine before you sleep then let it sit there till 3 am?
If adding egg/milk, must make straightaway.
Not recommended to put timer function for milk/egg and other fresh ingredients because of bacteria growth. normal breadmaker is 1.5-2lb.
got my zojirushi for $399. Like the link you just sent, I calculated on average my family spends $50+ for bread. Sometimes we buy "designer breads" from Breadtalk can cost up to $5 a loaf. One year, $600 for bread. In 1 yr, can recoup my "investment" in breadmachine. hahaha. 1 loaf of homemade bread cost less than $1 (unless we use organic flour or other expensive ingredients which cost more).

you got me tempted now... this may sound like a stupid question, but wondeirng how do you make the bread with a breadmaker. do you still need to knead the dough or just pour the ingredients inside and voila the breadmaker does the work? :p
Hi, Xiaoyun/Qingling,

Thanks for advice on co-sleeping!

We cook pasta first, rinse pasta, soak it in cold water, then prepare soup base ; add pasta later. If not cooking pasta separately, we feel that soup has stong smell of flour...

Hehe... envy you......C is easy baby on both sleeping and eating.......

Btw, I am much intested to get chopper last time you mentioned($29.9 at isetan); but haven't got chances to shop. Thanks for sharing!

Hi, bkkgal

Hehe... I am also tempted.......share more neh....
Re: Cheese
Thanks everyone for inputs. I went to buy Laughing cow cube cheese just now from NTUC. The flavours 1 got are plain, cheddar and blue cheese. Gave her a small piece of plain and she loves it. She used her finger to poke and pry open the cheddar cheese cube before I realised so there was a bit on her finger so i let her try. That one she doesn't like so much cos got to persuade her 2 times before she finished licking it. ;) Don't dare to give her too much initially cos first time she's taking cheese on its own, scared she has diarrhoea again. Will monitor for a few days before giving more.
yah same one. scary that you can google all the threads of SMH hor!!!

i'm so inspired to cook, hopefully i can find some time this weekend
Hi, can someone please share step by step recipe for baked pasta with detailed ingredients list? Thinking of cooking it over the weekend then all of us can eat the same thing. Thanks.
Hi Tubao/Tute,

Actually what I do at night is to measure out the ingredients according to recipe and put inside the loaf pan. The rule is always liquids first (water/milk), followed by butter, dry ingredients (flour, sugar, salt) and finally, make a well in the middle and add the dry active yeast. After that, I switch on the machine, put on timer and go to sleep. The machine will do all the work. It is really that simple.

for other breads that calls for nuts/fruits/chocolate etc, the ingredients are supposed "sit" and knead for 30 mins and then machine will beep and alert you to add the extra ingredient. You add it and it will start kneading again.
Baked pasta

Boil pasta shells/macaroni in pot of water with pinch of salt.
When done, toss with olive oil to prevent shells from sticking to each other.

can use ready made sauce (Prego's) or make your own. I usually saute some onions, garlic and add whatever vege (e.g. celery/carrots/mushrooms) I have at home to make the sauce more rich and then add the readymade sauce. Will also add some homemade stocksoup, pinch of sugar in and thyme (I love herbs). Add other meats if you want e.g. ham, sausages or bacon. Sometimes I add mixed peas/carrots/corn when I have ntg else at home.

After sauce is ready, mix in the pasta. Put in baking dish and top with mixed cheddar/mozzarella cheese for topping. Cold Storage sells these ready packets of cheddar/mozzarella which I find useful cos I dun have to buy blocks of cheddar/mozzarella.

Bake at 180 degrees celcius for 25 mins. (essentially, everything is cooked already, purpose of baking is simply to melt the cheese on top).
re: recipe for baked pasta
i want it too!! i tried to feed ashlynn with marcoroni with cheese sauce but kenna rejected. sianzz... i need to fatten her up. she is super skinny now...
Thanks, bkkgal. I have shredded cheddar cheese at home, is it enough or I need mozzarella cheese? Also, do you know how to make the pasta sauce? I made super long time ago when I made lasagne but I forgot where I put the recipe liao. Thinking home made sauce will have lesser sodium bah... Oh and how much pasta do you usually cook for 3 people? 1 full pack or? And how big is your baking dish? :p

Thanks. Tempted to buy bread machine ...... thought that bread making is complicated; from your way especially "timer", it sound ok.

OOps! Seems that my shopping list gets longer and longer after reading discussions here.
bx, I think microwave won't be so nice cos the cheese won't have the nice brown colour top compared to baking it. I'm using microwave/convectional oven too. Not as good as real oven but at least can preheat and bake like normal oven. ;)
bkk....TEMPTING LEH!!!!

Bx, i think if you pre-cooked all the ingredients and just using microwave to melt the cheese...should be ok.

Oven is more to get abit of the 'burnt smell' i feel.
talking abt pasta, my way of preparing is super easy.

I jz boil the pasta, preheat the oven. Drain off the pasta, add cod fish, spinach, fresh milk &amp; parmesan cheese &amp; baked for 20mins.

That's all.
1 cup of pasta for 2 adults. I cook 1.5 cups for everyone.

Mozzarella is the cheese that when you pick up a pizza slice and the cheese has a trail (am I describing it right??) It's gives the baked pasta this cheesy texture and that oomph. Actually mozzarella is tasteless. Cheddar is the one that's salty. Cheddar will get burnt easily whereas mozzarella can give us the nice brown top.
your recipes for pasta - usu u don't preboil and throw the water away is it? i know that for some pastas, like ABCs you don't need to drain the water at all, but i haven't tried that with other pastas yet.
Hi Pauline usually I will mix mozzarella and chedder. Chedder for the tastes and saltiness, mozzarella for the chewy sticky texture.

If u usually buy a 500g pack of pasta, then for 2 adults i use about 2/5 pack (100 g per person)

BKKgal..now I am really tempted to get my breadmaker!
Homemade tomato-based sauce

Fresh tomatoes (or canned tomatoes also can)
herbs (thyme, rosemary)
mushrooms (optional)

Boil your tomatoes in the skin with pinch of salt. When done, take out and deskin the tomatoes. Reserve the water if you are not using stock.

Boil the chopped carrots and celery until soft.

Saute onions with olive oil or butter (personally I like butter, fragrant) until brown and soft. Add the carrots, celery and mushrooms and cook until soft. Add tomotoes and stock soup or water from the tomatoes, carrots, celery (good nutrients here). Add herbs - can get either fresh or the dried ones. McCormick has "Italian herbs" which is a mixture of rosemary, thyme - this is convenient too.

Cook until everything is soft and has turned stewy. Alternatively, put in crockpot and cook.
Tubao, now my boy also like to sleep on our bed. Each night he will insist and point and arch his body towards out bed..then he will spend 15 min rolling all around and rolling over me and using my tummy as his pillow before he goes off to lalaland. He got into this habit a few weeks back. I'm also afraid of curshing him cos he moves all over the bed when he sleeps.

Usually I will carry him back to his cot after he falls asleep. But these few days, he somehow knows that we are bringing him back to his cot and he will sit up and cry and insist to go back to the bed, and once he's on our bed his drops off to sleep again. hiaz! But I think I learnt one thing yesterday..I must put him back into his cot within the next one hour after he falls asleep coz that is when his sleep is the deepest.
thanks for the explanation! alternatively can make at night as well right and eat in morning... the bread is it the hard type outside and soft inside or it can be like the normal fluffy loaf?

re:bp for breadmaker,
good idea ! hahaha... maybe got disc if buy in bulk huh...
wah wah i damn gian liao!

BKK, what baout cleaning up? That's my biggest challenge i feel.

and erm....ya, i also have the same question as Tute on the 'texture' and 'type' of bread it produces....though that means my oven abit useless ah.....

sigh..now have to tink twice liao cuz wanna save money.

Sigh, went to Tampines Mall and ordered baked pasta from Pastamania. All the recipes made me have craving for it. BUT they served me sour pasta. It was when I ate towards the middle when I realised the pasta is sour and sauce is sour. I complained and they prepared a fresh portion. The manager came to apologize to me because the sauce has gone bad. But after the Indian rojak incident, I'm paranoid liao. Took down the manager's name and contact and told him if anything happens to me or my baby (touch wood), I'll definitely pursue the matter.

Bkkgal, thanks for the recipe, roughly how many tomatoes/onion/carrot/celery do you use?? Everything must chop up including the mushrooms (fresh or canned?)

Sweetpea, I got the same problem with RaeAnne, she can't fall asleep on her cot in her own room. I got to let her flip all over me on the bed then carry her when she's asleep to the cot. But last night, she woke up crying at 145am, hubby already sound asleep so no one to pat her back to sleep and put her into cot so she ended up sleeping on our bed. :p
